
Quick Facts





Level Range:
5 - 15

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BlackBurrow is the home of the Sabertooth Clan gnolls, a group not particularly fond of outside visitors. It connects to both the Everfrost Peaks and Qeynos Hills.

Be advised that the dense gnoll population combined with their habit of running deeper into the stronghold for help can make for some pretty impressive trains.

Note: For the higher level revamp version of this zone during the "Hardcore Heritage" event, that is running several weeks in june, click here !
Post Comment
Gnoll Skins
# Dec 27 2000 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
What kind of gnolls give you gnoll skins? And what is the average price to buy one?
# Dec 03 2000 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
I heard there was a new drop of a spiked belt or something like that. It is supposed to have wisdom on it? Anyone know anything about this? I know about the collars that drop here, but nothing of a belt. Info would be appreciated.

Taylon Moonshadow <Sunstorm Rising>
36 druid
Povar Server
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2000 at 3:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 06 2001 at 7:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 10 2000 at 9:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i went to black burrow and gave all the elite gnolls summoned swords of ruins and all the nec's and mages soloing them had the surprise of their lifes when their pets died faster then they could see the damage they took lol. being a 51 mage is god
RE: great trick
# Feb 05 2001 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
Dear God whats wrong with you, im sure you would have loved it if a high level mage had helped out the mobs you were fighting when you were a low lvl char.

RE: great trick
# Jan 16 2001 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
Only a mental midget or a sociopath gets their kicks by causing other people misery. Which one are you?
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 24 2000 at 12:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Haha, great trick *******.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 12 2000 at 1:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're an ***.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 19 2000 at 2:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I find that amusing, glad it wasn't me there at the time though.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 22 2000 at 12:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) guess ill have to find you and give the mobs your fighting weapons that'd smoke your pet
RE: great trick
# Feb 01 2001 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Another good one is to hand out weighted axes to moss snakes in newbie zones... ever been hit for 70 by a moss snake?
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 29 2001 at 8:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do any of you even play EQ? no matter what weapon a mob is carrying they hit the same speed and the same amount, learn the facts before you post
RE: great trick
# May 03 2001 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
Actually not true. I believe the speed remains the same but the damage certainly changes.

Take a level 1, and kill a decaying skeleton, then go find one with a weapon and try again.

Or equally, attack a mob with a weapon, disarm it (assuming you have that skill) and note that you now take less damage.

Not condoning the action. But quite frankly only an absolute idiot would bother doing what he says he did. So it is much more likely that he just posted to wind some people up :)
RE: great trick
# Feb 25 2001 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
I've got one for you all, I hunt in SK on my wizard, and since I can't sell anywhere close, I TP to GFay everyonce in a while to drop off stuff. last week I was kinda bord so befor I TPed I picked up all the stuff I could find that sell for under a gold or 2 (rusty weps, pelts, ect). When I got to GFay I ran to the newbie runes and unloaded stuff onto anything I saw, I must admit it was funny to watch all the newbies shout about how they had looted a short sword from a wasp and bone chips from an orc.

Joradorm Purecaster
lvl 22 Wiz. w/ too much free time
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 06 2001 at 12:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) silence the violence....before i shoot u
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 06 2001 at 12:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why did everyone stop ******** at each other, its sooo amusing reading ur posts.
Giant Plague Rat level 16
# Nov 09 2000 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
There is also a Giant Plague Rat that wanders the top level that cons yellow to my 15 Tank. He has a nasty disease that lasts for about 15 munutes which will stop your regen. Do not solo him unless you are close to the zone.
Silver ring?
# Oct 07 2000 at 10:19 PM Rating: Default
Where and what drops the silver ring in BB??? Thx
RE: Silver ring?
# Oct 13 2000 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
Its in the bottom of the pool of water with the Razorgills in it.
RE: Silver ring?
# Mar 22 2001 at 2:32 AM Rating: Default
what is the silver ring for?
RE: Silver ring?
# Apr 17 2001 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
The silver ring is part of the Paw of Opalla quest. lvl 25 to 30 pally quest.
RE: Silver ring?
# Apr 17 2001 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
The silver ring is part of the Paw of Opalla quest. lvl 25 to 30 pally quest.
Gnoll High Shaman
# Oct 02 2000 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
My level 15th Warrior was part of a group that took out the Gnoll High Shaman. Any clue what the Gnolls head he drops is for? At 15th level he con'd read the 17 lvl Paly said he con red as well?

