Grimling Forest

Quick Facts





Level Range:
25 - 50

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This thicket of growing fungi is located to the south of the Tenebrous Mountains. Once a stronghold for the Vah Shir who used the caves in the west as a source of acrylia, this region is controlled by the grimlings of Luclin. To the south of this forest is Hollowshade Moor while the Acrylia Caverns make up a network of caves to its west, home to the Grimlings and Khati Sha.

While the region consists mostly of Grimlings, there are plenty of local wildlife as well, specifically owlbears and sonic wolves. There are also a few bandit camps scattered about the forest. In the southeastern corner of the forest is an adventurer-friendly outpost of Vah Shir with guards, vendors, and a banker.
Grimling ForestGrimling EncampmentTo the Acrylia CavernsVah Shir OutpostBandit CampA Bridge Hangs Over a Steep EmbankmentLocal WildlifeEntering the Acrylia Caverns
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The Grimling War
# Sep 22 2016 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
528 posts
> The Grimling War is an event that takes place throughout the entire Grimling Forest. There are a number of drops that are obtained from multiple named throughout the event and it is required to be completed in order to do a number of quests whose Questgivers will not spawn until its completion.

> In order to progress through the war the player(s) involved will follow various Vah Shir NPCs located in the Vah Shir fort in the southeast of the zone to specific Grimling camps scattered throughout the zone. Some of the camps are locked behind successfully overtaking the previous camps and it is STRONGLY advised to only attack a single camp at a time as sending multiple Vah Shir NPCs out simultaneously can cause scripts to not trigger correctly.

> War progress can be viewed at any time by speaking to General Staginar located in one of the small buildings inside the Vah Shir fort.


You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'

General Staginar says 'Greetings, Ducreux. I'm troubled that we have not yet been able to fully clear out the remaining Grimlings from the camps they still hold, I know [which camps] we have to assault to proceed, and it'll be just a matter of time before we can move forth with our plans.'

You say, 'which camps'

General Staginar says 'My scouts report the following to me...'
We have not yet cleared camp one to the North!
We have not yet cleared camp two, to the North, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp three, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp four, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp five, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp six, to the West, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp seven, to the Northwest, of enemy forces.
We have not yet cleared camp eight, along the river to the North!
We have not yet cleared camp nine, to the North, of enemy forces.

> To begin the War (assuming no camps are currently cleared) speak to one of the three Scouts located inside the Vah Shir fort. NOTE: It does not matter which Scout you send out, they will all select a camp at random and you only need to speak to one of them.

You say, 'Hail, Scout Husman'

Scout Husman says 'Greetings, Bobbybick. Are you [here to help]? You've no doubt heard of the issues with the Grimlings throughout the forest. I fear we may not be able to push them back enough this time to keep our people safe from the dastardly deeds of those vile things. Reports have come in that they may be trying to come at us from the North. While it wouldn't be unheard of, such a move might prove to be a decoy for other attacks coming from the West.'

You say, 'here to help'

Scout Danarin says 'I'm glad to hear it. From our reports, they have a rather small group of soldiers North of here, comprising of two encampments not far from each other. We must begin pushing the Grimlings back to their mines so they cannot continue to have a stronghold in this area. For now, you must gather together a group of soldiers to venture with you to help us clear one of the camps out. When you are [ready to go], inform me of such and I will lead you to the camp where you can make preparations for battle.'

You say, 'ready to go'

Scout Danarin says 'Right, then. We'll be making our way to, what we believe, is their number one camp, leading the way for the other camp northward down to us. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be making our way to the camp in just a minute.'

> Follow the scout to Camp 1.

Scout Danarin says 'Here we are, at their primary camp to the direct North of our outpost. It is up to you to clear the camp of these worrisome Grimlings so we can help to push them back into those wretched mines. They'll likely use the hills behind those huts as cover for their casters, but be sure to clear out those in the huts first, as they will no doubt be more trouble than you are expecting. Also, watch out for any officers, as they can cause more problems still if you're not careful. When you are [ready to start], let me know and I will let you loose to wreak havoc on the Grimlings of that camp.'

Your primary objective is to eliminate the main force of the camp and then assault the casters on the hills afterward. Good luck!

You say, 'I am ready to start'

Scout Danarin says 'Now is the time, my friends, to prove yourselves in the thick of battle! Charge to the enemy and leave no Grimling standing!'

> Clear the camp of Grimlings, some will be untargettable until the others are killed. After you have fully cleared all the generic grimlings Arcanist Ukigit will become targetable. Defeat him in order to successfully take Camp 1.

>Speak to a Scout again to begin the assault on Camp 2.

You say, 'ready to go'

Scout Derrin says 'Right, then. We'll be making our way to their secondary camp, which we believe follows the first into battle and may be the back up lines for the first camp. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be making our way to the camp in just a minute.'

>Follow the scout to Camp 2

Scout Derrin says 'We have arrived at the second camp to the direct North of our outpost. It is up to you to clear the camp of these bothersome Grimlings so we can help to push them back into those desolate mines. Our reports suggest that they have powerful shaman who may try to stop you with spirits of the land. Do not let them consume you with their shamanistic ways, and instead focus on the rest of the Grimlings in the camp. When you are [ready to begin], let me know and I will let you loose to rid this camp of it's foul denizens.'

You say, 'ready to begin'

Scout Husman says 'To arms, now! Rush into the heart of the beast and emerge victorious, as we have discussed! Charge!'

> Clear the camp of grimlings. NOTE : There currently is a bug where one of the "a grimling gruntling" for this camp spawns in the far west of the zone then has some glitchy pathing causing him to often get stuck inside the tunnels leading to Acrylia caverns. Common areas he is found have been marked on the map but it is recommended to bring a tracker that can sort by latest spawntime. Once all the grimlings in the camp and the bugged gruntling are dead the 4 Spiritchanters by the fire should become targettable. Killing these 4 will spawn Soul Echo, another named Grimling, whose defeat will cause Camp 2 to be successfully taken.

At this point you can now speak to either Captain Necin or ANY of the 3 Veterans located in the Vah Shir base camp in order to proceed in attacking Camps 3-9.

Speaking to the Veterans will lead you to attacking (randomly) camps 3, 4, 5, and 6. Captain will lead to camps 7, 8, and 9.

