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Chunk of Taelosian Rock  

Quest Item
This item can be used in tradeskills.
WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Type:Combinable
Merchant Value:3 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:LordValance
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-19 06:33:33
Page Updated:Sat Jul 22nd, 2017

Expansion: Gates of Discord Gates of Discord

Average Price: 25pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 55

[Drops | Quests | Recipes | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Barindu, Hanging Gardens
NPC Name
a mastruq warfiend
a noc fleshfeaster
a ra`tuk decapitator
a ra`tuk screambringer
an aneuk incantor
an ukun bloodbeast

City of Dranik
NPC Name
a Dragorn guardian
a Dragorn thug
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound

Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
NPC Name
a corrupted turepta
a kyv eyecollector
a kyv heartpiercer
a ukun fleshound
Pxet Elite Blademaster

Korafax, Home of the Riders
NPC Name
a bazu pulverizer
a bloodthirsty feran
a discordling mangler
a discordling ravager
a huvul lord
a kyv deathstalker
a kyv slayer
a lightning warrior galvanizer
a mastruq fleshrender
a mastruq paindrinker
a mindshear attendant
a noc bloodthirster
a noc ripper
a ra`tuk bonecleaver
a ra`tuk executioner
a ra`tuk skullsplitter
a vitrik corporifer
a vitrik liege
a vitrik portal slaver
an aneuk mindrender
an aneuk overfiend
an ikaav archon
an ikaav corrupter
an ikaav envenomer
an ixt commander
an ukun bloodsniffer
an ukun carnophage
an ukun thrasher

Natimbi, the Broken Shores
NPC Name
a fierce cragwalker
a hynid fleshripper
a mastruq spiritbrute
a mastruq warfiend
a noc darklurch
a reef crustacean
a shore stonemite
a tide feaster
a turepta cragwalker
an ukun fleshhound

Old Bloodfields
NPC Name
a dragorn adjunct
a dragorn courier
a dragorn knight
a Dragorn muramite
a dragorn warrior
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a kyv limbcutter
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
a slavemaster
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound
an ukun guard
Commander Vthallyx

Qinimi, Court of Nihilia
NPC Name
a kyv bloodhunter
a mastruq warfiend
an ukun bloodbeast
an ukun fleshhound

Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
NPC Name
a noc darklurch
a ra`tuk screambringer
a twisted stoneservant
an ukun bloodbeast

Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
NPC Name
a decaying slimesnipper
a grimy turepta
a muck-covered fly
a sewer gnat
a stonemite
an acid larva

Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
NPC Name
a bestirring stonemite
a burrowing stonemite
a congealed mass
a diseased gnat
a noc bloodletter
a noc scout
a noc underling
a plague fly
a sludge lurker [Purifying Plant]
a stonemite
a vile stonemite
a viscous ooze
an abandoned worker
an aged stonemite
an ukun tracker

Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory
NPC Name
a decaying slimesnipper
a grimy turepta
a muck-covered fly
a sewer gnat
a slimelurking stonemite
a sludge lurker [the Crematory]
an acid larva

The Precipice of War
NPC Name
a noc flashblade

Tipt, Treacherous Crags
NPC Name
a coerced granite worker
a cragbeast hatchling
a devistating pooka
a hynid ravager
a kyv eyecollector
a kyv heartstriker
a mastruq decapitator
a mastruq warmedic
a mountain pooka
a noc sprayblood
a ra`tuk decimator
a shadowed stonemite
an aneuk ebonspirit
an aneuk fleshweaver
an ikaav fleshflare
an ikaav irelette
an ikaav psychagonist
an ukun deathfang

Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns
NPC Name
a coerced granite worker
a kyv eyecollector
a kyv heartstriker
a mastruq decapitator
a mastruq warmedic
a mountain pooka
a noc havocblade
a noc sprayblood
a ra`tuk decimator
an aneuk ebonspirit
an aneuk fleshweaver
an arisen beludu
an ikaav detestor
an ikaav fleshflare
an ikaav irelette
an ikaav psychagonist
an ukun boneretriever
an ukun deathfang


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Abysmal Sea
Quest Name
GoD Refine Raw GoD Materials

Used in 1 recipe.
Recipe list - Premium only.


