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Game Update 1-15-2025

Here are the patch notes.





  • During Erollisi Day, head to The Overthere, and check in with Darenne K'Reil about her new treats to help celebrate.


  • The duration bonus provided by the Roar Duration focus effects on Shaman BPs from The Outer Brood now apply to Reciprocal Roar.
  • Paper Bag Hat Ornament now shares a lore group with Paper Bag Hat instead of Rainbow Fippy Hat.
  • Dark Elf Rangers can now use cultural chain armor.
  • Blessed Serilis Prayer Shawl and Sacred Serilis Prayer Shawl are now no trade on free trade servers.
  • You will now get access to Dark Elf Rangers when consuming Tradable: The Outer Brood Expansion Ticket.
  • Increased damage values of Longbows found in The Outer Brood.
  • Decreased damage values of Short Bows found in The Outer Brood.
  • There are now Vanity achievements for the Timewise armor sets available in Tides of Time.
  • Starborne Lychee Melomel, Astral Star Fruit Wine, and Starfire Mint-Berry Breeze can now be placed in the Tradeskill Depot.
  • A typo was fixed in the Argent Clockwork Wrulon Saddle's name when placed in a housing plot.
  • Lustrous Flying Carpet now has levitation.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz scrolls from being scribed at the intended levels.
  • Hotbuttons that link to an item in your bags will now work without needing to open the hotbar.
  • Rallos Zek, Legacies Lost, Selenelion, and Harbinger augments no longer have an Ammo flag.


  • Fixed several recipe names that contained a typo of the word 'Fillet.'

Quests & Events

  • The Leviathan's Heart mission achievement No Remains can now be completed as described.
  • Removed an errant Aureate servitor from the Inner Turmoil event in Paineel.
  • Mercenaries will no longer be targets of the Penance or Purification curses in the High Priest Yaran mission.
  • In the Leviathan's Heart mission the Heart Stutter will now coincide with the warning and decal locations.
  • Removed the No Zone flag from several items used in the quest 'We Have to Go Back!'
  • Postmasters' challenges can be completed by folks who have completed the quests before they take the challenge.
  • Shared Tasks designed for 6-player groups will now be assigned to the group making the request while in a raid.
  • Master Alchemist Penigan's dialogue now properly offers the Leviathan's Heart mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cooling Chamber task 'It's Getting Hot in Here' would get stuck if more than one person was working on the task at the same time.
  • In the Artisan and the Druid raid the soldiers that assist Ogna will now tether to a spot inside the event area. This should prevent repeated summons and re-tethering.


  • Fixed a typo in the spell description of Oculus Blind.
  • Fixed the spell descriptions for the following spells in TOB group missions: Body-Binding Aspect, Oculus Blind, Bio-Zap, and Firelord's Incinerator.
  • Shaman - Corrected the spelling of Hotariton Pandemic.
  • Bard - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Rebuke by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments.
  • Beastlord - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Slashing by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments.
  • Paladin - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Resolution by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments.
  • Ranger - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Needlespikes by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments.
  • Shadowknight - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Retribution by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments.


  • Removed The Outer Brood expansion requirement from the Special AA, Aureate's Bane. The AA can still only be used in The Outer Brood zones but no longer blocks the achievement rewards from being accepted.
  • Added a new 0 cost Mercenary AA, Defy the Aureate, that makes mercenaries immune to all ranks of the Curse of Subjugation debuff.
  • New ranks of the Special AAs, Hero's Vitality, Hero's Fortitude, and Hero's Resolution, added for The Outer Brood are now persona shared.
  • Ranks 51 and 52 of the Special AA, Hero's Resolution, now correctly increase health, mana, and endurance regeneration by 102 and 104 points.
  • Enchanter - Updated the Focus AA, Hastened Night's Endless Terror, to provide up to 120 seconds of reuse reduction at max rank to all ranks of the Night's Endless Terror and Night's Perpetual Terror spells. Additionally, a new 0 cost The Outer Brood rank has been added that focuses all ranks of the Night's Eternal Terror spells.
  • Berserker - Updated the Class AA, Braxi's Howl, ranks 9-11 to provide an 18% melee damage bonus (down from 20%) on up to 95/110/125 hits (up from 90/100/110). Additionally, ranks 2-11 can now trigger fear stun on targets 1 level lower than your current level.

