Zone Level Chart

Dragons of Norrath
Depths of Darkhollow
Prophecy of Ro
The Serpent's Spine
The Buried Sea
Secrets of Faydwer
Seeds of Destruction
House of Thule
Veil of Alaris
Rain of Fear
Call of the Forsaken
The Darkened Sea
The Broken Mirror
Empires of Kunark
Ring of Scale
The Burning Lands
Torment of Velious
Claws of Veeshan
Terror of Luclin
Night of Shadows
The Outer Brood
Laurion's Song


Deepest Guk: The Spread                          
Qeynos HillsXXX                       
Innothule SwampXXX                       
Misty ThicketXXX                       
East CommonlandsXXXX                      
Nektulos ForestXXXXX                     
North RoXXXXX                     
Qeynos CatacombsXXXXXXXX                  
The FeerrottXXXXXXXX                  
The Rathe MountainsXXXXXXXX                  
Cazic-Thule 1.0XXXXXXXX                  
Everfrost PeaksXXXXXXXXXX                
Neriak Third GateXXXXXXXXXXXXX             
North FreeportXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
North QeynosXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
South QeynosXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Surefall GladeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
West FreeportXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Neriak CommonsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX        
Neriak Foreign QuarterXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX        
Blackburrow XXX                      
Erud's Crossing XXX                      
Befallen XXXX                     
Freeport Sewers XXXXX                    
Upper Guk - HOT ZONE XXXXXX                   
West Karana XXXXXXX                  
West Commonlands XXXXXXXX                 
South Ro XXXXX                    
North Karana XXXXXXXX                 
Oasis of Marr XXXXXXXX                 
Gorge of King Xorbb (Beholder's Maze)  XXXX                    
East Karana  XXXXXX                  
Lavastorm Mountains  XXXXXX                  
Kithicor Forest  XXXXXXX                 
Ocean of Tears  XXXXXXX                 
Highpass Hold  XXX                     
Temple of Solusek Ro  XXXXX                   
Clan RunnyEye  XXXXXX                  
Lake Rathetear   XXX                    
South Karana - HOT ZONE   XXXXX                  
Permafrost Keep   XXXXXXXX               
Infected Paw   XXXXX                  
High Keep    XXX                   
Najena    XXXX                  
Solusek's Eye (Solusek A) - HOT ZONE     XXXXX                
Lower Guk      XXXXX               
Nagafen's Lair        XXXX              
Cazic-Thule 2.0          XXXX            
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Toxxulia ForestXXX                       
Kerra Isle  XXXX                    
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Greater FaydarkXXX                       
Butcherblock MountainsXXXX                      
Steamfont MountainsXXXX                      
North KaladimXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
South KaladimXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Crushbone XXXX                     
Estate of Unrest  XXXXXX                  
Lesser Faydark  XXXXXX                  
Dagnor's Cauldron  XXX                     
Castle Mistmoore   XXXXXX                 
Kedge Keep       XXXX               
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Plane of Fear         XXXXX            
Plane of Hate         XXXXX            
Plane of Sky         XXXXX            
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Field of BoneXXXXXX                    
Swamp of No HopeXXXXXX                    
Lake of Ill Omen - HOT ZONEXXXXXXX                   
Warsliks WoodsXXXXXXX                   
East CabilisXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
West CabilisXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Kurn's Tower XXXXXX                   
The Overthere   XXXXXX                 
Timorous Deep   XXXXXXXX               
Firiona Vie    XXXX                  
Frontier Mountains    XXXXXX                
Crypt of Dalnir - HOT ZONE     XXX                  
Temple of Droga 1.0                          
Mines of Nurga 1.0      XXX                 
Emerald Jungle - HOT ZONE      XXXX                
Kaesora      XXXXX               
Trakanon's Teeth      XXXXX               
Burning Woods       XXXX               
Dreadlands - HOT ZONE       XXXX               
City of Mist - HOT ZONE       XXXX               
Karnor's Castle        XXXX              
Chardok        XXXXX             
Howling Stones (Charasis)        XXXXX             
Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole)        XXXXXX            
Old Sebilis - HOT ZONE        XXXXX             
Skyfire Mountains - HOT ZONE         XXXX             
Veeshan's Peak 1.0            XXXX          
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The Warrens XXXXXX                   
Stonebrunt Mountains - HOT ZONE   XXXXXX                 
Crystal Caverns     XXXXX                
Eastern Wastes     XXXXX                
Iceclad Ocean     XXXXX                
Thurgadin      XXXX                
Great Divide - HOT ZONE      XXXXX               
Tower of Frozen Shadow      XXXXXX              
Kael Drakkel      XXXXXXX             
Cobalt Scar       XXXXX              
Icewell Keep       XXXXXX             
Skyshrine       XXXXXX             
Wakening Land        XXXX              
Dragon Necropolis         XXXX             
Raid Expedition: The Western Wastes         XXXX             
Velketor's Labyrinth - HOT ZONE         XXXXX            
Plane of Fear 2.0                          
Plane of Hate 2.0                          
Plane of Growth         XXXX             
Temple of Veeshan         XXXXX            
Siren's Grotto          XXXX            
Western Wastes          XXXX            
Plane of Mischief 1.0                          
Kerafyrm's Lair (Sleeper's Tomb)            XXXX          
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Shadeweaver's ThicketXXXXXX                    
Shadow HavenXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
The BazaarXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Paludal Caverns - HOT ZONE XXXXX                    
Hollowshade Moor  XXXXXXXX                
Netherbian Lair   XXXXX                  
Marus Seru   XXXXXXX                
Echo Caverns    XXXXXX                
Dawnshroud Peaks     XXXXX                
Grimling Forest     XXXXXX               
Twilight Sea     XXXXXX               
Jaggedpine Forest      XXXXX               
Scarlet Desert - HOT ZONE      XXXXX               
Katta Castellum      XXXXXXX             
Mons Letalis - HOT ZONE       XXXX               
Tenebrous Mountains       XXXX               
Fungus Grove        XXXX              
The Grey        XXXX              
Acrylia Caverns        XXXXX             
Sanctus Seru        XXXXX             
Grieg's End         XXXX             
Maiden's Eye         XXXX             
Akheva Ruins         XXXXX            
Ssraeshza Temple          XXX             
The Deep - HOT ZONE          XXX             
Umbral Plains          XXXX            
Vex Thal           XXXX           
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Plane of Knowledge                          
Plane of Tranquility                          
Wedding Chapel                          
Drunder, Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics): Raid Instance                          
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind: Raid Instance                          
Halls of Honor: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Disease: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Innovation: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Justice: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Nightmare: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Storms: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Torment: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Valor: Raid Instance                          
Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve: Raid Instance                          
Reef of Coirnav: Raid Instance                          
Ruins of Lxanvom (Crypt of Decay): Raid Instance                          
Solusek Ro's Tower: Raid Instance                          
Torden, the Bastion of Thunder: Raid Instance                          
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands: Raid Instance                          
Plane of Disease         XXXX             
Plane of Innovation - HOT ZONE         XXXX             
Plane of Justice         XXXXX            
Plane of Nightmare         XXXXX            
Lair of Terris Thule           XXX            
Plane of Storms           XXX            
Plane of Torment           XXX            
Plane of Valor           XXX            
Torden, the Bastion of Thunder - HOT ZONE           XXXX           
Drunder, Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics) - HOT ZONE            XX            
Halls of Honor            XX            
Ruins of Lxanvom [Crypt of Decay] - [PoP]            XX            
Temple of Marr            XXX           
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands            XXXX          
Doomfire, the Burning Lands             XXX          
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind             XXX          
Plane of Time A             XXX          
Plane of Time B             XXX          
Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve             XXX          
Reef of Coirnav             XXX          
Solusek Ro's Tower             XXX          
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Gulf of Gunthak       XXXX               
Dulak's Harbor - HOT ZONE        XXXX              
Mines of Nurga 2.0        XXXX              
Veksar - HOT ZONE        XXXXXX            
Torgiran Mines         XXXX             
Plane of Hate B                          
Temple of Droga 2.0         XXXX             
Caverns of Exile (Solusek C)          XXXX            
Crypt of Nadox          XXXX            
Halls of Betrayal (Chardok B)          XXX             
Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden           XXX            
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Nedaria's Landing - HOT ZONE   XXXXX                  
Miragul's Menagerie                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Forgotten Wastes                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Grand Library                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Heart of the Menagerie                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Hushed Banquet                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Maw of the Menagerie                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Morbid Laboratory                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Silent Gallery                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Spider Den                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Theater of Imprisoned Horrors                          
Mistmoore Catacombs                          
Rujarkian Hills                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Hidden Vale (Group)                          
Deepest Guk    XXXXXXXXXXXX          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Asylum of Invoked Stone (Group)                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Lost Party        XXXXXX            
Mistmoore Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny (Raid)            XX            
Infected Paw (OoW / LDoN)            XXXXX         
Deepest Guk: Ritualist of Hate (Raid)                          
Deepest Guk: The Accursed Sanctuary                          
Deepest Guk: The Ancient Aqueducts                          
Deepest Guk: The Cauldron of Lost Souls                          
Deepest Guk: The Chapel of the Witnesses                          
Deepest Guk: The Curse Reborn (Raid)                          
Deepest Guk: The Drowning Crypt                          
Deepest Guk: The Foreboding Prison                          
Deepest Guk: The Mushroom Grove                          
Deepest Guk: The Rescue (Raid)                          
Deepest Guk: The Root Garden                          
Miragul's Menagerie: Folly of Miragul's Ambition (Raid)                          
Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare (Raid)                          
Miragul's Menagerie: The Frosted Halls                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: Ritualistic Summoning Grounds                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: Scion Lair of Fury (Raid)                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Aisles of Blood                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Asylum of Invoked Stone (Raid)                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Cesspits of Putrescence                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Chambers of Eternal Affliction                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Dreary Grotto                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Forlorn Caverns                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Halls of Sanguinary Rites                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Infernal Sanctuary                          
Mistmoore Catacombs: The Sepulcher of the Damned                          
Rujarkian Hills: Prison Break (Raid)                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Arena of Chance                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Barracks of War                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Blazing Forge                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Bloodied Quarries                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Drudge Hollows                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Gladiator Pits                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Halls of War                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Hidden Vale (Raid)                          
Rujarkian Hills: The Wind Bridges                          
Rujarkian Hills: War March of Imal Ojun (Raid)                          
Takish-Hiz: The Antiquated Palace                          
Takish-Hiz: The Balancing Chamber                          
Takish-Hiz: The Fading Temple                          
Takish-Hiz: The Palace Grounds                          
Takish-Hiz: The Prismatic Corridors                          
Takish-Hiz: The River of Recollection                          
Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory                          
Takish-Hiz: The Sandfall Corridors                          
Takish-Hiz: The Shifting Tower                          
Takish-Hiz: The Sunken Library                          
Takish-Hiz: The Sweeping Tides                          
Takish-Hiz: Within the Compact (Raid)                          
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Abysmal SeaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
The Forgotten Halls    XXXXXXXXXXX           
Natimbi, the Broken Shores        XXXXX             
Qinimi, Court of Nihilia          XXXXXX          
Plane of Mischief 2.0          XXXX            
Barindu, Hanging Gardens - HOT ZONE           XXX            
Riwwi, Coliseum of Games - HOT ZONE            XXX           
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge            XXX           
Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory            XXX           
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia            XXXX          
Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones             XX           
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant             XX           
Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction             XXX          
Ikkinz, Chambers of Glorification             XXX          
Ikkinz, Chambers of Righteousness             XXX          
Ikkinz, Chambers of Transcendence             XXX          
Ikkinz: Trial of Singular Might             XXX          
Ikkinz: Trial of Tri-Fates             XXX          
Ikkinz: Trial of Twin Struggles             XXX          
Inktu`Ta, the Unmasked Chapel             XXX          
Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds             XXX          
Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling             XXX          
Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver             XXX          
Tipt, Treacherous Crags             XXX          
Txevu, Lair of the Elite             XXX          
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry             XXX          
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns             XXX          
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles             XXX          
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Veeshan's Peak 2.0                          
Dranik's Scar - HOT ZONE      XXXXXX              
Dranik's Hollows A (Watering Hole)         XXXXXX           
Dranik's Hollows B (Fire Pit)         XXXXXXX          
Dranik's Hollows C (Murkglider Hive)         XXXXXXX          
Catacombs of Dranik A           XXXXX          
Catacombs of Dranik B           XXXXX          
Catacombs of Dranik C           XXXXX          
Harbingers' Spire           XXXXX          
The Bloodfields           XXXXX          
Nobles' Causeway            XXXX          
Sewers of Dranik A            XXXX          
Wall of Slaughter            XXXX          
Sewers of Dranik B            XXXXX         
Sewers of Dranik C            XXXXX         
Catacombs of Dranik: Redemption             XXX          
Muramite Proving Grounds             XXX          
Plane of Hate: Innoruuk's Realm             XXX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Destruction             XXX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Efficiency             XXX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear             XXX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Ingenuity             XXX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Subversion             XXX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Weaponry             XXX          
Ruined City of Dranik             XXX          
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns: Redemption             XXX          
Riftseekers' Sanctum             XXXX         
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Adaptation              XX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Corruption              XX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Endurance              XX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Foresight              XX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Hate              XX          
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Specialization              XX          
Asylum of Anguish              XXX         
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Dragons of Norrath

