Sanctus Seru

Quick Facts





Level Range:
40 - 60

Send a correction
Mounts can't be summoned in this zone.

The city of the followers of Seru on the light side of Luclin.

Sanctus Seru is the home of a segment of the ancient Combine empire, those loyal to Seru. Their ancestors disagreed with the followers of Tsaph Katta, for reasons including letting the dark elves into the Empire, and had a violent split. Seru himself tried to assassinate Tsaph Katta, fracturing the empire. The followers of Katta moved to Luclin, and those of Seru followed in pursuit. They are a very rigid people, living under the watchful Eye in their police state.

The people of Sanctus Seru keep minimal strength in both Dawnshroud Peaks and Marus Seru, although their military strength is very good, and they could quickly respond to any threat from their high walls.
PlantlifeFlowing WaterHouse of SeruSeru ArenaBedroomWelcome to Sanctus SeruSceneryResidence
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Optio Crasa
# May 29 2022 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
Entered Sanctus Seru from the Marus Seru side & ran into a mob not currently listed "Optio Crasa" Barbarian model, seems to be on an opposing faction to the Hand of Seru etc,

Edited, May 29th 2022 3:20pm by plutoniumcanine
Wakk - 115 Berserker - Rosengard III - Phinigel.
Optio Crasa
# May 30 2022 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
plutoniumcanine wrote:
Entered Sanctus Seru from the Marus Seru side & ran into a mob not currently listed "Optio Crasa" Barbarian model, seems to be on an opposing faction to the Hand of Seru etc,

I didn't see any Optio Crasa on track but I found an [link=/db/npc.html?id=57613]Optio Wiknari[/link] (gnome model) who was missing. There are various Optios, maybe they spawn/despawn at various times ?
Optio Crasa
# May 31 2022 at 4:40 AM Rating: Excellent
OK he was up today, so [link=/db/npc.html?id=57614]I entered him[/link].
Unlisted NPC: Ornis Tranum
# Apr 06 2019 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
52 posts
In the The Eye of Trust quest, the text of this quest makes reference to an NPC named Ornis Tranum. This NPC is a human male wearing plate armor who appears to be lying down on a bed. He can be found at location negative 1263, positive 895. He /cons even at level 45.

Dharmapala Soulcaller
Disciple of Mithaniel Marr
Half-Elf Paladin of Freeport
Truth, justice, and the Antonican way!

Edited, Apr 6th 2019 6:32pm by KrodukT
Sopona Poxcaller
Heretic Shadow Knight

Nootaikok Frostcaller
Shaman of Justice

Master Brewer Biertrinker Oktoberfest
Wolf of the North

Moksha Bladecaller, Half-Elfin Rogue of Freeport
Guardian of Seru traps
# Sep 29 2016 at 9:20 PM Rating: Excellent
289 posts
So, since you can once again get on top of the buildings in the zone with the Steamjet Pack, I was curious and went to the top of Lord Seru's building. Waiting up top were a bunch of "Guardian of Seru" traps which instantly nuked me three times for 64k (i.e. until death). Fun stuff.
Guardian of Seru traps
# Sep 29 2016 at 9:34 PM Rating: Excellent
289 posts
Divine Barrier did not block the damage either.
Zone information
# Sep 26 2016 at 9:18 PM Rating: Default
This isn't listed but mounts are not allowed in this zone and you will lose your mount when zoning in.
Zone information
# Sep 26 2016 at 11:37 PM Rating: Excellent
SSJGhol wrote:
This isn't listed but mounts are not allowed in this zone and you will lose your mount when zoning in.

Thanks, added to info above zone name.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Zone information
# Jun 18 2017 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
Mounts ARE allowed in this zone. My pally is sitting on her pony now, however, the zone has stripped the lev effect from the mount.
Zone information
# Apr 14 2024 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
djstout wrote:
Mounts ARE allowed in this zone. My pally is sitting on her pony now, however, the zone has stripped the lev effect from the mount.

Getting red text:
You can not summon a mount here.

This is right at the zone line to DSP.
Zone information
# Jun 15 2019 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Actually im in there now and says can not summon mount
new mob
# Feb 24 2016 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
174 posts
Just found a new mob that wasn't listed

A Cornicularius Warder

Edited, Feb 24th 2016 9:27pm by DeathTemplar
Some more new mobs
# Mar 30 2015 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
Occasional EQ1 player
Missing mob
# Mar 29 2015 at 1:02 AM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Wiltan Crushgrip

level 48 dwarf warrior

Faction hits on killing:
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru could not possibly get any worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Seru has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Haven Smugglers could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium could not possibly get any better.
Occasional EQ1 player
Missing mob
# Mar 28 2015 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Vigilum Ealna

level 45 human warrior

Faction hits on killing
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru could not possibly get any worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Seru has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Haven Smugglers could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium could not possibly get any better.
Occasional EQ1 player
Missing mob
# Dec 20 2014 at 3:55 AM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
Grati Gemfinder

Level 52 Dwarf

Factions on killing:
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Seru has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium has been adjusted by 1.
Occasional EQ1 player
A Caravan Master
# Sep 29 2014 at 5:45 AM Rating: Excellent
514 posts
"A Caravan Master" - Sanctus Seru, male Human, plate armor, arena spectator.