Inn - Server
new dog
# Sep 25 2000 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
I was in the green room when some dog spawned. he connded low blue at 21 and was easy to kill. His name was something like mananian of the sabertooths. droped trash for me.
RE: new dog
# Oct 21 2000 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
I saw him when a level 20 mage started a huge train. He is called Manann of the Sabertooths and looks like a normal splitpaw gnoll but a little bigger and as far as level goes I think he had to be about the same as Tranixx(17-20).
RE: new dog
# Oct 26 2000 at 8:06 AM Rating: Default
Killed him yesterday, one lvl 49 lifedrain didnt kill him so he had more than 338 hps, dropped nothing, didnt try to hail him.
RE: new dog
# Apr 29 2001 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
just wanted to say he looks like an elite gaurd not a splitpaw
new dog
# Sep 25 2000 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
I was in the green room when some dog spawned. he connded low blue at 21 and was easy to kill. His name was something like mananian of the sabertooths. droped trash for me.
2 New spawns in Blackburrow
# Sep 20 2000 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
There seems to be 2 new spawns in Blackburrow. A Splitpaw Commander and A Splitpaw Refugee. The Splitpaw Refugee drops a Runed Totem Staff. The Splitpaw Commander drops a gnoll hide lariat. I don't know the level of the refugee, but the commander is about lvl 15 to 16 I think. High blue to a lvl 17 Ranger. I don't know what lvl the refugee is, but he did drop the RTS. The commander spawns in the elite room and also the room behind the brewer casks. Sorry I don't have much more info than that, hope this helps.
RE: 2 New spawns in Blackburrow
# Sep 24 2000 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
The Splitpaw commander considered as lvl 14 to 15 to a lvl 15 bard and the REFUGEE SPLITPAW at lvl 12 to 13. I saw them at the stream in bb where the shaman, elite, commander spawned.
RE: 2 New spawns in Blackburrow
# Sep 22 2000 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
There is also a named gnoll I have never seen before in there. He has less than 282 hit points and he is called Socho Darkpaw. He did not respond to hails. :)
RE: 2 New spawns in Blackburrow
# Oct 07 2000 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Found this guy when I was clering this room for a group that got wiped out. The room was the green room. Droped aprox. 4gp in spare change and gave out the normal Blackburrow Gnoll factions. Was green to a 29 ranger.
RE: 2 New spawns in Blackburrow
# Sep 21 2000 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
The refugee is about the same level as the Commander. The commander drops the Gnoll Hide Lariat also. I had him drop some bronze weaponry also.
RE: 2 New spawns in Blackburrow
# Oct 02 2000 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
Admitedly it is tough for me to con the refugee at lev 43, but it takes two shots with firestrike (300 pt dd) to kill the commander and only one to kill the refugee, I'm guessing it is around lev 10-13 or so, if not, then it is a serious miscon for the lack of hp.
# Sep 11 2000 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
What do u with a gnoll paw? i got it off a Gnoll Shaman.
