Pillars of Alra

Quick Facts


Veil of Alaris



Level Range:
95 - 95

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VOA Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

This is a Tier 4 zone that is accessed via a small path behind the Resplendent Temple and is connected to Windsong Sanctuary.

Extending above the lake is a shimmering walkway that leads to a desolate island -- the burial site of the fallen god, Alra. Further walkways lead away from this island to the four surrounding Pillars, each of which home to the followers of Alra. They are segregated into Arcane, Natural, Darkness, and Light. As the magic of Alra is segregated in this manner, so are Alra's followers. The opposing Pillars appear to be locked in unending warfare, each vying for followers and preaching the message that they are the one true path to proper worship.

The residents of each Pillar are generally unhostile toward outsiders, but that may be quick to change if adventurers prove to be uninterested in anything more than killing and pillaging. It is worth noting that you can gain favor with the various groups by running errands or slaying their opposition...
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Unlisted NPC - An Unimposing Figure
# Aug 10 2017 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
281 posts
I found an NPC not on the current list:

NPC Name: An Unimposing Figure.
Race: Wood Elf.
Consider: Dark Blue to level 105. An Unimposing Figure regards you indifferently -- he appears to be quite formidable.
Appearance: Dressed in all black, wielding a sword and shield. Saying "dressed" is not entirely correct, however, as there is no visible armor or clothing, simply solid black shading, as if its covered in shadows or nothing at all. The sword has a ghostly-flame on it, and the shield has two back-to-back dragon heads breathing fire to either side.

When hailed, this is the response:

You say, 'Hail, an unimposing figure'
An unimposing figure stands ardently surveying the mountains in the distance, as if he is watching for some revelation to signal out from the Resplendent Temple. After a moment he turns to you, offering a quick but courteous nod of the head. As he speaks his voice puts you at ease in the same way the voice of an old familiar friend visiting from across the continent would, 'Norrath is a beautiful place, where else could so many strangers of such differing means come together to become allies and [friends]?' He smirks, 'I assure you Kuua does not offer these same liberties.'

You say, 'friends'
An unimposing figure nods, 'What would our world be without friendship? I'd wager the suit of armor you'd be able to cobble together without anyone else's help wouldn't look half as respectable as the fine garb you're draped in now.' He sighs and looks down over his brilliant obsidian platemail, 'But to be fair, neither would mine. [I will] never forget those I called friend and ally. Should you encounter any of them, please tell them I am well. The memories of our joyous triumphs shall be enough to ensure that I am never far from their hearts even in my retirement here.'

You say, 'I will'
An unimposing figure smiles, 'Thank you, friend. Be well and may the gods watch your step in your travels. I will always be here should you ever wish to share a moment of silence and enjoy the beauty of these lands.'
Unlisted NPC - An Unimposing Figure
# Jul 07 2022 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
Ok, so back in 2013 I lost my good friend in a house fire, his name was Drew Bartlett. He was an EQ legend at the time on the Terris-Thule server; EQ was his game of choice and it became a part of his life as he dealt with health issues. His character was Bartlot, a Dwarf Paladin. Anyway, he played a ton and a bunch of his buddies were essentially his guildies in EQ.

After his death, we noticed how many of his online friends paid their respects to him and his family in real life and it was proof that the friends that he had made in this game really loved him and at the time of his passing, his guildies and adventure buddies made his difficult life rich and full of the social aspects that guys like him thrive on. They were a huge part of his life and even though this is an online video game, it was super important to him, as it is to many people.

The guild at the time, looks like he ended up in Silent Minority, petitioned Sony EQ to install some sort of memorial of Drew and his experience with the game due to his untimely and tragic passing, and this NPC is what they came up with. He talks about the importance of friendship and the relationships you gain in adventuring.

I think this was the last zone he was in when they looked at his account, so here he stays, must have been the xpac of the time. He was obsessed with the Crown of Deceit and so that is why the NPC is a wood elf, he always had the illusion on, like always. The sword and shield were likely what he was rocking at the time.

