This is really great for a paladin or shadow knight that I have seen, at high level STR, AC, HP, and Resists is what is needed and for it to also have see invis, is an extremely big help in PVP, int or wis, is always needed for mana.
Get any pally maxed with MR = GOD. At any level.
Pomanous 54 pally, Rallos Zek officer <Council of Elite>
My main is a 65 Necro. HP=Mana for me, the int is nice since planar power and higher int caps, the resists are sweet and of course AC never hurts. When I see this you can bet your *** I'll be breaking out the points for it.
Would rather have something with mana on it before i asked for this item over melees. At the lvl you kill tormax your topped out in int/wis in the first place so most are shooting for a larger mana pool.
mana pool is nice, but what is really comes down to is mana regen. If you can regen mana faster, you wont have as much down time. You should focus on mana only until you can cast all the spells you are gonna use two times. That takes care of fizzles and gives a cusion if you need to reapply a dot or a debuff or something. after that its all about the mana regen.
The only exceptions for this are wizzy's and cleric's who needs to worry about both. In group situaitons, a wizzy that cant regen mana fast enough becomes dead weight as the group goes on. They also need to have a large mana pool for raids to chain nuke at the end of the fight. Clerics are the same in group except they have to somethimes heal 2 or 3 people in a small amount of time. On raids, the cleric that can stay above OOM when on the CH rotation is the one that will keep the MT up and be asked back on the next raid when i am looking for a cleric.
Mana regen can be supplimented with necro/mage but there is only so much they can do.
You make a very good point, however (not that it really has anything to do w/ this item) mana Preservation is a HUGE thing when deciding on what gear to get... I would much rather have a 30% mana preservation item than an FT 5 item. If you can preserve the mana there is nowhere near as much to regen and w/ a large mana pool u can also chain cast more spells w/out having to worry about regening that mana. Just something to think about
For a caster this would work better than the White Dragon Helm. This actually happens to have a lil bit of int/wis to it, the other seems more for melee classes.
Not really. At the level players would obtain this piece I would suspect all casters would be maxed out on their wis or int. More often than not this would be awarded to a mellee for the AC and saves. Means less worries keeping them alive in high level encounters.
A wizard can out-damage any monk in the short-term, but as they start running out of mana, the monks pass them by on long, hard kills. A wizard that gets aggro because he does this too soon in a big fight becomes a grease stain on the floor when he gets aggro. I don't think this would make much of a difference for keeping the wizard alive compared to the difference made by knowing when NOT to nuke.
That being said, items of unusually high AC and hitpoints almost always go to main tanks and main pullers first. That means high level warriors and monks (or sometimes shadow knights). Eventually, if your guild kills this guy often enough, everyone who wants one will have one, so it isn't that much of a big deal who gets it the first few times they drop. Just be patient and your turn will come.
actually wizard will outdamage me with good mana regen and a good MT to keep the nasty from killing him. Rogues outdamage me too. Still you want you puller to stay alive, and this and Xave's are going to be the best a monk can get.
Hehehehehe, some of those helms just look retarded. However some of them look amazing. Guess its all a matter of opinion. =) Anyway, i love this type of spell, is great for pulling as a human monk. Im blind as hell and them inviso mobs can be a pain.
Posted:Oct 31 2001 at 8:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The armor class alone makes this a valuable item. The +int and +wis make this a good candidate for casters... the Resists make this a must have for everyone. This is a very nice item, and I know I drool for it as a level 50 cleric.
Posted:Nov 10 2001 at 8:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what int/wis? are you looking at the sae picture i am looking at? lol
Posted:Sep 30 2001 at 9:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For all the rangers who don't worship the ***** tunare :P, this is a nice helm too, only bad thing everyone will want it :)
If a caster wants this item...its for resists. Now whos to say thats wrong? Is there only 1 crown in the whole game? If a caster wants the item...kill the ******* more then 1 time to get it. Easy if you ask me. Take your Uber guild and camp him if you like...but get that caster the resist gear he needs, and you'll be happy when he resist the AoE spells when nukeing that dragon your slashing up. Its a great item for casters and tanks...i think everyone should have one.
Posted:Jul 25 2001 at 12:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't know who the Warrior is you're grouping with or the Monks for that matter and I hate to be the bubble burster here. But as a Monk, a Warrior is well alligned with his deity if he can even taunt off me. I'm not even an epic Monk just yet and I throw down more damage than any Warrior I've grouped with to date. So basically to believe that a Warrior can put out more damage than a Monk is pretty much nutso.