Progression Servers

  • The Shadows of Luclin era Shei Vinitras is back in the randomized loot tables.


  • Added the planned, scheduled updates for 2025 to the calendar.
  • The Activated Item Keyring's maximum number of slots has been increased to 500.
  • Added ranger spell vendors to Neriak Commons and The Overthere with some additional spells.
  • Made further reductions to pet combat lag due to spell casting and weapon procs.
  • Fixed game crashes that can happen when loading animation or texture resources.
  • The hide skill no longer fails randomly, and consequently a rogue's evade ability is also more reliable.
  • Added the 'prochold' pet command which can be toggled to prevent your primary pet from triggering procs from their weapons, armor, or buffs.
  • Fixed a crash while loading animation skeletons.
  • The /alternateadv act command now supports AA names in addition to existing Ability Activation IDs, with a couple of caveats:
    • AAs that toggle cannot specify whether you want to disable or enable the AA. For example, /alternateadv act Bold Attacks: Enabled will still disable the AA if it is currently enabled.
    • Be cautious when using partial name matching, as you may not activate the AA you intend.
  • Added a new slash command, /queuemelody. This command is similar to /melody except it plays songs in priority order depending on the song's recast time, your current buffs, and your target's current debuffs. The earlier a song is in the list, the higher priority it is.
  • Evolving item experience can now be earned in raids. Raids with 7 or more players in the same zone will earn the total experience a group of 6 would have earned, divided equally amongst the raid. The amount earned for a full raid is intentionally very small. Raids with 6 or fewer players in the same zone earn the same evolving item experience they would have were they not in a raid.
  • Real estate access is now promptly updated when a player's name is changed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Superior Standard to not spawn in certain old instances.
  • Brother Island, Thuliasaur Island, and Tempest Temple will no longer spawn pick zones.


  • Fixed a crash caused by the Trade Window.
  • When removing an augment that will consume a Perfected Augmentation Distiller the popup window will now highlight the distiller's name.
  • The login and server select windows are no longer offset when launching in maximized windowed mode without LaunchPad.
  • Updated cursor item links from Key Rings to be able to be auto inventoried or dropped directly into an augment slot (if applicable).
  • Hotbuttons now work as expected for items that are moved to or from a Keyring.
  • Converted the Find Location window to the new UI engine.
  • Made a speculative fix for game client crashes related to font memory corruption.
  • Fixed an incorrect zone connection on the atlas for the new expansion.
  • Corrected an issue with text overlapping in the Purchase window.


  • FindLocationWnd.html


  • EQUI_FindLocation.xml
  • EQUI_PurchaseWnd.xml
  • index.html

Previously Updated

  • Zorinna T`Vexa in the tunnels in The Commonlands will grant the Dark Elf Ranger feature if you received The Outer Brood as a gift and that gift did not grant you the Dark Elf Ranger option.
  • Leviathan's Heart Mission changes:
    • Energists now only summon when damaged. They also have names to indicate which type of energy they use.
    • Added a decal for the Heart Stutter mechanic.
    • The Custodian will now start with only one eye beam and will increase the number as the event progresses.
    • Improperly Formed Lenses no longer stack.
    • There will be fewer energists and remnants. The hit points of the remnants have also been lowered.
  • The Everyone in the Pool achievement in the Brood Architect Hazuri mission can now be completed.
  • Added messaging for successfully standing in a pool for the Brood Architect Hazuri mission and for failing that achievement.

Site Update #1

Click on Read More to see all the site updates for the month of December.

The Outer Brood

Here we are again folks, another expansion in the books.

We've been hard at work the past couple of months getting all the info for The Outer Brood.

For all info on this expansion, check out The Outer Brood Wiki

Info collection is still ongoing so we're not quite done yet.

Here are the patch notes.


The Outer Brood

Welcome to EverQuest: The Outer Brood, the 31st expansion for EverQuest!

High in the sky over the hills of the long-ignored Hodstock Hills looms a massive behemoth. A creature so large that it appears to have an entire castle fortress on its back. Terrifying monsters fly down from that fortress. Huge reptiles with massive, deadly claws, fangs, and too many limbs. These beasts wield magic never seen on Norrath nor by any Norrathian. These creatures, dubbed the Outer Brood by the elders of the Circle of the Crystalwing, speak a form of Elder Dragon that even the oldest of dragons barely understand. Can you lead the charge against such danger, one that has caused even the fiercest elders of the dragon clans to hesitate?