Uploaded November 24th, 2023 by iventheassassin
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Update on Quests
# May 23 2006 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Its not Bansama that gives the quest. Its Imildu Woodstreak that gives quest and its Bansama will give you 2 stones for your chunk of taelosian rock. Someone has it reversed or they changed it. I just completed the quest and it was 100 or a little over 100 combiens for each task..I am trying to get my fletching up by collecting taelosian stones.

Will give statistics later on drops
Worth : reply
# Apr 25 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
# Sep 23 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Chunk of Taelosian Rock Sells for 2 plat 8 gold 5 silver 7 copper at vendor Sateal Deirosap in the bazaar (human Monk level 2 charisma 143)...Current bazaar prices range from 20 to 250 plat on bertox server...

Edited, Wed Feb 1 12:41:29 2006
# Feb 23 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
322 posts
An ukun fleshhound.
New Drop
# Dec 18 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
60 posts
Dropped off "a mountain pooka" in Vxed instanced zone right at the entrance
Fletching Collect Quest
# Dec 06 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent

The freebie version of fletching quest is well known, the Collection version does not seem to appear here, so here is a quick version of it:

Fletching Collection: Help Bansama

Give a Chunk of Taelosian Rock to Imildu Woodstreak and he will give you back 2 Taelosian Rocks.

Give a Taelosian Rock to Bansama Nysawi ( near Imuldu ) and she will give you items to combine in a fletching kit. Like the others, when you have done enough combines ( successful ones I believe ) the last piece ends the combine part of the quest.

Please Note: I was partway through the fletching freebie when I tried this so the exact details from my experience may not be complete.

I had the following combines to do:

Simple Taelosian Arrowhead ( Small Taelosian Stone + Simple Iron File + Simple Iron Chisel )
Simple Jagged Taelosian Arrowhead ( Small Taelosian Stone + Simple Tiny Chisel )
Simple Veined Taelosian Arrowhead ( Small Taelosian Stone + Simple Iron Chisel + Basic Etching Compound )

It only took me 5 chunks of rock, but I had few failures as my fletching skill was very high.

When Bansama tells you "You've done more than I could have expected", go to Imildu Woodstreak and say "what aid" and the quest is complete and you can do GoD feltching :)

I hope this is helpful and I have not repeated anything unnecessarily :)
# Aug 10 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
Dropped off a Hynid Fleshripper in Natimbi

Mystyre Malkaw'Esh
Discord Stone
# Apr 14 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
According to, there is another GoD fletching item called Discord Arrowhead.
They list one of the "ingrediants" as Discord Stone, but give no source, either dropped or player made, for this Stone.
I would be very grateful for any info as to where or how this Discord Stone is obtained.
Many thanks.
RE: Discord Stone
# May 18 2004 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
Arrowheads are made by taking a Chunk of Taelosian Rock or Chunk of Discord stone and placing it alone inside your fletching kit, low triv. You *must* have done the fletching quests in Abysmal Sea on the boats before you will be allowed to do this, so you also must own GoD expansion. The more you do the Rocks into Stones, the better at it you will get. After doing approx. 50 combines or so i started getting 2-3. Now im up to about 75-80 combines and im getting mostly 3 with occasionally 2. Im hoping that i will soon be getting 4 per. After you turn the Chunks into Stones, take a file, water and a single stone and combine it in fletching kit. This makes the arrowheads, triv 188. The arrowheads can be used to make arrows that triv at skill 227. Look them up on for the complete recipe guide. Hope this helps some. BTW, for those selling the chunks of rocks, going rate on my server, fennin ro, is about 10-75pp, depending on quantity. There are ppl selling them at 100-500pp each, but they are rotting. Average i would have to say is 45-60pp each.

