Breeding Grounds

Quick Facts


Rain of Fear



Level Range:
100 - 100

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Rain of Fear Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

A shard of fear has crashed through the icy Western Wastes terrain, piercing the pool of magma that boils beneath the heart of Dragon Necropolis. A cascade of slow-moving magma burns down through the crypt walls, creating tunnels which lead to depths within the Necropolis that no one ever knew existed. (More Breeding Grounds Lore...)
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an elder scalewing
# Mar 11 2013 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
While in Breeding Grounds I found and odd mob...odd due to it wasn't listed on here and seem to be a rare random spawn, but is not a named "an elder scalewing" lvl 102 seems to spawn in place of pher's threw out zone.
Drops random loot just like any other regular mob.
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