  • Learn new spells, combat abilities, and alternate abilities.
  • Find new items and learn new tradeskill recipes.
  • Explore six new zones.
  • Participate in new raids and quests.
  • Complete new achievements.
  • Gain a new Activated Item Key Ring.
    • Activated Items are items that can be activated but are not consumables, mounts, teleportation items, illusions, familiars, nor scrolls.
  • Join the fight as a Dark Elf Ranger and become one of the Premier Hunters for the Tier`Dal Race.
  • To start, enter Hodstock Hills through the East Freeport docks area, or through the river tunnel in Nektulos Forest.


  • In honor of the new Dark Elf Ranger race and class combination, Dark Elf heritage crates are available on the marketplace for a limited time.
  • Added an Activated option to the Type section when searching for items via the Bazaar and Find Item windows.
  • Added a new key ring tab for activated items.
  • Expired real estate plots will now send a second eviction notice 3 days before eviction, via in-game mail and chat message, to both owner and co-owners.


  • Updated /cast to work with the current max amount of spell slots.
  • Added Dark Elf Ranger as a race/class combination. Spread hate and honor Innoruuk in your hunts.
  • Added an option to find a corpse from the Advanced Loot window when right clicking on the corpse's name in the list.
  • Corrected an issue with area of effect archery abilities not including the effects from Increase Range Damage for all affected targets.
  • Corrected an issue with raid and group marked NPCs displaying the incorrect version of their name.
  • Corrected an issue with the list of raid and group marked NPCs displaying multiple times after zoning.
  • Corrected multiple issues with the current group or raid marked NPCs being lost after zoning or death.


  • Items in the Key Rings window will now show their remaining recast time on their tooltip.
  • Increased the default width of the Name column in the Key Rings window.
  • Converted the Respawn window to the new UI engine.
  • Corrected an issue with quantities in the Alternate Currency list not having consistent alignment.
  • Fixed an issue where the EQ fullscreen window failed to react to a change in display monitor settings. This could happen if the game's fullscreen window was a different resolution or refresh rate than the desktop window.
  • Corrected an issue with the Expedition Information window's list of timers repeatedly scrolling to the top of the list.


  • RespawnWnd.html


  • EQUI_KeyRingWnd.xml
  • EQUI_RespawnWnd.xml
  • index.html
  • style.css

- The EverQuest Team

Site Update #12

Click on Read More to see all of the site updates for the month of November 2024.

Game Update 11-20-2024




  • Made performance improvements that should improve zoning times and end-of-raid lag.


  • Violet Hero's Forge Cloth Robe Ornament now counts toward the Violet Hero's Forge Cloth achievement.
  • When switching equipment sets, unused augments will now go to your item overflow after one is placed on your cursor.
  • Reduced world server lag caused by real estate item loading.

Quests & Events

  • Oasis of Fear: Corrected an issue where some NPCs could be attacked out of order.
  • Oasis of Fire: Corrected an issue with the bosses idle not resetting.
  • Oasis of Swamp: Lowered the NPC awareness range to allow players a safer location to zone in.
  • Oasis of the Jungle: Added a way for the player to reset the barrels with the boss.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the November Year of Darkpaw Illusions to malfunction.


  • Call of the Zero and Fabled Call of the Zero spells will no longer summon the player into the dragon's body.
  • NPC combatants no longer warp back to their target after being flung by spells such as Lure of the Siren's Song, Hate's Attraction, and Moving Mountains.


  • NPC should prefer walking, rather than warping, to their destination.

Progression Servers

  • Updated Mangler to be a standard live server.


  • Equipment sets should once again save empty augment slots.
  • Updated several messages that include a replay or request timer to show the amount of seconds remaining.
  • Improved zone server performance to reduce lag spikes caused by rewards given at the end of raids and in general.


  • Fixed a bug where your target was invalid after respawning until reselecting it.
  • Added a chat message when trying to tribute an item that has at least one augment in it.
  • Converted the Trade window to the new UI engine.
  • Converted the Give window to the new UI engine.
  • Fixed an issue where the Real Estate Items window failed to update correctly after placing an item.