Tinderbox 57 Ranger
RE: Discord Stone
# May 18 2004 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
Correction- first line states that the arrowheads are made by placing chunks of rocks into fletching kit, this is incorrect, as you will get stones first, then the arrowheads. sorry for the misinformation.
RE: Discord Stone
# Apr 23 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
discord stone is made by putting a ... (i think its called...) chunk of discord (discordian?) rock into a fletching kit and hitting combine. you must have already done the fletching quest in abysmal sea to learn the refining technique, but if you've done it it'll refine into one or two discord stones. i've heard it can refine into more than that, but i haven't seen it yet myself.

oh yea, i dunno what drops the chunk of discordian rock... i found it being sold on the magus at nedaria's landing one time. /shrug

Edited, Fri Apr 23 22:18:41 2004
# Mar 15 2004 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
Once you do the fletching quest, the dialogue will indicate that he hands you a substance, but he doesn't give you anything. however, at this point, you just put a chunk of taelosian rock in your fletching kit all by itself and hit combine.

sometimes you get two stones, sometimes one. i dunno how that works yet.

Edited, Tue Mar 23 05:58:21 2004
Tradeskill item
# Mar 12 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
This item is a random drop off of all GoD mobs. I have gotten this item in; Natimbi, Qinimi and Riwwi to date.
It is used for fletching. You can hand this item to Imidu Woodstreak in the abysmal sea and he will proccess this in to the stone you need for fletching. you can also do a Quest from Imidu Woodstreak (cant remeber is loc but you can use the find feature to get to him, he is a fletching merchant). Hail him and follow the prompts. He will hand you items to combine in you fletching kit. You need to turn in all of the items you combine in NON Stacked 4 at a time. you need to make 100 of each item and turn them in. there are 4 steps to this quest. this is to get you to 54 skill points for your tradeskill of choice for free. After you complete the last stage of the quest you can proccess the Chunk of Taelosian Rock on your own. just put 1 chunk in your fletching kit at a time and hit combine. it yields 1, 2 or 3 stones.
I am currently at 209 in fletching and i recieve 2 on an avergae. suposedly the more you proccess the more stones it yeilds.
I hope this helps out some.
# Feb 18 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
This dropped for me on the beach in Natimbi. Just an FYI
RE: Dropped
# Feb 25 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Also found in Sewers of Nihilia
Insta Gator Monk of Utopian
Rumblepants Loudbottom Shaman of Utopian
Nottall Attall Cleric of Utopian <retired>
Abysmal quest turnins
# Feb 17 2004 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
If you've been handing them in 20 at a time, it doesn't seem to see it as 20 and only credits you for one. I was doing this with the jewelcraft one. When I started doing 4 individual per turn in it worked fine.
# Feb 16 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
There are two quests in AS that will teach you how to refine the stone for yourselves. You can find them both listed in detail at

However the freebie seems to be broken right now. He's suppose to give you a new task after you make 100 arrows for him. Ive done over 200 and no new task yet. Maybe i just have to make 400 arrows. If anyone has more info on this, it would be great
RE: Broken
# Mar 12 2004 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
well broken maybe, but not the way you'd think. I went through all four levels of the quest like it says in your link... and again, the key was handing in items four at a time, unstacked. but at the end, the dialogue indicated that he handed me a 'compound' of some sort, but i didn't recieve anything.

petitioned it and got no response, the server went down shortly after for a scheduled update. I have a lot of these chunks, and if they can produce more than two stones, i would rather do it myself than turn them in to an npc who keeps some for himself.

does anyone know how to treat the chunks to turn them into taelosian stones?
RE: Broken
# May 23 2004 at 6:31 AM Rating: Default
once you have done the quest just put it into fletching kit by itself, this will refine it.
# Feb 12 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
I am working on this now. Once I have done enough for these fletchers, they will teach me how to treat the rock by myself. It is for a new form of arrow. Can't wait.
Quest related
# Feb 12 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
In Abysmal there are 2 fletching vendors, both need this rock, I believe the male vendor needs it first and he will hand somthing back that you can give to the female vendor in the same room. dont know what the results are.
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