Guild Hall                          
Guild Lobby                          
Crushbone: Dethroning the Emperor  XX                      
North Qeynos: Sleeping on the Job   XXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Befallen: The Rise of Marnek      XXX                 
The Broodlands        XXXXX             
Lavaspinner's Lair         XXXXX            
Lavaspinner's Lair: Grounding the Drakes         XXXXXXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Lavaspinner's Locals         XXXXXXX          
Estate of Unrest: The Curse Begins           XXX            
Stillmoon Temple           XXXX           
Tirranun's Delve           XXXX           
Accursed Nest: Lair of the Blackwing           XXXXX          
Accursed Nest: Scrap Metal           XXXXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Diving for Lavarocks           XXXXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Infested           XXXXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Lavaspinner Hunting           XXXXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: The Drake Menace           XXXXX          
Stillmoon Temple: Animated Statue Plans           XXXXX          
Stillmoon Temple: Best Laid Plans           XXXXX          
Stillmoon Temple: Tracking the Kirin           XXXXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Scions of Thundercrest           XXXXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Simple Task           XXXXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Splitting the Storm           XXXXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Throes of Contagion           XXXXX          
Hate's Fury: Setting Sail            XXXX          
Stillmoon Temple: Diseased Pumas            XXXX          
The Ascent            XXXX          
The Ascent: Death Comes Swiftly            XXXX          
The Ascent: Storm Dragon Scales            XXXX          
Thundercrest Isles            XXXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Holy Hour            XXXX          
Thundercrest Isles: The Creator            XXXX          
Stillmoon Temple: Scales of Justice             XX           
Accursed Nest: Clues             XXX          
Accursed Nest: Dragon's Egg             XXX          
Accursed Nest: Lost Comrades             XXX          
Accursed Nest: Rivals             XXX          
Accursed Nest: Spider's Eye             XXX          
Accursed Nest: Web of Lies             XXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: A Halfling's Greed             XXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Forbin's Elixir             XXX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Halfling's Treasure Map             XXX          
Stillmoon Temple: Tea for Thy Master             XXX          
The Ascent: Signal Fires             XXX          
The Ascent: Sudden Tremors             XXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Behind Closed Doors             XXX          
Thundercrest Isles: House of the Autumn Rose             XXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Lair Unguarded             XXX          
Thundercrest Isles: Plunder the Hoard             XXX          
Tirranun's Delve: A Goblin's Escort             XXX          
Tirranun's Delve: Children of Gimblax             XXX          
Tirranun's Delve: Have Note Will Travel             XXX          
Tirranun's Delve: Storming the Goblin Temple             XXX          
Accursed Nest             XXXX         
Accursed Nest: Circle of Drakes              XX          
Accursed Nest: In the Shadows              XX          
Accursed Nest: Origins of the Curse              XX          
Accursed Nest: Rampaging Monolith              XX          
Accursed Nest: Rival Party              XX          
Accursed Nest: The Curse of Ju`rek              XX          
Lavaspinner's Lair: Volkara's Bite              XX          
Stillmoon Temple: Guardian of the Sands              XX          
Stillmoon Temple: Sickness of the Spirit              XX          
Stillmoon Temple: Trial of Perseverance              XX          
The Ascent: Drake Eggs              XX          
The Ascent: Kessdona's Perch              XX          
The Ascent: Reflections of Silver              XX          
Thundercrest Isles: An End to the Storms              XX          
Thundercrest Isles: Goblin Dojo              XX          
Thundercrest Isles: History of the Isle              XX          
Thundercrest Isles: The Gilded Scroll              XX          
Tirranun's Delve: Calling Emoush              XX          
Tirranun's Delve: Fanning the Flames              XX          
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Depths of Darkhollow