You say, 'Hail, Veteran Cullin'

Veteran Cullin says 'Greetings to you, Bobbybick. Are you [here to help] further our cause and continue to push back the Grimling forces? You look to be no stranger to the battles that go on and seem to be competent enough to aid us in this, our daily fight.'

You say, 'here to help'

Veteran Cullin says 'I'm glad to hear that. As you may or may not know, the Grimlings have a series of camps to the West, where they can easily push forward to take us out. We must strike them before they have a chance to do this. You will need to gather two groups of capable soldiers together for this mission, as it will be quite dangerous. When you are [ready to go], let me know and I will lead the way to one of the camps.'

You say, 'ready to go'

Veteran Cullin says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to the camp closest to the base, directly West of us. We believe that to be the spearhead of the area, and will lead the rest of the camps nearby were an attack to occur. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow the Veteran to camp 3

Veteran Cullin says 'This is it, the third camp in the forest, directly West of our outpost. We leave it in your hands to dispatch these vile Grimlings so we can help to push them back into those austere mines. I have had Scout Felles meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

Veteran Cullin says 'Scout Felles, what do you have to report?'

Your primary objective is to eliminate the main force of the camp yet maintain control of the reinforcements. Good luck!

Scout Felles says 'Sir, it looks as though the layout of this camp provides for a small number of initial Grimlings, however they will be reinforced quickly once a battle begins from outside the camp. I advise keeping calm and maintaining focus or else you will be lost in this fight. When you are [ready to start], inform the Veteran of such so he can direct you to the fight and clear the spearhead that this camp is for the Grimlings.'

You say, 'ready to start'

Veteran Cullin lets out a howling war cry and shouts 'Rid the forest of those dastardly Grimlings, attack!'

> Clear the grimling camp. Once the initial spawn is cleared 7-8 more grimlings will rush into the camp which also need to be killed. After all generic grimlings are down named grimling Officer Tregli will spawn. Defeating him will cause Camp 3 to be Successfully Taken.

> Speak to another Veteran to begin the next assault.

You say, 'ready to go'

Veteran Darznel says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to the fourth camp in the forest, directly behind the spearhead of camp three. This is the main force that could cause considerable trouble were they to attack, so it is imperative we clear out whatever forces are there. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow the Veteran to Camp 4

Veteran Darznel says 'Stay close, we are among the other camps and there's no way to know for sure if other of those dastardly Grimlings are nearby. We are depending on you to make this fight short and without cause, and to help push back these wicked beasts from whence they came. I have had Scout Nivren meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

Veteran Darznel says 'Scout Nevrin, what do you have to report?'

Your primary objective is to rid the camp of its soldiers, and be wary of the clerics until that is accomplished. Good luck!

Scout Nivren says 'Sir, we have heard that they keep their best clerics in this camp to help heal and revive the front lines during an attack. We have also heard that they gain their strength from the number of Grimling soldiers near to them, so keep that in mind. When you are [ready to begin], let the Veteran know so he can direct you to the fight to slay the clerics that are keeping the forces of evil healed and ready to fight.'

You say, 'ready to begin'

Veteran Darznel says 'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! Let no Grimling escape their fate!'

> Clear the camp of grimlings. NOTE: The grimlings here will instantly respawn as you kill them until the right ones are defeated or pulled away from the others. Defeating all the grimlings will successfully take Camp 4.

> Speak to another Veteran to begin the next assault.

You say, 'ready to go'

Veteran Darznel says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to the fifth camp in the forest, at the tail end of the camps in that area. It is our belief that this camp holds the reinforcement wave of their attack force, so it is important to rid ourselves of the threat. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow the Veteran to camp 5.

Veteran Darznel says 'Do not stray, we are in the thick of the enemy and might be surprised at any moment. You are the hope we have for securing this camp for the cause and helping to push back those contemptible Grimlings to the mines. I have had Scout Harsbren meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

Veteran Darznel says 'Scout Harsbren, what do you have to report?'

Your primary objective is to clear out the main force of the camp and eliminate the more powerful casters nearby. Good luck!

Scout Harsbren says 'Sir, this is their long-range support camp, with some of their more powerful casters in tow. From the looks of it, they are planning some kind of specialized magic attack that will likely injure some in your party. Do not let it stop you though, for only great resilience will help you win this fight. When you are [ready to fight], let the Veteran know so he can direct you to the fight and clear out this menace before it has a chance to come to fruition.'

You say, 'ready to fight'

Veteran Darznel says 'Remember your training, and let the blood of beasts drench your swords!'

> Clear the camp of grimlings. There is a group of grimling casters on top of the hill on a wooden platform that will cast weak spells on you, defeat them as well. Clearing the entire camp will successfully take over Camp 5.

> Speak to another Veteran to begin the next assault.

You say, 'ready to go'

Veteran Cullin says 'Very well, then. We'll be making our way to a trailing, sixth camp, North of the other three. It is believed that in an attack, this camp would make up a flanking force and would come around from behind us and leave us no room to retreat. We must make sure that none of the Grimlings are allowed to pursue this line of attack. Make sure you have everyone you need with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow the Veteran to camp 6.

Veteran Cullin says 'We've made it at last. Do not stray, we do not know where there may be Grimlings ready to jump out and attack. We are depending on you soldiers to help clear out this camp so that we can further our push into the heart of the Grimling forces and overtake the town at last. I have had Scout Korin meet us here to give us the latest intelligence on the camp before we begin.'

Veteran Cullin says 'Scout Korin, what do you have to report?'

Your primary objective is to eliminate the main force of the camp yet maintain control of the reinforcements. Keep an eye out for any officers that join the battle. Good luck!

Scout Korin says 'Sir, this camp seems to be similar to camp three, except that it is more heavily fortified from the mines beyond. This camp is the focal point for a flanking maneuver, so it is crucial that they are eliminated. There are reports that they have an officer among them, so keep your eyes out for him during your battle. When you are [ready to battle], let the Veteran know so he can direct you to the fight and clear out this flanking threat before they have a chance to strike.'

You say, 'ready to battle'

Veteran Cullin says 'The battle begins here and now! Charge in and let them see we will not be opposed!'

> Clear the camp of grimlings. After the first initial spawn some more grimlings should appear with an untargettable Officer Grugaht with them, clear the rest of the generic grimlings to make him attackable. After the Officer is defeated Camp 6 will be successfully taken.

