Volska's Husk

Quick Facts





Level Range:
85 - 90

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Volska's Husk is the carcass of a slain Greken. The Greken are a race of massive serpents that live in the lava of Underfoot.
They are shepherds of the magma, which is the life blood of Norrath.
These serpents exist to herd magma to where it is needed within the Underfoot, on Norrath, and in other realms... For more lore surrounding Volksa's Husk, check out this news posting.

This zone is an open zone for anyone of a certain level (90? this level is not confirmed). It is otherwise opened up through progression. See this wiki article for information.
The EntranceVolska's HuskThe BridgeOutside the HeartMephit CaveThe Bellikos Lecturer Appears in the Sporali CavesDwarven RaidersAutarchian DenInside the Greken's HeartNesting EggsThe Lava Fall
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Hunter's Guide to Volska's Husk
# Jun 05 2021 at 6:28 PM Rating: Excellent
169 posts
Add to stonesnake_1.txt file:
P 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,          127, 64, 0,  2,  0 
P -500.0000, -375.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  500 
P -250.0000, -375.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  250 
P 0.0000, -375.0000, 0.0000,       127, 64, 0,  2,  0 
P 250.0000, -375.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -250 
P 500.0000, -375.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -500 
P 750.0000, -375.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -750 
P -603.0000, -260.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  250 
P -603.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,       127, 64, 0,  2,  0 
P -603.0000, 240.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -250 
P -603.0000, 490.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -500 
P -603.0000, 740.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -750 
P -603.0000, 990.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  -1000 
P -603.0000, 1240.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  -1250 
P -603.0000, 1490.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  -1500 
P 110.0000, 1600.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  File_Set_=_stonesnake.txt 
P -640.0000, 1900.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  Deathspore_=_a_Autarchian_harvester 
P -640.0000, 2000.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  Forman_Growl_=_an_Autarchian 
P -640.0000, 2100.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  Mature_Greken_=_a_sessiloid 
P -640.0000, 2200.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  Mistress_Lisjani_=_a_Autarchian_Sentry 
P -640.0000, 2300.0000, 0.0000,    127, 64, 0,  2,  Scout_Flametongue_=_a_lava_mephit 
P 860.0000, 1900.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  Skin_Borer_Beetle_=_a_stone_husk_beetle 
P 860.0000, 2000.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  Slag_Golem_=_a_lava_golem 
P 860.0000, 2100.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  Stoneskull_Spider_=_a_stone_husk_hunter 
P 860.0000, 2200.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  Taskmaster_Jialli_=_an_Autarchian 
P 860.0000, 2300.0000, 0.0000,     127, 64, 0,  2,  Trickster_Flamescar_=_a_mephit

Add to stonesnake_2.txt file:
P 190.3578, 1021.3915, -77.9473,   0, 127, 0,  3,  Convorteum 
P -78.5496, -22.2333, -4.2731,     0, 127, 0,  3,  Arthicrex 
P -35.2324, 363.9415, -98.0026,    240, 240, 240,  2,  Greken's_Nest 
P 125.9222, 635.3331, -151.5307,   240, 240, 240,  2,  Greken's_Heart 
P 370.3238, -151.7787, -57.2789,   240, 240, 240,  2,  Mephit_Lair 
P 145.2166, 999.5273, -55.1607,    240, 240, 240,  2,  Lava_Pool 
P -285.1988, 899.7175, -43.3101,   240, 240, 240,  2,  Autarchian_Den 
P 459.6434, 541.5292, -150.4368,   240, 240, 240,  2,  Fungi_Colony 
P 556.6053, 499.1828, -125.2703,   0, 0, 240,  2,  Omnus_Vigilcap_(Quest) 
P -39.0165, 1191.6232, -129.5151,  0, 0, 240,  2,  Adins_Tarbrew 
P -247.6914, 1114.8407, -96.4608,  0, 0, 240,  2,  Interix_Tanglefuze 
P -454.9753, 1131.5862, -60.1629,  0, 0, 240,  2,  Leathereyes 
P -222.0043, 889.2996, -41.1360,   0, 0, 240,  2,  Bitelock_the_Quartermaster 
P 137.3232, 1022.9407, -42.6165,   0, 0, 240,  2,  Tayna_Swiftmind 
P -148.2717, 902.2791, -39.6670,   0, 0, 240,  2,  Stoutanvil_the_Crafter 
P 637.7031, 529.4968, -143.0764,   0, 0, 240,  2,  Fibros_Geripon 
P 202.5028, 547.3279, -138.8204,   0, 0, 240,  2,  Aremaas_the_Mouth 
P 159.8266, 124.9616, -44.6861,    0, 0, 240,  2,  Gihbra_Artinguard 
P 208.1434, 402.8298, -117.8486,   0, 0, 240,  1,  Husk_Minerals 
P 347.8410, 676.5518, -136.0011,   127, 0, 0,  2,  Bellikos_Lecturer 
P -60.5652, 1103.9209, -134.5296,  127, 0, 0,  2,  a_bellikos_overseer

