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Signet Earring of Veracity  

Lore Item No Trade Quest Item
Slot: EAR
AC: 15
STR: +15 STA: +15 WIS: +15 INT: +15 HP: +50 MANA: +50 ENDUR: +50
Effect: Truesight (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Type:Jewelry
Lucy Entry By:unknown
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-09 23:00:47
Page Updated:Fri Aug 14th, 2015

Expansion: Shadows of Luclin Shadows of Luclin

Rarity: Very Rare
Level to Attain: 58

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Signet Earring of Veracity (#4)


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Katta Castellum
Quest Name
Sigil Earring of Veracity (#5)

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Katta Castellum

Uploaded December 29th, 2017 by Nniki
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Faction hits on both sides
# Jul 02 2003 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, i plan on killing in marus seru to raise Seru factions, that part seems easy enough, but this quest seems to send you back and forth between Seru and Katta...what is the best way to get and keep good faction with both? is it even possible, or will i need to just keep farming faction with one and then the other until i am through with the quest? as a dark elf necromancer, i am kos to both of them.
RE: Faction hits on both sides
# Jul 11 2003 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Except for Legionnaire Dalini (the guard who you have to give Dawnshroud Cider to) none of the NPCs are on Seru faction. If you can't find a friend to buy the cider and turn it in for you, make a low level toon of a good race/class to do that part to spawn Bregun Dorey.

You get good Katta faction over the process of quest, both through turning in items and killing mobs. By the time you've finished your Runed Earring of Veracity, Katta citizens will probably love you.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 03 2005 at 3:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Indeed. I had participated in a number of Katta kills when I decided that I'd try going for this earring.
File Cabinet Turn in
# May 20 2003 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
I just did the 2nd Ring turn in to the File Cabinet. I did NOT invis, I just walked up, turned in the old file and got the new file and the Guard Spawned. I ran for zone on the MERUS SERU side, thus pulling the guard into that zone area. I then ran for DSP ENT, Zoned in, did the turn in and I now have the 2nd Earing. The 3rd looks a lil more challengeing.......
Spawn time?
# Mar 06 2003 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
anyone know the spawn time on the guild leaders?
RE: Spawn time?
# Jun 10 2003 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
they have approx. the same spawn time of Seru, which is long...week+
RE: Spawn time?
# May 16 2003 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
I've heard from the resident uber guild on my server that the guild leaders only come up with the servers.

RE: Spawn time?
# Mar 10 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
122 posts
We've seen them pop right in front of us before, so this isn't true.
RE: Spawn time?
# Apr 18 2003 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I can only tell you this: We took down Bikum 5 days ago, and his room is still empty. Since I will be returning to the zone to get the other 3, I will get a better handle on the repop rates, I hope, in the upcoming days.
The zone is more or less empty, so I very much doubt that anyone has killed him since our encounter, especially seeing as how the other 3 leaders have been up the entire time.

Edited, Fri Apr 18 12:55:42 2003
RE: Spawn time?
# Apr 29 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
Could you please post a little info on what tactics you used to kill Bikum? He seriously raped our group of lvl 50 - 60, summoned me and 4 hits later I was "Loading, please wait". It didn't help that we had a bad pull and the whole house joined in. We weren't even after him at the time, still working on the 3rd earring.
I'm only level 52 and level 60 mobs have no mercy.
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
RE: Spawn time?
# Aug 15 2003 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Either the spawn times have changed since April, or someone had killed him in the meantime - all four of them are on a pretty predictable three day respawn when we've done them lately.
RE: Spawn time?
# Dec 08 2003 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
I'm on 3 days 3 hours and still no respawn yet.

*edit* Up to 3 days 10 hours now...