- This faction was received by an Iksar Shadowknight:
Your faction standing with Shoulders of Seru could not possibly get any worse.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Seru has been adjusted by -2.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Nathyn Illuminious has been adjusted by 12.

Loot was Iron Visor, Combine Gladius, Combine Gladius, Small Brick of Yttrium Ore.
The Nathyn faction and the yttrium surprised me.

- There are a lot of factions here. Mob A will raise this and that, while Mob B will drop the same and affect others.
There will come a day when I note the many by their names which have which specific factions, but it is not this day.
~ Muse Temperance the Elf
~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
Unlisted Mob
# Jan 20 2011 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
Unlisted Mob in North West Pyramid top floor in Sanctus Seru - mob is called Centurion Brula. Female NPC in chain armour.

When killed gives following faction hits

Your faction standing with Hand of Seru could not possibly get any worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got better.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries could not possibly get any worse.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.

When killed gave the following emote:-

Centurion Brula's corpse says 'What are you staring at? Let a body die in peace.'

Dropped 16p 7g 9s 5c in coins, Flawed Defiant Chain Gloves and Combine Gladius
# Mar 15 2006 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
new mob in the NW praesertum building or whatever in the middle that's walled off. euzan jurek an euridite who aggro'd on me when i ran into him, i am not kos in this zone. not sure what he is for, in the middle of killing him now, will write what he drops in a sec. ok, dropped nothing, however, seru faction increased while katta castellum decreased, some quest mob? /loc -130, +250, +86 i think, little library type room, i ran in and out quick but i think thats the one he came out of. server coming down, will look into this w/ my druid more later. solo'd 70 warrrior, used stonewall 1 healing potion that i prolly didn't need to, buffless 8.8/1.8 about, he was a wimp, not that many hp, ran at about 20% if anyone finds out anything let me know, i'll check back. also, conned DB to me at 70.
Can I get in this zone to do a quest as a TROLL?
# Sep 27 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Greetings all. I am trying to do the quest for the sword that procs disempower. I am a Troll warrior who worships RZ. If I use a human illusion potion will it make it so that I can walk around in here up to the quest giver? I already have the broken sword, did that with my main and let my warrior loot the No Drop turn in piece.

So, if I invis before zoning into SS and then get to a safe area with no mobs/inhabitants can I use a Illusion Human potion and do my turn in. Thanks to anyone who can answer this.
LIS Tatics
# Jul 04 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
I've killed Lord Seru with 8 people before.Its a LONG fight if you dont have the bane weapons, which none of us did. LIS has an unresistable stun that lasts 1 tick i think. Anyhow i usually tanked (SK) or used a pally friend to tank him due to easy agggro with spells instead of weapon procs. HAVE AN ENCHANTER!! to mezz the add that pops near the center of the room. other then that, pull seru to the corner of his room and pin him there while the casters park behind the pillers around him (his AE is LOS) or just have all your casters stand in the middle of the room where Seru WAS before you engaged. be prepared for a long long fight. When i did him with 8, it lasted close to an hour.
# Jul 18 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
this is the most wonderful city in EQ not enough quest nor enough things of importants to make people come here. THIS should change i mean i would love to come here and see it booming like if it where PoK. So people pls take some time to run around and send alot of feedback about wanting more things involving SS
Raid Strategy for Sanctus Seru
# May 02 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
If anyone has been repeatedly successful at the 4 Praesertum and Lord Inquistor Seru and have the time, a strategy guide posted here would be a big help:

I've done some research and the following is what I've found so far. This zone has a very complex faction set up but my suggestions below should allow a raid force to gather and COH to their destination. I am a little more careful than some folks when it comes to raiding because INVIS Drops when you dont want it too and CR's and fighting your way to a mob is a waste of time when the yard trash does not drop anything valuable.

