I have killed 20+ 'a clay laborer's without any drops, got 2 out of 6 from 'a conquered guardian's -- there is a temple full of them full North of zone... made the druid happy.
It is by far easier to get this in Barindu. It drops off of the Clay and Sandstone gardian that are ph for the converter earth caller??? for the earth loam drop needed a while back. lower lvl, and probably got it as a drop already (hope you saved it and did not vendor sell it for 2p 8g)
I went to VXED like the druid 1.5 walk thru says to and damn! What a pain in the ***! I got to the deafening water fall and had to leave.. I couldnt hear casting, couldnt hear my alerts, nothing. Looked here and saw it drops in Riwwi and went there tracked some stoneworker types to the arena area and there ware 8 spawns, with some nocs and couple of wanderers. Got a chunk in the first couple of stone guys, killed for about 2 hours more and got total of 4.. should keep me busy :)
Just had this as a rather unexpected drop in a Forgotten Halls instance off os a Earthen Reject. Not a common drop. Mobs were level 54-57. Might drop more if higher level although level capped at 65 since this expansion came out when level cap was 65.
As another note I can confirm it still drops in Riwwi in the Coliseum area. Not a common drop there but I got 3 in a couple hours of farming them.
Maybe it still drops in Riwwi, but if so it's a horrible camp.
[Fri Sep 14 16:34:29 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 16:45:16 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 16:53:30 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 16:56:24 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:00:33 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:05:10 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 17:14:18 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:20:14 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:22:22 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 17:25:45 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:34:24 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:42:52 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 17:44:47 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 17:47:16 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 17:54:48 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 18:03:34 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:05:35 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:07:39 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:14:41 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:23:27 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:25:16 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:27:24 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:36:00 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 18:43:08 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:47:11 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant!
Twenty five kills, no drops. Soloable by a level 69 druid, but it's a fair deal of work. The yunjos are not KoS, but KoS mobs wander in regularly, so Innate Camo helps a lot. Every once in a while, a see invis mob wanders in though (I've seen one) so know how to get out in a hurry.
Edit: Finally, got it after 5 more kills:
[Fri Sep 14 18:50:32 2007] You have slain a converted laborer! [Fri Sep 14 18:56:30 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 19:02:56 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 19:07:40 2007] You have slain a twisted stoneservant! [Fri Sep 14 19:10:35 2007] You have slain a converted laborer!
Wanderer seems to always come from the east side. Was a named as I was gating out, be careful!
Well, none on the bazaar on saryrn, so I decided to look for myself on vendors in abysmal sea, and surrounding areas, like natimbi.. no luck. Tried farming it myself and had no luck for about an hour. To me, it seems a bit of a pain for a lowly pottery trophy.. oh well
I have been looking for this item in Riwwi and can't get one to drop off the Stoneservant (I camped them for over 5 hours). I spoke to a GM and she told be to check Barindu and/or Ferubi. I will probably be duoing so Vxed is out of the question. Any suggestions where I can find one? (No one is selling them on SH)
According to DruidsGrove this is now use as part of the 1.5epic for druids, hand it in to Malkidiv U`Yciunuz in AS to get Clump of Refined Taelosian Clay thats for druid combine