> Speak to Captain Necin to begin the assaults on Camps 7-9

You say, 'Hail, Captain Necin'

Captain Necin says 'Strength to you, Bobbybick. Have you come to [aid us] in our fight against the vile Grimlings of this forest as they try to push forth and destroy us? You certainly look capable enough to do just that and I would hope that you are not just here to gawk while we fight a worthwhile fight for our very heritage.'

You say, 'I have come to aid you' **CANNOT USE BRACKETED TEXT**

Captain Necin says 'Very good. It is good to know there is still honor among soldiers, even in these trying times. For now, we will be concentrating on the three camps nearest to the mines, between the mines and the town to the North. You will need to gather together three able bodied groups to venture forth for this mission. When you are [ready to go], inform me thusly and I will lead the way.'

You say, 'ready to go'

Captain Necin says 'Alright, let's be on our way. Our target for this mission is the camp directly South of the mines. This is their defensive position to enemy encroachment from the South. It is necessary to decimate this camp so we can keep a strong foothold in preventing them from moving South and occupying those four camps. Make sure everyone is with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow the Captain to Camp 7.

Captain Necin says 'We have arrived at our destination, and just in time to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting Grimling beasts that are about to meet their creator. You must note that they have a tower where they will be firing down upon you things you may not be expecting. Keep focused and watch out for any other officers that may decide to reinforce the camp mid-fight. When you are [ready to start], let me know and I will let you loose to absolve the Grimlings of their hold on this camp.'

Your primary objective is to eliminate the waves in the camp, then eliminate the tower guards when you can. Beware any officers that join the battle. Good luck!

You say, 'ready to start'

Captain Necin says 'Take no prisoners! Attack!'

> Defeat the grimlings at the camp. There are two spawns of 10ish grimlings each with a named grimling, Bloodguard Kavgis which will become targettable after all generic grimlings are defeated. Clearing all the grimlings and the named will successfully take over Camp 7.

> Speak to Captain Necin to begin the next assault

You say, 'ready to go'

Captain Necin says 'Alright, let's be on our way. Our target for this mission is the first camp we come to as we follow the river North. This is one of two pivotal points before we can cut the Grimlings in the mines off from those in the town. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow the Captain to Camp 8.

Captain Necin says 'Stay low, we don't want to reveal ourselves before we're ready. We're counting on you to be vigilant during this fight and remove the threat to the outpost as quickly as you can. Our reports suggest that they may try to ambush you from the direction of the mines, but we haven't been able to get definite intelligence on that aspect. Stay sharp though, you'll need it for this fight, and make sure to keep your eyes open for any officers that may join the fray. When you are [ready to begin], let me know and I will let you loose into the camp to bring another under our control in the name of ridding this menace from the forest.'

Your primary objective is to clear out the camp, but be wary of any ambush from beyond the camp. Be wary of any officers that join the battle. Good luck!

You say, 'ready to begin'

Captain Necin says 'Shed their blood until no Grimlings are left standing! Charge!'

> Clear the camp of grimlings. Two spawns of 10ish generic grimlings followed by a fight with another named grimling, Warblood Sindrig. After the grimlings and named are dead Camp 8 will be successfully taken.

> Speak to Captain Necin to begin the next assault

You say, 'ready to go'

Captain Necin says 'Alright, let's be on our way. Our target for this mission is the second camp we come to as we follow the river North. This is one of two pivotal points before we can cut the Grimlings in the mines off from those in the town. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

Captain Necin says 'This is it, the ninth camp and farthest camp to the North of the forest. Before you begin, you should understand that we are relying on you to rid this camp of its nefarious hosts so that we can move forth to the town. There is a defector among their ranks named Gelg who has information on the town that we must retrieve. Your primary focus is keeping Gelg alive at all costs. If he dies, the mission is a failure and we will have to try some time later. Watch out for any commanders that may join the fight, as they're sure to be looking to slay Gelg for his treachery. When you are [ready to fight], let me know and I will let you loose to save this traitor from the enemy's clutches.'

Your primary objective is to keep the traitor Gelg alive at all costs. Be aware of any officers that come looking to slay Gelg, and eliminate them before they have the chance. Good luck!

You say, 'ready to fight'

Captain Necin says 'For victory! Charge!'

> NOTE: This is a VERY easy camp to fail. There is a named grimling "Gelg the Traitor" which spawns immediately at the beginning of the assault and MUST be kept alive until the camp is successfully taken. He will be attacked by any standard grimling and can be accidentally killed by the player. Carefully clear the camp while ensuring nothing is beating on Gelg the Traiter. After the first wave of grimlings is dead a second will spawn along with named grimling, Nightknife Gresga, which must be killed in order to take the camp. After defeating all generic grimlings, Nightknife Gresga, AND keeping Gelg the Traitor alive Camp 9 will be successfully taken.

Gelg the Traitor says 'You have done well, and the felines will no doubt welcome the information I have for them. I must be on my way to their outpost now, thank you again for keeping me safe from harm.'

> At this point camps 1-9 should all be successfully taken. If not General Staginar will tell you which camps have been taken and which are still remaining.

> Speak to General Staginar back at the Vah Shir base camp inside one of the buildings. This will lead to the assault on the 10th, and final Grimling camp. NOTE: Even at higher levels you will likely need 1-3 other players in order to deal with the success mechanics this camp requires.

You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'

General Staginar says 'Salutations, Bobbybick. No doubt you've seen the carnage we've dealt to those filthy Grimlings and have decided to stick around and [help us battle] the remaining forces in the town they hold to the North. If this is so, we readily welcome you to join the battle and push back those beasts back to the depths of the mine from whence they came!

You say, 'help us battle'

General Staginar says 'I'm glad you have decided to join us in the battle! Our target will be the town to the far Northeast corner, where the horde of Grimlings has been separated from their cohorts in the mines. You'll need to get several groups of your finest soldiers together before we can head there to try to push the Grimlings out. When you are [ready to go], let me know and I'll make preparations to lead you there.'

You say, 'ready to go'

General Staginar says 'Very well, then, let us be on our way. Our target for this mission is the town in the Northeastern-most part of the forest. This is their final stronghold and if we can successfully decimate the populous of the town, we can finally claim full control of the forest. Make sure you have everyone with you, we'll be heading out in just a minute.'

> Follow General Staginar north of the Vah Shir fort to Camp 10.