# Sep 12 2000 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
Sorry about the type o, What do you do with the paw? Is there a quest for this gnoll paw?
# Nov 18 2000 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
Think you have to give in at the warrior guild at qeynos for moonstones. Think its that but im really not sure.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 04 2000 at 1:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 08 2000 at 9:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) your a ****** ******* post something next time ******* and quit wasting peoples time
THE gnoll high shaman and info
# Aug 21 2000 at 6:32 AM Rating: Default
Yes it is "THE gnoll high shaman" not "A gnoll high shaman". He doesnt drop any totems like normal shamans(as far as i can see).the one in BB does not REAPEAT: DOES NOT drop the RTS. those are droped by shamans in lake rathetear and south karana(the named ones). It can drop assorted weapons but it's favorite seems to be a splintering club. spawns in the green room near the snake pit. casts 14th level shaman spells like root, spirit strike,and various dots. higher level than commanders. rare spawn. Really can ruin the day for a group camping the green room
High Gnoll Shaman
# Aug 17 2000 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
I looted a lore item Rat Bone Necklace off the High gnoll shaman in BB yesterday and cant seem to find a quest connected to it...any info on this?
RE: High Gnoll Shaman
# Oct 02 2000 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
I looted a Gnolls head Lore Item from him ... I have the smae problem. What to do with the Head???
RE: High Gnoll Shaman
# Mar 22 2001 at 2:27 AM Rating: Default
the head is for a ranger or druid quest im not sure which but it is from Surefall
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2000 at 1:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i have one question.. i play on Mithaniel marr server.. when i went to black burrow to level up a bit .. i saw at least 3 very high necros KS from everybody.. this pissed me off.. so i camped the next 3 days they did that.. then after they left other high level people were KS from me and other players.. its just a little agrevating when you pay to play this fuc#(ng game and people make it hard for you to enjoy it.. oh well no matter im in an anti KS guild who has alot of gm friends and we boot all the ksers we see =) and a tip to newbies to get to lvl 50 fast saves your money spend it on what you absolutly need and BE PATIENT.. to listen to me ***** and moan about my low level days email me at hheehe or you can email me just to chat.. i need a few Email pals =) later all
RE: anyone else noticed this?
# Sep 08 2000 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
do a /petition and /report after telling them that what they are doing is wrong. They're conversation and yours should be sent to Verrant (10 last lines) and you will have a guide within the next hour or so talking to you if on line. I did that with someone that purposly killed an NPC I was giving bones for a quest on Lanys T'vyl... Never saw her again.
# Aug 11 2000 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
I bet if ANYONE stayed in Blackburrow throughout there 7-13 they would be more than welcome in Qeynos. Every gnoll you kill gives good faction. Would be curious if any evil races made the trip there to do just that.

