Moss Toe Cap
2 silk thread
1 ruined mossy rat pelt
1 giant thicket rat skull
Moss Toe Bracers (you need to make two)
1 silk thread
1 ruined mossy rat pelt
1 large wood spider tibia
Moss Toe Gloves
2 silk thread
1 ruined mossy rat pelt
2 large wood spider torsi
Mossy Toe Boots
2 silk thread
2 ruined mossy rat pelts
2 giant wood spider hairs
Mosy Toe Sleeves
2 silk thread
1 mossy rat pelt
2 giant wood spider patella
Mossy Toe Leggings
3 silk thread
2 mossy rat pelts
2 giant wood spider femurs
Mossy Toe Tunic
4 silk thread
1 undamaged mossy rat pelt
1 giant wood spider thorax
Kill Rusbek the Inhospitable, give his head to Hibbs Rootenpaw. Sharpen the scimitar in a forge with sharpening stones. Give the sharpened scimitar and a large fruit bat wing to Bodin Gimple.
Hope this saves some of you a little time