#1. FACTION: There seems to be about 6 different factions in Sanctus Seru, maybe 7. These factions are based on the storyline of the Seru/Katta struggle and relate to the storyline quite well. Reading the storyline will benefit you if you intend to do these raids more than a couple of times.
a. Four are based on the 4 Priests (Praesertum) and their followers that represent the extended Hand, Eye, Shoulders, and Heart of Seru the Entity.
b. I believe there is a 5th directly related to Seru the Mob and not Seru the Zone Boss Entity. The Preatori (Named Preatori/ Preatorian) seem to be directly linked to Seru. The Named Praetori inside the Arx were KOS to all characters I sent to Seru just by getting too close to the Arx (following along the wall and trying to click on the boarded up portal window). They came from out of no where and waxed a human paladin, human warrior, wood elf druid, halfling druid, and cleric, all of which have never killed a Seru mob and some where invis'd. These are not related to the Guardians of the Arx who seem to share a faction of their own I havent yet discovered or share faction with the town folk.
c. There is also a base faction for the Citezens of Seru and most the merchants.
d. Seru NPC's seem to have some racism.

a. The Preasertum Protectors are: (Heart) A Lictor of the Heart - LvL 60 -(Summons, Heals, Minor Nuke); (Eye) A Vigilum Cohortis - LvL 60 -(Summons, Heals, Roots, Drones of Doom); (Hand) A Signiferi of the Hand -LvL 60 -(Summons, Heals, Stuns) and (Shoulders) A Custos Armorum - LvL 60 -(Summons, Furys, Stuns, Rampage). All drop the Consortium Report but it is not always droppped. Seems to be a rare to uncommon drop. There are approximately 7-10 of them protecting each Praesertum. These are located in the 4 temples that surround the Arx (Center Building with no visible means of access). Protectors of the Praesertum (Praesertum are Seru Mini's needed for 4th Earring and Arx Key and the Protectors as I call them are the ones needed for the 3rd earring) drop the consortium reports and are identified in the quest posted elsewhere on Alla's. They are linked to the faction of the particular priest they protect. They are located in what seems to be a dead end hallway that leads to a secret passageway behind them where the Praesertum reside in their bed chambers. Obviously they all will attack you if you attack one of them. The mobs nearby will assist as well but once inside this hidden hallway I only found the protectors save one Praesertum area guarded by two named mobs.

b. The Preaseturm are:
Praesertum Bikun /loc 7.84, 234.20, 157.75
Praesertum Matpa /loc -855.33, -671.87, 157.75
Praesertum Rhugol /loc 5.05, -686.12, 157.75
Praesertum Vantorus /loc -875.18, 211.99, 157.75

I am not sure which represents the extended parts of Seru (Hand, Eye, Heart, Shoulder) at this time.

#3. RAID SET UP - This is a Call of Hero style Raid. You will need a 55+ Mage. I would advise against fighting your way there because of time and unecessary faction hits:
a. GATHER RAID FORCE - Regardless of which mobs you are after, the best place I found to avoid a whole lot of agro is the larger open area in the hallway just inside Sanctus Seru from Marus Seru zone. Its large enough to gather a good sized force and far enough away to avoid agroing nearby NPC's. There are only 2 guards inside and 1 wandering female barbarian who does not like dark races. These mobs were anywhere from Lvl 45 to 52. This raid requires levels above 55 and I highly recommend everyone be above Level 60. You will need mostly casters/nukers/rangers and a handful of melee.
b. PROTECTORS/PRAESERTUM - SUMMON RAID -Use a non-kos mage and non-kos druid that will not participate in battle so they can remain NON-KOS. Escort mage to the appropriate spot with the druid (I am using a level 52 but a lower level would work fine) who has bound at the raid force and make the druid Group Leader. Escort them to the room outside the chambers of the Preasertum, gate the druid to bind and begin inviting and COH'ing the raid force Invis'd. Keeping members invis'd allows time for the raid force to gather and avoid unnecessary/premature agro. I believe this should work for the 4th Earring (Killing the Praesertum) but I am not sure of the agro radius within the chambers. I will find out soon and post it here.