General Staginar says 'This is it, the entrance to the town. This is the final fight, so be ready for anything. Within, there are six huts, and each needs to be taken control of and held before we can claim the main part of the town and battle whatever nefarious evil lay in wait beyond. A group of soldiers each keep hold of a single hut and clear out any opposition that makes its way toward you. If all goes well, we'll have this town under our control in no time at all. When you are [ready to start], let me know and we shall begin this bloodthirsty battle for the final push to victory!'

Your primary objective is to take and hold each of the six huts in the town. Beyond that, you must be vigilant in your fight. Good luck!

You say, 'ready to start'

General Staginar says 'Remember the strategy! Keep them off their guard at every turn! Attack!'

> This is the final part of the Grimling War. There are 6 buildings throughout this camp that must ALL be cleared simultaneously in order to progress. This camp has a very unique mechanic in that the grimlings inside each building will VERY quickly respawn if they are killed or if they are pulled out of their buildings, EXCEPT if there is a player/mercenary/pet standing within a small radius of their spawn location. The straightforward method is to simply clear each building then have a player stand inside it, guard a pet, or park a mercenary inside (set yourself to puller) in order to prevent the respawn, repeat this for all 6 buildings or until you are able to kill the remaining grimlings before respawns occur.

> After the first "wave" of super respawning enemies has been overcome, groups of 4-5 grimlings will begin to spawn throughout the camp which must all be defeated, no special mechanics observed for this. Once these are all defeated, a group of grimlings and skeletons will spawn in a small alcove of rocks inside the camp, along with an untargetable Claw of Khati Sha named NPC. Defeat the grimlings and skeletons and the Claw of Khati Sha will become active and charge you.

> Defeating the Claw of Khati Sha will successfully complete the Grimling War. This will cause Camp 10 to respawn as friendly Vah Shir NPCs along with 4 Quest NPCs: Agent Tiesh, Prospector Keykis, Lieutenant Venris, and Major Ehmdish. NOTE: Camp respawn can take 5-10 minutes, do not be alarmed if they don't immediately appear.

You say, 'Hail, General Staginar'

General Staginar says 'Hello, Bobbybick. You're a bit too late to help with the final fight in the town to the North. We've already sent a group of soldiers to eradicate those little Grimling pests and expect to emerge victorious in short order.

Veteran Cullin says 'We appreciate your enthusiasm in pushing back the Grimlings, but at this time we have managed to push them back to the mines, where we hope to keep them. You may want to venture up to the town to the North and see if any of our soldiers have need for you there.'

Scout Husman says 'We have successfully pushed back the Grimling horde to the mines. At this point, there is no need for your help, but be on the lookout, for they may always get the better of us and reclaim what we now hold. You may wish to look to the Town, which has others of us stationed there to see if they might have need for you.'

Unknown how long the camps will stay in control of the Vah Shir before the event resets. Observed them staying under their control for at least 4 hours before I left the zone.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2016 9:26am by Bobbybick
The Grimling War
# Sep 22 2016 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Excellent, added!
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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New info submitted
# Aug 17 2009 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
770 posts
Today, I sent log files of all ten battles, along with a screenshot of Claw of Khati Sha, to the indicated email address. I know Luclin isn't exactly fresh content, but I was amazed that after all these years that Claw of Khati Sha did not even have an entry in the bestiary :)
Grimling War
# Jul 27 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
The Grimling War WORKS. I've done it two times now on Xegony server (sorry beastlords) boxing a 75 monk and 75 cleric, each with about 100AAs. The first 9 fights are easy as pie. The only trick is in the second one because one of the mobs you MUST kill for the four grimling casters to become targetable (and intern get Soul Echo to spawn) spawns in the grimling MINES. I'll provide the loc later.

As for the final fight in the Grimling Village given by General VahShir Dude, you MUST have at least 6 people because you need to occupy all the huts so that the Claw of Khati Shaw spawns. If one of the huts remains unoccupied, i don't think he'll show. In any case, the event is totally doable. If any of you have any questions, feel free to send me a tell on Slashtail, Xegony server. Goodluck out there.

Don't need six people
# Jan 14 2013 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
I know from personal experience that you definitely do NOT need six people to complete the final war, you just need to have all the mobs die within 15 seconds or so. PBAE spells work a treat for this. The only hard part is making sure you pull all the mobs at the same time.
Godslayer Talif Yourgirllovesme, Chosen of the Gods
105 Wizard, Drinal, Undivided Faith
Grimling War
# Aug 06 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
770 posts
The only trick is in the second one because one of the mobs you MUST kill for the four grimling casters to become targetable (and intern get Soul Echo to spawn) spawns in the grimling MINES.

This is absolutely correct. Having failed Camp#2 repeatedly, I finally realized that one of the mobs spawns on the other side of the zone. Having long-range track alleviates being cockblocked by this bug. Suggestion is to clear the camp entirely, then go trigger the Scout to walk over. When the Scout triggers the event active and causes the camp to repop, normal track sorting will display all of the newly spawned mobs. Kill everything in sight there in camp, and then head towards the mines to find that one remaining mob on track that eludes you. Once that last one dies, then Soul Echo will spawn back in camp. Kill Soul Echo and Camp#2 is won.
Update on July 7th
# Jul 08 2006 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
As of the brief update on July 7th, the scout raids are once again working as described in the quest lists. Handing in the proper sphere to each scout respawns him and starts him towards one of the south camps. Proper loot drops from the officers and the medals combine in the chest properly. Have yet to try the next step of the war, but I hope to soon.
Who gives which quests/camps
# Dec 31 2005 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
Here is a Correct list of the raids/camps that the vah shir assign.

camps 1, 2 and 3 - Talk to scout derrin, scout husman, or scout Danarin. camp 2 seems bugged at the moment.. a mob seems to pop underneath the world

camps 4 5 and 6 - talk to 1 of the 3 veterans to access these camps

camps 7 8 and 9 - talk to captain necin to access the quests for these camps

camp 10 - the general gives this one, I think .. if you ask the general "which camps" he also tells you the status of the camps

Edited, May 23rd 2007 3:45pm by DukeLatan
Who gives which quests/camps
# May 23 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
i will work on some dialogues/walkthroughs when i get a chance

Edited, May 23rd 2007 11:34pm by DukeLatan
Grimling battle #2....again
# Oct 14 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
61 posts
The second battle has always had issues. It was 'fixed' by players who brought a ranger to the zone, summoned pets, then tracksorted based on spawn times after triggering the event in order to track down missing Grimlings.

