South Qeynos

Quick Facts





Level Range:
1 - 75

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The southern section of Qeynos is home to the Warrior Guild Hall, the Order of Three, the Knights of Thunder, and the League of Antonican Bards. There are two docks which service Erud's Crossing, the body of water separating Antonica from the continent of Odus.
The Port AuthorityClock Tower of QeynosThe ArenaOverlooking Erud's CrossingKnights of ThunderIn the Fish's AleLeague of Antonican BardsThe JailInside the Caster Guild HallVendorsThe Mermaid's LureThe Order of Three
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Missing NPC - Largon Welsh - South Qeynos
# Apr 01 2022 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
278 posts
[Fri Apr 01 12:57:42 2022] Largon Welsh regards you indifferently -- You could probably win this fight. (Lvl: 25)

[Fri Apr 01 12:57:09 2022] You say, 'Hail, Largon Welsh'
[Fri Apr 01 12:57:09 2022] Largon Welsh says, 'Grab a pole and start fishing. You never know what you will catch. Rohan is offering a reward for some fish. Dead or alive!'

[Fri Apr 01 13:01:33 2022] Largon Welsh says, 'Guards! Guards! Help me!'
[Fri Apr 01 13:01:40 2022] Your faction standing with Qeynos Citizens has been adjusted by -5.
[Fri Apr 01 13:01:40 2022] You receive 7 silver and 3 copper from the corpse.
[Fri Apr 01 13:01:40 2022] Largon Welsh's corpse says, 'My comrades will avenge my death.'
[Fri Apr 01 13:01:40 2022] You have slain Largon Welsh!
[Fri Apr 01 13:01:45 2022] --You have looted a Fresh Fish from Largon Welsh's corpse.--
Brewing and Baking
# Apr 15 2003 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
These zones are awesome for starting brewing and baking. All you have to do is buy snake scales, bottles, and water flasks for brewing, and a loaf of bread, rat ear, jug of sauces, and (optional) a spit.

After you get to 21 in brewing, make malted milk by buying one milk, one malt, and one bottle each.

I got to 36 in baking and 26 in brewing as I write this nearly entirely in these zones. After all that, I spent about 10 pp and got about 8 pp back. All this with 113 cha and 139 int.
RE: Brewing and Baking
# Aug 15 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
The bar with the brew barrel and the building across from it also have all the necessary supplies to make Minotaur Hero's Brew which can take you all the way from 160 brewing to 248 if you're patient.
Newbie Quests!(Bard)
# Jun 10 2002 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
>>Sollari bekines is located to the right of the main stage of the bard guild