Glachum McShlacum
Quellious server
RE: Faction
# Aug 26 2000 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I came to make the citizens of Qeynos like me as much as the gullable humans of Freeport like me. So far, I've killed 20 or so gnolls, and already, the Guards of Qeynos have gone from ready to attack, to glaring in a threatening manner. I'll be happy if they glower at me doubiously, but it'd be nice if they were apprehensive. I do know that I'll see major changes in faction, once I turn in the fangs I'm collecting.
RE: Faction
# Oct 02 2000 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
I am an Erudite Necromancer.. I arrived in Qeynos KoS and had to remain invisible. I killed the gnolls outside of BB until I was level 8. At that point, after about 40 gnoll kills, I was "dubious" to the guards, still horrible with the merchants.

I turned in 30 gnoll fangs and was suddenly amiable with the merchants, and indifferent to the guards. I did however drop to threatening with the corrupt guards :)
RE: Faction
# Oct 28 2000 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
I have managed to work my way up to Dubious with the guards in Qeynos by hunting Gnolls. Unfortunately, I am still KoS to all the other Qeynos groups, the mages, the clerics, and so on. I have 60 Gnoll teeth that I cant turn in because the Warriors guild isnt Qeynos guard faction and Ebon Strongbear makes short work of me.
Chucc, Iksar Shaman of Luclin
RE: Faction
# Jun 11 2001 at 4:18 AM Rating: Default
Get a high level chanter to charm him first. Then you turn them in. Then you both run like hell for the zone before it breaks.
# Aug 02 2000 at 4:06 PM Rating: Default
RTS is dropped by Gnoll High Shaman in Lake rathe and isn't that common. I always kill all the high shaman on my way through and have only recieved one RTS in about 20 kills. Could but be bad luck I guess.
Runed Totem Staff
# Aug 01 2000 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
No, the Runed Totem Staff isn't dropped in BB.
The Gnoll Shaman in Lake Rathe drop them sometimes. I THINK they are about level 12-15, but I could be wrong. Check the Lake Rathe zone guide.
RE: Runed Totem Staff
# Sep 23 2000 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
yes it is dropped in BB.I got it off the new spawn Splitpaw Refugee they are about same level as Splitpaw Commander :)
Gnoll Shaman
# Aug 01 2000 at 6:58 AM Rating: Default
I've heard that the The Runed Staff drops from Gnoll Shamans. Where in BB are these guys? Also, I'm a lvl 9 Shaman. Is that high enough to hunt these? Stick to grouping for them?

Shaman of the 9th Winter
RE: Gnoll Shaman
# Sep 07 2000 at 12:00 PM Rating: Default
The Gnoll Shaman does not drop the RTS.

He drops a Wooden Totem +10 mana. It must be equiped in the shield slot to work.

I know where he is
# Jul 23 2000 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
OK you need a rogue to trigger this and a large guild. Get you guild on every spawn. have them kill all of the spawns very quickly. then send one rogue on the locked door while goin down the ramp to the single elite room.then send a rogue on the locked door in the Pit. then before one thing spawns open thw doors with pick lock. and out of one of the doors Lord Englub will run out. he cons Dubious until he gets to his place in the middle of the pit. and also a cool thing is when you look inside the locked will see all the sorpses of gnolls that died in there.
Elgnub and Gnoll Slayer
# Jul 22 2000 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
Go to Allakhazam's Quest database, search by zones, click Blackburrow, click Gnoll Slayer quest. You'll find your answers there.
Gnoll Slayer
# Jun 21 2000 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
OK guys, when you turn in the Sayer baby or whatever from that every millenia spawning Lord Elgnub, you get the gnoll slayer, it is a 1HS sword with average stats, like 6dmg, and 29 dly or something, nothing special... But, he then hints that it used to be more powerfull, but something happened to it, (like a cures or something, not sure) but, when you finish the upgrade quest for it (not sure how) the dmg. is like doubbled or something, dly may drop a few, and i'm 98% sure it CAN summon the wolf pet, you all just think not because the spawn is so rare and the upgrade quest so complicated, and so on, that maybe 3 ppl in the whole game might have it. Hope that clears things up.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 26 2001 at 7:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 18 2000 at 9:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I just had to say it... Lord Elgnub can bite me Muaaa haaa haaaa.
# Jun 17 2000 at 12:31 AM Rating: Default
If anyone has taken a screenshot of him, I'd REALLY appreciate it being sent to me at:
Gnoll Slayer vs. Mistcaller
# Jun 13 2000 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
OK Marton tells you, after you get the gnoll slayer, that the sword was once imbrued with the power to summon forth a wolf to help you fight. He says that some kind of eye (preserved split paw eye?) and a tome (gnoll hide tome?) returned to him along with the sword would restore it to the power it once had. This is where the whole mistcaller idea came about. Also i heard the gnoll slayer does double damage against gnolls, anybody else hear that?
RE: Gnoll Slayer vs. Mistcaller
# Oct 02 2000 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
I Have the Eye ---- 5 charges of Glimps +2 vs pioson.

Inn - Server
# Jun 08 2000 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
To clear up any confusion.. Lord Elgnub spawns in the spiked pit with the snakes, I've seen him spawn 3 times(When I still played; about a month ago, I used to have a lot of twinks that grew up in BB) and killed once. He DOES spawn, and he spawns in the spiked snake room, nowhere else. And it's walker, not caller, I believe.
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