Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Rusty Long Sword  

Quest Item Placeable
Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 35
DMG: 5 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item can be used in tradeskills.
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WT: 7.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:1H Slashing
Merchant Value:0 pp 2 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:Gidono
IC Last Updated:2022-01-19 10:19:46
Page Updated:Wed Aug 17th, 2022

Expansion: Original Original

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

[Drops | Merchants | Quests | Recipes | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Scrap Metal
Vasty Deep Water


This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
a cracked skeleton
a dread bone
a shadowknight - Human
a skeletal excavator
a skeletal foreman
a sturdy skeleton
a zombie
an elf skeleton

NPC Name
a burly gnoll
a gnoll
a gnoll brewer
a gnoll commander
a gnoll guardsman
a gnoll pup
a gnoll scout
a gnoll tactician
a patrolling gnoll
a scrawny gnoll
an elite gnoll guard

Blightfire Moors
NPC Name
a Mucktail miner
a Mucktail rock breaker

Butcherblock Mountains
NPC Name
a decaying dwarf skeleton
a goblin
a krag elder
a towering brute
an aqua goblin
an undead pawn

Castle Mistmoore
NPC Name
a glyphed familiar
a pledge familiar
an initiate familiar

NPC Name
a decaying skeleton
a Dervish Cutthroat
a Dervish Thug
a lesser mummy
a skeleton
a zombie
an orc legionnaire
orc centurion
orc legionnaire
orc pawn
orc weaponsmith
Shadow Treebright
Sil Silverstar

Crescent Reach
NPC Name
a crypt walker
a dusty skeleton
an undead fisherman

NPC Name
Emperor Crush
Lord Darish
orc legionnaire
orc trainer
orc warlord

Dagnor's Cauldron
NPC Name
an undertow skeleton

NPC Name
a drolvarg gnasher
a ravishing drolvarg

East Freeport
NPC Name
Sir Lucan D`Lere [Warrior Guildmaster]

East Karana
NPC Name
a bandit
an undead reaver

Erud's Crossing
NPC Name
a skeleton sailor
a zombie sailor

Estate of Unrest
NPC Name
a crazed ghoul
a ghoul
a jack o lantern
a priest of najena - Estate of Unrest
dark boned skeleton
tormented dead

Everfrost Peaks
NPC Name
a decaying skeleton
an orcish mountaineer
ice boned skeleton

Firiona Vie
NPC Name
a drolvarg growler
a drolvarg snarler

Gorge of King Xorbb (Beholder's Maze)
NPC Name
a goblin lookout
a goblin veteran

Greater Faydark
NPC Name
a decaying skeleton
a faerie courtier
a faerie maiden
an orc centurion
an orc conscript
an orc footman
an orc seer
an orc shaman
an orc witchdoctor
Gurleg Bribgok
orc centurion
orc oracle
orc pawn

Highpass Hold
NPC Name
a gnoll
a gnoll brawler
a gnoll champion
a Highpass citizen
an orc berserker
an orc conscript
an orc mercenary
an orc scout
an orc soldier
an orc warrior
Captain Ashlan
Captain Orben
Recfek Shralok
Volunteer Delharn
Volunteer Renlor

Innothule Swamp
NPC Name
fungus man tracker
Tann Cellus

Jaggedpine Forest
NPC Name
Guard Bossamir

Kithicor Forest
NPC Name
skeleton trooper
undead cleric
zombie advisor
Zombie Commander
zombie infantry

Lake Rathetear
NPC Name
a deepwater goblin
a gnoll shaman

Lavastorm Mountains
NPC Name
a fire goblin

Lesser Faydark
NPC Name
a faerie
a faerie courtier
a faerie maiden
a faerie noble
a skeleton
orc centurion
orc chief

Misty Thicket
NPC Name
a bixie
a bixie drone
orc apprentice
orc centurion
orc pawn

Mob Graveyard
NPC Name
eastcommonlands - a Neriak scout
ecommons - a Neriak Captain
ecommons - a Neriak trooper

NPC Name
a greater skeleton
an ogre guard

Nektulos Forest
NPC Name
a calcified skeleton
a deathfist legionnaire
a decaying councilman
a decaying skeleton
a greater skeleton
a lesser mummy
a rotting citizen
a skeleton
an undead annalkeeper
An Undead Steward

