[ Search Quests | By Item | By Zone | By Faction ]
Quest Items (C)
- Captured Nifilik
(1 quests)
- Captured Snow Bunny
(1 quests)
- Centerstone
(1 quests)
- Chain Leash
(1 quests)
- Changeling Essence
(1 quests)
- Chant Rock
(1 quests)
- Chetari Brain
(1 quests)
- Chipped Fang
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Stone
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Eye
(1 quests)
- Coarse Iron Needle
(1 quests)
- Coin
(1 quests)
- Coin Pouch
(1 quests)
- Coldain Clue Book
(1 quests)
- Collector's Bulthar Tongue
(1 quests)
- Collector's Cheat Sheet
(1 quests)
- Collector's Chetari Ceremonial Staff
(3 quests)
- Collector's Cloak of Justice
(1 quests)
- Collector's Cougar Tail
(3 quests)
- Collector's Diaku Blade
(1 quests)
- Collector's Fire Goblin Skin
(1 quests)
- Collector's Frog Tongue
(1 quests)
- Collector's Holgresh Elder Bead
(1 quests)
- Collector's Ice Sculpture
(3 quests)
- Collector's Innovative Gear
(1 quests)
- Collector's Kodiak Fang
(1 quests)
- Collector's Note
(1 quests)
- Collector's Preserved Drake Wing
(1 quests)
- Collector's Scythe
(1 quests)
- Collector's Sea Pearl
(1 quests)
- Collector's Shardwurm Scale
(1 quests)
- Collector's Shark Tooth
(1 quests)
- Collector's Skunk Scent Gland
(1 quests)
- Collector's Snow Bunny Foot
(3 quests)
- Collector's Soul
(1 quests)
- Collector's Spider Eye
(1 quests)
- Collector's Terror Tentacle
(1 quests)
- Collector's Tizmak Horn
(1 quests)
- Collector's Tormentor Hide
(1 quests)
- Collector's Undead Froglok Tongue
(1 quests)
- Collector's Velium Trinket
(1 quests)
- Collector's Water Ring
(1 quests)
- Collector's Wyvern Claw
(2 quests)
- Compass Notation
(1 quests)
- Cooked Selyrah Egg
(1 quests)
- Cooked Strip of Swinetor Flesh
(1 quests)
- Coppernickel Key
(1 quests)
- Corrosive Substance
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Priest Signet
(1 quests)
- Councilor's Memo
(1 quests)
- Cracked Femur
(2 quests)
- Cracked Stein
(1 quests)
- Cracked Zraxthril Amulet
(1 quests)
- Crate of High-Powered Gnomish Explosives
(1 quests)
- Crate of Tonic
(1 quests)
- Crisp Note
(1 quests)
- Crisp Sheet of Paper
(1 quests)
- Crude Bolt
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Note
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Note
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Note
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Note
(1 quests)
- Crusty Religious Tome
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Spider's Heart
(1 quests)
- Cabilis Pale Ale
(2 quests)
- Cable Chain Links
(1 quests)
- Cache of Water
(1 quests)
- Cactus Pulp
(1 quests)
- Cactus Quills
(1 quests)
- Cadaverous Carp
(1 quests)
- Cadaverous Gnoll Flesh
(1 quests)
- Cador's Artifact
(1 quests)
- Caduceus of the Usurper
(1 quests)
- Cage of Transmutation
(1 quests)
- Caged Cat
(1 quests)
- Cake Round
(1 quests)
- Calamari
(1 quests)
- Calcified Finger Bones
(2 quests)
- Calcified Foot Bones
(2 quests)
- Calcified Humerus
(2 quests)
- Calcified Lava Rock
(2 quests)
- Calcified Pelvis Bone
(1 quests)
- Calcified Ribcage
(3 quests)
- Calcified Skull
(2 quests)
- Calcified Statuette
(1 quests)
- Calcified Sternum
(2 quests)
- Calcified Tibia
(2 quests)
- Calcified Ulna
(2 quests)
- Calcium Lava Glass
(1 quests)
- Calibration Device
(1 quests)
- Calibration Device Schematics
(1 quests)
- Calibration Device Screws
(1 quests)
- Calix Quirinus' Key
(1 quests)
- Call of the Forsaken Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Calligraphic Tome
(1 quests)
- Calm Painting
(1 quests)
- Camouflage Honey Pile
(1 quests)
- Camp Valor Supplies
(1 quests)
- Can of Dirty Oil
(1 quests)
- Can of High Quality Oil
(1 quests)
- Can of Mud Worms
(1 quests)
- Can of Unrefined Oil
(1 quests)
- Can of Warm Oil
(1 quests)
- Candelabra
(1 quests)
- Candescent Flower Seed
(1 quests)
- Candied Bunny Skin
(1 quests)
- Candied Spider
(2 quests)
- Candle
(1 quests)
- Candle of Bravery
(1 quests)
- Candle of Rites
(1 quests)
- Candle Wicks
(1 quests)
- Candy Assortment
(1 quests)
- Candy Corn
(1 quests)
- Candy Jack-o-Lantern
(1 quests)
- Candy Wrapper
(1 quests)
- Canine
(1 quests)
- Cannonball
(1 quests)
- Cap of the Collective Material
(1 quests)
- Cap of the Spurned Material
(1 quests)
- Cap Pattern
(1 quests)
- Cape of Underfoot
(1 quests)
- Capped Stone Peg
(1 quests)
- Capt. Nalot's Triple Strength Rum
(1 quests)
- Capt. Orlin's Spiced Ale
(1 quests)
- Captain Dunstan Coldheart's Journal, Day 906
(1 quests)
- Captain Dunstan Coldheart's Journal, Day 912
(1 quests)
- Captain Glarg's Brooch
(1 quests)
- Captain Mc`Hersh's Brooch
(1 quests)
- Captain Parvus' Signet
(1 quests)
- Captain Ulmog's Brooch
(1 quests)
- Captain's Shattered Blade
(1 quests)
- Captain's Smoking Pipe
(1 quests)
- Captain's Symbol of Station
(1 quests)
- Captive's Shackles
(1 quests)
- Captured Chokidai
(1 quests)
- Captured Earthquake Elemental
(1 quests)
- Captured Essence of Ethernere
(1 quests)
- Captured Feraling
(1 quests)
- Captured Grimling Document I
(1 quests)
- Captured Grimling Document II
(1 quests)
- Captured Grimling Document III
(1 quests)
- Captured Monsoon Elemental
(1 quests)
- Captured Mosquito
(1 quests)
- Captured Slaver
(1 quests)
- Captured Spider
(1 quests)
- Captured Swordfish
(1 quests)
- Captured Tsunami Elemental
(1 quests)
- Captured Wildfire Elemental
(1 quests)
- Carafe of Quicksand
(1 quests)
- Caramel Apples
(1 quests)
- Carapace Shield Frame
(2 quests)
- Caravan Wheel
(1 quests)
- Caribe Fillets
(1 quests)
- Carlene's Mix And Settler
(1 quests)
- Carmine Boots
(1 quests)
- Carmine Gloves
(1 quests)
- Carmine Pants
(1 quests)
- Carmine Robe
(1 quests)
- Carmine Sleeves
(1 quests)
- Carmine Spiroc Feather
(2 quests)
- Carmine Trinket
(1 quests)
- Carmine Turban
(1 quests)
- Carnelian
(2 quests)
- Carnelian Petrified Orchid
(1 quests)
- Carp Fillets
(1 quests)
- Carpenter's Adz
(1 quests)
- Carrot
(2 quests)
- Cartography Binder
(1 quests)
- Carved Elm Recurve Bow
(2 quests)
- Carved Elm Recurve Bow
(1 quests)
- Carved Elm Recurve Bow
(5 quests)
- Carved Eye of the Faceless
(1 quests)
- Carved Keg Stamp
(1 quests)
- Carved Nargil Triangle
(3 quests)
- Carved Oak 1-Cam Bow
(1 quests)
- Carved Prexus Totem
(1 quests)
- Carved Shadewood Compound Bow
(1 quests)
- Carved Shadewood Recurve Bow
(2 quests)
- Carved Siren Figurine
(1 quests)
- Carved Stone Statuette
(1 quests)
- Carved Tyrannosaurus Figurine
(1 quests)
- Carved Wooden Box
(1 quests)
- Carved Wooden Chest
(1 quests)
- Carved Wooden Key
(1 quests)
- Carved Wooden Mask
(1 quests)
- Carving of Oseka
(1 quests)
- Carving Pumpkin
(1 quests)
- Case of Blackburrow Stout
(1 quests)
- Case of Dishes
(1 quests)
- Case of Guard Uniforms
(1 quests)
- Case of Jumjum Juice
(1 quests)
- Case of Meat
(1 quests)
- Case of Runes
(1 quests)
- Case of Spirits
(1 quests)
- Case of Tunarean Crests
(1 quests)
- Cask
(5 quests)
- Cask of Sweetwater
(1 quests)
- Cask of Toskirakk Bitter
(1 quests)
- Casserole Dish
(2 quests)
- Caster Beads
(1 quests)
- Castigaran Poison Gland
(1 quests)
- Castle of Mistmoore Throne
(1 quests)
- Casualty Report
(1 quests)
- Cat Herb
(1 quests)
- Cat Skin Pouch
(1 quests)
- Cat Skull Cap
(3 quests)
- Cat's Eye Agate
(3 quests)
- Catapult Parts
(1 quests)
- Catechism of Erud
(1 quests)
- Catfish
(1 quests)
- Catfish Croak Sandwich
(1 quests)
- Catman Skin
(1 quests)
- Cauldron of Shadow Essence
(1 quests)
- Cauldron Shell
(1 quests)
- Caustic Drop of Blood
(1 quests)
- Caustic Elixir
(2 quests)
- Caustic Lavaspinner Venom
(1 quests)