You say, 'Hail, Sollari Bekines'
Sollari Bekines says 'Hello, there! I am Sollari Bekines of the League of Antonican Bards. I am at your service to train you as best I can. There have been a number of young bards entering our concert halls lately seeking guidance. If you are a [young bard in search of training], I might have some work for you.'
You say, 'i am a young bard in search of training'
Sollari Bekines says 'You need to look no further then, I can surely provide you with the knowledge you will need to make it in this world as a songweaver. The exercises that you will need to complete will test your gathering and fighting skills. Once you have completed your training you will be outfitted with a suit of your very own armor! When you are [ready to begin] I will explain to you how the training will work.'
You say, 'i am ready to begin'
Sollari Bekines says 'Here is your Wind Spirits Assembly Kit. In this kit you will collect a different items that will be combined in certain quantities to create infused armor materials. These armor materials that you create can then be taken to a forge along with the applicable armor mold to fashion together a piece of Wind Spirits Armor. When you would like to craft an armor piece you must simply tell me what piece you [want] to craft. I will then provide you with the recipe and mold necessary for creating Wind Spirits [Helms], [Bracers], [Armguards], [Boots], [Greaves], [Gauntlets] and [Breastplates].'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind sprits helm'
Sollari Bekines says 'To create your helm material you will need to combine 2 Bricks of Crude Iron, 1 Coyote Skull, 1 Bat Fur and 1 Honey Mead in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Helm.'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind spirits bracers'
Sollari Bekines says 'To create your bracer material you will need to combine 1 Brick of Crude Iron, 1 Gnoll Backbone, 1 Gnoll Scoutsmans Documents and 1 Throwing Spear in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Bracer.'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind sprits armguard'
Sollari Bekines says 'To create your armguards material you will need to combine 2 Bricks of Crude Iron, 2 Ruined Wolf Pelts, 1 Diseased Wolf Pelt and 1 Arrow in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Armguards.'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind sprits boots'
Sollari Bekines says 'To create your boot material you will need to combine 3 Bricks of Crude Iron, 1 Brown Bear Femur and 2 Blackburrow Gnoll Pelts in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Boots.'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind sprits greaves'
Sollari Bekines says 'To create your greaves material you will need to combine 4 Bricks of Crude Iron, 1 Giant Spider Egg Sack, 1 Black Wolf Tooth, 1 Bottle and 1 Young Puma Skin in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Greaves.'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind sprits gauntlets'
Sollari Bekines says 'To create your gauntlet material you will need to combine 3 Bricks of Crude Iron, 1 Giant Fire Beetle Carapace, 1 Lion Tooth, and 2 Spider Legs in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Gauntlets.'
You say, 'i want to craft a wind sprits breastplate'
Bekines says 'To create your breastplate material you will need to combine 5 Bricks of Crude Iron, 1 Low Quality Bear Skin, 1 Woven Spider Silk, 1 Lock of Scarecrow Straw, 1 Matted Lion Pelt and 1 Bandit Sash in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Wind Spirits Breastplate. When you are finished with your Breastplate and have completed your armor set please come see me for one [final exercise].'
say, 'what final exercise?'
Sollari Bekines says 'I need your help with ridding the hills of some of the most vile creatures, the gnolls of course! My resident alchemist has instructed me that he needs some items from these furballs for a antidote he is working on. I need you to bring me 1 Vial of Gnoll Blood and 2 Gnoll Pelvises. Once you have returned with these items I will reward you with a weapon worthy of the finest Qeynos Songweaver. I look forward to seeing you soon.'

>>Just a random note: i completed the quest for the weapon; the stuff for it was on the merchants everywhere(total cost: about 2pp) and the weapon has the following stats:
Wind Spirits Longsword
Magic Lore No drop
damage 6 delay 27
weight 3.5
races: hum hef
when equipped it looks like a wakizashi
Faction Tweaking
# Oct 09 2001 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I accidentally discovered that my good/bad factions do a -/+ (respectively) when I give trumpy irontoe 4 meads. No flames. I didn't know this was quest. I was just playing around.
So, I did some looking and experiementing and noticing. I want to eventually do a little recon into the temple, so I want to fix my factions.
My figuring is that for every 3 gnolls I kill, I want to turn in one fang (this seems to be frequency of fang drops for me). I turn in the moonstones for the stout, then sell it for money, and buy honey mead. Then for each fang I have turned in, I need to give Trumpy 4 meads twice (4 mead=faction adjustment). I should net my good going up 3 and my bad 1 for legwork that I would be doing anyway (since trumpy is in same place I turn in moonstones). At the same time I am raising my priest of life faction so I can do clothspinner quest.
If I want help with bad going up and not risking good, I turn in gnoll scouts in HighPass.
And people say factions are difficult.
Good journey
Tatiyanna and Madalyn
Bone Chips Quest
# Jun 23 2001 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone have any further information concerning the Bone Chips that you give to Wolten Grafe? I tried to give him bone chips and he just says "I'm..erm, not quite sure what to do with this but... thanks, I guess". I even tried using the container that he gives and I still get the same response. Please help, I've lost several stacks of bone chips and dont want to lose any more. BTW, the combine button in the box doesnt work with this item.
RE: Bone Chips Quest
# Nov 15 2001 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Bone chips are for Lashun Novashine in N Qeynos. At least if this is the quest I think you're looking for.
RE: Bone Chips Quest
# Jul 04 2001 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
I put six bone chips in the box, that he gives you after you say I will crush the undead. Becarful not the stack them and then hit the combine button. Then give him that and the quest will work.
I turned in 90 bone chips to him that way and got my faction to amiable.
Boat Routes
# Feb 21 2001 at 8:06 PM Rating: Default
I am in curently in Freeport but want to go to Halas to hook up my Barbarian with stuff I have. Dont want to walk the whole way but I see there are boat docks in South Qeynos. Where can I find the boat to take me there. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 03 2001 at 11:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
RE: Boat Routes
# Feb 22 2001 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
Sorry you can't boat to Halas from Freeport. A long overland journey from commonlands across Karana plains is required.
Dark Elves, beware
# Nov 28 2000 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
This is a warning to those who manage to get their factions up with the guards and
merchants and paladins and the like, and think it is safe for limited access to South