North Karana
NPC Name
Guard Shilster

North Qeynos
NPC Name
a decaying skeleton
Guard Simkin

North Ro
NPC Name
a deathfist pawn
a decaying skeleton
a Dervish Cutthroat
a Dervish Thug
a desert madman
a lesser mummy
a parched zombie
a shriveled mummy
a skeleton
a zombie
dry bones skeleton

Ocean of Tears
NPC Name
a greater skeleton
an aqua goblin
an aviak quetzel
an isle goblin headhunter

Permafrost Keep
NPC Name
a young ice goblin
an ice goblin

Qeynos Catacombs
NPC Name
a dread corpse
an undead knight

Qeynos Hills
NPC Name
a gnoll avenger
a gnoll hunter
a gnoll watcher
a skeleton
Yollis Jenkins

Shar Vahl
NPC Name
a grimling skeleton

South Karana
NPC Name
a cliknar scout
a skeleton
a Splitpaw gnoll
Brother Drash

South Ro
NPC Name
a deepwater goblin
a madman
crypt mummy
dry bones skeleton

Steamfont Mountains
NPC Name
a decaying gnome skeleton
a gnome skeleton
a grikbar shaman
a kobold runt
a Krag elder
a runaway clockwork

Surefall Glade
NPC Name
Bren Treeclimber

The Feerrott
NPC Name
a lizardman broodling

The Rathe Mountains
NPC Name
a lizardman robber
a zombie

Upper Guk
NPC Name
a fungus drone
a fungus mutant
a fungus soldier

West Freeport
NPC Name
a deathfist pawn
a decaying skeleton
Deathfist Pawn

West Karana
NPC Name
a bandit
Guard Gregor [Task Master]


Vendor listing - Premium only


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Quest Name
Initiate Watchman's Breastplate

Greater Faydark
Quest Name
Bladed Weapons

Used in 3 recipes.
Recipe list - Premium only.


Uploaded September 28th, 2022 by iventheassassin
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Rusty Long Sword
# Mar 18 2007 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
These swords are no longer sold by Merchant Silspin in Northern Felwithe.

Zoreena of Drinal 71
Khryssianne of Drinal 55
Zayda of Drinal 21....the one that needed the rusty slashing weapons for research..

Live long and prosper
# Jun 19 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
Where can you buy them? I need them for Research and was wondering if you can just buy them?
Rusty Long Swords
# May 20 2006 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
I went to her for Rusty Long Swords, the item is not available here.
beauty Aye?
# Feb 16 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
I love my longsword, I looted one and fell in love with it right away. I do insane damage at my level! I sharpened it so its razor sharp now, I swing pretty fast too! My skill keeps going up and I think im doing more damage as I level, I might keep it untill about level 20 or 25 its beautiful! I mean, I Cant loot fine steel untill 25/30 or so.
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
RE: beauty Aye?
# Feb 16 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
You're totally right, my level 66 paladin uses this weapon still, grant it, it's not as 'uber' as the fine steel long sword, but nonetheless, I swing like crazy with it, and with my self haste spell I just picked up last night in the bazaar,(25% haste self buff!!!) I'm hitting very very high and FAST, so for all you people out there that think your "fine Steel" crap is the bomb, well, with my sharpening stone, i'll duel anyone who thinks they can take me.
-66th paladin
Trade Skillers
# Jan 25 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
404 posts
FYI for Smiths:

1 Rusty LongSword + 1 Sharpening Stone = 1 Tarnished LongSword.

1 Tarnished LongSword + 1 Flask of Water = 1 Small Brick(s) of Ore.

I will pass on more recipes if I find any on other Rusty Weapons.

By the way, Tarnished weapons dont sell for more, but they have a smaller delay between attacks, at least on Stromm in Queynos.
RE: Trade Skillers
# Feb 16 2004 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
Technically by that, you could actually make money off them. You could loot them, and make ore, and combine into fine steel weapons, eventually. It would be a lot of work, but you could without twinking or questiong make better from less? Or even sell for about 4-6pp... Which I THINK would be more then selling the rusty or tarnished individually.