- Caustic Scorpion Venom
(1 quests)
- Cave Bear Heart
(1 quests)
- Cave Lotus Petals
(2 quests)
- Caveflower Pollen
(2 quests)
- Cavern Crystal Sample
(1 quests)
- Cavern Spider Venom Sac
(1 quests)
- Caverns of Endless Song Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Cavitied Tooth
(1 quests)
- Cazic Angler
(1 quests)
- Cazic Quill
(1 quests)
- Cazic Shard
(1 quests)
- Cazic's Blood
(1 quests)
- Cazic's Knuckle
(1 quests)
- Cazicite Ruby Veil
(1 quests)
- Cela's Necklace
(1 quests)
- Celandine Herb
(2 quests)
- Celebration Bubbly
(1 quests)
- Celebratory Meat Pie
(1 quests)
- Celebratory Seafood Medley
(1 quests)
- Celestial Cleanser
(4 quests)
- Celestial Essence
(7 quests)
- Celestial Fists
(4 quests)
- Celestial Fists
(1 quests)
- Celestial Fists
(1 quests)
- Celestial Pack Essence
(1 quests)
- Celestial Solvent
(2 quests)
- Celestial Temper
(1 quests)
- Celestial Thread
(1 quests)
- Celestine Faycite Recrystallizer
(1 quests)
- Cell Key
(1 quests)
- Censer of Purest Gold
(1 quests)
- Centaur Figurine Sketch
(1 quests)
- Center Section of an Engraved Signet
(1 quests)
- Centi Longsword
(1 quests)
- Centipede
(1 quests)
- Central Processing Unit
(1 quests)
- Centurion Relgle's Head
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Blade Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Claw Sleeve Set
(2 quests)
- Ceramic Dagger Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Dagger Sleeve
(3 quests)
- Ceramic Great Blade Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Great Mace Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Lining
(4 quests)
- Ceramic Lining Sketch
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Mace Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Mask
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Spear Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceramic Spikefist Ornament Mold
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Belt
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Bloodletter's Dirk
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Club
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Dagger of the Feather
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Dagger of the Feather
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Dragorn Candle
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Extension Mop
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Metal Strainer
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Mop
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Solstice Robe
(1 quests)
- Ceremonial Sword Mold
(1 quests)
- Certificate of Taxability
(1 quests)
- Cerulean Citadel Orchid
(1 quests)
- Cerulean Columbine
(1 quests)
- Chainmail
(1 quests)
- Chalcedony Petrified Orchid
(1 quests)
- Chalice Case
(1 quests)
- Chalice Case - Empty
(1 quests)
- Chalice of Conquest
(1 quests)
- Chalice of Kings
(1 quests)
- Chalice of T'Chagrel
(1 quests)
- Chalice of the Prime
(1 quests)
- Chalky Teir`Dal Tonic
(1 quests)
- Challenge Contract
(1 quests)
- Chalp Diagram
(1 quests)
- Champion Blade
(1 quests)
- Champion Cape Pattern
(1 quests)
- Champion Crown Plans
(1 quests)
- Champion of Tunare Statue
(1 quests)
- Champion's Crown
(1 quests)
- Champion's Mancatcher
(1 quests)
- Champion's Mancatcher Crown
(1 quests)
- Champion's Sword of Eternal Power
(2 quests)
- Champions Medal
(1 quests)
- Chancellor Plushie
(1 quests)
- Channeling
(1 quests)
- Channeling Crystal
(1 quests)
- Chant of Pain
(1 quests)
- Chaos Crystal
(1 quests)
- Chaos Crystal Chip
(1 quests)
- Chaos Crystal Fragment
(1 quests)
- Chaos Crystal Ort
(1 quests)
- Chaos Crystal Shard
(1 quests)
- Chaos Infused Velium Crystal
(1 quests)
- Chaos Infused Velium Shard
(1 quests)
- Chaos Runes
(1 quests)
- Chaotic Essence
(1 quests)
- Chaotic Korlach Mangler
(1 quests)
- Chaplain Bloodmoon's Battle Crest
(1 quests)
- Chapter P
(1 quests)
- Chapterhouse of the Fallen Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Charasis Chaotic Energy
(1 quests)
- Charasis City Sigil
(1 quests)
- Charasis Containment Energy
(1 quests)
- Charasis Portal Energy
(1 quests)
- Charasis Tome
(1 quests)
- Charasis Tome Copy
(1 quests)
- Charcoal Grave Marker
(1 quests)
- Chardok Battle Plans
(1 quests)
- Chardok Butcher's Badge
(1 quests)
- Chardok City Sigil
(1 quests)
- Chardok Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Chardok Historical Records
(1 quests)
- Chardok Logistics Report
(1 quests)
- Charged Golem Shard
(1 quests)
- Charged Power Crystal
(1 quests)
- Charger Hoof Chips
(1 quests)
- Charm and Sacrifice
(1 quests)
- Charm of the Righteous
(1 quests)
- Charm of the Va`Ker
(1 quests)
- Charred Bone Box
(1 quests)
- Charred Bone Chip
(1 quests)
- Charred Bone Chips
(1 quests)
- Charred Bone Key
(1 quests)
- Charred Bone Shards
(1 quests)
- Charred Bones
(1 quests)
- Charred Captain's Bones
(1 quests)
- Charred Dagger
(2 quests)
- Charred Elysian Bones
(1 quests)
- Charred Halfling Remains
(1 quests)
- Charred Pearl
(1 quests)
- Charred Pebble
(1 quests)
- Charred Piece of Wood
(1 quests)
- Charred Ruby
(1 quests)
- Charred Scale
(1 quests)
- Charred Soldier's Bones
(1 quests)
- Charred Terror Twist
(1 quests)
- Charred Twig
(1 quests)
- Charred Umbral Fulgurite
(1 quests)
- Charred Wooden Club
(1 quests)
- Chastity Helmet Set
(1 quests)
- Chataya's Staff
(1 quests)
- Chattering Dolly
(3 quests)
- Chattering Teeth
(1 quests)
- Cheek Flap
(1 quests)
- Cheerful Othmir Brainstem
(1 quests)
- Cheerful Unicorn Brainstem
(1 quests)
- Cheese
(2 quests)
- Cheliceran Poison Gland
(1 quests)
- Chelsith Bengal Familiar
(2 quests)
- Chelsith Reborn Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Chemical Analysis Report
(1 quests)
- Cherrystone Shell
(1 quests)
- Chest of Crystal Shards
(1 quests)
- Chest of Faith
(1 quests)
- Chest of Faith
(1 quests)
- Chest of Luggald Samples
(1 quests)
- Chest of Valor
(1 quests)
- Chetari Inquisitor's Ear
(1 quests)
- Chewed Beetle Kabob
(1 quests)
- Chewed Candied Mushroom
(1 quests)
- Chewed Citrus Candy Floss
(1 quests)
- Chewed Fly Roasted Oat Bites
(1 quests)
- Chewed Honeycomb Marshmallow
(1 quests)
- Chewed Kromtus Idol
(1 quests)
- Chewed Salted Carp Roe
(1 quests)
- Chewed Shrimp Chips
(1 quests)
- Chewed Silvervine
(1 quests)
- Chewed Steel Nib
(1 quests)
- Chewed Up Ball
(1 quests)
- Chianoi's Remains
(1 quests)
- Chief Deroslan's Prayer Beads
(1 quests)
- Chief Diedridans' Warbeads
(1 quests)
- Chief Ferilsars' Prayer Beads
(1 quests)
- Chief Fosloas' Warbeads
(1 quests)
- Chief Kellerus' Warbeads
(1 quests)
- Chief Ry`Gorr's Head
(1 quests)
- Chief Wasolors' Prayer Beads
(1 quests)
- Chief's Tongue
(1 quests)
- Child of Charasis Remains
(1 quests)
- Child's Archery Practice Note
(1 quests)
- Child's Drawing of a Rat
(1 quests)
- Child's Painting
(1 quests)
- Child's Practice Sword
(1 quests)
- Child's Tear
(1 quests)
- Child's Toy
(1 quests)
- Chill Dagger
(1 quests)
- Chilled Brazier
(1 quests)
- Chilled Gems
(1 quests)
- Chilled Pure Water
(1 quests)
- Chilled Pure Water Recipe
(1 quests)
- Chilled Tundra Root
(2 quests)
- Chimera Gut String
(1 quests)
- Chin Curtain
(1 quests)
- Chipped Ancient Dragon Horn
(1 quests)
- Chipped Axe Head
(1 quests)
- Chipped Cauldron
(1 quests)
- Chipped Claw
(1 quests)
- Chipped Ebony Key
(1 quests)
- Chipped Ethereal Relic
(1 quests)
- Chipped Feymetal Mining Pick
(1 quests)
- Chipped Gargoyle Pieces
(1 quests)
- Chipped Hammer Head
(1 quests)
- Chipped Mining Pick
(1 quests)
- Chipped Obsidian Faycite Shard
(1 quests)
