a deathfist legionnaire  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2007-09-03 12:13:56.

Minimum Level: 7
Maximum Level: 9
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20
Known Loot:
icon Brick of Crude Bronze
icon Cloth Cap
icon Cloth Cape
icon Cloth Choker
icon Cloth Cord
icon Cloth Gloves
icon Cloth Pants
icon Cloth Sandals
icon Cloth Shawl
icon Cloth Shirt
icon Cloth Sleeves
icon Cloth Veil
icon Cloth Wristband
icon Coarse Silk
icon Crude Adept's Broom
icon Crude Adept's Cord
icon Crude Combatant's Belt
icon Crude Combatant's Shoulderpads
icon Crude Combatant's Shovel
icon Crude Defiant Amethyst
icon Crude Defiant Breastplate
icon Crude Defiant Chain Coif
icon Crude Defiant Chain Sleeves
icon Crude Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
icon Crude Defiant Cloth Robe
icon Crude Defiant Cloth Sandals
icon Crude Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
icon Crude Defiant Emerald
icon Crude Defiant Granite Pebble
icon Crude Defiant Greatspear
icon Crude Defiant Leather Bracer
icon Crude Defiant Leather Cap
icon Crude Defiant Leather Sleeves
icon Crude Defiant Plate Bracer
icon Crude Defiant Plate Greaves
icon Crude Defiant Plate Helm
icon Crude Defiant Quarterstaff
icon Crude Defiant Ruby Shard
icon Crude Defiant Spear
icon Crude Defiant Stone Fragment
icon Deathfist Legionnaire Scalp
icon Deathfist Orc Skull
icon Iron Ore
icon Large Cloth Cap
icon Large Cloth Cape
icon Large Cloth Choker
icon Large Cloth Cord
icon Large Cloth Gloves
icon Large Cloth Pants
icon Large Cloth Sandals
icon Large Cloth Shawl
icon Large Cloth Shirt
icon Large Cloth Sleeves
icon Large Cloth Veil
icon Large Cloth Wristband
icon Large Wooden Shield
icon Mangled Animal Pelt
icon Orc Clavicle
icon Orc Fibula
icon Orc Humerus
icon Orc Pelvis Bone
icon Orc Ribcage
icon Orc Skull
icon Orc Sternum
icon Orc Tibia
icon Raw Crude Hide
icon Rough Silk
icon Ruined Animal Pelt
icon Rusty Axe
icon Rusty Bastard Sword
icon Rusty Battle Axe
icon Rusty Broad Sword
icon Rusty Long Sword
icon Rusty Mace
icon Rusty Rapier
icon Rusty Scimitar
icon Rusty Short Sword
icon Rusty Shortened Spear
icon Rusty Spear
icon Rusty Warhammer
icon Silvril Ore
icon Splintering Club
icon Sullied Animal Pelt
icon Sullied Silk
icon Tacky Silk
icon Tattered Animal Pelt
icon Thalium Ore
icon Tin Ore
icon Wooden Shield

Known Habitats:
  Nektulos Forest
Factions Increased:
  Guardians of the Vale +1
  Ashen Order +1
  Commons Residents +1
  Knights of Truth +1
Factions Decreased:
  Death Fist Orcs -2

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Faction numbers
# Dec 26 2014 at 5:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,738 posts
Death Fist Orcs -2
Knights of Truth 1
Guardians of the Vale 1
Ashen Order 1
Common Residents 1
# Sep 03 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
217 posts
Death Fist Orcs got worse
Knights of Truth got better
Guardians of the Vale got better
Ashen Order got better
Common Residents got better
New Graphics
# Sep 12 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
heres what the new orcs look like in case you havent seen them

#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 5:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) these ARNT CRUSHBONE ORCS dumbass.. what kind of a question was that man?
about 1 of 1000
# Apr 09 2002 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
it's about 1 of 2000 kills if you want Orc Bracers go to Crushbone
do these guys ever drop lego bracers?
# Apr 05 2002 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
subject says (asks?) it all

tholuxe paells owns
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