Edited, Mon Feb 16 21:38:39 2004
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
# Dec 04 2002 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
23 posts
The problem with EQ is the same as in life. As we progress, we lose the magic and become jaded. I can still remember going out into the Kelethin newbie yard. The music was erie and the thick trees made everything look forboding. My little knees were knocking, but my goal was to try to raise enough money so that I could buy a full set of leather armor from one of the local merchants. I felt if I could do that, I may be able to move on to orc hill. When I saw a skeleton holding a rusty weapon, that was a big deal. To me, it meant progress toward some leather boots. Later I would discover the player economy and learn the value of things like spider silk, but that was unknown to me then. So, when I see a rusty longsword, I don't see a bad weapon. I remember when my character was new, and EQ was new, and wish sometimes that it could all be new again.

Anlorn Redbranch
Ranger of 54 seasons
Mithril Daggers
Solusek Ro
RE: Memories
# Jan 25 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
404 posts
Amen Brother. Some of us still have that feeling.
Smiley: bowdown
RE: Memories
# Jul 11 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
I remember when a cracked staff was the ideal newbie weapon.

11 damage was PIMP for a cleric.
# Nov 26 2002 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Lol I must say people flaming this weapon are retated. If you are a tru newbie how do you think you can afford anything better? You cant. This weapon is fine for anyone below level 5, and should use it untill they can achieve their Newb Quest weapons, or can accumilate enoungh money for a new one.
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 26 2002 at 3:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 26 2002 at 2:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LoL 22th Nov 2002 , Alakahzims saying this website needs a lot of $$ and space , but still has space to update this level 1 ubber crap item nobody will use .
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 02 2002 at 5:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) nevermind
RE: what the hell?
# Nov 25 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Uh, they aren't no drop, people don't farm them, and they aren't worth anything. The guy/gal/thing was just joking around.
now NO DROP!
# Sep 02 2002 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Rusty long swords just became no drop on test. Seems all the high levels were farming them and giving them to their twinks, and VI decided that the best thing to do would be make them no drop with a Rec level of 60. That should solve the major balance issue of classes; however, what to do about those cloth shirts is the next item on the agenda, quick buy them while you can, because I think they're going to delete the drop rate on them next patch!

platts for these?
# Jul 08 2002 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
I've been looting these of skeletons outside of freeport and the commonlands and practicing my smithing skills on them. After getting them to Tarnished i only get about 8 gold for them. Who has gotten 8 plats ?!!! was this a sell to other players? I do not believe that any merchants would give 8 plat for them. They only cost 1 plat and some gold to buy from a merchant.

Aspiring Rogue of 17 seasons
# May 28 2002 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
do tarnished weapons sell more to vendors than rusty ones?????

8 Plats!
# Feb 11 2002 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
I, Ironhom Hammerforge, Dwarven Paladin, upon hearing that the elusive "rusty longsword", sold for 8pp, decided to drop everything and head for Greater Faydark. Someone claimed to have once looted one there.

Forget mammoth tusks, I was going to be rich. I knew that if I obtained enough of these rare drops, I might be able to purchase, believe it or not, a tarnished longsword! Yes, life in Norrath would change for this Dwarf. I was in business.

When I arrived in the dark wood, I put all my armor and weapons in the bank. I needed to be at my very best to kill a skeleton. Armed with my deadly Dwarven fist, I journeyed to the "noob lift" (sometimes known as the "boob lift"), pushed the lever, and headed down for the mysterious Greater Faydark. A sweat broke out on my brow as I walked into the forest. How would I find a skeleton? Could I kill one? Should I form a raiding party?

Well, good news friends. I did puch out several skeletons, and lived to tell about it. I actually obtained 4 of the "rusty longswords". As a gift to my fellow adventurers, I will sell them to you for only 4 plats.

Ironhom Hammerforge
Dwarven Paladin
Tallon Zek Server
RE: 8 Plats!
# Jan 25 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
404 posts
Ok. I must admit I am getting tired of reading the flames about how foolish it is to post rusty weapons. Smiley: banghead However, this post made me laugh out loud. Dude, you are FUNNY. Smiley: laugh
2 of these or?
# Nov 23 2001 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
Thinking of selling my 2 lammys and getting a pair of these instead dunno what makes the best combo maybe one of these and one lammy?.. please tell if you got any good tips
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 07 2001 at 12:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why can't monks use this??? :( Monks always get shafted
#Anonymous, Posted: May 18 2001 at 1:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is a killer weapon anything has no competition against it
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 29 2001 at 10:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow, this weapon sucks.
# Mar 09 2001 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Sell them, or give them to a Pet
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