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The Scepter of Shadows  

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Item Lore:Key to Vex Thal
Item Type:Keyv1
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-11-27 19:16:57
Page Updated:Sun Dec 12th, 2021

*This item is the result of a raid event.
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin Shadows of Luclin

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 60

[Drops | Comments ]
This key unlocks the entrance to Vex Thal.

Once activated this key unlocks the achievement, The Scepter of Shadows, removing the need for you to store the physical key.

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Key to Vex Thal

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is found on creatures.

This is the key to Vex Thal.

Uploaded December 22nd, 2021 by nytmare
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# Jan 02 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
solo'd all but rift and orb for my 52 cleric on same account(i'm a rogue) ME was the longest shard, ssra 2nd, but overall WAYYYYYYY faster this time around!
key not working
# Dec 05 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
i have the sceptre. clicked on the door behind Rumble. nothing...
what am i doing wrong? :(
easy solo?
# Jun 26 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
naw, wouldnt call it easy. did solo every shard except Ssra, enlisted a 66 beastie to help in there, but did so as a 70 mage. most classes that NEED to be VT keyed will be unable to accomplish this on thier own. if you can solo it all youre are likely past VT and are wasting your time, unless youre doing it for fun as i am. Ssra, Akheva and the Deep are hardest parts due to mob #'s and strength. anyway, GL to those after thier shards, you will need it ;)
easy solo?
# Apr 18 2008 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Never a waste of time to do keys to zones as there are times you might want to do it for fabled drops.
not soloable
# Mar 28 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
how is this soloable? the plains rift needs a raid to do
RE: not soloable
# Jun 19 2005 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
If they play on Firiona Vie, its soloable. It can all be bought in the bazaar. :P
# Jun 03 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
*cough* Timesink *cough*
RE: ...
# Oct 06 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
No more of a time sink then getting your elemental flag is...except this is solo-able by any class now basically.
RE: ...
# Jan 16 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
well clerics have a hard time soloing several of the shards due to large numbers of adds and low dps eather that or im just the gimpest cleric ever made and that might just be it lol
RE: ...
# Feb 09 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
Nah, I took my 67 cleric to The Grey, no snare, adds, I did kill two mobs and gave up, got my nec out there and it was easy. SSRA many adds...I don't think classes that can't kite, or heal well, can solo most of these. FG is hard, adds, mobs in ME hit hard and fast and even if you have 9k plus HP you will no, duo, or more for these is what I suggest.
RE: ...
# Jun 17 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
106 posts
i solo in ME all the time and im 9k plus hp .....
Mikimaru Ownzall
<Sanctus Arcanum>
Tarew Marr
RE: ...
# Nov 14 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
VT is a great place for guilds to gear up so they can begin PoP progression, I dont think its a time sink more of a progressional step.
# Mar 31 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
what a quest, involving raids & such, just to get a single person their key, now you gotta think, with spawn times & such, a raid of twenty peeps could be at this key for quite a long time questing it... wow.
RE: wow
# Aug 10 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
It does involve raids, but the only part that really NEEDS a raid is Emp Ssra, and after him many pieces for the key are dropped so multiple people at that stage can all get thier key piece (I think he drops 24?).

Just the wording of your post made it sound like you had to do 1 raid per person, so I thought I'd clarify that while there is a raid involved, it yields many pieces for the key. However, some of the parts aren't easily soloable, such as the emp key and lucinite, which do only drop one piece per kill and those can be a sink.
RE: wow
# Dec 12 2004 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
781 posts
I have five of my ten shards so far, of those five I've soloed The Grey and Scarlet shards, duoed the Fungus and Dawnshrouds shards with my 66 Shaman friend and the Ssra shard I got today with a group of 9 people on a mini-raid to get 3 of us a Ssra shard each.
The other items need I will get over the next few weeks, most likely with the help of a single group, since there are 4-5 of us all collecting shards together.
Most of the VT quest can be done by a single group.

You will need a raid force to get the drop from the Emp in Ssra, though and an Emp key to even get to him to loot.

So you'll have to complete the Ssra Emp key quest first, to even have a chance of completing your VT key.

People say it's a long quest and not worth it, but I am having a blast doing these two key quests. I don't care if it takes a few weeks, I'm making new friends, getting to know my future Guildies (Hail White Wind on Drinal) and it's a change from the normal exp grind.
Question about keys
# Jan 02 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
I've heard the mention of "soulbound" and "key ring"...

If I get a "key" and it is "soulbound", if I use the key once, Thus adding it to my keyring... can I destroy it afterwards?

RE: Question about keys
# Jan 30 2004 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
Soulbound keys are keys that physically stay in your inventory when you die. There can, of course, only be 8 such keys in the world.

Thus, SOE came up with the keyring idea and previously soulbound keys plus a number of others became keyring keys when next used (e.g. they got added to a flag list, and you no longer needed the
key). So soulbound keys keyring keys are very different, but have a relationship to each other.
#laink, Posted: May 17 2004 at 10:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Soulbound keys do not physically stay in your inventory. They go on your keyring and that's it. You don't have to have them on you after you have used them once to get into the zones.
RE: Question about keys
# Jun 05 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Wrong and right. Soulbound keys originally did stay in your inventory even when you died. Certain keys were marked as soulbound keys so that if you died in would spawn with the key on your toon instead of on your corpse.

Soulbound was out before the keyring was ever encoded. Once the keyring came into the game, all you had to do was use the key once and then bank or destroy it. Personally, I banked mine. That way if ever they have a bug that wipes they've had before.
RE: Question about keys
# Feb 06 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Eh? Actually, that's only partially correct as well. While keyrings and soulbound keys are different mechanisms, they are related in that they both are attempts to solve the same problem.

Kunark introduced the concept of soulbound keys (actually, keyed zones in general). It's one thing to have a key to a door in a zone. If you wipe on the other side, you can summon your corpse. But if you wipe inside a zone that requires a key, you can't get back. Bad news. Soulbound keys was the solution initially. There were three keyed zones in Kunark (CS, HS, and VP). All had a soulbound key. They added more keys with the Velious release, including soulbound "keys" required to port past IC (unique in that you didn't need them to enter a zone, but it was much more difficult to get there if you didn't have the key).

When they came out with Luclin they realized the whole soulbound keys thing was a problem. There's only 8 main slots, so you can only have 8 keys. They started tooling around with the idea of a keyring, but the early implementations didn't work too well. Their interium solution was to remove the requirement for keys to the dragon portals in Velious. You no longer need them.

Adding the keyring basically allows you to have a number of "soulbound" keys greater then 8. It fills the exact same need: Keys that are on your character even if you die. Even this has been phased out though with character flags introduced in PoP.

They are most certainly related items. They represent a progression of solutions to the same problem. I believe that soulbound keys still technically work. At least I know for a fact that some of my old keys continued to appear in my main slots after death well after the keyring was introduced. They are still in the game, you just don't need them.

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
RE: Question about keys
# Aug 10 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
Ietherian is correct. Souldound keys and the Keyring (something implemented later) are seperate.

As far as I know, 'soulbound keys' are a thing of the past and no keys stay on you upon death.
is it soulbound
# Sep 27 2003 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
Is it added to the keyring after being used once!!!
RE: is it soulbound
# Oct 31 2003 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
yep adds to keyring first time ya use it.
i wish
# Aug 08 2003 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
Only one person in. Everyone that enters VT has to have the Scepter.
Key, how many ppl get in.
# Aug 07 2003 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
Dose tiis let one player in or the full groop?
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