Commonlands: A Griffin's Plight                          
East Freeport: The Poisoned Flounder                          
Grobb: Grobb Under Siege                          
High Keep: Pickclaw's Revenge                          
High Keep: Storming the Keep                          
Lesser Faydark: Brownies of Doom                          
Shadowed Grove: Queen Nok Nok's Tomb                          
Shadowed Grove: The Rescue of Vodrak                          
Solusek's Eye: War Machines                          
South Karana: The Gnolls Know                          
Stonebrunt Mountains: The Kejek Trials                          
Nagafen's Lair: Defending the LairXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Sporali Caverns: Sporali Mind MeldXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Lair of the SplitpawXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
Snarlstone Dens: Shadowmane InvasionXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
Sporali Caverns: Defending the GroveXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
The Hive: Infiltrating the HiveXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
The Liberation of RunnyeyeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
The Overthere: The Fall of the ShissarXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
Nights of the Dead: Kithicor Forest: Out With the Old                          
The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye                          
Corathus Creep         XXXXX            
The Ruins of Old Guk          XXXXXX          
Temple of the Korlach: Shiliskin Subterfuge          XXXXXXX         
Undershore           XXXX           
Caverns of the Lost           XXXXX          
Corathus Lair: The Rescue           XXXXX          
Living Larder: Find Fibblebrap 3, The Hive           XXXXX          
Snarlstone Dens: A Plea for Help           XXXXX          
Snarlstone Dens: Confronting a Traitor           XXXXX          
The Hive: Freeing an Elder           XXXXX          
The Hive: The Orb of Subversion           XXXXX          
Undershore: Trailing Longshadow           XXXXX          
Temple of the Korlach: The Korlach            XXXX          
The Hive: Hides You Seek            XXXX          
The Hive: The Accursed Book            XXXXX         
Corathus Lair: The Mines             XXX          
Lair of the Korlach: Discovering the Secret             XXX          
Lair of the Korlach: Learning the Power             XXX          
Lair of the Korlach: Taking Control             XXX          
Lair of the Korlach: The Search for Coral             XXX          
Living Larder: The Search for Clues             XXX          
Nargilor Pits: The Last Migration             XXX          
Sporali Caverns: Way of the Freemind             XXX          
Stoneroot Falls - HOT ZONE             XXX          
The Hive: Sabotage!             XXX          
The Hive: The Lost Notebook             XXX          
Stoneroot Falls: A Rogue's Trust             XXXX         
Stoneroot Falls: Building the Disguise             XXXX         
Stoneroot Falls: Scouting the City             XXXX         
Coven of the Skinwalkers: Rescue Cicero             XXXX         
Sporali Caverns: Antraygus, the Sporali King             XXX          
Sporali Caverns: Cavern Botany             XXX          
Coven of the Skinwalkers: Spies Like Them             XXXX         
Dreadspire Keep: Vule's Chambers                          
Illsalin Marketplace              XX          
Lair of the Creep Beast              XX          
Lair of the Korlach: Into the Leviathan's Lair              XX          
Lair of the Korlach: Raid Instance              XX          
Living Larder: The Lost Gnomes              XX          
Nargilor Pits: Deserting the Ranks              XX          
Nargilor Pits: Preemptive Strike              XX          
Queen Sendaii's Lair              XX          
Ruins of Illsalin              XX          
Shadow Spine              XX          
Temple of the Korlach: Last of the Legion              XX          
Temple of the Korlach: Praetorian Guard              XX          
Temple of the Korlach: The Council of Nine              XX          
Dreadspire Keep              XXX         
Dreadspire Keep: Demi-Plane of Blood              XXX         
Lodge of the Fang              XXX         
Nargilor Pits: Emperor Draygun              XXX         
Prince's Manor: The Rage of Kelliad              XXX         
Prince's Manor: The Search for Ilsuras              XXX         
Snarlstone Dens: Bloodeye              XXX         
The Hive - HOT ZONE              XXX         
Snarlstone Dens: Under Your Skin                 XX       
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Prophecy of Ro

Freeport City Hall                          
The Freeport Arena: Pilfered Possessions                          
Crypt of Dalnir: To Raise the KingXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
Kaesora: Zebuxoruk's PactXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
City Hall: Fall of the CombineXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX      
Freeport Arena  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX         
Befallen: The Dead's Claim   XX                     
Rivervale: Zombie Invasion    XXX                   
Nektulos Forest: Wanted Dead or Alive    XXXXXXXXXXXX          
Great Divide: The Founding of Thurgadin     XXXXXXXXXX           
Kael Drakkel: A Daring Raid     XXXXXXXXXX           
Great Divide: The Defense of Thurgadin      XXXXXXX             
Frontier Mountains: One Shall Rule Them All        XX                
Academy of Arcane Sciences         XXXXXXX          
Hall of Truth         XXXXXXX          
Theater of the Tranquil         XXXXXXX          
Ruins of Takish-Hiz          XXXX            
City Hall: Drachnid Spies           XXXXX          
Freeport Sewers: The Ooze News           XXXXX          
The Freeport Arena: Hidden Treasures           XX             
Arcstone, Isle of Spirits - HOT ZONE            XXXX          
Dulak's Harbor: The Grozmok Stone            XXXX          
The Devastation             XX           
Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm             XXX          
Freeport Militia House             XXX          
Freeport Sewers: Ratfink Mystery             XXX          
The Seething Wall             XXX          
Everfrost Peaks: Battle for Permafrost             XXXX         
Theater of Blood             XXXX         
Razorthorn: Hero's Challenge              XX          
Razorthorn: Samples of Corruption              XX          
Relic, the Artifact City              XX          
Root of Ro: Lair of Suchun              XX          
Root of Ro: The Key to the Past              XX          
Ruins of Takish-Hiz: Message to the Past              XX          
Ruins of Takish-Hiz: The Burning Prince              XX          
Skylance: Daosheen the Firstborn              XX          
Skylance: The Laboratory              XX          
Skylance: The Library              XX          
Skylance: The Oubliette              XX          
Sverag, Stronghold of Rage              XX          
Tunare's Shrine: Investigating the Elddar              XX          
Tunare's Shrine: Questioning the Priest              XX          
Tunare's Shrine: The Corruption of Ro              XX          
Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance              XXX         
Elddar Forest              XXX         
Old Sebilis: Fall of an Empire              XXX         
Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek              XXX         
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The Serpent's Spine

