North Freeport

Quick Facts





Level Range:
1 - 75

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NOTICE: This zone is no longer in the game. As of February 21, 2006, with the release of the Prophecy of Ro, Freeport North, West, and East were condensed in to two zones: East Freeport and West Freeport.

Please email us with updated information for quests, mobs and items that were formerly listed in North Freeport.

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# Mar 04 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
In this zone recently...
# Sep 04 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Here's a bit of useless information.

The old North Ro, South Ro, Oasis of Marr, and Freeport zones are still live.

And of course your first reaction is to contradict me. Well feel free, but...

Recently I was doing a Splitpaw Monster Mission on Povar and upon knowing I was going to fail, I did a /exit. A week or so later, I logged that character in again and I ended up in Oasis of Marr. I zoned into the old North Ro then into the old Freeport. I was sending tells to people all slap-happy about how SOE changed Freeport back. Then one of my friends enlightened me sayin, sorry hun I'm standing at the Arcstone portal and it's still the new Freeport.

So I went into the hidden tunnel, clicked on the book, tried clicking back into Freeport and ended up back in the revamp. It was almost like going to Narnia then never being able to get back!

Anyhow, there's your useless bit of information, brought to you by... ME!
So what about the once that killed Lucan?
# Aug 13 2006 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
In my younger days I was helping paladins with my bard. Being the one pulling Sir Lucan, this made me KoS forever in east and west freeport. With this zone gone my freeport safehaven is done sigh.
So what about the once that killed Lucan?
# Aug 13 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Just fix your faction, like everyone else does.
bye bye north freeport
# Feb 21 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
all say bye
its gone now
RE: bye bye north freeport
# Mar 06 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
So....whats happened to all the Quest NPC's in N.Freeport..?? Wendin Blackhammer to name one...

RE: Bye bye, North Freeport.
# Mar 07 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
The quest NPCs and merchants formerlly in North Freeport have been moved to East and West Freeport.
Sopona Poxcaller
Heretic Shadow Knight

Nootaikok Frostcaller
Shaman of Justice

Master Brewer Biertrinker Oktoberfest
Wolf of the North

Moksha Bladecaller, Half-Elfin Rogue of Freeport
# Feb 12 2006 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
Potion of Marr Quest
# Feb 08 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
I got a quest from Serna Tasknon in the Hall of Truth; she gave me a "Full Potion of Marr" and told me to take it to each of eight 'sentries of Passion" in the hall. The potion is to be given to each in alphabetical order -- from Andin through Xyrin -- and the empty bottle returned to Serna. I've found the first seven (#7 was sentry Warren), but cannot find sentry Xyrin. There is no enrty for Xyrin in the bestiary, nor doesthe Potion of Marr come up in any quest item search. Is this simply a broken quest?

Potion of Marr Quest
# Jun 02 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
After you give the potion to Sentry Warren, he tells you Sentry Xyrin is visiting the Sisters of Erollsi (sp?).
I went to Ocean of Tears but have not yet located the Sentry on the Sisters' island.
I will post again if I find him.
need help identifying the use of an item
# Dec 18 2001 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Recently i Picked something up of the ground outside the bank. When I right-click it to find out what it is, it comes up as a Lore 'Dark Elf Decapitated Head'...

Can anyone tell me what this is used for. I have not been able to find anything about this on the equipment/quest lists.

Please help.
# Nov 15 2001 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
# Jul 13 2002 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
pally guild, and about whether u would be in trouble depends on how ur considered by the guards
# Dec 03 2001 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
First off, the Hall of Truth is a Paladin guild area (and possibly a Cleric guild as well). If you are not KOS in FP, then you are able to go there though I'm not exactly sure why you'd want to. Hope that helps.
Faction for Banking/Buying
# Sep 25 2001 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
184 posts
I just took and excerpt from my post under Paladins and posted here since it is of general use and applicable to this zone.