Recently, a patch just came through claiming the lost creatures in Grimling Forest were fixed.

Unfortunately, this is very untrue. After trying the event a few times, I hijacked a ranger, did the tracksort, and found the missing Grimling. This time, it is underneath the world. In other words, the Grimling Wars are now impossible to win.

Good fix
RE: Grimling battle #2....again
# Oct 31 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
642 posts
i always thought as much. back in august when i was working through the camps, couldn't get the last bugger to pop--or so i thought.

vaguely recall the patch message regarding lost creatures, but had not found time to go check it out. thanks for confirming it's worse than before--saves me a lot of frustration.


i don't know why it's so hard to fix a mob like this.
Races change?
# Dec 21 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
I am trying to figure out how the population seems to change from bandits to grimlings, etc. I prefer hunting bandits, myself. Is it possible for someone with a 63 necro to pull off whatever it is that changes the camps back to bandits? If not, what the heck is involved? Thanks!
RE: Races change?
# Dec 21 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
330 posts
To change the zone it has to be done one camp at a time.

You need to go to the Vah Shir fort and start the war for whatever camp you wish to change. Once the war at that camp is finished it will repop with bandits for about 24 hours then revert to grimlings.

As a 63 necro I'm quite sure you can do all but the last one. The way the last one is set up it may be difficult to finish solo.
Grimling war bugged?
# Aug 17 2004 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
I'm on Fennin Ro, and I'm trying to complete the Grimling War in order to spawn Tiesh. Problem is, everytime I do the second camp, it's bugged.

I clear out the entire camp, including the minimobs in the campfire. Once completed, the grimling spiritchanters, all four around the fire, never become targetable. Eventually they despawn.

I solo'd the other 8 camps, and this is the last one I need. Please help :/
RE: Grimling war bugged?
# Jul 04 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Excellent
101 posts
I know this post is a year old - but it is still worth responding to in the odds that someone new may be having this problem. There is one dude that spawns over the hill behind one of the huts - not in view of the normal setup spot (campfire). My guess is that you missed this dude when clearing the camp, as this has happened to me in the past. Once you find and kill him the 4 become targetable.
RE: Grimling war bugged?
# Aug 31 2005 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
642 posts
I know this post is a year old - but it is still worth responding to in the odds that someone new may be having this problem. There is one dude that spawns over the hill behind one of the huts - not in view of the normal setup spot (campfire). My guess is that you missed this dude when clearing the camp, as this has happened to me in the past. Once you find and kill him the 4 become targetable.

Yup, that sounds like what's happening to me--a VERY timely post thank you! but, i've no luck finding this grimling. any idea of its location? i've /bugged it but we all know how well that works. =(

Edited, Wed Aug 31 03:10:41 2005
Grimling Wars
# Jun 30 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I am trying to get a group(s) of guildies together to do these wars/battles/quests.

When the individual camp quest starts, do new mobs pop in the camp or is it the mobs already in the camp that you need to kill? I ask because I want to know if I can go con the mobs ahead of time to see approximate level.

At the beginning, quests 1 and 2 from the scouts appear to be the easiest. What level of mobs are involved with these quests?

From reading various posts, it seems that the mobs in these quests are undercons. Does that seem right?

Any other help on getting these started and completed would be appreciated!
# Jun 02 2004 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
I have about 50 Pristine Shards and have been waiting forever for someone to spawn the kitties in the north to hand in the shards.

Do ALL 9 raids need to be completed in order to spawn the kiites near TB zone or is there a shortcut ?

Edited, Wed Jun 2 08:18:54 2004
# Jan 20 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 40 Paladin, My wife is a 37 Paladin. Is it possible for us to get decent xp here by ourselves and live? If so where would be a decent place to camp?

Saralin Battletide
Level 40 Paladin
Mithaniel Marr
Tribunal Server
Some Thoughts on new revamped quests.
# Nov 15 2003 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
Greetings to one and all,

I would like to add some info here gleaned from running around in this zone after revamp and doing the quests.

Ok where to start, i have read so many posts about this war and truth told very few have it right and most lack the details needed to complete the 10 wars in this zone. After those 10 there are 6 or so more quests that can be accomplished once the kitty kats own the camp by the TM zone.

Ok i'll start at the beinging and i might not get through the whole post in one sitting, yes there is that much info about the revamped quests. For the most part I will keep it short and to the point.

For the BST who are looking for the copper medal of war for your epic, there is one of two ways you can get it. First way is to be around when any of the 9 begining wars are available, yes i mean 9. The medal has dropped for me at all 9 camps (granted camps 4-7 do so very infrequently and camps 1-3 drop at least one everytime), I have run now all the wars from 1 -10 about 10 times. Basicly it comes down to a named loading in the war, if one loads there is a chance he will load a copper medal of war. They will also load descrated pieces of armor, the living shadow armor and weapons of the grunt, the horde and the high grimling(in order of rareness). Now to the second way and this is very time consuming, at every camp that is controlled by thugs a coin courier can load in any spot in the camp. He can VERY VERY VERY RARELY drop a copper medal of war. The courier himself is a very uncommon load rate so expect to spend a lot of time here trying to get the medal this way.

Ok now we move onto the war camps themselves only 9 of the 10 wars will be available till all 9 of those wars are completed. Once they are completed the general will offer his quest which is the 10th and final war. When completed will spawn the force that will come in and wipe out the grimling camp by TM zone, and they can wipe out a full spawned camp pretty fast. It was fun to watch the last few times i have cleared all 10 wars, the cats pack kill the grimlings.

Ok now to the general info about how to start any of the 9 wars. The person who gives you a mission will list a camp from 1-9 that he will take you too, follow him and he will stop. They will give a storyline as to what they want you to accomplish at each of the 9 camps. And then again list in simple terms the requirements to accomplish this war. I use war and I think mission would be better, but I will just keep calling them wars. They are basicly a mini war each anyways. Finally they will tell you to issue 1 of 3 sayings "i am ready to begin", "i am ready to fight" and "I am ready to start". This is important and is required to actually start the war, once done the scout/veteran/captain will say something to the affect "So then let the dogs of the apocalypse be unleashed upon the infidel" *smirks*. It was acutally more "Good and win the fight!", but the affect is the same the scout/veteran/captain will then path back to the vah shir outpost in zone and spawn the actual war itself. It is also important to also stress read carefully what the mission says to do, this will help you to complete the encounter as quickly as possible and with a minimal amount of deaths. This is more pointed at camp 4, this war is probably the worst of the wars to run, although camp 9 also is a sucky one to do. Of the 9 camps those 2 would be the worst and require the most DPS to complete. I personally think camp 4 is the worst, as it requires a lot of DPS to pull off. There are 3 different locations that renforcements enter the camp, there is also a spawn point inside the campfire in the middle of the camp. You literaly need to be constantly pulling npcs out of the camps and at a very quick rate to beat the renforcement timer, since inorder to complete the war and kill the clerics the camp must be clear of all other npcs from the camp before they can be killed.