Goru`kar Mesa: The Troubled Mesa                          
Mines of Gloomingdeep: Jail Break!                          
The Mines of GloomingdeepXXXX                      
Crescent ReachXXXXX                     
Blightfire Moors - HOT ZONE   XXXXXXX                
Stone Hive - HOT ZONE      XXXXX               
Goru`kar Mesa       XXXXX              
Blackfeather Roost - HOT ZONE           XXX            
Sunderock Springs            XXXX          
The Steppes            XXXX          
Direwind Cliffs - HOT ZONE              XX          
Icefall Glacier              XX          
Valdeholm - HOT ZONE              XX          
Vergalid Mines              XXX         
Ashengate East (Raid)               X          
Ashengate North (Raid)               X          
Ashengate West (Raid)               X          
Valdeholm: Kill Kangur               X          
Valdeholm: Speak with the King               X          
Valdeholm: Udengar the Traitor               X          
Vergalid Mines: Into the Leviathan's Lair               X          
Vergalid Mines: Vergalid's End               X          
Frostcrypt: Raid Instance #1               XX         
Frostcrypt: Raid Instance #2               XX         
Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale               XXX        
Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King               XXX        
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The Buried Sea

Barren Coast: Mouth of Madness                          
Barren Coast - HOT ZONE          XXXXX           
Katta Castrum           XXXXX          
Monkey Rock: A Volatile Disease             XXX          
Monkey Rock: An Experiment Gone Wrong             XXX          
Monkey Rock: Cleansing the Island             XXX          
Monkey Rock: Long Abandoned             XXX          
Monkey Rock: The Wild Island             XXX          
The Buried Sea - HOT ZONE             XXX          
The Open Sea (Merchant vs Pirate)             XXX          
The Open Sea (Merchant vs Undead)             XXX          
Jewel of Atiiki - HOT ZONE             XXXX         
Deadbone Reef: Attract the Dead              XX          
Deadbone Reef: Pirate Stew              XX          
Deadbone Reef: Shipping Lanes              XX          
Deadbone Reef: Soothing the Restless              XX          
Deadbone Reef: The Drowned Dead              XX          
Jewel of Atiiki: Fate of the Combine              XX          
Jewel of Atiiki: Gorillas in the Garden              XX          
Jewel of Atiiki: Knowledge for Power              XX          
Jewel of Atiiki: The Great Invasion              XX          
Maiden's Grave: If You Can't Beat Em              XX          
Maiden's Grave: Mer's Lost Love              XX          
Maiden's Grave: Never Trust a Siren              XX          
Maiden's Grave: Piecing Things Together              XX          
Maiden's Grave: The Grim News              XX          
Suncrest Isle: Altar Call              XX          
Suncrest Isle: Sunstone Savages              XX          
Suncrest Isle: The Secret of Suncrest Ridge              XX          
Suncrest Isle: The Tidewater Clan Goblins              XX          
Suncrest Isle: The Tidewater Clan Goblins (Repayment)              XX          
Thalassius, the Coral Keep              XX          
Thalassius: Coral Diving              XX          
Thalassius: Evidence of Unity              XX          
Thalassius: Locating the Statue              XX          
Thalassius: Sea Serpents              XX          
The Open Sea (Merchant vs Merchant)              XX          
The Open Sea (Pirate vs Undead)              XX          
The Open Sea (Undead vs Undead)              XX          
Redfeather Isle: Finding a Way to Understand              XXX         
Redfeather Isle: The Final Lyric              XXX         
Redfeather Isle: The Windsong Compels You              XXX         
Zhisza, the Shissar Sanctuary               X          
Blacksail Folly: A Spy Among Them               XX         
Blacksail Folly: Buried Treasure               XX         
Blacksail Folly: Reduce His Numbers               XX         
Blacksail Folly: Running Rum               XX         
Blacksail Folly: Sharpeye's Demise               XX         
Jardel's Hook: Jardel's Hidden Cove               XX         
Jewel of Atiiki: Stone Tongue of Ateleka               XX         
Redfeather Isle: Finding the Windsong Flute               XX         
Redfeather Isle: The Mystery of Aviak Island               XX         
Silyssar, New Chelsith - HOT ZONE               XX         
Silyssar: Immortal Coils               XX         
Silyssar: Slay the Serpent               XX         
Silyssar: Stop the Ritual               XX         
Silyssar: The Source of Shissar Power               XX         
Silyssar: Where There's a Will               XX         
Solteris, the Throne of Ro               XX         
Thalassius: The Hydromancer               XX         
Zhisza: Confront Emperor Vaakiszh               XX         
Zhisza: Counter-Attack               XX         
Zhisza: Leave No Stone Unturned               XX         
Zhisza: The Domes Are Cracking               XX         
Zhisza: The Snakes are Hiding Something               XX         
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Secrets of Faydwer

Mechamatic Guardian            XXXXX         
Dragonscale Hills              XXX         
Blackburrow: Reinforced Blackburrow (Level 80 - HH)               XX         
Bloodmoon Keep               XX         
Bloodmoon Keep: The Bloodmoon               XX         
Gyrospire Beza               XX         
Gyrospire Zeka - HOT ZONE               XX         
Loping Plains               XX         
Lower Guk: Darkened Ruins of Old Guk (Level 80 - HH)               XX         
Mechamatic Guardian: Disposing of Things               XX         
Mechamatic Guardian: Engine Room               XX         
Mechamatic Guardian: Mechamatic Memory               XX         
Mechamatic Guardian: Security, Yeah Right               XX         
Mechamatic Guardian: Tracking the Steamworks               XX         
Living Legacy: Dominion of Despair               XXX        
Living Legacy: Infinitely Regenerative Automaton (I.R.A.)               XXX        
Sandkeep Endurance Raid               XXX        
Bloodmoon Keep: Crazok Moonfang                X         
Bloodmoon Keep: Moonfang                X         
Bloodmoon Keep: Ralkor's Crystals                X         
Bloodmoon Keep: The Broodmother                X         
Bloodmoon Keep: The Fanged Moon                X         
Crypt of Shade                X         
Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened                X         
Deepscar's Den                X         
Fortress Mechanotus - HOT ZONE                X         
Gyrospire Beza: End the Return                X         
Gyrospire Beza: How Does Your Garden Grow                X         
Gyrospire Beza: It's All in Your Head                X         
Gyrospire Beza: Scout Gyrospire Beza                X         
Gyrospire Zeka: Cut Off the Head                X         
Gyrospire Zeka: Intelligence Gathering                X         
Hills of Shade                X         
Meldrath's Majestic Mansion - HOT ZONE                X         
S.H.I.P. Workshop                X         
Steam Factory                X         
Steam Factory: Raid Instance                X         
Tinmizer's Wunderwerks                X         
Bloodmoon Keep: Bronzebeard's Fate                XX        
Bloodmoon Keep: The Dark Crystals                XX        
Bloodmoon Keep: The Departed                XX        
Bloodmoon Keep: Walking Into Spider Webs                XX        
Crystallos: Raid Instance                XX        
Gyrospire Beza: Sand in the Gears                XX        
Gyrospire Zeka: Did We Forget the Cheese                XX        
Gyrospire Zeka: To Climb a Spire                XX        
Gyrospire Zeka: You Might Poke an Eye Out                XX        
Meldrath's Mansion: Raid Instance                XX        
S.H.I.P. Workshop: Administrative Assassination                XX        
S.H.I.P. Workshop: Deception and Interception                XX        
S.H.I.P. Workshop: Kill Ungracious                XX        
S.H.I.P. Workshop: Mechalossus                XX        
S.H.I.P. Workshop: S.H.I.P Sabotage!                XX        
S.H.I.P. Workshop: Tactical Teleportation                XX        
Mechamatic Guardian: Infiltrating the Guardian                  X       
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Seeds of Destruction