Tumpy Tonics - This is a GREAT way of increasing faction with the FP Paladins, the Coalition of Tradefolk, and the Coalition of Tradefolk Illegal. Fill yourself up with backpacks and take only 1 stack of food and about 60 water, hop on the boat to Ocean of Tears and get off on Sister Isle, run to the merchant there and fill up on Kiola Nuts, then hop back on the boat (if your fast you can catch the same boat) and get off in Butcherblock. Run to Kaladim and give Tumpy (or Trumpy - the booze merchant near the Arena) 1 kiola nut and 1 water. He gives u a Tumpy Tonic, do this till you're out of nuts. Hop back on the boat to FP and wait in the Seafairer's Roost (by the dock) for Groflah (he spawns at night). Hand him the tonics (you can give him 4 stacks of 4 tonics at a time). BINGO! You're faction goes up. With 200 Tonics (I could have used less) I increased my Ogre Warrior from KoS to the Paladins to Allied.
Reply to KOS
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Yes there is an easier way to get to the bank. There are several hidden tunnels these tunnels can get you in the city. How ever its been so long since i have used the tunnels i cant remember exactly how close they get you to the bank. But the main thing is they get you in. Once in stick to the corrners and con everthing moving. It wouldnt hurt to have a friend cast invis on you just to test this out. Have fun

# Aug 16 2001 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Is my lvl 1 DE necro automatically KoS here? I know I am not with the guards at the West Gate.
If I am KoS, is there a safe way I can reach the bank?

# May 24 2001 at 5:50 AM Rating: Default
does anyone know an easy way besides killing 1000s of orcs to gain faction in NFP?

lvl 10 iksar monk
# Apr 11 2001 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
Would a human Necro be KoS here?
How do you get into the Floating Academy? n/t
# Apr 06 2001 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
Door in bank
# Feb 04 2001 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
So does anyone know whats behind the door in the bank room?
RE: Door in bank
# Feb 23 2001 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
Just saw the inside for myself tonight--inside is a cave holding Sir Drolfis, and other accounts say he says nothing when `Hailed'.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 08 2000 at 3:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MY NAME IS AMANGOT I HAVE ABIG UGLY BUT IT STINKS MY ONLY FRIEND IS NAMELESS I STINK AT SOCCER
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 08 2000 at 3:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) GHFFFF
Bone Chips and The Paladin Guild
# Sep 08 2000 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
Hey can I give the Paladin guildmaster bone chips for experience if i am not a Paladin? If so, what Paladin in the guild?
RE: Bone Chips and The Paladin Guild
# Oct 24 2000 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
184 posts
There is no Bone Chip quest in Freeport. You can turn in Bone Chips to the Cleric guild in Felwithe to increase faction with the Clerics and Paladins there.

You can also turn in Bone Chips in Qeynos. Both the Cleric Guild (Lashun Novashine) and the Paladin Guild (Wolten Grafe) allow you to turn in chips. Lashun wants 4 and gives you a heal. Wolten wants 6 that you combine in a box, but he gives much better xp. BTW 5 backpacks of Bone Chips will get you from Level 1 to about Level 6 or 7 ;P
RE: Bone Chips and The Paladin Guild
# Apr 24 2001 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
Bone chips can also be given to Gunloc Jure in Kaladim for exp and minor coin....don't know if it works for non-dwarves tho...I'll let you know.

RE: Bone Chips and The Paladin Guild
# Jul 15 2001 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
My little gnome fella gave chips to Gunloc and got from lvl 2 to 4 in about 3 minutes.
RE: Bone Chips and The Paladin Guild
# Nov 28 2000 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
Actually, Lashun wants 2.
RE: Bone Chips and The Paladin Guild
# Nov 12 2001 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
and this would be in... north qeynos, not north freeport
Questing with care
# Aug 24 2000 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
102 posts
The one thing that you have to understand about North Freeport, is that it is on a different faction base for guards then the rest of Freeport. Whatever quests you do here, will increase your faction with the guards in North Freeport, but reduce it in East and West Freeport. The problem that this presents is that there are only 2 ways out of FP, and unless you know and aren't KOS in the undercity tunnels of FP, reducing your faction too low, while still in North Freeport, could leave you trapped there for a while.

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