Edited, Mon Dec 8 23:02:40 2003
File Cabinet
# Feb 12 2003 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
Just did the hand in at file cabinet.
What i did was hand the records to the cabinet, then hit the hide hotkey and THEN hit give. Worked fine
# Jan 14 2003 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
Where do u get the four shards in this quest?? and do you have to kill the four report people? and also how do we get rid of the old earring to get the second earring from the first? Questions i wish allakhazam could fully answer

53 ranger
semper simul
RE: Shards
# Jun 21 2003 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
You begin tracking Euzan Jurek.

**give Euzan Jurek the old records you received from the file cabinet and the Insignia Earring of Veracity**

Euzan Jurek says 'By now you must realize that we need to avoid the question because of whom we are. Seru is not the Noble Paladin this city would have you believe. You see they teach that Katta feared Seru and that he had faked his own poisoning so they could pin the blame on Seru. The next thing that I ask of you, I ask because you can travel without question from one city to another. Go to Katta and give this report to Tilbok Furrunner. Tell him we are successfully rooted within Sanctus Seru and await any commands.'

**You receive faction, experience, a Report to Tilbok and your Etched Earring of Veracity**

This was copied directly from the 2nd earring quest. I don't think it gets much clearer.

Also the following is from the quest page for the Signet:

Lcea Katta says 'The Arx Key, yes. I have read the compiled reports that have been brought to us and it seems to gain access to Arx Seru you need four shards, one from each Praesertum leader. When the time is ready each leader inserts their shard into the door of Arx Seru at the same time, and they are transported within the building. We need you to retrieve the four shards. When you have done so seek out Elnerick Augustleaf, and tell him that you serve Katta. His powers over the arcane are great and I believe he can form the shards into a single master key. Once you have received the Arx Key, place the seal given to you by Elnerick and your Runed earring in this jewel box and give it to me. I eagerly await your return. '

You say, 'Hail, Elnerick Augustleaf'

Elnerick Augustleaf says 'Greetings Moro. I am Magistrate Elnerick Augustleaf of Katta Castellum and the Loyalist Empire. If it is arcane knowledge that you seek you have come to an excellent place to study. Not only do we have wondrous magical resources available at the Magus Conlegium but the teachings of Tsaph Katta are well known to all of our citizens and aid in preparing the mind for the freedom of thought and mental and emotional discipline needed to become a great wizard. '

You say, 'i serve katta'

Elnerick Augustleaf says 'Ah, I was told you would come. I hope that you have retrieved the shards from each Praesertum Leader? Please show them to me. '

Hand the 4 shards to Elnernik for arx key(10 charges of group gate into the arx) and a seal.

Place the seal and your Runed Earring of Veracity into the jewelbox that Lcea gives you and give the jewelbox back to Lcea for the 4th earring and and the lead-in for the quest for the Sigil Earring of Veracity.

Again pretty clear "one from each Praesertum leader" tells me one from each Praesertum leader.

Edited, Sat Jun 21 23:01:19 2003
filing cabinet
# Oct 18 2002 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
how do you trade with the filing cabinet if you don't have sneak?
RE: filing cabinet
# Dec 22 2002 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Any manner of Wolfform will also work.

Sage Yendys / Yendyson
75th Phantasmist/Transcendent
Solusek Ro
RE: filing cabinet
# Oct 20 2002 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Bring somone with you that can cast invis. Once you have the trade window up, have your friend invis you. You will then be indifferent to the file cabinet. Please be aware, that after you trade with the file cabinet, a guard will pop and aggro you. Been a while since I did it, was light blue at 54, summons (yes, a light blue that summons) but does not hit too hard. If you are in your low 40's it may be tough.
RE: filing cabinet
# Mar 08 2003 at 5:19 AM Rating: Default
That doesn't work anymore ^^
RE: filing cabinet
# Jun 01 2003 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
worked as of about a week ago (late may 2003) when i did the hand in

aemon - 54 shaman, prexus
RE: filing cabinet
# Jan 01 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
also worked for me, did all of the first and second earrings of veracity with threatening faction to everyone involved(the interesting part being i also did the conversation with whoever you had to talk to along the way.. forget who.. while threatening) so the invis trick definitely does work for more than just hand ins still, this being new years 2004
earring quests info
# Oct 16 2002 at 5:08 AM Rating: Excellent
This information is from The Wild Knights Guild Board. It was posted by Maldian the Sword Bearer of the Wild Knights, Rathe server.

