It is mentioned that he drops "Minor shadowspine rune" - should probably have been a "Minor Muramite Rune", as shadowspine runes are from a completely other expansion.
Anyone seen any runes drop off him since Oct 3rdish?
Was doing the camp of him(tatterwing bat PH), Inky Muckglider(a hideous rat PH), and the Shrewd Dragorn(cave rat PH) and spawn rates seem very low on these
last 2 nights Oct 4th and 5th out of ~16hours of camping and at least 40-50 repops(3 per hour roughly) i have seen only 8 Silentpaws (6 boots 2 25hp augs and 0 runes) 7 Inky muckgliders ( 1 sword, 6 bracers, 3 minor and 1 lesser rune) and 15ish Shrewd dragorn that droped the ring every time and an ivory 1x(oooh ahh)
Not sure how this place was prepatch on the 1st of Oct but by reading previous posts they should be popping more and have runes and i am not seeing any
Did Murk Expeditin last night for about 5 hours, saw Silentpaw about 4-5 times, And the Named Murk, Inky about the same, all in all we got about 6 runes, and various gear to drop, was a great expedition all in all
That's because people was using this expedition to farm runes by using a level 47 to level 51 toon to start the exp and lowering the level of the mobs down to a solo or duo able level. So once SoE found out about this they made it to where you can't do that anymore and lowered the drop rate on everything and the spawn rate of named in the exp zones.
In all the Expeditions, the mobs didn't see invis, for the most part, and in the Murk caves a lot of mobs were indiff...invising to a named spawn killing PH, then invising up and doing the same to the other named or two in the same expedition... and so on and so forth... it was way to easy to farm stuffs, even in the 68th expeditions, this is why the nerf took place.
Silentpaw is in the 68+ instance of the Murkgliders. His PH is a tatterwing bat. From the entrance, go straight until the trail curves south. He's at the end of the first left offshoot. You can IVU past the gliders. Rats and bats are social but not aggressive.
These seem to be his common drop. We killed him 3 times, and he dropped 3 of these boots, 2 of the level 66 runes and a level 67 rune. Note that each time it was 1 rune and the slippers.