EQ Item Help  

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Item Help

The items on Allakhazam are collected by players and uploaded to the database by users running Lucy's Item Collector. Please download this application and run it in the background as you play. Then any items you own, have linked to you, or see on a merchant should be automatically uploaded and updated on a regular basis.

Glossary of Terms


A character may only have one of these items in their possession at any given time including the bank. Originally designed to cut back on farming of items, this tag means that before you can pick up another of the same item, you must dispose of your previous. You may have one version of this in your inventory/equipment/personal bank and one in your shared bank, however.


Formerly known as "NO DROP," this means that the item in question cannot be transferred between characters, dropped on the ground, or put in the shared bank. On the Firiona Vie server, many items have this restriction removed.


Many creatures require the use of a MAGIC ITEM-flagged weapon to hit them.


Formerly known as "NO RENT," this indicates the item will disappear from your inventory or bank after you have been disconnected from the server for more than 30 minutes.


Indicates the item may be freely traded until equipped, at which point it becomes permanently NO TRADE. Attunable augmentations become NO TRADE when added to an equipment slot. You will not be able to auto-equip an attuneable item that has not been attuned to your character.


Indicates the item is affected by Energeian-based power sources (from The Buried Sea expansion).


Indicates the item has a limited number of charges, and when that number of charges has been reached, the item will disappear from your inventory.


Indicates that there may be only one of this item per server. It is generally given to "prestige" items indicating the player accomplished something special, such as being the first player on the server to reach a new zone.


Indicates the item may be traded between characters on the same server on the same account via common bank slots.


Indicates the item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses, and guild halls.


From the FAQ: Prestige Items in EverQuest are items obtained from higher-end content in the Seeds of Destructionâ„¢ expansion and later expansions, as well as most augmentations. Additional items may be marked as Prestige Items at the discretion of the game developers. Prestige Items will only be usable by Gold Members and will not be grandfathered in.


Delay / Damage, a higher number indicates a worse ratio.

Damage Bonus

Damage bonuses will appear variable on most items, depending on the level of the character viewing the item. For example, a casting class viewing the link to a one hand slashing weapon will see no damage bonus due to their lack of the skill. For the purpose of displaying items consistently, damage bonus displayed is displayed as level 70.

Comparative Efficiency

A Meta-value designed to give a relative weight to the pure melee stats on an item. This is NOT a Damage Per Second value. This value is calculated with the following formula: (((damage * 2) + damage bonus) / delay) * 50. The goal of this value is to allow a rough comparison of a weapon's stats beyond simple ratio.

Offhand Efficiency

A Meta-value designed to give a relative weight to the pure melee stats on an item. When wielded in the off-hand.This is NOT a Damage Per Second value. This value is calculated with the following formula: (((damage * 2) / delay) * 50) * 0.62. The goal of this value is to allow a rough comparison of a weapon's stats beyond simple ratio.


A meta value intended to indicate the likelihood a creature will drop an item. "Fabled" means this is only dropped by Fabled creatures that appear around March of each year to celebrate EverQuest's anniversary.

Level to attain

A meta value intended to indicate vaguely what level you might need to be to attain the item either solo or in a group of similarly leveled characters.

*This item is the result of a raid

A meta value which indicates that in order to attain this item at the level it was intended, you will need more than a single group of characters.

Recommended Level

This indicates the suggested level a player *should* attain before using this item. Players below the recommended level may still use the item, but they will notice a drop-off in the item's statistics proportionate to the distance between their current level and the recommended level for the item.

Required level

This indicates the level a player *must* attain before using this item.

(Effect) Type

This may be one of three values: *Triggered*, *Random*, or *Permanent*. *Triggered* means the player must right-click (trigger) the item to see the effect; some items must be equipped before they may be triggered. *Random* means the item will randomly trigger the effect by itself during combat. *Permanent* means the player enjoys the effect for as long as the item is equipped. Some item effects are subject to the Level for Effect restriction.

Level for Effect

This indicates the level a player *must* attain before the item Effect may be triggered by the player or before the item Effect will randomly trigger itself during combat. For items with a Permanent Effect, this indicates the level at which the spell is "cast" on the player.

This item may be used in tradeskills

This indicates the item is an ingredient in one or more tradeskill recipes, e.g., for baking, brewing, blacksmithing, pottery, etc.


Only players of the given class(es) may use this item.


Only players of the given race(s) may use this item.


Only players who worship the given deity or deities may use this item. Agnostic players may not use the item, unless the item has "Deity: Agnostic," in which case players who worship a deity cannot use the item.

This page last modified 2014-02-03 09:08:40.