This seems to be a coldain ring - like quest that require faction work for both Seru and Katta, and iirc last rewards give you a "key" allowing you to entre the arx to kill Lord Inquisitor Seru.
What I find interesting is the stats on the 4th earring:
15ac, 15str, 15sta, 15wis, 15int, effect:Truesight

1st earring of veracity
loc neg 988,neg 527
You say, 'Hail, Torsten Reidan'
Torsten Reidan says 'Oh, hello there. Sorry I didn't notice you before I was thinking of an old friend. This used to be his room. I guess no one else has been assigned to these quarters.
You say, 'What old friend?'
Torsten Reidan says 'His name was Bregun Dorey. What a funny little halfling he was. He had a good heart and worked hard. That is up until one day he just started acting odd, very nervous like he was hiding something. Then all he would talk about was Bixie Treats and then show off some weird heirloom charm bracelet. His time for the question came and due to his odd behavior he was sent to Marus Seru. I sure wish I knew how he was doing.

Head out to Marus Seru and fine Reotho at one of the Recuso camps:

You say, 'Where is Bregun Dorey?'
Reothe says 'Bregun Dorey... I have not heard that name in many years. I will never forget it. He was very unique, always running around with an odd metal hat on. He swore that it would keep out the mind probing magics of the Question. I know where he was last seen, and I will tell you if you help by getting us some [supplies].
You say, 'What supplies?'
Reothe says 'Get me two Bark Potions, a Spring Crystal, and a Harvest Crystal. I will tell you where I last saw him headed. If you buy them in Sanctus Seru do not tell them you are giving aid to the Recuso or you shall be prosecuted as well.

Head back into Seru, get him what he wants and hand it in:

Reothe says 'This is great! We can treat our ingured and have something to eat for weeks. I can vaguely recall Bregun heading towards the Lair of the Netherbians. You might ask a guard there if they have seen him.
You gain experience!!

You say, 'Where is Bregun Dorey?'
Legionnaire Dalini says, 'Yeah maybe I know Bregun. You know, I sure am thirty with all this guard work I am doing. I know what I want, some Dawnshroud Cider! Yeah, go fetch me a cider and we will see if I remember anything when you get back.

Vantak Mere sells Dawnshroud Cider for 52pp at loc 830, neg 600 in S.Seru.

Legionnaire Dalini says, 'Ahhh! That is the stuff! Yeah I saw the halfling with the crazy hat. He runs around in the caverns, hanging out with the Troglodytes. It seems he somehow befriended them, I guess they enjoy his madmen antics.

You say, 'Hail Bregun Dorey'

Bregun Dorey says, 'Trog trog trog trog?'

You say, 'Trog'

Bregun Dorey says, 'Ha! What are you talking about?! Strange thing you are. Wait a minute, come closer. Are you from Norrath?

You say, 'I am from Norrath'

Bregun Dorey says, 'I thought so, you armor looks to be made from things found not here. Have you heard of Rivervale?

You say, 'I have heard of Rivervale'

Bregun Dorey says, 'Good.