  • GiveWnd.html
  • TradeWnd.html


  • EQUI_GiveWnd.xml
  • EQUI_TradeWnd.xml
  • index.html
  • InventoryWindowPersonas.html
  • main.css
  • NameReservationWnd.html
  • style.css

Previously Updated

  • Oasis of Sand: Corrected an issue where some NPCs could not be attacked.
  • Oasis of the Jungle: Corrected an issue where approaching the frenzied gorilla would not progress the task.
  • Added Blood of Ssraeshza to the loot lock exception list in the progression instance.

The EverQuest Team

Site Update #11

Click Read More to see all of the content updates on the site for the month of October.

Game Update 10-16-2024

Here are the game update patch notes.





  • A new heritage crate, the Drakkin Heritage Crate, is available in the marketplace.
  • The PVP flag can now be disabled on non-PVP servers. See below for more details.
  • Increased the experience characters gain for killing NPCs between levels 109 and 125. See below for more details.


  • Added a cast time and recast time to Midnight Mallet and Ivandyr's Hoop.
  • Fixed an issue where equipment sets would not load augments correctly if augments were loaded before a piece of armor. This bug will occur one more time after the next server restart.
  • The Argent Clockwork Boar Saddle is no longer Free Storage. This mount can now also be sold back to Miacallie Herlsas in Tides of Time.
  • Added backstab damage to Bestowed Dagger.
  • The heroic intelligence stat on the Terracotta Torc has been adjusted to bring it in line with original intentions.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed more than one augment of the same lore-equipped group to be equipped.
  • Aspect of the Brood is now flagged as Heirloom.
  • Metamorph: Menacing Samhain and Metamorph: Putrid Rotdog are now tagged Heirloom. Additionally, the appearance of the Putrid Rotdog should work much more reliably.

Quests & Events

  • Priest of Discord will now allow players to enable and disable PVP on non-PVP (Zek) servers through dialogue and quest turn-in. Players who wish to enable PVP will need to turn in a Tome of Discord, while players who wish to disable PVP will need to turn in a Note of Order.
  • The Earring of Rallos Zek quest line will now give all appropriate recipes, regardless of class, at each step.
  • Oasis of the Jungle: Barrels will no longer defend themselves.
  • Oasis of the Jungle: Altered the boss activation so that the task should always be completable even if steps are completed out of order.
  • Broken Key of Swamps: Eggs killed by pets should now count towards progress.
  • Oasis of Forests: This task should now execute properly if two skeleton pairs are the random choice for pre-boss NPCs.
  • Oasis of Forests: Altered the damage and duration of Howl of the Undying.


  • The Veil of Alaris teleports can be purchased from Grelulden if that character has completed the task The First Pilgrimage.


  • Required levels for enchanting Honed Reflective Emberquartz and Honed Reflective Luclinite have been adjusted

Progression Servers

  • Corrected an issue where level locked progression servers were not using the adjusted minimum level of a shared task when checking if a persona swap should be allowed.
  • Corrected an issue where trophies did not have their level requirement reduced by 10 on level locked progression servers.
  • Corrected a bad check that was causing AA scrolls to be consumed when not granting the AA on level locked progression servers.
  • Vaniki: Added challenge achievements for Night of Shadows, Laurion's Song, and The Outer Brood.


  • The level-based experience modifier will no longer apply to experience earned from rewards and some types of quests.
  • Increased the experience characters gain for killing NPCs between levels 109 and 125, inclusive. This change is based on the player's level, not the NPC's or the expansion. This change does not affect experience gained through other types of experience such as quests or rewards.
  • You can no longer swap personas while holding items on your cursor. Additionally, items that overflow to your cursor are not destroyed during a persona swap.
  • The /assist main/group/raid commands should now prioritize those roles over characters with names beginning with those words.
  • Made speculative changes and improvements to pathing to try to prevent NPCs from pathing slightly under the world.
  • Added several new loading screen tips.
  • Updated the various chat messages when using /beta to be more accurate and to use the System Messages chat filter.
  • Players may now persona swap in the Tides of Time base zone.


  • Added a Max Active Quests label to the Quests tab of the Overseer window.
  • Switching between a fullscreen EQ window and other app windows, using the ALT+TAB shortcut, should work as expected on the primary display monitor.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Mercenary Merchant window from refreshing its contents when the desktop window mode changes.
  • The Combat Abilities window will now correctly update hot buttons that share the same reuse timer.
  • The Video Modes window now updates its list of resolutions correctly.


  • EQUI_OverseerWnd.xml

The EverQuest Team