At any point that you wish to find out which camps are available target the General in the outpost and say "which camps?". He will then tell you which camps are available.
Grimmling war
# Aug 26 2003 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Looking to find the quest to spawn this because I want to do the earing quest which Agent Tiesh spawns after it .

Any useful info on that quest is greatfully recived also .

Thanks all

When does this Reset?
# Jul 04 2003 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
I completed the General's raid with my guild all the way to the end. I then waited for over a week for the zone to reset to do it again, it has not reset yet! Anyone know if any quests or events trigger the reset?

Edited, Fri Jul 4 18:01:13 2003
RE: When does this Reset?
# Aug 02 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Reset time for the camps is 2 weeks in Real Time. Makes it real hard on us Beastlords looking to out epics when Raiding guilds come along and take all the camps just to do the end quest.
snaring grimlings!
# Jun 19 2003 at 5:16 AM Rating: Default
You say snare/root.

In my case every time I try to snare I see this nice red sentence:

"... spell could not take hold on your target..."

Why is that?

Harmony also doesn't work: "Your target looks unaffected"

I am druid lvl 39
empty zone.
# Jun 03 2003 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
if u want a zone with nobody in it, this is it! i've been in there during peak times and theres been no more then 3 ppl in it. theres camps and each one has different lvl goons so u just hop to each one as u lvl. there are a few goons outside the camps but they dont roam. some of the goons do under-con so be careful.

i've been pulling one goon from a camp at a time with a healer and have no trouble. snare/root is helpful for casters and i've been getting 2-4% per kill.
how to snare
# Jun 19 2003 at 5:15 AM Rating: Default
You say snare/root.

In my case every time I try to snare I see this nice red sentence:

"... spell could not take hold on your target..."

Why is that?

Harmony also doesn't work: "Your target looks unaffected"

I am druid lvl 39!
how to snare
# Jun 19 2003 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
You say snare/root.

In my case every time I try to snare I see this nice red sentence:

"... spell could not take hold on your target..."

Why is that?

Harmony also doesn't work: "Your target looks unaffected"

I am druid lvl 39!
Lieutenant Venris quest?
# May 08 2003 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know what the quest that Lieutenant Venris (Var Shir) gives. Hes located just outside the cave to Tenebrous Mountains on a raised platform. Hes the only NPC on the platform.

He gives you a 2 slot bag and askes you to get 2 copies of orders from the Grimlings. I got 1 copy off a grimling guard in the cave to Acrylic Caverns. Seems to be a rare drop off them.

Anyone know what the reward is for this quest?
RE: Lieutenant Venris quest?
# Sep 24 2003 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
I have gotten "guard orders" and "Elder guard orders" in the caves OTW to AC but they will not combine in the bag he gives you. so i am at a loss.

Springwind Featherfall 65th season druid of Tunare
Hero Cloaks?
# May 06 2003 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
85 posts

Edited, Tue May 6 21:05:10 2003
Hero Cloaks?
# May 06 2003 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
85 posts
How do we get the Hero cloaks now? Can it really be that the quest now ends with the officer cloaks? OMFG!! One of the most interesting quests in the game going to be cut off before the final reward? What were they thinking?! I started this quest at level one after getting my shar vahl citizenship. I slogged my way thru rare drops and the horrors of tailoring. I got the help I needed from the other classes and even had to manufacture my own rogue since there seemed to be none on the server who could make the sonic weapon. Then I dragged guildies thru those god-awful scout raids to get my officer cloak. Now when I finally have a guild with the numbers and will to maybe attempt the last raids they change the zone?

I kept my peace for a while. I found the new raids very interesting and the new quest npcs more so. Very intrigued by the hints of drops from the snake temple. I thought maybe when one of these quests was completed the mystery of the new path to the Hero cloaks would be found. Instead everyone seems to be more and more sure they are just gone. In my opinion the Hero cloaks is still commensurate with the time, effort and stubborness it took to stick with this quest all they way from level one.

Verant, what were you thinking?!!

Sharrien Dreamstalker
Savage Lord of 61 Seasons
RE: Hero Cloaks?
# Jul 23 2003 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
I stood in Grimling Forest with a GM trying to explain the quest, and he had no idea. This of course really peed me off. I had the officer's cloak and arranged to have enough peeps to do the raids to get the medallion. I have been hunting in the zone almost constantly for over a month and it appears the Hero's cloaks are gone. The NPC to turn the satchel into no longer spawns (at least I haven't seen him). You can turn your cloak into one of the npc in the outpost (not sure which one, he is in the building not occupied by the general) and receive the Officer's Cloak of Service, (AC18, str8, dex5, sta6, wis8, agi8, hp50, mana50, +3 to all resists, Vah Shir only, War, Rog, Sha, Bst, Brd. and NO SKILL MODIFIERS). Nice cloak but not worth the effort of doing this quest to end. All I can say is that all the Vah Shir classes keep sending Sony negative feedback about this and petitioning the GM's in game to get the quest reinstated. The changes to Hollowshade Moor have made this quest a lot harder, the mobs that drop the items there are even harder to find then before. I have the Service Cloak and the Officer's Cloak both, just in case they do reinstate it. I guess i am a glutton for punishment :(

Wesarn Pridemaster
54 (16) Beastlord
Karana Server
Where is Seargent Cursah
# Apr 27 2003 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
since Revamp have not seen him up, im very leary about combining mu officers cloak /Medallion of hero of Shar vahl, in the Security satchel, until i can find out if hes still in game for turn in, or if not if theres another you can turn it into, ive had cloak / satchel a long time with hopes of doing the upgrade, be a big dissapointment if they nerfed the upgrade to this progressive quest, which was a huge timesink.