12th Anniversary: Plane of Knowledge: This Ain't Right  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX       
Nagafen's Lair: Ancient Heroes (Raid)           X              
Frostfell: Permafrost Keep: The Frostclaw Lair           XXXXXXX        
The Void (A)             XXXXX        
Oceangreen Hills              XXXX        
Oceangreen Village              XXXX        
Bloody Kithicor               XXX        
Old Blackburrow               XXX        
Old Commonlands               XXX        
Temple of Bertoxxulous               XXX        
Temple of Bertoxxulous: A Corrupted Arch Priest               XXX        
Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head               XXX        
OMM: Lower Guk: Ancient Heroes (Cursed Guk)                          
OMM: Lower Guk: Ancient Heroes (Lower Guk)                          
OMM: Nagafen's Lair: Ancient Heroes (Group)                          
Bloody Kithicor: Safe Passage                XX        
Cazic-Thule: Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule (Level 85 - HH)                XX        
Estate of Unrest: Greater Unrest (Level 85 - HH)                XX        
Field of Scale                XX        
Field of Scale: Raid Instance (Post-Event)                XX        
Kaesora Hatchery                XX        
Kaesora Library                XX        
Kurn's Stronghold                XX        
Lair of the Fallen (Legends of Norrath)                XX        
OMM: Permafrost Keep: Ancient Heroes (Raid)                XX        
Oceangreen Village: A Dread Challenger                XX        
Oceangreen Village: Stop the Contamination                XX        
Old Blackburrow: Beat the Blackburrow Boss                XX        
Old Blackburrow: Disrupting the Ritual                XX        
Old Blackburrow: Freedom!                XX        
Old Blackburrow: Stop the Ascension                XX        
Old Commonlands: Bitter Victuals                XX        
Old Commonlands: Safe Passage                XX        
Temple of Bertoxxulous: The Bubonians are Coming!                XX        
Toskirakk                XX        
Toskirakk: Spies, Lies, and Prison Cells                XX        
Bloody Kithicor: Raid Instance                 X        
Citadel of the Worldslayer                 X        
City of Dranik                 X        
Field of Scale: Raid Instance (Final Confrontation)                 X        
Kaesora Hatchery: An Impenetrable Shield                 X        
Kaesora Hatchery: The Brood of an Emperor                 X        
Kaesora Library: Raid Instance                 X        
Kaesora Library: The Price of Knowledge                 X        
Korafax, Home of the Riders                 X        
Korafax: Inside Information                 X        
Korafax: Kill the Shearspawn                 X        
Korafax: Meeting Adjourned                 X        
Korafax: Raid Instance                 X        
Korafax: Stardouser                 X        
Korascian Warrens: Murdunk's Final Stand                 X        
Korascian Warrens: Showdown at the Crystal Core                 X        
Korascian Warrens: The Crystal Bloom                 X        
Kurn's Stronghold: Audience with the Warmaster                 X        
Kurn's Stronghold: Defeat the Dragonbane Phalanx                 X        
Kurn's Stronghold: Raid Instance                 X        
Old Bloodfields                 X        
Old Bloodfields: Holding the Fort                 X        
Rathe Council Chambers                 X        
Rathe Council Chambers: Eriak's Downfall                 X        
Temple of Bertoxxulous: Queen Malarian                 X        
The Precipice of War                 X        
The Void (B)                 X        
The Void (C)                 X        
The Void (D)                 X        
The Void (E)                 X        
The Void (F)                 X        
The Void (G)                 X        
Toskirakk: Cruel Overseers                 X        
Toskirakk: Hiding in Plain Sight                 X        
Toskirakk: The Fall of Toskirakk                 X        
Korascian Warrens                 XX       
Rathe Council Chambers: Rallos Returns                 XX       
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Kernagir, the Shining City              XXXXX       
11th Anniversary: Freeport Sewers: Stealing My Life Back                XX        
Brell's Arena                XX        
Lair of the Fallen (Loyalist Program)                XX        
North Qeynos: Invasion of the Fearless                XX        
Arthicrex - HOT ZONE                 X        
Arthicrex: To Serve Sporali                 X        
Brell's Rest                 X        
Brell's Rest: Don't Fear the Destroyer                 X        
Brell's Rest: Fippy's Revenge                 X        
Cooling Chamber                 X        
Cooling Chamber: Tasnise Underbelly                 X        
Cooling Chamber: The Beast Below                 X        
Fungal Forest: The Fungal Bloom                 X        
Kernagir: The Silent Schism                 X        
Lichen Creep: Bonfire of the Adherents                 X        
Pellucid Grotto                 X        
Pellucid Grotto: Seeding Frenzy                 X        
Pellucid Grotto: The Unburrowing                 X        
The Foundation - HOT ZONE                 X        
The Foundation: The Search for Saunk                 X        
The Underquarry                 X        
The Underquarry: Scent of a Woman                 X        
Arthicrex: Raid Instance                 XX       
Brell's Temple                 XX       
Brell's Temple: An Audience with Brell Serilis                 XX       
Brell's Temple: Brell's Trials                 XX       
Brell's Temple: Fire in the Hole                 XX       
Convorteum                 XX       
Convorteum: Raid Instance                 XX       
Convorteum: The First Corruption                 XX       
Fungal Forest                 XX       
Fungal Forest: The Fungal Corruption                 XX       
Lichen Creep                 XX       
Lichen Creep: A Cunning Plan                 XX       
The Foundation: Masked Invaders                 XX       
The Underquarry: The Wrath of Brath                 XX       
Volska's Husk                 XX       
Volska's Husk: Kill the Hatchlings                 XX       
11th Anniversary: Steel Behemoth Testing Grounds                 XXX      
Convorteum: To Thine Own Creator Be False                  XXX     
Convorteum: To Thine Own Creator Be True                  XXX     
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House of Thule

Sunrise Hills                          
Frostfell: Dragonscale Hills: Time for a Change                          
Frostfell: Icewell Keep: Operation Jolliness  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX      
Plane of Innovation: Engine Trouble                XXX       
Crushbone (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)                 XX       
Erudin Burning                 XX       
Erudin Burning: The Illuminating Truth                 XX       
Erudin Burning: The Torches of Truth                 XX       
Feerrott, the Dream                 XX       
Feerrott, the Dream: A Tearable Fear                 XX       
Feerrott, the Dream: Fall of the Tae Ew                 XX       
House of Thule, Lower Floors                 XX       
House of Thule: Welcome to My Nightmare                 XX       
Permafrost Keep (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)                 XX       
Shadowed Grove: Baga's Stand                 XX       
The Grounds                 XX       
The Grounds: Mashing Pumpkins                 XX       
The Grounds: The Gardener                 XX       
The Library                 XX       
The Library: The Stuff of Dreams                 XX       
The Well                 XX       
The Well: No Freedom in Death                 XX       
The Well: What Lies Below                 XX       
Erudin Burning: The Pit of All Fears                  X       
Feerrott, the Dream: Ritual of Terror                  X       
House of Thule: Tick Tock                  X       
Innothule Swamp: Only The Blind Will See                  X       
Permafrost Keep: Lady Vox's Lair (Level 90 - HH)                  X       
The Grounds: The Roots of Evil                  X       
The Library: A Moment of Clarity                  X       
The Library: The Librarian's Nightmare                  X       
The Well: Terror in the Dark                  X       
Al'Kabor's Nightmare                  XX      
Al'Kabor's Nightmare: At World's End                  XX      
Al'Kabor's Nightmare: Catastrophic Power                  XX      
Crushbone: Demise of the Emperor                  XX      
Fear Itself - HOT ZONE                  XX      
Fear Itself: An Offering to Thule                  XX      
Fear Itself: Cazic's Final Stand                  XX      
House of Thule Upper: Guardian of the House                  XX      
House of Thule Upper: Redemption                  XX      
House of Thule, Upper Floors                  XX      
Miragul's Nightmare                  XX      
Miragul's Nightmare: Miragul's Vendetta                  XX      
Miragul's Phylactery                  XX      
Morell's Castle                  XX      
Morell's Castle: Gouzah Safari                  XX      
Morell's Castle: Hippity Hoppity Kill                  XX      
Morell's Castle: The Awakening                  XX      
Sanctum Somnium                  XX      
Sanctum Somnium: Morell Ascendant                  XX      
Sanctum Somnium: Morell's Challenge                  XX      
Sanctum Somnium: Raid Instance                  XX      
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Veil of Alaris