- Chipped Onyx Sapphire
(9 quests)
- Chipped Relic
(1 quests)
- Chipped Shard of Slaughter
(1 quests)
- Chipped Shield
(1 quests)
- Chipped Statuettes
(1 quests)
- Chipped Xakra Tooth
(1 quests)
- Chiseled Cup of Health
(1 quests)
- Chitinous Barding
(1 quests)
- Chloroform
(2 quests)
- Chlorophyll Infused Sand
(1 quests)
- Chlorotoxin
(2 quests)
- Chocolate Coin
(1 quests)
- Chocolate Cookie?
(1 quests)
- Chocolate Marr Cherries
(2 quests)
- Chocolate Muffins
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Carcass
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Sample
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Sample
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Crest Plate
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Egg
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Feed
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Scale
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Scale Earring Mount
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Skull
(1 quests)
- Chokidai Treat
(1 quests)
- Choking Asmag
(3 quests)
- Chopping Sword
(1 quests)
- Chowderly's Delightful Tuna Cakes
(1 quests)
- Chrom's Hardened Heart
(1 quests)
- Chromadrac Skin
(1 quests)
- Chromadrac Wing
(1 quests)
- Chromatic Drake Scale
(1 quests)
- Chromatic Dye
(2 quests)
- Chromatic Essence
(1 quests)
- Chromodrac Gut
(1 quests)
- Chromotoxin
(2 quests)
- Chronium Plate
(1 quests)
- Chrono Cyclone
(1 quests)
- Chrysoberyl Talisman
(1 quests)
- Chub Fillets
(1 quests)
- Chum
(1 quests)
- Chunk
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Aalishai
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Aalishai Breezeway
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Alaran Flesh
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Argathian Steel
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Ashen Obsidian
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Basalt
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Blackvein Ore
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Broken Ancient Stone Worker
(2 quests)
- Chunk of Broken Taelosian Stone Worker
(2 quests)
- Chunk of Chronium Ore
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Coal
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Dense Fungal Padding
(2 quests)
- Chunk of Digested Earth
(5 quests)
- Chunk of Discordian Rock
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Energized Clay
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Flesh
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Floating Ore
(2 quests)
- Chunk of Fur
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Gloaming Beetle Meat
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Granite
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Gryme
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Ice
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Meat
(9 quests)
- Chunk of Mosquito Meat
(2 quests)
- Chunk of Obsidian
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Porous Ore
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Prismatic Metal
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Refined Metal
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Restless Ice
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Sandstone
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Solenium
(2 quests)
- Chunk of Taelosian Rock
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Tundra
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Tynnonium
(1 quests)
- Chunk of Witheran Meat
(1 quests)
- Chunks of Volatile Compost
(1 quests)
- Chunky Spider Meat
(1 quests)
- Cialin's Ice Staff
(1 quests)
- Cicero's Notebook
(1 quests)
- Cicero's Reassembled Notebook
(1 quests)
- Cicero's Torn Notebook
(1 quests)
- Cinder Chanterelle
(1 quests)
- Cinder Drake Scale
(1 quests)
- Cinder Flakes
(1 quests)
- Cinder Goblin Skin
(1 quests)
- Cinder Goblin Toes
(1 quests)
- Cindersilk
(2 quests)
- Cinerarium of the Fallen
(1 quests)
- Cinnamon Spiced Nectar
(1 quests)
- Cinnamon Sticks
(1 quests)
- Cinnamon-Spiced Elven Tea
(2 quests)
- Ciodaru's Gift Box
(1 quests)
- Ciodaru's Gift Box
(1 quests)
- Ciodaru's Gift Box Parts
(1 quests)
- Cipher of Veeshan
(2 quests)
- Cipher of Veeshan
(2 quests)
- Circle of Teeth
(1 quests)
- Circlet of Brambles
(1 quests)
- Circular Progress
(1 quests)
- Citizen's Ribs
(1 quests)
- Citribloom Bud
(1 quests)
- Citrine Chrysanthemum
(1 quests)
- Citrus Juicer
(1 quests)
- City of Bronze Equipment Chest
(1 quests)
- City Plans
(1 quests)
- Cjo Note
(1 quests)
- Claim Check
(1 quests)
- Clamps
(1 quests)
- Clan Direwind Golem Stitching
(1 quests)
- Clan Kolbok Blacksmith Traditions
(1 quests)
- Claret Webcap
(1 quests)
- Clasp Mold
(1 quests)
- Clasp of the Elements
(1 quests)
- Clasps of Sealing
(1 quests)
- Class "A" Cog
(2 quests)
- CLASS 1 Wood Point Arrow
(2 quests)
- CLASS 1 Wood Point Arrow
(4 quests)
- CLASS 1 Wood Point Arrow
(2 quests)
- CLASS 2 Wood Point Arrow
(6 quests)
- CLASS 3 Wood Point Arrow
(1 quests)
- CLASS 5 Bone Serrated Tip Arrow
(3 quests)
- CLASS 5 Ceramic Point Arrow
(3 quests)
- CLASS 5 Wood Hooked Arrow
(2 quests)
- CLASS 6 Steel Drakespike Arrow
(1 quests)
- CLASS 6 Steel Hooked Arrow
(2 quests)
- CLASS 7 Drakebone Discord Tip Arrow
(1 quests)
- CLASS 7 Drakebone Drakespike Arrow
(1 quests)
- Class II Roboboar Upgrade Device
(1 quests)
- Class III Roboboar Upgrade Device
(1 quests)
- Class IV Roboboar Upgrade Device
(1 quests)
- Class V Roboboar Upgrade Device
(1 quests)
- Class-XIII Motivator
(1 quests)
- Classic Longship
(1 quests)
- Claw Beast Talon
(1 quests)
- Claw Lining Sketches
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Apprentice
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Cub
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Grunt
(1 quests)
- Claw of the High Grimling
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Horde
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Mature Patriarch
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Savage Spirit
(3 quests)
- Claw of the Savage Spirit
(3 quests)
- Claw of the Scout
(1 quests)
- Claw of the Young Patriarch
(1 quests)
- Claw Sconce Torch
(1 quests)
- Claw Statue
(2 quests)
- Clawdigger Clan Overseer's Plans
(1 quests)
- Clawed Skull Ornament Pack
(1 quests)
- Clay-Coated Blade
(1 quests)
- Clay Golem Parts
(1 quests)
- Clay of Cosgrove Sample
(1 quests)
- Clay Powder Bomb
(1 quests)
- Clay Sampling Device
(1 quests)
- Clay Signet
(1 quests)
- Clay Statue
(1 quests)
- Clay Statue
(1 quests)
- Clay Statue
(1 quests)
- Clay Statue
(1 quests)
- Clay Statue
(1 quests)
- Clay/Water Mixture
(1 quests)
- Claymixing Bowl
(1 quests)
- Clean Lakewater
(1 quests)
- Clean Polishing Rag
(1 quests)
- Clean Thimblerod
(1 quests)
- Clean Whirligig
(1 quests)
- Cleaned Alligator Scales
(1 quests)
- Cleaned Korshan Sarnak Scale
(1 quests)
- Cleaned Lunch Plate
(1 quests)
- Cleaned White Dragon Scale
(1 quests)
- Cleaning Brush
(1 quests)
- Cleaning Fluid
(1 quests)
- Cleaning Solvent
(1 quests)
- Cleansed Siren's Pearl
(1 quests)
- Cleansed Breastplate
(1 quests)
- Cleansed Kai Family Ring
(1 quests)
- Cleansed Spirit of Antonica
(1 quests)
- Cleansed Spirit of Faydwer
(1 quests)
- Cleansed Spirit of Kunark
(1 quests)
- Cleansing Bowl
(1 quests)
- Clear Celestine Faycite Shard
(1 quests)
- Clear Crystal
(2 quests)
- Clear Crystal
(1 quests)
- Clear Crystal Base
(3 quests)
- Clear Gem Grade Faycite
(1 quests)
- Clear Heart of Unfettered Stone