Posted:Jan 28 2002 at 8:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't know...I'm really caught up...I play a wizard and i know how much damage i do is Wayyyyyy more than any monk could hope to land on a beast...i would really appreciate the resists/ac this gives, especially considering i play pretty much all around, between dungeons and ubermob raids...This is an item good for any class, but i would tend to pass on this personally due to the ac...
Posted:Aug 13 2001 at 6:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anti, no one can tuant offa you cause you are using the 13/21 hammer, and as long as someone is healing you :P, shhh.
Posted:Jun 19 2001 at 9:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As I have posted in the past, when an item has only mana potential, only casters get to roll for it. When an item has some mana potential and great AC, melees wait till all of the casters are outfitted before they begin to roll for it. If the item has no magical potential but is, as in this case, purely Ac, HP, and resists, the casters STILL want to roll for it.
Posted:Jul 09 2001 at 12:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I agree. Without a set of well armored warriors... casters whould not last 3 sec against the uber mobs
Posted:Jun 18 2001 at 1:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Shutup you druids get everything almost u want from verant yet u get wolf form and u still complain about "oh we look like n00bs with this leather look" well whoop dee do. If 99 % of the damn EQ population wasn't druids, necros, or mages I wouldn't care. But would u all please just SHUTUP!! The druids are so common that I bet if I were to pick one of the thousands of EQ players names from a list that the name I picked would have a druid character....hmmm well not a good example, but only an idiot wouldn't get my point.
Posted:Jun 13 2001 at 11:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This should obviously go to a druid. While I quad kite, my ability to survive all comes down to resists and AC. who cares about stupid monks and warriors, they are stupid.
Posted:Jun 13 2001 at 9:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) While your head is up your *** who cares! You shouldn't quad-kite, all your doing is taking all the spawns in the place- if you want the FN crown go kite the king!!! Otherwise stay out of my ******* and let a real adventurer take this thing
Posted:Jun 14 2001 at 10:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're just jealous because you can't quad-kite.
Posted:Jun 18 2001 at 1:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) More of a challenge, sure, just much less entertaining.
Posted:Jun 13 2001 at 3:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And btw a warrior with 1100 ac or a warrior with 1160 ac still isnt gonna make squat difference with stonestance, so your argument about stonestance only hurts you, you have a surefire way to lessen damage, monks dont persea!
Posted:Jun 13 2001 at 3:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes of course warriors are gonna take a beating, and of course this would help them, but it should plainly still goto a monk, how many 20 plus ac items are there for a warrior head, my count looked like 6 when i did a search, how many for monks , looks like 1. Lets see a warrior pull in the plains and not get the group killed half the time, resists are singularly onna the most important things for a pulling monk(by pulling i mean , only pulling and chaining, no melee) , and theres no way a warrior will have more need of this head item than a monk. And no i don't have a monk, just stating the obvious, although some warriors disagree!
Posted:Jun 12 2001 at 9:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what does this have to do with this item you idiots
Posted:Jun 12 2001 at 2:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) People alway seem to forget cleric in this game. Cleric take alot of the beating in the first few min of attack on large mob. If you're cleric are dead you're tank is useless. My atm my cleric has about 1150 ac plus resisted in all in 100 plus range. All class need better armor AC/resisted or anything. Poeple need to look at the idea and see if its best for there character atm. For my cleric, its AC,resisted,HP,STA that are the most important part of my character.
Posted:Jun 12 2001 at 12:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Monks will never be the "main tank" at a raid. Stonestance lasts just a few seconds, same for riposte disc. Warriors main role is to take hits, they have a 3 minute disc that helps them do so amazingly well. No ammount of AC on a monk/paladin/Rogue/ranger will ever compensate for the damage reduction ability of this discipline. Not to mention a warrior naked at 60 has more hp than most melee in equipment, and by the time they slap on their armor and get buffed, there is simply no comparison. (A well equiped warrior can get 6k+ hp at 60, while most melee classes will struggle to get 4500-5000 hp)
Posted:Jun 12 2001 at 12:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All id like to say is that my brother wasted a monk in a deul and the monk was buffed from a planes raid and he wasnt (hes a warr btw)