5742A Curled Monkey's Paw
8503Adoptable Plush Ergrez Shortpaw
8501Adoptable Plush Fippy Darkpaw
8502Adoptable Plush Tranixx Darkpaw
8508Adoptable Splitpaw Gnoll Pup
1533Adoptable Wrulon Shriekpaw
590Bitter Blade of the Icepaw
743Black Bear Paw
743Bloodied Hynid Paw
597Bow of the Icepaw
1533Bridle of the Wrulon Shriekpaw
743Brown Bear Paw
558Ceremonial Wurine Paw Bindings
743Cheetah Paw Fetish
793Clipped Ragepaw Ear
958Collector's Preserved Split Paw Eye
1643Crest of the Darkpaw
1443Darkpaw Defending Stone
6716Darkpaw Destrier
743Fabled Cheetah Paw Fetish
743Fabled Fippy's Paw
743Filthy Rat Paw
12584Fippy Darkpaw Hat
12584Fippy Darkpaw Hat Ornamentation
743Fippy's Paw
840Frostpaw Cloak
5695Frozen Direwolf Paw
743Gnashing Kobold Paw
743Gnoll Paw [Stump's Hand]
743Gnoll Paw [Blackburrow Gnoll Paw]
927Goral Paw
743Great Cat Paw
743Greater Cat Paw
752Hard Paw Earring
744Head of Barducks Darkpaw
744Head of Jardor Darkpaw
1057Icepaw Bangle
1440Icepaw Defending Stone
743Icepaw Kobold's Paw
743Kobold Paw
743Koda's Paw
8500Metamorph Totem: Darkpaw Gnoll
1282Metamorph Wand - Darkpaw Gnoll Pup
5742Mummified Mole Paw
1438Nisch Mal Engraved Splitpaw Jade
743Odd Kobold Paw
10361Overseer Elite Agent: Fippy Darkpaw
743Paw of Crimson Wind
743Paw of Opolla
743Paw of the Warwolf
8503Plush Ergrez Shortpaw Familiar
8501Plush Fippy Darkpaw Familiar
8502Plush Tranixx Darkpaw Familiar
743Preserved Kobold Paw
958Preserved Split Paw Eye
743Pristine Gorilla Paw
743Pristine Jaguar Paw
743Pristine Kobold Paw
743Puma Paw
976Ragepaw Aegis
772Ragepaw Berserker Mask
538Ragepaw Chain Vest
1287Ragepaw Claw
518Ragepaw Deathgrips
534Ragepaw Earring of Vigor
794Ragepaw Hair
508Ragepaw Howler Earring
535Ragepaw Hunter Loop
848Ragepaw Necklace
743Rat Paw
1438Rosch Mal Splitpaw Jade
743Ruined Gorilla Paw
743Ruined Jaguar Paw
743Severed Paw
743Shadow Wolf Paw
510Shadowmane Paw Necklace
753Soft Paw Earring
743Sonic Wolf Paw
504Spell: Protection of the Paw
743Split Paw
564Split Paw Hide Belt
636Split Paw Hide Gloves
771Split Paw Hide Mask
632Split Paw Hide Tunic
8508Splitpaw Gnoll Pup Familiar
778Talon Southpaw
1438Tesch Splitpaw Jade
4994The Cat's Paw
743Totem of the Leopard's Paw
743Tundra Kodiak Paw
743Unspoiled Flying Monkey Paw
743Veruzan's Paw
743Wolf Cub Paw
743Wolf Paw
743Wurine Paw
12615Year of Darkpaw Banner
12615Year of Darkpaw Banner Ornament
743Young Kodiak Paw