(1 quests)
- Clear Mind Crystal
(1 quests)
- Clear Ocean Quartz
(1 quests)
- Clear Teir`Dal Tonic
(1 quests)
- Clearcutter's Axe
(1 quests)
- Clenched Fist of Death
(1 quests)
- Cleric Emblem
(2 quests)
- Clicking Dolly
(3 quests)
- Clickshell Sketch
(1 quests)
- Cliff Golem Heartstone
(1 quests)
- Clikkt the Tentacle Shatterer
(1 quests)
- Cliknar Claimed Clay Sample
(1 quests)
- Cliknar Command Jelly
(1 quests)
- Cliknar Gas Pouch
(1 quests)
- Cliknar Poison Antidote
(1 quests)
- Cliknar Scout Head
(1 quests)
- Cloak of Flames
(1 quests)
- Cloak of Greater Pernicity
(1 quests)
- Cloak of Spiroc Feathers
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Dar Khura Apprentice
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Dar Khura Journeyman
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Dar Khura Recruit
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Doomscale Ritualist
(2 quests)
- Cloak of the Jharin Apprentice
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Jharin Journeyman
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Jharin Recruit
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Khala Dun Apprentice
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Khala Dun Journeyman
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Khala Dun Recruit
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Khati Sha Apprentice
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Khati Sha Recruit
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Spirit Tracker
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Taruun Apprentice
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Taruun Journeyman
(1 quests)
- Cloak of the Taruun Recruit
(1 quests)
- Cloak Pattern
(1 quests)
- Cloak Sectional Mold
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Balance Gear
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Bombadier's Charged Maul
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Chain Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Robe Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Cloth Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Dolly
(2 quests)
- Clockwork Driveshaft
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Gear
(3 quests)
- Clockwork Gnome Bolts
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Gnome Skeletal Frame
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Infantry Bayonet
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Key
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Key
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Leather Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Metrognome
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Oil Extract
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Oil Stout
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Party Starter
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Pinion Gear
(2 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Plate Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Rat Back Plate
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Rat Belly Plate
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Rat Leg Section
(2 quests)
- Clockwork Scout Assembly Instructions
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Scout Shell
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Seal of Ak`Anon
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Sewing Kit
(2 quests)
- Clockwork Spider Abdomen Plate
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Spider Eye Lens
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Spider Leg
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Spider Leg Section
(2 quests)
- Clockwork Spider Mesh
(6 quests)
- Clockwork Spider Thorax Plate
(3 quests)
- Clockwork Spinal Sprocket
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Spine Pipe
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Stew
(1 quests)
- Clockwork Watchman Gauntlets
(1 quests)
- Clogged Arterial Tube
(1 quests)
- Closed Black Satchel
(1 quests)
- Closed Medicine Bag
(1 quests)
- Closed Sample Cloth
(1 quests)
- Cloth Cap
(5 quests)
- Cloth Choker
(1 quests)
- Cloth Coldain Prayer Shawl
(1 quests)
- Cloth Pants
(1 quests)
- Cloth Pants
(1 quests)
- Cloth Sandals
(5 quests)
- Cloth Shirt
(6 quests)
- Cloth Shirt
(1 quests)
- Cloth Sleeves
(5 quests)
- Cloth Wristband
(5 quests)
- Cloth-Wrapped Necklace
(1 quests)
- Clothing Case
(1 quests)
- Clotted Drop of Blood
(1 quests)
- Cloud Jewel
(28 quests)
- Cloudburst Butterfly
(1 quests)
- Clouded Glass Vial
(1 quests)
- Cloudy Azure Sphere
(1 quests)
- Cloudy Brown Liquid
(1 quests)
- Cloudy Crystal
(1 quests)
- Cloudy Crystal Base
(3 quests)
- Cloudy Diamond of Air
(1 quests)
- Cloudy Stone of Veeshan
(1 quests)
- Clove Hitch Knot
(1 quests)
- Club of Destructive Protection
(1 quests)
- Clue: A Broken Toy
(1 quests)
- Clue: A Snowball with a Rock in It
(1 quests)
- Clue: A Symbol of Innoruuk
(1 quests)
- Clue: Fragment of a Charm Scroll
(1 quests)
- Clue: Fur from a Mammoth
(1 quests)
- Clump of Dirt
(1 quests)
- Clump of Diseased Flesh
(1 quests)
- Clump of Dough
(4 quests)
- Clump of Gorilla Hair
(1 quests)
- Clump of Mud
(1 quests)
- Clump of Mystical Pumpkin Seeds
(1 quests)
- Clump of Refined Ancient Taelosian Clay
(1 quests)
- Clump of Refined Taelosian Clay
(1 quests)
- Clump of Velium
(1 quests)
- Clutch of Dungeon Rot
(1 quests)
- Clutching Foot
(1 quests)
- Coal Dust
(1 quests)
- Coarse Ball of Wool
(1 quests)
- Coarse Glass Eye
(1 quests)
- Coarse Salt
(1 quests)
- Coat of Arms: High Keep
(2 quests)
- Coat of Arms: Qeynos
(2 quests)
- Coated Iksar Ribcage
(1 quests)
- Cobalt Burrower
(1 quests)
- Cobalt Drake Mask
(1 quests)
- Cobra Venom
(1 quests)
- Cockatrice Beak
(1 quests)
- Cockatrice Egg
(1 quests)
- Cockatrice Feather
(1 quests)
- Cockatrice Skull
(1 quests)
- Coconut Milk
(1 quests)
- Coconut Shell Fragments
(1 quests)
- Cocooned Armor
(1 quests)
- Code of Zan Fi
(1 quests)
- Coded Log Sheet
(1 quests)
- Coded Missive
(1 quests)
- Codex of Ice and Ether
(1 quests)
- Codex of the Warrior
(1 quests)
- Codified Prototype Decoder
(1 quests)
- Coercion Implant
(1 quests)
- Coffee Beans
(3 quests)
- Coffin
(1 quests)
- Coffin Bell
(1 quests)
- Coffin Cookie
(1 quests)
- Coffin Poison Bottle
(1 quests)
- Cog Marauder Power Storage Crystal
(1 quests)
- Coglixar Xorlopodil's Report
(1 quests)
- Cohesion Gem
(2 quests)
- Coif of Concealed Blades
(1 quests)
- Coiled Silk Strand
(1 quests)
- Coiled Steel Wire
(1 quests)
- Coin of Brell
(4 quests)
- Coin of Tash
(1 quests)
- Colain's Head
(1 quests)
- Cold Bronze Helm
(1 quests)
- Cold Contamination
(1 quests)
- Cold Plate of Beef and Bread
(1 quests)
- Coldain Chain Link
(1 quests)
- Coldain Coffee Blend
(1 quests)
- Coldain Collection Bag
(1 quests)
- Coldain Fetish
(1 quests)
- Coldain Head
(3 quests)
- Coldain Head on a Pike
(1 quests)
- Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring
(1 quests)
- Coldain Hunting Blanket
(1 quests)
- Coldain Hunting Knife
(1 quests)
- Coldain Lunch Bucket
(1 quests)
- Coldain Smithing Hammer
(2 quests)
- Coldain Standard Issue Kit
(1 quests)
- Coldain Toolset
(1 quests)
- Coldain Velium Temper
(2 quests)
- Coldeye Orc Charm
(1 quests)
- Coldsteel Ore
(1 quests)
- Collapsed Gnomish Recharging Kit
(1 quests)
- Collapsed Mortar and Pestle
(3 quests)
- Collapsed Toolkit
(1 quests)
- Collapsible Fishing Pole
(3 quests)
- Collapsible Mixing Bowl
(1 quests)
- Collected Saltwater
(1 quests)
- Collected Water