#4. RAID STRATEGY - Some information I have gathered below could be useful.
a. PROTECTORS: When killing the mobs for the 3rd Earring quest, you can coh the raid force to a room near each NPC that leads to the hallway to the Praesertum Chambers, however, I think its best to start inward and work you way out. If you start outside, its a good idea to have someone designated to handle adds not related to these mobs so they can root and mem blur as you move deeper towards the Preasertum. As said, there are 7-10 of these mobs all named the same and each with a chance of dropping the consortium report. Experience sucks and loot sucks otherwise. A group of 60+ can handle them easily with a good tank and healer, slower recommended.
b. PRAESERTUM: These mobs are LEVEL 66!When killing the 4 mini bosses for the 4th earring keep in mind, Each of them will banish you to a location inside Seru if you try to direct melee them. Stay out of melee range and use pets, nukes and ranged melee items. I would recommend 8 people. A necro, 2 mage's, shaman, enchanter, 2 clerics, 2 65 rangers to make it as fast as possible.
c. LORD SERU: 1 Arx Key can get an entire raid force into Seru's Chambers if done right by binding the Key Holder at Raid Gathering Spot and making them Group Leader and using a wizard to tele to bind or gate potions/gate what have you...
(1) Noted: There is a way to get into the hallway outside of the Arx. I found it once with my main and cant seem to find it again. If anyone has a /loc on this portal, plz post here. I was not KOS to all mobs, but with invis I was able to run around the entire outside hallway of the Arx.
(2) Elsewhere on Alla's is a post about the inside of Seru's chambers stating that moving to one corner lessons the agro of mobs outside his chamber. I am not sure where exactly the Arx key puts you inside his chambers. I assume its somewhere outside of agro range since clicking on the Arx key would drop any invis effect you would have.
(3) As explained above, trying to gain access into the Arx by looking for secret passages and portals along the outside walls of the Arx will get you killed.
(4) You can only do direct melee with LIS if you have Bane Seru weapons. He works just like Valdanov Zevfleer in Tenebrous Mts. (Loyalist Shield Quest). Make sure you have 1-3 tanks with Bane Seru weapons keeping him occupied why the rest nuke.

I would appreciate the assistance of those who have been fortunate and powerful enough to take out LIS on repeated occasions to provide the rest of us with some helpful info. Also, any nice votes on this message are appreciated.
Lord Palamus Holyblade
80th Soldier of Mithaniel Marr
Ex Commander
Knights of the Holy Blade
Raid Strategy for Sanctus Seru
# Apr 28 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Me and my guild are going to be doing LIS soon.

My guild leader has finished all 4 of the earrings and only needs Seru's head to finish the last one.

I did the first one last night, and will be doing the second one tonight.

Seeing as none of us have ever been into the Arx or seen LIS, I do not know any strategies, but will be finding out soon.
Arx Key
# Feb 26 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
The Quest for the Arx Key (unlimited charges of group gate into Seru's chamber) begins in Katta Castellum. The NPC is Elnerick Augustleaf.

To obtain the key, 4 shards are needed. One from each of the 4 Praesertums in Sanctus.

Edited, Thu Feb 26 12:52:39 2004
RE: Arx Key
# Mar 31 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Is this locked door rogue pickable with max skill or max skill plus a modifier?

Thanks in advance
RE: Arx Key
# Jul 04 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
The Arx key is a teleport, there are no doors to enter to the arx as far as I know.

info on seru???
# Aug 26 2003 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Is anyone willing to share some information about Seru himself now that we've had links to weapons and key quests.

Strat info isn't really necessary, but knowing what he hits for, if he's indeed slowable, and if there are any mobs leading up to him in the pyramid would be very helpful!

# May 30 2003 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
If you want faction for this zone, kill "Thought Leech's" (and anything else that spawns in the TL cave in Mons Letalis. There are plenty of mobs there to keep you busy, and everything in the cave raises Santus Seru faction. Not sure bout the rest of the ML zone..
# May 05 2003 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know if it was the numerous times I killed at the top of the tower in Mons Letalis, or the Several times I have killed the Servitor of Luclin and Grieg himself but I am ally to this city and even the wandering guard does not attack me. So those are some idea's about how to get faction. I would say it was probably the Servitor of Luclin though as I did not do the tower that many times.
Faction: Sanctus Seru or Katta?
# May 03 2003 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
I am thinking of murdering the Sanctus Seru guards for experience, but am worried about ruining my faction. I am an Ogre Shaman and will be fighting with an Ogre Shadowknight. I have a feeling there is not much that I can do to get un-KOS in Sanctus, nevermind actually able to talk to anyone in the city. Never the less, if there actually was a reason that i would want to keep my faction up in Sanctus I'd leave these guards alone. I've been told that most people just end up slaughtering their Sanctus faction because the quests in Katta are much better anyway. Any insight would be appreciated.
# Nov 24 2002 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
are IKSAR KOS in this place?

Bongger Puffpuffpass
35th year
Prophets of Emain Albach
TP Server
# Apr 30 2003 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
well this iksar was... it sucked too... right at the zone line. it took me forever to get my body back
Seru Bane Weapons
# Oct 02 2002 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
For those of you who are interested in making Seru Bane weapons. Here is some good info. Look up Luclin Zones, then click on Ssraeshza Temple and then click on Quest lists, then click Seru Bane weapons. To make Seru Bane weapons you will need brewing 240 or higher, smithing 250.

The weapons are pretty nice, even if you never get to use them for Seru hehe.

Gattil Honeynuts
Level 60 Hierophant Tallon Zek
Arx key
# Aug 08 2002 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
What is the name of npc that gives quest for Arx key? i read Elnerick Augustleaf somewhere and am unable to find him or anyone associated with quest.
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