There are TWO caster types, from the casters guild, south of the bank, who are
wanderers. And by default, the casters seem to hate dark elves (perhaps not agnostic
ones, not sure).

For anyone to be truely safe in Qeynos, you will have to get your
CircleOfThree faction up to dubious, else one of these wandering annoyances
will get you eventually.

Bone Chips
# Oct 24 2000 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
184 posts
If you are looking for a very fast way to level up, acquire about 5 backpacks of Bone Chips and turn them into Wolten Grafe in the Paladin Guild. Doing this will get you from Level 1 to Level 6 or 7. Naturally, your skills will still only be at the level 1 mark so you have a LOT of catching up to do. This is also a great way of increasing faction very quickly with the Paladin and Cleric Guilds in Qeynos.

For more faction hits and for better money, the Bandit Sash quest from Chesgard Sydwen gives from 2-4pp per sash (see West Karana posting for more info).
RE: Bone Chips
# Dec 27 2000 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
Oh my goodness.
This quest is awesome!
I twinked 24 stacks of chips to a fresh Magician.
It took me from 1st to over half way through 6th in about 20 min. It took four stacks for 2nd, and other four for third, and then I lost count. DING! DING! DING!

I noted I was getting 'kindly' reactions afterward from people my 12th ranger is still getting 'amiables' from. I didn't pay enough attention to tell you from whom. In short my faction skyrocketed as well.

He gives you rations and water at the same time, plus a few copper. I sold the rations and water for a few GP.

To make things easier I made a soicial button to get the box and I made hot keys to two inventory slots. One that held the combine box and the other that held the backpack full o' bones.

Yes, my skills are all at rock bottom, but it doesn't seem to bad I will stick with blue cons for a while and solo for a while. I did solo a black con with only minor difficulties. By the time I figure out how to play a magicain my skills should be caught up. In the mean time I will solo so as not to make others suffer from my poor skills.

# Aug 29 2000 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
near the zone with the clock, if you go to the building that looks like it has all the barrels on the wall and look next to the door(outside) u will see a barrel. jump on the barrel, jump ontop of the door frame, then jump to the roof, then u can get in position to jump on the walls. from here u can nuke NPCs and they usually cant get to you (ive seen the bard dionna killed this way many times). only problem is i've heard gms dont exactly like people doing this. however a friend asked a gm and he said its ok to pk people from the walls, just not kill NPCs for any of you on pvp servers. this can be an easy way to get around if u happen to be KOS to some wandering parites in the zone
RE: Walls
# Jun 04 2001 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
I can't seem to do this. Everytime I jump off the barrel, I got stuck just to the side of the doorframe in midair. My char can't clear the distance, he can only get *to* the doorframe, not on *top* of it. Can anyone help me? I tried a SOW to see if my char could jump higher with it. What happens if I levitate? Will that work?
RE: Walls
# Feb 10 2003 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
Can't jump with levity on......
RE: Walls
# Jun 04 2001 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
I can't seem to do this. Everytime I jump off the barrel, I got stuck just to the side of the doorframe in midair. My char can't clear the distance, he can only get *to* the doorframe, not on *top* of it. Can anyone help me?
RE: Walls
# Sep 12 2000 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
GMs will get you if you try this on NPCs
Lvl Up For Newbies
# Aug 22 2000 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
If you are not an evil class or have an evil god to worship go to the docks and you will a guy named Faren you dont need to talk to just jump in the water and look along the angled wall you will see a bag it will be a wooden tackle box give this to faren for good factions a little coinage and exp keep doing this til lvl 2 so you wont die so much
RE: Lvl Up For Newbies
# Sep 12 2000 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
you also ger Hurrieta's tunic, lore item, part of a larger quest
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