(1 quests)
- Collection Bag
(1 quests)
- Collection Bag
(1 quests)
- Collection Bowl
(1 quests)
- Collection of Books
(1 quests)
- Collection of Gems
(1 quests)
- Collection of Idols
(1 quests)
- Collection of Instruments
(1 quests)
- Collection of Plants
(1 quests)
- Collection of Spirit Lore
(1 quests)
- Collection of Taxidermy
(1 quests)
- Collection Satchel
(1 quests)
- Collector's Bloodgill Scale
(1 quests)
- Collector's Box
(8 quests)
- Collector's Brittle Iksar Skull
(1 quests)
- Collector's Brontotherium Hoof
(2 quests)
- Collector's Canine
(1 quests)
- Collector's Cheat Sheet
(1 quests)
- Collector's Crude Stone Idol
(1 quests)
- Collector's Drachnid Web Sac
(1 quests)
- Collector's Elemental Focus
(1 quests)
- Collector's Excavator Claws
(1 quests)
- Collector's Fire Hornet Wing
(1 quests)
- Collector's Fungal Fiend Flesh
(1 quests)
- Collector's Giant Sea Shell
(1 quests)
- Collector's Grimling Toe
(1 quests)
- Collector's Hobgoblin Tusk
(1 quests)
- Collector's Iksar Witch Doll
(1 quests)
- Collector's Kerran Doll
(1 quests)
- Collector's Kromrif Signet
(2 quests)
- Collector's Lightcrawler Shell
(1 quests)
- Collector's Lightstone
(1 quests)
- Collector's Lock of Mermaid Hair
(1 quests)
- Collector's Mistmoore Granite
(1 quests)
- Collector's Netherbian Claw
(1 quests)
- Collector's Nohope Moss
(1 quests)
- Collector's Pendant of Marr
(1 quests)
- Collector's Polished Stone
(1 quests)
- Collector's Preserved Split Paw Eye
(1 quests)
- Collector's Rockhopper Hide
(1 quests)
- Collector's Ry`Gorr Mining Pick
(1 quests)
- Collector's Sarnak War Braid
(1 quests)
- Collector's Sonic Wolf Ear
(1 quests)
- Collector's Sun Revenant Veil
(1 quests)
- Collector's Tump Stump
(1 quests)
- Colorful Cloth Scraps
(1 quests)
- Colorful Seashell
(1 quests)
- Colorful Venom
(1 quests)
- Colorless Vestments
(1 quests)
- Colossal Stein
(1 quests)
- Colossus Requisition
(1 quests)
- Colwell's Weathered Dragon Skull
(1 quests)
- Combine Commendation
(1 quests)
- Combine Manifest
(1 quests)
- Combine Officer's Silver Buckle
(1 quests)
- Combine Robe Disguise
(1 quests)
- Combine Sailor's Log
(1 quests)
- Combine Stone
(1 quests)
- Combine Wrench
(1 quests)
- Combined Alsa Thel Octet
(1 quests)
- Combined Essence
(1 quests)
- Combined Essences
(1 quests)
- Combined Parchment
(1 quests)
- Comfrey
(1 quests)
- Comfy Shoes
(1 quests)
- Commandeered Key
(1 quests)
- Commanding Words
(1 quests)
- Commission for Nureya
(1 quests)
- Common Angler Fish
(1 quests)
- Common Blind Minnow
(1 quests)
- Common Bone Fish
(1 quests)
- Compacted Backpack
(2 quests)
- Compacting Satchel
(1 quests)
- Compartmented Staff
(1 quests)
- Compass
(1 quests)
- Compendium of Classic Torture
(1 quests)
- Compiled Rallosian Intelligence
(1 quests)
- Compiled Rallosian Intelligence
(1 quests)
- Compiled Report
(1 quests)
- Complete Bug Collection
(1 quests)
- Complete Dragon Tome
(1 quests)
- Complete Form 241B
(1 quests)
- Complete Form 989S
(1 quests)
- Complete Illegible Tome
(1 quests)
- Complete Raw Blade
(1 quests)
- Complete Shaped Blade
(1 quests)
- Completed Cartography Binder
(1 quests)
- Completed Cultist Cipher
(1 quests)
- Completed Map of Iceclad
(1 quests)
- Completed Report
(1 quests)
- Completed Specimen Kit
(1 quests)
- Complex Cube
(1 quests)
- Complimentary Frost Covered Whetstone
(1 quests)
- Complimentary Shadow Scarab Sliver
(1 quests)
- Component Chest
(1 quests)
- Component Mortar
(1 quests)
- Compressed Ice Stone
(1 quests)
- Comte
(1 quests)
- Concave Focal Disc Mark I
(1 quests)
- Concentrated Avian Sedative
(1 quests)
- Concentrated Grade A Caladium Extract
(1 quests)
- Concentrated Grade AA Larkspur Extract
(1 quests)
- Conch of Understanding
(1 quests)
- Conch of Whispers
(1 quests)
- Concillium Report
(1 quests)
- Concillium Report
(1 quests)
- Concillium Report
(1 quests)
- Concillium Report
(1 quests)
- Concoction of Burning Agony
(1 quests)
- Concoction of Shadow
(1 quests)
- Concordance of Black Magic
(1 quests)
- Concrete Block
(1 quests)
- Condensed Blighted Blood Sample
(1 quests)
- Condensed Matter Shard
(1 quests)
- Condensed Matter Shard
(1 quests)
- Condensed Matter Shard
(1 quests)
- Condensed Shard of Power
(1 quests)
- Condensed Toxic Vapor
(1 quests)
- Condensed Zombie Bile Sample
(1 quests)
- Conentrated Mana Essence
(1 quests)
- Confectionary Contract
(1 quests)
- Confession Document
(2 quests)
- Confidential Information
(1 quests)
- Confidential Report
(1 quests)
- Conflagrant Diamond
(1 quests)
- Confusing Spider
(1 quests)
- Congealed Bile-Based Ooze
(1 quests)
- Congealed Blood of Redfang
(1 quests)
- Conjurer's Stone
(1 quests)
- Conlegium Enchanted Glaze
(1 quests)
- Connection Rods
(1 quests)
- Conscription Notice
(1 quests)
- Consigned Tanaan Ginko
(1 quests)
- Consolidated Grimling Reports
(1 quests)
- Consolidated Rallosian Missives
(1 quests)
- Constrict Suspension
(2 quests)
- Construct Binding Gel
(1 quests)
- Container Base Mold
(1 quests)
- Container Lid Mold
(1 quests)
- Container of Dried Bronze Polish
(1 quests)
- Container of Infectious Reagents
(1 quests)
- Contaminated Parchment Scrap
(1 quests)
- Contract of Sale
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Apparitional Alaran
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Bixie
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Blue Pirate
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Chosen
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Dark Arachnids
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Deeps
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Fallen
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Fighter
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Lizardman
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Mender
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Othmir
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Protector
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Skorpikis
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Sorcerer
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Teir`Dal Royal Guard
(1 quests)
- Contract of the Winter Aviak
(1 quests)
- Contraption Parts
(1 quests)
- Control Setting Gears I, II, III, IV, and VII
(1 quests)
- Controlled Earthmover's Head
(1 quests)
- Conversion Contraption
(1 quests)
- Convex Focal Disc Mark II
(1 quests)
- Convivial Gorilla Brainstem
(1 quests)
- Cooking Pot
(1 quests)
- Cooling Chamber Navigational Assistant
(1 quests)
- Cooling Chamber Water Sample
(1 quests)
- Cooling Pitcher
(1 quests)
- Coordinate Label
(1 quests)
- Copper Air Band
(1 quests)
- Copper Armband
(1 quests)
- Copper Badge of Death
(1 quests)
- Copper Band
(1 quests)
- Copper Coldain Insignia Ring
(1 quests)
- Copper Disc
(2 quests)
- Copper Etched Gear #1
(1 quests)
- Copper Etched Gear #2
(1 quests)
- Copper Etched Gear #3
(1 quests)
- Copper Etched Reinforced Rod
(1 quests)
- Copper Key
(1 quests)
- Copper Lava Glass
(1 quests)
- Copper Medal of War
(1 quests)
- Copper Node
(1 quests)
- Copper Orc Earring
(1 quests)
- Copper Ring
(1 quests)
- Copper Seal of Subversion
(1 quests)
- Copper-Lined Sextant
(1 quests)
- Copper-Melded Faceplate
(1 quests)
- Copperhead Venom
(1 quests)
- Copy of Druidic Rune
(1 quests)
- Copy of Notes
(1 quests)
- Coral Extract Vial Bundle
(1 quests)
- Coral Key
(1 quests)
- Coral of Wisdom
(1 quests)
- Coral Statue of Tarew
(1 quests)
- Coral-Set Golden Necklace
(1 quests)
- Coralisk Toes
(1 quests)
- Coralspine Footprint and Coral
(1 quests)