Say 'Good' and he he will respond and tell you he wants 4 Bixie Crunchies. When you give him the crunchies you get a bixie charm give to torsten and run back to dorey again handing himt he note torsten sent

[Thu Feb 07 06:37:52 2002] Bregun Dorey says 'Trog trog trog trog? '
[Thu Feb 07 06:38:01 2002] Bregun Dorey says 'Hahaha! Silly Torsten. Always snooping over my shoulder. Well I have nothing to lose... take this to him, it's directions on how to find the Journal I kept. I hid it where no one would look! Haha! Trog trog trog! '
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Torsten Reidan pulls out a hollow book entitled 'A Detailed Look at Etiquette and Proper Grammar' and opens it to find a journal placed inside. 'This is astounding. The information in this journal is invaluable and must be brought to the others attention. Take this insignia. When you are ready to help us further seek out Euzan Jurek, tell him you were sent by me, and he will tell you what you can do to further our cause. I can not tell you more than this, but keep the insignia close to you for now.' '
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Nathyn Illuminious got worse.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
[Thu Feb 07 06:48:00 2002] Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.

Isignia Earring of Veracity: 1ac 1str 1sta 1wis 1int all/all

2nd earring of veracity
neg 138 pos 263
[Thu Feb 07 06:53:04 2002] You say, 'torsten sent me'
[Thu Feb 07 06:53:05 2002] Euzan Jurek says 'So Torsten has sent you? He must see the potential within you to help us. I cannot give you any information right now as to who we are. That is a trust you must [earn]. '
[Thu Feb 07 06:53:23 2002] You say, 'how do i earn yoru trust'
[Thu Feb 07 06:53:23 2002] Euzan Jurek leans in and whispers to you, 'Let it be known that assisting us will show your distrust in everything this city stands for. If you do not want to get involved I urge you to walk away now. However if you wish to [bring about change], stay and I will tell you how to earn our trust.' '
[Thu Feb 07 06:53:49 2002] You say, 'i wish to bring about change'
[Thu Feb 07 06:53:50 2002] Euzan Jurek says 'Good, you must do something for us. One of our members, who needs not be named, is due to be called for the Question. We need you to go into the Heart [Consillium] and replace their records with this one. This false record shows that they have completed their Question and still have time until their next one. Changing the records will make the question pass over us so that we avoid being discovered. Go in stealth, when you have completed this task bring me back the original records and your Insignia Earring. '

saying consillium gets you a general response everyone tells you

Give the replacement files to the File Cabinet, you get back the old records and a guard spawns and attacks you, I got killed but no matter still had the records. Take the old records to Euzan and he rewards you with the 2nd earring.

Etched Earring of Veracity
AC: 2
STR +2 STA +2 WIS +2 INT +2

3rd earring of veracity
Tilbok Furrunner is located @ neg144, neg1971.

He is in the large castle on the second floor.

Tilbok Furruner reads through the report, hands you a small satchel then starts to explain, 'Finally news from Euzan. I knew that it would take a long time to get planted within Seru, but i still worried about their mission constantly. This report shows that you have earned trust from Euzan, so I in turn will show the same trust. Euzan and Torsten were placed in the city for information. They are deep undercover and risk their life everyday. Every person in that city is ingrained with the [purpose] of either destroying Katta or converting his people.'
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Nathyn Illuminious got worse.
Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.
You gain party experience!!

You say, 'what purpose?'
Tilbok Furrunner says 'The teaching in the city is that Katta feigned his death to blame it on Seru. When in fact Seru actually poisoned Katta. The crusade that Seru leads is false and must be stopped. We must gain access to Seru's [chambers] and destroy him and show the city the truth.
You say, 'what chambers?'
Tilbok Furrunner says 'We do not know much about Seru's Chamber, that is what we need you to find out. This will require great effort on your part. We need you to head into Sanctus Seru and bring back reports from each Consillium. I do not know who will have these reports, and I have only heard rumor that they exist. Return to me with the Satchel full, and your Etched Earring.

Heart Consilium: Lictor of the heart (N 727, N 624, P 122)
Hand Consilium: Signifier of the hand (N 839, P 62, P 122)
Eye Consilium: Vigilum Cohortis (N 124, N 643, P 122)
Shoulders Consilium: Custos Armorum (N 19, P 67, P 122
these are confirmed dropping the consillium reports

combine and turn into tilbok along with your 2nd earirng to receive.......