Guild Hall - Housing Edition                          
13th Anniversary: ToFS: A Different Perspective                XXXX      
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera - HOT ZONE                 XXX      
13th Anniversary: Castle Mistmoore: Summoning the Master                  XX      
13th Anniversary: Formal Dining Hall: Lucky 13                  XX      
13th Anniversary: Grobb: Step on a Crack                  XX      
13th Anniversary: House of Thule: The Lady of Elks                  XX      
13th Anniversary: Jewel of Atiiki: Breaking Mirrors                  XX      
13th Anniversary: North Kaladim: Responsible Mining                  XX      
13th Anniversary: Oceangreen Village: Music For a Weary Soul                  XX      
13th Anniversary: Rivervale: Ferocious Feralings                  XX      
13th Anniversary: South Ro: Rumor Has It                  XX      
13th Anniversary: The Buried Sea: Improper Boating Attire                  XX      
13th Anniversary: The Grounds: Not For the Rabbit                  XX      
Argath: Illdaera's Vengeance                  XX      
Argath: Raid Instance                  XX      
Argath: Reclaiming Argath                  XX      
Kaesora Hatchery: Hatching a Plan                  XX      
Sarith, City of Tides - HOT ZONE                  XX      
Valley of Lunanyn                  XX      
Valley of Lunanyn: Into the Abyss                  XX      
Valley of Lunanyn: The Herald of Oratory                  XX      
Beasts' Domain                   X      
Beasts' Domain: King of the Beasts                   X      
Beasts' Domain: Pups of War                   X      
Beasts' Domain: Raid Instance                   X      
Erillion, City of Bronze                   X      
Erillion: Raid Instance                   X      
Erillion: The Order of Three                   X      
Erillion: The Traitor Revealed                   X      
Pillars of Alra - HOT ZONE                   X      
Pillars of Alra: Raid Instance                   X      
Pillars of Alra: The Growing Threat                   X      
Pillars of Alra: The Truth                   X      
Resplendent Temple - HOT ZONE                   X      
Resplendent Temple: Piq`a Throne Room                   X      
Resplendent Temple: Raid Instance                   X      
Resplendent Temple: Secrets of the Stones                   X      
Resplendent Temple: Two Sides of the Stone                   X      
Rubak Oseka, Temple of the Sea                   X      
Rubak Oseka: Assault the Tower                   X      
Rubak Oseka: Raid Instance                   X      
Rubak Oseka: Time and Tides                   X      
Sarith: Raid Instance                   X      
Sarith: Rebel Assault                   X      
Sarith: The Defeat of Prexus                   X      
Sepulcher: Breaching the Barrier                   X      
Sepulcher: Raid Instance #1                   X      
Sepulcher: Raid Instance #2                   X      
Sepulcher: Raid Instance #3                   X      
Sepulcher: The Triune God                   X      
Valley of Lunanyn: Raid Instance                   X      
Windsong Sanctuary                   X      
Windsong Sanctuary: Raid Instance                   X      
Windsong Sanctuary: The Cacophony of Power                   X      
Windsong Sanctuary: The Sound of Silence                   X      
13th Anniversary: Tower of Frozen Shadow: Raid Instance                   XX     
Sepulcher East                   XX     
Sepulcher West                   XX     
Sepulcher of Order                   XX     
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Rain of Fear

14th Anniversary: Steamfont Mountains: Big Gnomes, Big Problems                          
15th Anniversary: East Karana: A Ranger's Tale             XXXXXXXX     
15th Anniversary: Plane of War: War Games             XXXXXXXX     
15th Anniversary: West Karana: Sprucing Up Shakey             XXXXXXXX     
16th Anniversary: The Grounds: Cleansing the Ground                          
16th Anniversary: Timorous Deep: Pirates of Timorous Deep                          
16th Anniversary: Western Wastes: Dead Dragons                          
14th Anniversary: Plane of Mischief: Piestro's Day Off                          
East Freeport: Trade Wars                          
Castle Mistmoore (Level 100 - Hardcore Heritage)                   XX     
Crystal Caverns, Fragment of Fear                   XX     
Crystal Caverns: Into the Caverns of Fear                   XX     
East Wastes: Confronting Your Fears                   XX     
Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness                   XX     
Kael Drakkel: Traitors Among Us                   XX     
Nagafen's Lair (Level 100 - Hardcore Heritage)                   XX     
Shard's Landing                   XX     
Shard's Landing: Calling Phantasm                   XX     
Shard's Landing: Sleepless Nights                   XX     
East Wastes, Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening                   XX     
West Freeport: The Arcane Fair                          
14th Anniversary: Valley of King Xorbb: Evil Eye Operative                    X     
Breeding Grounds                    X     
Breeding Grounds: A Feast for Zalikor                    X     
Breeding Grounds: The Rise of the Ancients                    X     
Breeding Grounds: Velishan's Revenge                    X     
Breeding Grounds: Zalikor's Lair                    X     
Chapterhouse of the Fallen                    X     
Chapterhouse: A Matter of Life and Death                    X     
Chapterhouse: Raid Instance                    X     
Chapterhouse: Run, You Fools!                    X     
Chelsith Reborn                    X     
Chelsith Reborn: Champions of the People                    X     
Chelsith Reborn: Raid Instance                    X     
Chelsith Reborn: Unveiling the Mystery                    X     
Corrupted Temple of Veeshan                    X     
Crystal Caverns: Danela's Stand                    X     
Crystal Caverns: Raid Instance                    X     
East Wastes: Defeat Zeixshi-Kar                    X     
East Wastes: Raid Instance                    X     
Evantil, the Vile Oak                    X     
Evantil: Fear Not                    X     
Evantil: Heart of the Oak                    X     
Evantil: Raid Instance                    X     
Grelleth's Palace, Chateau of Filth                    X     
Grelleth's Palace: Raid Instance                    X     
Grelleth's Palace: The Machinations of Kotul                    X     
Grelleth's Palace: The Queen's Decree                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Epicenter                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Epicenter: An End to Fear                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Epicenter: Raid Instance                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Rebirth                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Rebirth: Menace, Doom, and Horror                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Rebirth: Raid Instance                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Threshold                    X     
Heart of Fear: The Threshold: Raid Instance                    X     
House Interior: Setting the Mood                    X     
Kael Drakkel: Raid Instance                    X     
Kael Drakkel: The Madness of King Tormax                    X     
Nagafen's Lair: Raid Instance (Level 100 - HH)                    X     
Plane of Shadow                    X     
Plane of Shadow: Breaking the Seal                    X     
Plane of Shadow: Dispelling the Shadows                    X     
Plane of Shadow: Raid Instance                    X     
Shard's Landing: Raid Instance                    X     
Theater: The Puppet Show                    X     
Valley of King Xorbb                    X     
Valley of King Xorbb: Find the Gems... Or Die!                    X     
Valley of King Xorbb: Raid Instance                    X     
Valley of King Xorbb: The Battle for Rivervale                    X     
Valley of King Xorbb: The Return of King Xorbb                    X     
16th Anniversary: Plane of War: Liquid Courage                    XXX   
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Call of the Forsaken