I wasn't playing back in 2013 while he was, and I always knew this NPC was out there, but I am playing again regularly and was just going to take an alt over here and do some xping when I was reminded of this, now I'm crying like a little *****. Miss you Drew, see you in game.
Travel to Alra from Resplendent Temple
# May 08 2017 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
267 posts
Not too hard once you know how:

Invis up. Invis is reliable up till the point that you can 'find' route.
Cross over the bridge to Temple opposite the ZI from Sarith at south of zone.
Head north through temple on ground floor until you reach a circular chamber at loc 2335, -25, -20
Head north up semicircular ramp to next floor then carry on north to next chamber.
'Find' will now work, path is a convoluted route up ramps, through a centre section then one of two sets of ramps before reaching gardens at top.

In the second section, your only see invis mobs are the Nitore Probers.
However, since all the standard mobs are random, if you are there some time after a server reset and if other players have been sociable, there shouldn't be any Probers around because your predecessors will have only killed off the Probers. Yeah, right...

I've tried to find the lev route between towers but it's more trouble than it's worth. There are "gusts of wind" at the top which knock you off course and drop your invis. Go with Plan A.

Nitore Elders in the first section can also see invis, so if you've trashed your faction they will agro. But if you've been in zone long enough to trash your faction you'll hardly be reading this post ;-)

Edited, Jun 30th 2017 11:37am by Chardlb
Chard ~ 115 Magician of Bertoxxulous
Mean Ole Men
Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
Travel to Alra from Resplendent Temple
# Sep 23 2021 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
Server re-boot so I had to take the lev route. The 1st tower your looking for is entered on the bottom floor, best to use the one on the left since the one on the right has aggro mobs, both spiral up in small circles. Once you get to the top theres a platform in front and if you look to your left you see another tower. lev over to the platform and get to the 2nd tower in this space you get hit by the wind, but since there are no mobs on the platform you don't need to worry about invis dropping. Once you get to the 2nd tower what you want to do is levi climb the walls that make up the door to the inside of the tower. Invis up and now for the old school lev trick. Face the platform you want to walk to and look straight up. Then off you go.

What a pain!!
Travel to Alra from Resplendent Temple
# Sep 23 2020 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Heh Charb funny to read a useful post from someone I know in game :D

Travel to Alra from Resplendent Temple
# Jan 17 2019 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Thank you!
Travel to Alra from Resplendent Temple
# Oct 15 2017 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Perfect directions, thank you.
Port if having trouble through temple
# Oct 08 2016 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I recommend getting a port this location. Druids and Wizards can port this area at level 92.
Ssauleron Soulrender
Iksar Bloodreaver
Getting there
# Jun 15 2016 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
there is a path behind the temple but you need to go through the temple to get to it. I never did find the tower to lev. from, or lev there for that matter. you can walk through the temple by hugging the walls and going slowly, and get through safely, I did this three times while getting my port spells. Any attempt to lev. through just led to the outside, or to the middle of the temple to get mobbed by STI mobs.
This is a tough one....
# Jun 03 2016 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
131 posts
I can't find my way through the Temple to get to the ramp to Pillars of Alra. Getting to one of the two circular towers" that are accessible form the Temple seems pretty difficult. I've died a few times now trying to wander around. Not sure the route. Maybe just too difficult to explain on this site....<sigh>
# Aug 05 2012 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
is the path achly behind Resplendent Temple or do you have to go in side the temple
# Sep 29 2013 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,026 posts
thorongil7399 wrote:
is the path achly behind Resplendent Temple or do you have to go in side the temple

There is no path "behind" the Temple. Either you have to run thru the Temple, which invariably involves aggroing SI hostile mobs or you have to lev from one of the two circular "towers" that are accessible from the no-agro part of the Temple.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
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