Add to stonesanke_3.txt file:
P 706.6902, 500.0334, -146.6145,    240, 0, 0,  2,  Deathspore 
P -211.0007, 1310.5796, -111.3251,  240, 0, 0,  2,  Foreman_Growl 
P -344.7039, 533.9459, -100.2611,   240, 0, 0,  2,  Mature_Greken 
P 598.0978, 636.9662, -106.7490,    240, 0, 0,  2,  Mistress_Lisjani 
P 604.6169, 136.5928, -135.8442,    240, 0, 0,  2,  Scout_Flametongue 
P 585.9841, 11.0470, -108.2099,     240, 0, 0,  2,  Scout_Flametongue 
P 222.5572, 91.1058, -63.1855,      240, 0, 0,  2,  Skin_Borer_Beetle 
P -452.0000, 1081.0000, -65.0000,   240, 0, 0,  2,  Skin_Borer_Beetle 
P 202.5306, 176.6026, -73.5442,     240, 0, 0,  2,  Slag_Golem 
P 277.0000, 223.0000, -100.0000,    240, 0, 0,  2,  Slag_Golem 
P -105.5984, 907.9462, -53.2988,    240, 0, 0,  2,  Stoneskull_Spider 
P -441.9599, 1221.1885, -66.6073,   240, 0, 0,  2,  Taskmaster_Jialli 
P 370.8571, -129.6947, -59.1049,    240, 0, 0,  2,  Trickster_Flamescar

Edited, Jun 5th 2021 7:28pm by Wadin
Wadin Pureheart of Quellious
Zoning in
# Oct 13 2017 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
How does one zone into Volska's Husk from Arthicrex? click on something?
Zoning in
# May 08 2021 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
Just clarifying for myself and anyone else who is :-) so word specific.

You don't levitate "over" as is go over to the other side of it, you actually drop down into the ravine and follow it to the right. You follow it around into the moth of spikes and the lava pit in it. Inside there is a metal circle on the ground. Click it and you will enter VH.

Zoning in
# Oct 14 2017 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
wpnldr wrote:
How does one zone into Volska's Husk from Arthicrex? click on something?

Once in Arthicrex, levitate, move over the ravine in front of you, then go to your right, there's an alcove with a few cliknars inside (they see through invis) and the zone out to Volska's Husk (screenshot) that looks like a giant mouth with spikes.
Named Locations.
# Jan 07 2014 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Put these in your Maps\Stonesnake_2.txt file if you missing any.

P -448.0000, 1126.0000, -63.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Leathereyes
P -39.0000, 1190.0000, -129.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Adins_Tarbrew
P 184.0000, 1014.0000, -70.0000, 0, 0, 240, 3, Convorteum
P -66.0000, -14.0000, -5.0000, 0, 0, 240, 3, Arthicrex
P 198.0000, 549.0000, -142.0000, 0, 127, 0, 2, Aremaas_the_Mouth
P 129.0000, 630.0000, -151.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Greken_Heart
P -293.0000, 1103.0000, -97.0000, 0, 127, 127, 3, Stoutanvil_the_Crafter
P -253.0000, 1113.0000, -96.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Interix_Tanglefuz
P 165.0000, 132.0000, -53.0000, 0, 127, 127, 3, Gihbra_Artinguard
P 563.0000, 501.0000, -126.0000, 0, 127, 127, 3, Omnus_Vigilcap
P 594.0000, 639.0000, -109.0000, 127, 0, 0, 3, Mistress_Lisjani
P -205.0000, 1311.0000, -110.0000, 0, 127, 127, 3, Bitelock_the_Quartermaster
P -312.0000, 916.0000, -46.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Autarchian_Den
P 277.0000, 223.0000, -100.0000, 127, 0, 0, 3, Slag_Golem
P 417.0000, -57.0000, -58.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Mephit's_Lair
P 426.0000, 541.0000, -150.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Fungi_colony
P 151.0000, 978.0000, -50.0000, 127, 0, 0, 3, Slag_Golem
P 209.0000, 1029.0000, -87.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Lava_Pool
P 197.0000, 1022.0000, -84.0000, 127, 0, 0, 3, Deathspore
P -95.0000, 825.0000, -84.0000, 127, 0, 0, 3, Deathspore
P -452.0000, 1081.0000, -65.0000, 127, 0, 0, 3, Skin_Borer_Beetle
P -37.0000, 352.0000, -101.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Greken_Nest
P 642.0000, 526.0000, -145.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Fibrros_Geripon
# Apr 18 2010 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
167 posts
Guess it is worth noting you don't need T8 access to zone in VH. Just having the 4 T9 progression missions is enough.
Zare - Erollisi Marr
Zuggle - Aradune/Mangler
# May 07 2013 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
485 posts
I think its worth noting that some time after your post you no longer need any progression done to zone in.
zone wide random drop
# Jan 02 2010 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
zone wide sandal drop

<a href="http://s153.photobucket.com/albums/s215/newdruid/EQ/?action=view&current=sandals.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s215/newdruid/EQ/sandals.jpg" border="0" alt="sandles"></a>

zone wide random drop
# Feb 04 2010 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
The image link is broken at the moment, but in his album it shows these sandals, which I believe are the ones Sleanie means to link to:
Autarchian Sandals
With the corrected image link being:

Edited, Feb 4th 2010 9:45am by dafdaf
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