Tower of Rot: Brendaleen's Scheme                          
15th Anniversary: Neriak Third Gate: What Happens In Neriak...             XXXXXXXX     
Bixie Warfront: Always Follow the Money                          
Bixie Warfront: Assault the Main Hive                          
Bixie Warfront: Endless War                          
Bixie Warfront: Espionage Starts at Home                          
Bixie Warfront: General Sagrinta's Last Stand                          
Bixie Warfront: Jacyll's Jailbreak                          
Bixie Warfront: The Great Hunt                          
Bixie Warfront: The Thunder Gun Escape                          
Bixie Warfront: They're Everywhere!                          
Bixie Warfront: They've Gone Too Far This Time                          
Bixie Warfront: Working Overtime                          
Dead Hills: Artifacts of Great Importance                          
Dead Hills: Clearing a Path                          
Dead Hills: Death Peace                          
Dead Hills: Disrupting the Ritual                          
Dead Hills: Excavating an Answer                          
Dead Hills: Into the Hills                          
Dead Hills: Scouting Ahead                          
Dead Hills: The Descending Tower                          
Dead Hills: The Hills Are Alive                          
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: A Helping Hand                          
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: Life After Death                          
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: Protected Passage                          
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: Remember the Dead                          
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: Seeking Refuge                          
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: The Other Brother                          
Neriak Fourth Gate: Hate Hath No Fury                          
Neriak Fourth Gate: Late Checkout                          
Neriak Fourth Gate: Royal Access                          
Neriak Fourth Gate: The King's Court                          
Neriak Fourth Gate: The Sealed Gate                          
Neriak Fourth Gate: The Toll Road                          
15th Anniversary: Plane of Tranquility: Defending Knowledge                   XX     
Ethernere Tainted West Karana                   XXX    
The Void (H)                   XXX    
Tower of Rot: Raid Instance                   XX     
Tower of Rot: The Fall of Lord Bayle                   XX     
Tower of Rot: A Rotten Heart                   XX     
Argin-Hiz: A Posthumous Proposition                   XX     
Chapterhouse: Surviving Xmiticzin                    X     
Plane of War                    X     
Plane of War: Raid Instance                    X     
Argin-Hiz                    XX    
Argin-Hiz: Burn Out                    XX    
Argin-Hiz: Raid Instance                    XX    
Argin-Hiz: Rings of Fire                    XX    
Argin-Hiz: The Keeper's Ring                    XX    
Bixie Warfront                    XX    
Bixie Warfront: Raid Instance #1                    XX    
Bixie Warfront: Raid Instance #2                    XX    
Bixie Warfront: Saving Jacyll                    XX    
Dead Hills                    XX    
Dead Hills: Raid Instance #1                    XX    
Dead Hills: Raid Instance #2                    XX    
Dead Hills: The Legacy of Bayle                    XX    
Dead Hills: Xulous Prime                    XX    
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: Raid Instance #1                    XX    
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: Raid Instance #2                    XX    
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: The Defense of Lendiniara                    XX    
Ethernere Tainted West Karana: The Doomscale Horde                    XX    
Neriak Fourth Gate                    XX    
Neriak Fourth Gate: Hate Rising                    XX    
Neriak Fourth Gate: Houses of Thex                    XX    
Neriak Fourth Gate: Raid Instance #1                    XX    
Neriak Fourth Gate: Raid Instance #2                    XX    
Northern Felwithe: The Missing Scroll                    XX    
The Other Side of the Rift                    XX    
The Void (H): Raid Instance                    XX    
The Void (H): The Journey Home                    XX    
Tower of Rot                    XX    
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The Darkened Sea

Caverns of Endless Song: Seductive Subterfuge                  XXXX    
Tempest Temple: Storm of Sorts                  XXXX    
Arx Mentis: Shake the Citadel                   XXX    
Combine Dredge: Kedge Counterblow                   XXX    
Thuliasaur Island: A Fateful Arrival                   XXX    
Brother Island                    XX    
Brother Island: The Cover of Night                    XX    
Caverns of Endless Song                    XX    
Katta Castrum: Deluge                    XX    
Katta Castrum: Deluge: The Edge of Balance                    XX    
Tempest Temple                    XX    
Tempest Temple: Clearer Skies                    XX    
16th Anniversary: Chardok: Korucust's Royal Pain                    XX    
Arx Mentis                     X    
Arx Mentis: All Rivers Lead to the Sea                     X    
Arx Mentis: Confronting Calix                     X    
Arx Mentis: Raid Instance                     X    
Arx Mentis: The Cost of Balance                     X    
Caverns of Endless Song: Two Sides of the Shield                     X    
Combine Dredge                     X    
Combine Dredge: Deep Lies the Snow                     X    
Degmar, the Lost Castle                     X    
Degmar, the Lost Castle: Burden of the Past                     X    
Degmar, the Lost Castle: Castle Relic                     X    
Thuliasaur Island                     X    
Thuliasaur Island: Fit For the New World                     X    
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The Broken Mirror

Plane of Health: Defenders of the Faith                   XXX    
Anniversary Raid: Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden                    XX    
Crypt of Sul                    XXX   
Plane of Health: Raid Instance                    XXX   
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Undead Underground                    XXX   
Crypt of Sul: The Bokon High Council                    XXX   
Plane of Health                    XX    
Plane of Health: Bane of Decay                    XX    
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life                    XX    
Plane of Hate: Revisited [The Broken Mirror Version]                    XXX   
Plane of Health: Grummus!                     X    
Crypt of Sul: Into the Temple (b)                     X    
Crypt of Sul: The Head of the Snake                     X    
Crypt of Sul: To the Brave, Go the Spoils                     X    
Plane of Fear: Revisited [The Broken Mirror Version]                     X    
Plane of Health: In Defense of Health                     X    
Ruins of Lxanvom (TBM): Raid Instance                     X    
Ruins of Lxanvom [TBM]                     X    
Ruins of Lxanvom: Decay Decreased                     X    
Ruins of Lxanvom: Force the Forceful                     X    
Ruins of Lxanvom: Lxanvom Labors                     X    
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Deadline                     X    
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Fate Rewards the Bold                     X    
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life: The Handmaiden                     X    
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life: Under the Robe                     X    
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life: Vim and Vigor                     X    
Crypt of Sul: Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls                     XX   
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay                     XX   
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life: Anashti Sul, Lady of Life                     XX   
Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life: We Make Our Own Rewards                     XX   
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Empires of Kunark

Chardok [EoK]                   XXX    
Chardok: Atrebe's Vault (group)                   XXX    
Chardok: Atrebe's Vault (raid)                   XXX    
Chardok: On Behest of the Emperor                   XXX    
Chardok: Other's Things                   XXX    
Chardok: Queen Velazul Di`Zok                   XXX    
Chardok: Royal Assault                   XXX    
Frontier Mountains [EoK]                   XXX    
Gates of Kor-Sha                   XXX    
Kor-Sha Laboratory                   XXX    
Kor-Sha Laboratory: Assault on Atrebe                   XXX    
Kor-Sha Laboratory: Atrebe                   XXX    
Kor-Sha Laboratory: The Kar`Zok                   XXX    
Lceanium                   XXX    
Lceanium: Before the Siege                   XXX    
Lceanium: Doorstep of War                   XXX    
Scorched Woods                   XXX    
Temple of Droga [EoK]                   XXX    
Temple of Droga: Goblins and Fools                   XXX    
Temple of Droga: The Summoning of Droga (Group)                   XXX    
Temple of Droga: The Summoning of Droga (Raid)                   XXX    
Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King: Delving into Frostcrypt                   XXX    
Old Sebilis (Level 105 - Hardcore Heritage)                    XXX   
The Reinforced Ruins of Sebilis                    XXXX  
Kor-Sha: The Wizard's Lab                    XX    
South Qeynos: Fippy's Further Revenge (18th Anniversary)                     X    
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Ring of Scale

19th Anniversary - The Chambers of Eternal Affliction                          
Skyfire Mountains [RoS]: Talendor (Group)                          
Howling Stones [RoS]                   XXXX   
Sathir's Tomb                   XXXX   
Skyfire Mountains [RoS]                   XXXX   
The Overthere [RoS]                   XXXX   
Veeshan's Peak [RoS]                   XXXX   
Gorowyn                     XX   
Skyfire Mountains [RoS]: End of Empire (Group)                     XX   
The Overthere [RoS]: Fell Foliage (Raid)                     XX   
The Overthere [RoS]: Fell Foliage (Group)                     XX   
Veeshan's Peak [RoS] (Raid)                     XXX  
Gorowyn: Balance of Power (Group)                      X   
Gorowyn: Balance of Power (Raid)                      X   
Sathir's Tomb (Raid)                      XX  
Skyfire Mountains [RoS]: End of Empire (Raid)                      XX  
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The Burning Lands