- Core of the Tyrant
(1 quests)
- Cork
(3 quests)
- Cork
(1 quests)
- Cork Fishing Bobber
(1 quests)
- Corking Device
(3 quests)
- Corn Rose
(1 quests)
- Cornerstone Fragment
(1 quests)
- Corpse Dust
(1 quests)
- Corpse Dust
(1 quests)
- Corpse Makeup Kit
(1 quests)
- Corpse Rope
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #1
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #2
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #3
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #4
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #5
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #6
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #7
(1 quests)
- Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #8
(1 quests)
- Corroded Beaker
(1 quests)
- Corroded Breastplate
(5 quests)
- Corroded Chain Boots
(4 quests)
- Corroded Chain Bracer
(4 quests)
- Corroded Chain Coif
(4 quests)
- Corroded Chain Gauntlets
(4 quests)
- Corroded Chain Leggings
(4 quests)
- Corroded Chain Sleeves
(4 quests)
- Corroded Chain Tunic
(4 quests)
- Corroded Dirk of Decay
(1 quests)
- Corroded Mark of Neriak
(1 quests)
- Corroded Metal Tooth
(1 quests)
- Corroded Plate Boots
(5 quests)
- Corroded Plate Bracer
(5 quests)
- Corroded Plate Gauntlets
(5 quests)
- Corroded Plate Greaves
(5 quests)
- Corroded Plate Helmet
(5 quests)
- Corroded Plate Vambraces
(5 quests)
- Corroded Praetor Chestplate
(1 quests)
- Corrosive Goo
(1 quests)
- Corrosive Solution
(1 quests)
- Corrosive Venom
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Core
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Dragon Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Evantil Fruit
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Fauns Skin
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Forbidding Stone
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Gargoyle Stone
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Ghoulbane
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Goral Sample
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Ka Vethan Dagger
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Koalindl's Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Koalindl's Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Koalindl's Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Koalindl's Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Panther Skin
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Parchment Scrap
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Shissar Fang
(4 quests)
- Corrupted Siren's Pearl
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Storm Giant Heart
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Sunshard
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Tissue
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Unicorns Skin
(1 quests)
- Corrupted Vampyre Blood
(1 quests)
- Corrupting Moss
(1 quests)
- Corruption Powder
(1 quests)
- Corun's Notes
(1 quests)
- Corun's Notes - Annotated
(1 quests)
- Cosgrite Bar
(1 quests)
- Cosgrite Gear Assembly
(1 quests)
- Cosgrove Amalgam
(1 quests)
- Cosgrove Powder
(4 quests)
- Cosgrove Shard
(1 quests)
- Coterie Assassin Garrote
(1 quests)
- Cotton Candy
(1 quests)
- Cough Elixir
(1 quests)
- Cough Tonic
(1 quests)
- Council Minutes
(1 quests)
- Council's Declaration
(1 quests)
- Counter Magic Scroll
(1 quests)
- Counterlocking Nut
(2 quests)
- Counterrotating Flywheel Piston
(1 quests)
- Couragebringer
(1 quests)
- Courier's Head
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Chain Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Robe Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Cloth Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Leather Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Arms Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Chest Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Feet Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Hands Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Helm Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Legs Ornament
(1 quests)
- Couture Clockwork Plate Wrist Ornament
(1 quests)
- Cove Frog Eye
(1 quests)
- Cove Frog Skin
(1 quests)
- Cowl of Mortality
(3 quests)
- Cowl of the Dreadlands Yeti
(1 quests)
- Cowl of the Hateful
(1 quests)
- Coyote Pelt
(9 quests)
- Coyote Skull
(7 quests)
- Crab Cracker
(1 quests)
- Crab Meat
(1 quests)
- Crab Sausage
(1 quests)
- Crab Spider's Carapace
(5 quests)
- Crab Spiderling Fang
(2 quests)
- Cracked Amulet
(1 quests)
- Cracked Ancient Dragon Mandible
(1 quests)
- Cracked Block and Tackle
(1 quests)
- Cracked Burda Club
(1 quests)
- Cracked Censer
(1 quests)
- Cracked Corrupt Guard Helm
(1 quests)
- Cracked Crab Spider Leg
(2 quests)
- Cracked Crystal
(1 quests)
- Cracked Draconic Goblet
(1 quests)
- Cracked Dragon Bone
(1 quests)
- Cracked Dragon Egg
(1 quests)
- Cracked Dragon Femur
(1 quests)
- Cracked Emerald
(1 quests)
- Cracked Ethereal Relic
(1 quests)
- Cracked Finger Bone
(1 quests)
- Cracked Flute
(1 quests)
- Cracked Focus Totem
(1 quests)
- Cracked Gargoyle Claw
(1 quests)
- Cracked Giant Scarab Carapace
(4 quests)
- Cracked Haven Mask
(1 quests)
- Cracked Helm of the Lifebringer
(8 quests)
- Cracked Lavaspinner Egg
(2 quests)
- Cracked Leather Belt
(1 quests)
- Cracked Leather Eyepatch
(1 quests)
- Cracked Mining Pick
(1 quests)
- Cracked Mirror of Self-Loathing
(1 quests)
- Cracked Mystical Mirror
(1 quests)
- Cracked Owlbear Pellet
(1 quests)
- Cracked Plains Pebble
(1 quests)
- Cracked Poisons Vial
(1 quests)
- Cracked Pyre Beetle Carapace
(4 quests)
- Cracked Rhino Beetle Carapace
(2 quests)
- Cracked Rib Cage
(1 quests)
- Cracked Ruby
(1 quests)
- Cracked Shard of Power
(1 quests)
- Cracked Skeleton Skull
(5 quests)
- Cracked Stone Key
(1 quests)
- Cracked Sul Vius Key
(1 quests)
- Cracked Thimblerod
(1 quests)
- Cracked Troll Spine
(1 quests)
- Cracked Urn Handle
(1 quests)
- Cracked Vampyric Sword
(1 quests)
- Cracked Waterspring Scepter
(1 quests)
- Cracked Whirligig
(1 quests)
- Cracked Wooden Mug
(1 quests)
- Crackers
(1 quests)
- Cracking Legs
(1 quests)
- Crackling Infusor
(1 quests)
- Crackling Korshessence
(1 quests)
- Craet Scythe
(1 quests)
- Craft Keepers Assembly Kit
(7 quests)
- Crafted Talisman of Fates
(2 quests)
- Crafted Tassels
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Boots
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Bracers
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Chest
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Gloves
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Helm
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Leggings
(1 quests)
- Crafting Mold: Spirit Sleeves
(1 quests)
- Crafting Tool Handle Attachment
(1 quests)
- Crafting Tool Hook Attachment
(1 quests)
- Crafting Tool Shaft Attachment
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Bracer Material
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Cap Material
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Gloves Material
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Robe Material
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Sandals Material
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Sleeves Material
(1 quests)
- Craftkeepers Trousers Material
(1 quests)
- Crag Beetle Spittle
(1 quests)
- Crag Chick Familiar
(1 quests)
- Cragbeast Backpack
(1 quests)
- Cragbeast Bag
(1 quests)
- Cragbeast Blood
(1 quests)
- Cragbeast Pouch
(1 quests)
- Crank Handle with Silver Filigree
