I know they also used to drop some lower end gems, pearls and such. Used to solo them with my bard a few years ago. Was making decent cash on them around 40pp-80pp an hour on my first character. Think I made around 400-600 in total. Just have to keep an eye on your faction with the guards. Don't want it to get too low. If it starts getting low just go and slaughter gnolls or orcs for a while, and turn in there scalps. It also helps if you camped the orcs or gnolls for a few levels to race faction from the get go. I had a cycle of around 10-13 citizens that I would do in 10-15 minutes or so and then they would re-spawn. Managed it so that it was one on one for every attack. I did the citizens behind the Tigers roar (2), the ones by the golden rooster (2 or 3), the bandit camp (3), the ones by lumberyards (3) and the shady high pass citizens (2) Did this from about level 18-22 and then moved on when they started turning green and feeling guilty
I'm probally gonna be KOS somewhere I don't expect someday, but whatever.
I've run through many times before and thye've always left me alone. This last time I ran through wearing the blood stained tunic and they attacked me. I remember killing Luas novashine once in Queynos when i accidentally attacked him. Not sure which it is, that guys death or the tunic. Please help
If you have ever killed any "a smuggler"s, either in highpass, or elsewhere, you may have caused this that way. Everyone in HighPass Hold and High keep seems to be in the negative faction hits you take for killing smugglers. On the up side, you can fix this problem by killing orcs or gnolls near the zone, then turning in the scalps once the guards faction reaches dubious and they stop aggroing on you. Good luck.
Not only that, the Newbie Rogue Shipment quest in Qeynos is a good way to build up faction with them. You fill all of your slots with containers, and fill those containers completely with the cards, and keep turning them into Jracole, your faction goes up quickly. I did one trip and my faction went up from Dubious to Indifferent. Another two trips, Amiably. I like this quest a lot.
Against players they may be strong but they are very annoying when it comes down to helping me survive. Many times I have run for guards and those things will run after training more of them after they get killed by orcs. They couldn't kill a green orc if they tried for their life and it if really annoying. Someone give them some weapons or better skill or something, they stink.
I am a dwarf cleric who had some trouble in freeport on the Vallon Zek server...they dont like me there...is this associated in any way???
I came in looked around then the captain and some citizens came after me...zoned and then zoned back and one citizen was there and she started wacking me...so I tweaked, smited her and put her down like a dog...besides the last part (she started it hehe) Why don't they like Dwarven Clerics here? a dwarf cleric bud of mine loved this place...he never said anything about this sutff!! :)
The highpass citizens have nothing against dwarven clerics, as far as I know. Maybe it's just you. You probably killed your faction here at some earlier level, and just didn't realize it. Perhaps you killed smugglers in some other zone, or something else tied to Highpass citizen faction.
My freind was a lvl 13 Dwarf pally. He and i were heading to Qeynos from Freeport. I don't know if it was because he was a dwarf or because he was a pally, but they sure killed him.
I was passing through Highpass myself for the first time and the citizens (6 of them) started to attack me. Had a SOW on me and out ran them. I did get lost for a second, looked back and they were gone. Quess they have a limited travel area in zone, not positive though. I did not attack, talk to, or even look at anyone, just ran through because of orcs on Freeport side entrance. Looked back at all comments at I was going through that area and found a citizen shouting about me being a Heretic. My religion is Mithaniel Marr. Next time something attacks you and you dont know why, check the comment text for any indicators. Hope this Helps others.