The Trials of Smoke                  XXXXX   
Doomfire, the Burning Lands (TBL)                          
Gnome Memorial Mountain: Ironing out the Legion                          
Relic, the Artifact City: Strange Magic                          
The Chamber of Tears                   XXXXX  
Empyr: Realms of Ash                    XXX   
Esianti: Palace of the Winds                    XXX   
Gnome Memorial Mountain: Under Assault                    XXX   
Doomfire, the Burning Lands (TBL): Delivery                    XXX   
Gnome Memorial Mountain: Danger Zone (raid)                    XXXX  
Doomfire, the Burning Lands (TBL): Remodeling                    XXXXX 
Gnome Memorial Mountain                     XX   
Stratos: Zephyr's Flight                     XX   
Gnome Memorial Mountain: Danger Zone (mission)                     XX   
Stratos: Fan the Flames                     XX   
Aalishai: Palace of Embers                     XX   
Aalishai: Palace of Embers: Brass Palace                     XX   
Esianti: Palace of the Winds: Contract of War                     XX   
Mearatas: The Stone Demesne                     XX   
Plane of Smoke                     XX   
Stratos: Zephyr's Fight!                     XXX  
Aalishai: Palace of Embers (raid instance)                     XXX  
Doomfire, the Burning Lands: Raid Instance                     XXX  
Empyr: Realms of Ash (raid instance)                     XXX  
The Rise of Smoke                     XXX  
Empyr: Realms of Ash: Prince Ralaifin                     XXX  
Mearatas: The Stone Demesne: Relic Raider                      X   
Doomfire, the Burning Lands (TBL): Tyrant of Fire                      XXX 
Gnome Memorial Mountain: The Darkness Howls                      X   
Esianti: Palace of the Winds: Contract of War (raid instance)                       X  
Aalishai: Queen's Chambers                       X  
Esianti: Audience with a King                       X  
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Torment of Velious

Crystal Caverns (ToV)                   XXXXX  
The Great Divide: Restless Assault                    XXXX  
The Eastern Wastes (ToV): Griklor the Restless                     XXX  
The Great Divide (Raid instance)                     XXXX 
Timorous Deep: Fancy Feast                          
The Eastern Wastes (ToV)                      XX  
Kael Drakkel (ToV)                      XXX 
Velketor's Labyrinth (Raid instance)                      XXX 
The Great Divide (ToV)                      XX  
Kael Drakkel: Icebound Avatar                      XX  
Ry`Gorr Mines (ToV)                      XX  
Kael Drakkel (ToV raid instance)                      XXX 
The Eastern Wastes (Raid instance)                      XXX 
The Tower of Frozen Shadow (ToV)                      XX  
Velketor's Labyrinth (ToV)                      XX  
Kael Drakkel: Audience                      XXXX
Velketor's Labyrinth: Seeking the Sorcerer                      XX  
The Tower of Frozen Shadow (Raid instance)                       XX 
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Claws of Veeshan

22nd Anniversary: Blackburrow: Unity                          
Sleeper's Tomb (CoV)                    XXXXX 
Dragon Necropolis (CoV)                     XXXX 
Sleeper's Tomb: The Call (Raid)                          
Cobalt Scar (CoV)                      XXX 
Skyshrine: The Crusaders (Group Mission)                      XX  
Skyshrine (CoV)                      XX  
Dragon Necropolis: Zlandicar (Group Mission)                      XXX 
Temple of Veeshan (CoV)                      XXX 
Western Wastes (CoV)                      XXX 
Skyshrine: The Crusaders (Raid)                          
Temple of Veeshan (Raid instance)                          
The Eastern Wastes (CoV Raid instance)                          
Dragon Necropolis: Zlandicar (Raid)                       XX 
Temple of Veeshan: Instance (Group Mission)                       XX 
Western Wastes (Raid instance)                       XX 
Sleeper's Tomb: The Call (Group Mission)                       XX 
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Terror of Luclin

Ka Vethan - Shei Vinitras - Group Mission                          
Basilica of Adumbration - Oubliette of Light - Group Mission                          
The Broodlands: Guardians of the Snails                      XXX 
23rd Anniversary: Dragon Necropolis: Risky Rat Rescue                          
23rd Anniversary: Shadeweaver's Thicket: Whispers in the Dark                          
23rd Anniversary: The Deep: Trial of the Cycle                          
Ka Vethan - Raid instance                          
Maiden's Eye - Raid instance                          
Umbral Plains - Raid instance                          
Vex Thal - Raid instance                          
Basilica of Adumbration                       XX 
Bloodfalls                       XX 
Ka Vethan                       XX 
Maiden's Eye - ToL                       XX 
Shadow Valley                       XX 
Umbral Plains - ToL                       XX 
Vex Thal - ToL                       XX 
Bloodfalls - Close the Gate - Group Mission                       XX 
Vex Thal - Aten Ha Ra - Group Mission                       XX 
23rd Anniversary Raid: Karnor's Castle: Mad Emperor                          
Basilica of Adumbration - Raid instance                          
Bloodfalls - Raid instance                          
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Night of Shadows

Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (Group Mission)                          
24th Anniversary: Blightfire Moors: Reetuk the Inexorable                      XXX 
Darklight Caverns                       XX 
Deepshade                       XX 
Firefall Pass                       XX 
Paludal Depths                       XX 
Ruins of Shadow Haven                       XX 
Shadeweaver's Tangle                       XX 
Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (Group Mission)                       XX 
Shar Vahl, Divided (NoS)                       XX 
Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (Group Mission)                       XX 
Shar Vahl: Under Siege (Group Mission)                       XX 
Deepshade: Raid instance                          
Firefall Pass: Raid Instance                          
Darklight Caverns: Raid Instance                        X 
Paludal Depths: Raid instance                        X 
Ruins of Shadow Haven: Raid instance                        X 
Shar Vahl, Divided: Raid instance                        X 
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The Outer Brood

The Harbinger's Cradle: Brood Architect Hazuri                      XXXX
Tides of Tide: A Time to Fight (Oasis of Dragons)                      XXXX
Hodstock Hills                       XXX
Aureate Covert                        XX
The Chambers of Puissance                        XX
The Gilded Spire                        XX
The Harbinger's Cradle                        XX
The Theater of Eternity                        XX
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Laurion's Song

Tides of Time                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Dance (Oasis of Fire)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Fear (Oasis of Fear)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Fly (Oasis of Sky)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Hunt (Oasis of the Void)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Jump (Oasis of the Jungle)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Plant (Oasis of Swamps)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Steam (Oasis of Steam)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Forests)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Frost)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Lava)                          
Tides of Time: A Time to Turn (Oasis of Sand)                          
25th Anniversary: Paineel: Reflections of You                    XXXXXX
25th Anniversary: Paineel: Inner Turmoil                          
Ankexfen Keep: Prisoners of Ankexfen                        XX
Elddar Forest: Raid Instance                        XX
Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue (Group)                        XX
Pal'Lomen: Final Fugue (Raid)                        XX
The Hero's Forge: Heroes Are Forged (Group)                        XX
The Hero's Forge: Heroes Are Forged (Raid)                        XX
The Moors of Nokk: What is it For?                        XX
The Plane of Mischief: Raid Instance                        XX
The Unkempt Woods: The Artisan and the Druid                        XX
Timorous Falls: Shadow of My Shadow                        XX
Laurion Inn                        XX
Timorous Falls                        XX
Ankexfen Keep                        XX
Moors of Nokk                        XX
Pal'Lomen                        XX
The Hero's Forge                        XX
Unkempt Woods                        XX
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Marauder's MireXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
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Doesn't Exist                          
Mob Graveyard                          
Sunset HomeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX          
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