(1 quests)
- Cranky Cat Familiar
(1 quests)
- Crate for Tonics
(1 quests)
- Crate Full of Ore
(1 quests)
- Crate of Blacksail Rum
(1 quests)
- Crate of Carrots
(1 quests)
- Crate of Defective Arrows
(2 quests)
- Crate of Fine Carrots
(1 quests)
- Crate of Goods
(1 quests)
- Crate of Heroic Chitin Armor
(1 quests)
- Crate of Pick Axe Heads
(1 quests)
- Crate of Pies
(1 quests)
- Crate of Poisoned Meat
(1 quests)
- Crate of Potions
(1 quests)
- Crate of Rotten Carrots
(1 quests)
- Crate of Rotten Carrots
(1 quests)
- Crate of Supplies
(1 quests)
- Crate of Supplies
(1 quests)
- Crate of Supplies
(1 quests)
- Crate of Supplies
(1 quests)
- Crate of Tea
(1 quests)
- Crate of Teir`Dal Provisions
(1 quests)
- Crawler Meat
(1 quests)
- Crazed Scrykin Shard
(1 quests)
- Cream
(1 quests)
- Creation Seal of Approval
(1 quests)
- Creep Eater's Teeth
(1 quests)
- Creeper Cabbage
(2 quests)
- Creeping Bog Berries
(1 quests)
- Creeping Bog Hops
(1 quests)
- Creeping Bog Midges
(1 quests)
- Creeping Bog Pie
(1 quests)
- Creeping Bog Water
(3 quests)
- Creeping Corathus Meat
(1 quests)
- Creeping Peat Ashes
(1 quests)
- Creeping Rye Grain Spawn
(1 quests)
- Creeping Silk Strands
(1 quests)
- Creeping Silt Mold
(1 quests)
- Creeping Sporali Trunk
(1 quests)
- Creepy Doll
(1 quests)
- Crescent Bat Hide
(1 quests)
- Crescent Citizen's Declaration
(1 quests)
- Crescent Essence
(1 quests)
- Crescent Moon Earrings
(1 quests)
- Crescent Stone Amulet
(1 quests)
- Crescent Symbol of Rhaj
(1 quests)
- Crescent Vermin Hide
(1 quests)
- Crest of Erion's Order
(1 quests)
- Crest of Fal`Kaa's Order
(1 quests)
- Crest of Rizlona
(1 quests)
- Crest of the Drixie
(1 quests)
- Crest of the Faerie Dragons
(1 quests)
- Crest of the Fauns
(1 quests)
- Crest of the Sifaye
(1 quests)
- Crest of the Unicorn
(1 quests)
- Crest of the Wood Nymphs
(1 quests)
- Crested Ale Mug
(1 quests)
- Crested Shield
(1 quests)
- Cricket
(1 quests)
- Crier's Scroll
(1 quests)
- Crimped Tentacle
(1 quests)
- Crimson Drop of Blood
(1 quests)
- Crimson Ebonwing Semiplume
(1 quests)
- Crimson Geode
(1 quests)
- Crimson Moth
(1 quests)
- Crimson Nautilus Shell
(1 quests)
- Crimson Tessera
(2 quests)
- Crimson Wurm Horn
(1 quests)
- Crinkled Note
(8 quests)
- Crippling Peptide
(1 quests)
- Crisp stack of papers
(1 quests)
- Cristanos' Scythe Replica
(1 quests)
- Cristov's Red Wine
(1 quests)
- Croceus Boning
(1 quests)
- Croceus Chain Jointing
(1 quests)
- Croceus Ore
(1 quests)
- Croceus Rings
(1 quests)
- Croceus Studs
(1 quests)
- Crocodile Meat
(1 quests)
- Crocolisk Hide
(1 quests)
- Crooked Cage
(1 quests)
- Cross Pein Hammer
(1 quests)
- Crosshatch Painted Egg
(1 quests)
- Crow Idol
(1 quests)
- Crow Wing
(1 quests)
- Crow's Special Brew
(4 quests)
- Crown of Distraction
(1 quests)
- Crown of Elemental Mastery
(2 quests)
- Crown of Forbidden Rites
(1 quests)
- Crown of King Tranix
(1 quests)
- Crown of Tak`Yaliz
(1 quests)
- Crown of the Kromzek Kings
(3 quests)
- Crown of the Myrmidon
(1 quests)
- Crown of the Shade King
(1 quests)
- Crucible of Containment
(1 quests)
- Crucible of Escape
(1 quests)
- Crucible Sketch
(1 quests)
- Crucible Steel Buckle
(1 quests)
- Crucible Steel Fishing Hook
(1 quests)
- Crude Bone Altar
(1 quests)
- Crude Bone Short Sword
(1 quests)
- Crude Boot Mold
(3 quests)
- Crude Bracer Mold
(4 quests)
- Crude Breastplate Mold
(3 quests)
- Crude Bronze Boots
(2 quests)
- Crude Bronze Bracers
(3 quests)
- Crude Bronze Breastplate
(2 quests)
- Crude Bronze Gauntlets
(2 quests)
- Crude Bronze Greaves
(2 quests)
- Crude Bronze Helm
(2 quests)
- Crude Bronze Vambraces
(2 quests)
- Crude Fire Goblin Water Pod
(1 quests)
- Crude Fur Bandolier
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Banding
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Burin
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Cloth
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Cork
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Grinder
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Mallet
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Scrapper
(1 quests)
- Crude Fyr Jen Slab
(1 quests)
- Crude Gauntlets Mold
(3 quests)
- Crude Greaves Mold
(3 quests)
- Crude Helm Mold
(3 quests)
- Crude Iron Boots
(1 quests)
- Crude Iron Bracers
(1 quests)
- Crude Iron Breastplate
(1 quests)
- Crude Iron Gauntlets
(1 quests)
- Crude Iron Greaves
(1 quests)
- Crude Iron Helm
(1 quests)
- Crude Iron Vambraces
(1 quests)
- Crude Lizardman Disguise
(1 quests)
- Crude Magmatic Saltpeter
(1 quests)
- Crude Stone Ring
(1 quests)
- Crude Vambrace Mold
(3 quests)
- Crude Wooden Flute
(1 quests)
- Crudely Carved Shadow Dog
(1 quests)
- Crumbled Ice Stone
(1 quests)
- Crumbled Monolith Dust
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Bone Clasp
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Gargoyle Jaw
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Head
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Mural Fragment
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Relic
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Shale Bricks
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Stone
(1 quests)
- Crumbling Tome
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Excavation Report
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Haven Plate
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Invitation
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Parchment Azia
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Parchment Beza
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Parchment Caza
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Parchment Dena
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Piece of Paper
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Plea
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Scrap of Paper
(1 quests)
- Crumpled Torn Pages
(1 quests)
- Crunchy Slither Skin
(1 quests)
- Crusader's Coffin
(2 quests)
- Crusader's Coffin
(1 quests)
- Crusader's Khukri
(1 quests)
- Crusader's Progress Report
(1 quests)
- Crusades of the High Scale
(1 quests)
- Crushbone Battle Beads
(5 quests)
- Crushbone Battle Plans
(1 quests)
- Crushbone Belt
(3 quests)
- Crushbone Contract
(1 quests)
- Crushbone Information
(1 quests)
- Crushbone Orc Peon Familiar
(1 quests)
- Crushbone Shoulderpads
(3 quests)
- Crushed Black Marble
(27 quests)
- Crushed Bloodstone
(1 quests)
- Crushed Coral
(28 quests)
- Crushed Diamond Dust
(1 quests)
- Crushed Diamonds
(2 quests)
- Crushed Dufrenite
(2 quests)
- Crushed Fear Shard
(1 quests)
- Crushed Flame Emerald
(36 quests)
- Crushed Flame Opal
(12 quests)
- Crushed Funnel
(1 quests)
- Crushed Glowing Crystallized Velium
(1 quests)
- Crushed Haven Great Helm
(1 quests)
- Crushed Haven Vambraces
(1 quests)
- Crushed Helmet
(1 quests)
- Crushed Hopperclaw
(1 quests)
- Crushed Iridium
(1 quests)
- Crushed Jaundice Gem
(12 quests)
- Crushed Lava Ruby
(9 quests)
- Crushed Nuts
(1 quests)
- Crushed Onyx Sapphire
(21 quests)
- Crushed Opal
(8 quests)
- Crushed Palladium
(1 quests)
- Crushed Pot
(2 quests)
- Crushed Rhodium
(1 quests)
- Crushed Slave Summoning Bell
(1 quests)
- Crushed Topaz
(39 quests)
- Crushed Tree Bark Pieces
(1 quests)
- Crusted Cutter
(1 quests)
- Crusty Were-Orc Claw
(1 quests)
- Crypt Blood Slurry
(1 quests)
- Crypt Candle
(1 quests)
- Crypt Dust
(1 quests)
- Crypt Fungus
(1 quests)
- Crypt of Decay Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Crypt of Sul Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Damp Missive