Baracca Smilodon
65 Beastlord
The Rathe
Kitty Cloak Quests
# Apr 26 2003 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
With the change in Grimling Forest zone the quest for the cloaks appears to have changed as well. If anyone finds any info on this please post so that those of us trying to complete the quest can do it.
Totally Changed
# Apr 24 2003 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
As of todays patch these quests have totally changed.

If you hail General Staginar and say 'which camps' He'll make a list of all the camps that the grimlings have been run out of. Once you win a raid, the camp grimlings despawn and thugs spawn in their place.

There are NINE raids. It appears that as soon as you complete one you can no longer do that raid until the entire zone resets.

Each guard in the fort corresponds to a raid. Captain Necin is the ninth.

I have been unable to locate the way to start the 3rd raid, but the scouts in front of the first building start raids 1 and 2. After you beat raids 1 and 2 all the scouts tell you to go talk to the Captain and the Veterans.

The Veterans start raids 4-8.

Raid 1 involves going to a camp and killing the members of the camp while untargetable casters nuke you. When the camp is clear, the casters become targetable. When the casters are dead a boss caster spawns. He drops a bunch of different loot. Each member of the camp drops Document 1 (used in the Beyond Sonic Wolf Bane quests).

Raid 2 involves going to a camp, killing the members of the camp, while untargetable shamans summon tiny grimlings at you. When you kill everything in the camp, the untargetable shamans become targetable. After you kill the shamans, a boss named something like Soul Core spawns. He drops a dagger. Sorry I don't have better details, I was excited and in a hurry to do these quests. Each member of the camp drops Document II or Document III. I didn't realize they dropped both and only got document III. That sucked, because I was there to get both. :/ They also drop a lot of copper medals used for the beastlord epic.

Raid 3...I couldn't get this one started.

Raid 4...You have to kill some tougher grimlings while untargetable clerics heal them. This one is a *****. My party was wiped out because we didn't expect the increase in difficulty.

Raid 9. We went and checked this out. Saw a lot of grimlings that conned dark blue at level 45. Lots of casters.

We need more details on these quests. They seem to be really cool. They are a hell of a lot more fun than the officer quests before.

Please post your notes!!!
RE: Totally Changed
# May 10 2003 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
I started these quests as well. Some notes I took. . .

The Captain started quests 7, 8, and 9 for me. I did him before the veterans. It seems to be somewhat random which one he takes you to.

The veteran on the porch of the generals building started quest 3 for me. After that, the veterans started doing quests 4-6 for me, again in random order. I used the same veteran for all of them so it doesn't seem to matter which one you do.

All camps except camps 8 and 9 are Duo-able (yet very tough at times - each one after 3 took me several attempts) with my 2 toons. camp 8 just gets reinforcements too fast for me to get them down, and camp 9 requires 6 people, one to stand inside each tent. once you walk out of the tent, they respawn, or if you pull the last one out of the tent, they respawn aswell. these are actually lower level mobs than camps 7/8, but the respawn once empty makes it require 6 people min.

Final note, the quest grimlings are the ONLY grimlings that actaully drop pp vice the runes. range is 1-5pp usually with these. They drop fast and keep coming which makes for decent pp while doing these quests.

Good Hunting :)
# Feb 04 2003 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
I went here in hope of farming Acrylia to smith into Bundles of Acrylia Arrow Shafts. Well it sure wasnt prety. Acrylia is very very rare it seems. The Grunt Camps were the Grimlings are very green to a 47 ranger droped Acrylia bricks about 1 in 5 clearnings. Of all three low level camps, they are just east to the gate of Var Shar outpost across the bridge. So I gave up with them and recruited a guild member to heal me and a tank. We begun to move north against the wall of the outpost the the first midlevel-camp. We cleared it twice and got 2 bricks from it and 2 small pices. Sucks eh! We continued our move onto more and more camps and no ore to go, even up to the main town, no ore.

Finaly we moved east from the grimling town to the Acrylia Mine entrence guarded by hords of Grimlings. We cleared that area with another 2 tanks that joined us. 1 brick. :P sucks!

Finaly we go into the mine and start clearinging the miners. Bricks droped about 1 in 3 off the miners. Uncomon drop but rare of anything else EXSCEPT for Grimling Recruits. Yes those proably level 40 things that arel light blue or green to me drop bricks about 1 in 5, and wander through the zone.

They, the Grimling Recruits, are the best source of Arcil for me, after we finished with the mines and packed up our druid gated us to the fort and they left and I stayed. I had 11 bricks and 6 small pices of Acrylia ore after 5 hours of farming.

2 hours later I had 30 bricks and 1 full stack of Acrylia ore after wasting Grimling Recruits.

So if you in the farming buisness you this knowledge in Grimling forest.

Oh yes there was exp for a 54 cleric here! Yes when we went into the mines there were light blues for her. (all were dk blue to me) I am now at 97 pct exp.

Rember there are ohter ways to farm Acrylia HSM was overran by Owlbears on saryn. And Im to low to TM. DSP is always being farmed.

Oh and the Guards drop emerlads-rubies in the mines, good recource for money, we picked up about 17 periots 12 emerlads and 3 rubies. :)

The ethced runes are just money because grimlings dont cary normal norath currency they carry Acrylia runes, which somtimes sell for 4pp each! And in the minies you can get 2 stacks in one clearing of 4pp runes, a great way to fund a guild raid IMHO>

Well im gona start chating and let you go raid some Ore and Stuff :)
RE: Acrylia
# Apr 25 2003 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
My best source for Acrylia is the Grol Baku Soldiers in Tenebras ?sp? mountains. Around L38-40 and often drop luclin-type gems as well as large and small bricks of acrylia.

These guys use an earth elemental root attack. If you get your magic resist up high enough (130+) then they will rarely land their root and spend much of the fight re-casting it.

Blue aliens for the windstones and essense of wind and occasional Condensed Ice.
Swarm, anyone?
# Nov 05 2002 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts

So here we are, sitting in the mines, happily killing Grimlings...

"For every one that falls, two shall rise!" they screech as the Darkmoon Soldiers of Xegony cut them into tiny twitching bits.

All of a sudden, my screen goes haywire with the aggro message of, I KID YOU NOT, easily 100 or more Grimlings.

Ahh, must be a glitch or something, we all reassure ourselves... and then our 50-something SK tank drops like a rock and this *swarm* of, I KID YOU NOT, easily 100 or more Grimlings wash over us like a wave.