Runed Earring of veracity: 6ac, 6str, 6sta, 6wis, 6int, See Invis

[Thu Feb 14 22:54:31 2002] You say, 'Hail, Tilbok Furrunner'
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:31 2002] Tilbok Furrunner says 'Hello there, Moro. Pleasure to meet you, I am Governor Tilbok Furrunner. I am tasked with the gathering and security of information for the Concilium Universus, the ruling council of our fine city. '
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:34 2002] You say, 'what chambers?'
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Tilbok Furrunner says 'According to these reports Seru resides in a building called the Arx Seru. It is the large complex in the center of the four Praesertum Consillium. We must take [action] now. Do not underestimate the power of Sanctus Seru for what they do they feel is right. '
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Nathyn Illuminious got worse.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.
[Thu Feb 14 22:54:53 2002] You gain party experience!!
[Thu Feb 14 23:01:45 2002] You say, 'what kind of action'
[Thu Feb 14 23:01:45 2002] Tilbok Furrunner says 'You must go see Lcea. She was Tsaph Katta's closest advisor. This matter has escalated greatly and must be placed in her hands. Ask her about the [Arx Key] she will no doubt ask in your service retrieving it. I salute your service to the city and wish you well. '

[Thu Feb 14 23:03:59 2002] You say, 'what arx key'
[Thu Feb 14 23:03:59 2002] Lcea Katta says 'The Arx Key, yes. I have read the compiled reports that have been brought to us and it seems to gain access to Arx Seru you need four shards, one from each Praesertum leader. When the time is ready each leader inserts their shard into the door of Arx Seru at the same time, and they are transported within the building. We need you to retrieve the four shards. When you have done so seek out Elnerick Augustleaf, and tell him that you serve Katta. His powers over the arcane are great and I believe he can form the shards into a single master key. Once you have received the Arx Key, place the seal given to you by Elnerick and your Runed earring in this jewel box and give it to me. I eagerly await your return. '

[Thu Feb 14 23:08:54 2002] You say, 'Hail, Elnerick Augustleaf'
[Thu Feb 14 23:08:55 2002] Elnerick Augustleaf says 'Greetings Moro. I am Magistrate Elnerick Augustleaf of Katta Castellum and the Loyalist Empire. If it is arcane knowledge that you seek you have come to an excellent place to study. Not only do we have wondrous magical resources available at the Magus Conlegium but the teachings of Tsaph Katta are well known to all of our citizens and aid in preparing the mind for the freedom of thought and mental and emotional discipline needed to become a great wizard. '
[Thu Feb 14 23:09:08 2002] You say, 'i serve katta'
[Thu Feb 14 23:09:08 2002] Elnerick Augustleaf says 'Ah, I was told you would come. I hope that you have retrieved the shards from each Praesertum Leader? Please show them to me. '

4th earring stats:: 15ac, 15str, 15sta, 15wis, 15int, Truesight
4 shards given to eldernek augustleaf for arx key(10 charges of group gate into the arx)
receive seal
place the seal and your earirng in the jewelbox tha lcea gives you and give the jewelbox back to lcea for the 4th earring and possibly another earring quest but im not sure at this point still need the text


Edited, Wed Oct 16 10:06:36 2002
RE: earring quests info
# Feb 02 2003 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
who do you kill that drops the shards? what are the names of the mobs? who are the Praesertum leaders???
RE: earring quests info
# Jan 12 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
60 posts
The Praesertum Leaders are the named in the center of the thrid floors of the building you have to farm for concillium reports... by the time you get the reports, you will know where they are cause you will be pulling around thier rooms... the rooms are the ones guarded by the double sets of mobs in front of a door on each of the buildings third floors.
# Oct 16 2002 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone know anything bout the quest for this piece?
RE: ?
# Oct 16 2002 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
Try go to the Safehouse
I read a topic for first ring to 5th ring

Edited, Wed Oct 16 06:27:02 2002
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