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Page
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Plans
(1 quests)
- Cryptic Timetable
(1 quests)
- Crystal Caverns Collection Item
(1 quests)
- Crystal Clear Water
(1 quests)
- Crystal Collar
(1 quests)
- Crystal Cutter
(1 quests)
- Crystal Dragon Eye
(1 quests)
- Crystal Encrusted Gold Gear
(1 quests)
- Crystal Eritus
(3 quests)
- Crystal Fragment
(1 quests)
- Crystal Gargoyle Claw Tip
(1 quests)
- Crystal Glue
(1 quests)
- Crystal Harvester
(1 quests)
- Crystal Harvester Mold
(1 quests)
- Crystal Leg
(1 quests)
- Crystal Leg
(1 quests)
- Crystal Memory Resonator
(1 quests)
- Crystal Nightshade
(1 quests)
- Crystal Notocept
(1 quests)
- Crystal of Containment
(1 quests)
- Crystal of Yearning
(1 quests)
- Crystal Presciator
(1 quests)
- Crystal Remains
(1 quests)
- Crystal Servotine
(1 quests)
- Crystal Shard
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider Brain
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider Capture Harness
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider Spinneret
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Abdomen
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Cephalothorax
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Claw
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Eye
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Fur
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Leg
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Mandible
(1 quests)
- Crystal Spider's Spinneret
(1 quests)
- Crystal Terror Capture Harness
(1 quests)
- Crystal Vorotract
(1 quests)
- Crystal-Gemmed Signet
(2 quests)
- Crystallized Lava Wurm Bead
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Veeshan's Tears
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Wyvern Heart
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Book
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Carapace
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Chokidai Familiar
(2 quests)
- Crystalline Crawler
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Gargoyle Eye
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Gargoyle Horn
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Gargoyle Shard
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Gargoyle Tooth
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Gargoyle Wing
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Globe
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Golem Foot
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Golem Fragment
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Golem Head
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Idol
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Mandible
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Orb
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Serum
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Silk Collar
(5 quests)
- Crystalline Silk Fiber
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Silk Mesh
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Silk Sash
(2 quests)
- Crystalline Silk Thread
(2 quests)
- Crystalline Spawn-Shard
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Stinger
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Valor Glaze
(1 quests)
- Crystalline Water
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Blood
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Blood Cache
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Blood Store
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Coral Sample
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Dew
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Dragon Tear
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Dream of the Feerrott
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Flesh Sample
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Growth Cache
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Growth Store
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Lava
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Magma Cache
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Magma Store
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Marrow
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Belt
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Boots
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Bracer
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Claymore
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Dagger
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Gloves
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Helm
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Leggings
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Long Sword
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Rapier
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Scimitar
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Short Sword
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Sleeves
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Spear
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Star
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Tunic
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadow Warhammer
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shadows
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Shard of Doomfire
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Soul of Fire
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Spore Cache
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Store of Spores
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Storm Drop
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Sulfur
(2 quests)
- Crystallized Umbral Fulgurite
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Water Sample
(1 quests)
- Crystallized Ygri Root
(1 quests)
- Crystalwing Needle
(1 quests)
- Crystalwing Sewing Kit
(2 quests)
- Crystalwing Smithy Hammer
(1 quests)
- Crytil's Tongue
(1 quests)
- Cube Goo
(1 quests)
- Cuddly Bear Brainstem
(3 quests)
- Culinary Delights
(1 quests)
- Cultivated Jumjum Pollen
(1 quests)
- Cultured Spirits
(1 quests)
- Cup of Flour
(5 quests)
- Cup of Lava
(1 quests)
- Cup of Red Beans
(1 quests)
- Cup of Sugar
(5 quests)
- Cup of Timorous Falls Water
(1 quests)
- Curative Potion
(1 quests)
- Cured Brontotherium Hide
(1 quests)
- Cured Ethereal Energy
(2 quests)
- Cured Panther Hide
(1 quests)
- Cured Shade Silk Robe
(1 quests)
- Curing Kit
(29 quests)
- Curio of Ondine Force
(1 quests)
- Curious Replica
(1 quests)
- Curly Mustache
(1 quests)
- Cursed Arrowheads
(1 quests)
- Cursed Bark
(1 quests)
- Cursed Lorekeeper's Quill
(1 quests)
- Cursed Obsidian Faycite
(1 quests)
- Cursed Piece of Silver
(1 quests)
- Cursed Shiliskin Hand
(1 quests)
- Cursed Shiliskin Thigh Bone
(1 quests)
- Cursed Skeletal Remains
(1 quests)
- Cursed Talisman
(1 quests)
- Curved Bamboo Beam
(1 quests)
- Curved Blade Mold
(1 quests)
- Curved Steel Beam
(1 quests)
- Curved Wooden Beam
(1 quests)
- Custom Mortar and Pestle
(1 quests)
- Custom-Fit Armor
(1 quests)
- Cutlassfish Oil
(1 quests)
- Cutthroat Golden Tooth
(2 quests)
- Cutthroat Insignia Ring
(6 quests)
- Cutting Shells
(1 quests)
- Cyclan Butil
(4 quests)
- Cyclops Charm
(1 quests)
- Cyclops Eye
(2 quests)
- Cyclops Skull
(1 quests)
- Cyclops Toes
(1 quests)
- Cylindrical Shard of Winter Steel
(1 quests)
- Cystalline Dragon Egg
(1 quests)