Keep in mind that the lowest member of our two group party was 40... and the next lowest was nearly 50. Except one 56 cleric and one 58 wizard, we died in about 30 seconds... The two that survived managed to get invis off before they were noticed.

The game lagged so bad I *literally* was dead before my attempted Rogue hide could be processed... my corpse managed to hide itself, as I was loading back to my bind. I was just about to grab my fire extinguisher from all the smoke my poor p3 was spewing.

I got screenshots, thank Innoruuk, of this of horrid, hilarious, mind blowing, jaw dropping glitch.

We get our sorry, beaten to a pulp ***** back to our bodies, laughing all the while while our harried Priestess raises us.

Well, that was fun! Try not to bring the entire zone this time!, we joke to our puller...

Five minutes and a frantic Rogue hide later, and I am standing perfectly still, all but breaking my keyboard from pounding the screenshot button as another *swarm* hits us.

Is this a glitch? One GM said it must have been... but two others suggested that it wasn't and we should pay more attention to our surroundings and the things we hear.

Just consider this a friendly warning from a not so friendly Teir'dal Assassin.

Be well in Hate.
RE: Swarm, anyone?
# May 11 2003 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
This could be from people with little respect to call a train as they head to AC. Higher level people heading to (or from) AC usually just run through without invis on. The grimlings agro and chase to the zone in, which just happens to be past where you are standing. A person that runs straight through the grim city, down the cave and to AC will easily agro 40-50 grimlings on their way (similar results leaving AC if your sloppy on the path you take).

So probably less of a glitch or bug and more of an unfreindly PC. It's too bad that has happened to you.
RE: Swarm, anyone?
# Mar 08 2003 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm, I think it may not be a glitch. Was helping several lower Guild members level here and found that the foremen have a low lvl fear spell. Being a lvl 55 chanter, the message just few by, we generally have very good MR even unbuffed. But our little lvl 37 fighter took off in total fear, and when he finally got himself under control, he brought back a bunch of guards from the mouth of the cave. They had 6 and we had 4 and we all lived, but if warrior had run out futher to the platforms, we might have had the hundred or more greenies swarming us... I now check the party's MR and keep it buffed. Even loan out MR items to friends grouping if they are too low, cause if one runs, the rest had better evac... hehe..

- Endyr
RE: Swarm, anyone?
# Jun 25 2010 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I get the sense it's not a glitch either, I've found this a few times after hunting near the AC entrance, in the lower side cave. Anyone know for sure?
Leveling guide from 32 to 39
# Sep 03 2002 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
Fighting in Grimling Forest (GF) requires a group. Soloing simply is not possible because of the nature of the mobs (more below). My small group leveled up there from 32 to 39 very quickly, in about two weeks, playing 2-3 hours a day. The group consisted of a SK, enchanter, necro, and druid. We were all 32 when we started in GF. If you have a similar group you can put together, you will find that GF can be worth the effort, especially with respect to money and xp. Two things you definitely need: a tank and a healer.

First, get a port to GF which is now available to druids and wizards. Melee types cannot bind in GF; therefore, I suggest binding in Sharvahl. The fastest way is to go to Hollowshade and then cast Evac which will get you almost right next to Sharvahl entrance.

After binding, get your group back to GF and set up camp around -200, -1200, right above the north wall of the outpost. From here, the tank can go out and pull wandering mobs. There are three types of wandering mobs that spawn randomly near this area: grimlings, sonic wolves, and owlbears, which are all placeholders for each other.

Owlbears are the easiest. They screech (a magic-based attack) for 65 but their HPs are low and they don't melee for much. Still, they undercon. They are highly susceptible to magic, however, which allows for careful fear kiting. They occasionally drop perfect owlbear pelts which are in high demand because they are required to make the rallic pack. The pelts sell for 200pp at the bazaar. They also drop a no-drop ring that is ok. Nothing remarkable, but good for newbies.

Grimlings are harder but not too bad. Their magic resistance is a bit higher than owlbears. They drop etched runes which are not the same as regular runes. Some etched runes are worth several gold, some several plats. Grimlings occasionally drop acrylia ore which sells for between 50 to 100pp each at the bazaar. They are required for high-level blacksmithing. All acrylia-based armor - acrylia reinforced, chain, and plate - needs this ore.

Sonic wolves are true undercons. They have around 3000 HPs and they are virtually resistant to all magic, including snare and root. They absolutely hate casters and they have a nasty habit of ignoring the tank and going after casters. DO NOT cast DD or DoT on these bad boys until you are absoultely certain the tank has gained complete aggro (when they have around 60% HP remaining), because you simply will not be able to outrun them. They have sow, haste, and they double hit for 60-70 each time. They can kill a 30-something caster in about 5 seconds. I once saw a 52 druid take on a low 30 sonic wolf and he had to run for his life. If there were a contest among EQ mobs at this level, my money would be on these guys, no doubt. Having said that, about the only way to defeat them is to beat them with might and lots of heals. If you have an enchanter, you can try tash and later DD, but most spells will be resisted even with tash. To add insult to injury, these guys drop absolutely nothing of any worth, other than a rare no-drop earring that is decent. But you have to kill these because all three mobs are placeholders for each other.

If things turn ugly, you can evac or make a run for it. Evac will get you into the outpost and erase all agro. Running to the outpost can be tricky because of the rough terrain. But guards will help you against all mobs if you make it that far.

One fact you can use to your advantage is that all wandering mobs are nearly blind. You have to be literally within their melee range for them to notice you and come after you. This helps tremendously in pulling and avoiding adds.

Once you turn 39, you can try the various grimling camps. But this is a very dangerous proposition because you will be in the path of wandering mobs and the grimlings that inhabit the camps are ridiculously underconned. Once after harmony, we pulled a warrior-type 37 grimling from a camp. He immediately killed our necro and the rest of us barely survived. He double hits for 110 each and has TONS of HPs - probably around 3000. After a few of these fights, we decided GF was not worth the effort and moved on.

I hope you find this useful. GF is really, really hard but I made so much money (almost 5000 plats selling pelts and acrylia ore) and got so much xp there that it's hard for me not to like it. Another huge benefit is that it has a bank and shops in the outpost. In any case, make no mistake about it - GF is really trial by fire. You need not only a good group but also guts to pull it off. But if you do, your time there will be well worth it.

Edited, Tue Sep 3 12:13:57 2002
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