Adventurer's Stone  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 6 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Lost Dungeons of Norrath
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Tue Sep 9 17:55:32 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Short version

    Once you reach level 15, you will receive a "mysterious message:"

    A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'If you can feel me in your thoughts, know this -- something is changing in the world and I reckon you should be a part of it. I do not know much, but I do know that in every home city and the wilds there are agents of an organization called the Wayfarers Brotherhood. They are looking for recruits . . . If you can hear this message, you are one of the chosen. Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds, and find out more. Adventure awaits you, my friend.'

    If you are not sure what town you started in, you can also go to the Rathe Mountains gypsy camp or the SE corner of Western Karana. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC. You need to find the person mentioned and hail him. He will tell you about the wayfarer camps and mention 5 more NPC's - one per camp. Head to a camp and talk to the NPC there and he will ask you some questions. Answer them and you will get flagged to use the adventure system and the Magus teleports that take you from camp to camp.


    Question 1: adventures
    2: favor journal
    3: Morden Rasp
    4: farstone

    Known "hometown" NPCs:

    Ak'Anon - Flapti Bizztrin (+1245, -930)
    Butcherblock Mountains - Vual Stoutest (-1120, -2500)
    Commonlands - Barstre Songweaver (-1665, -110)
    Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585, sitting in a chair on the second level near the banker) Detailed steps to get to him: Take elevator to 1 floor up. Then look for stairwell near SE corner area. Go towards the Potion and Alchemy Sellers area. Look around the tables. He should be sitting near at one of the tables. Almost across from the Alchemy potion sellers.
    East Cabilis - Zauz Malgorne (+260, -265)
    East Freeport - Miocaei Herlsas (-1480, +625, at the back of the Pit)
    Erudin - Orwin Flintmaker (bottom of the stairs in the Vasty Deep Inn, at -1160, -150)
    Erudin Palace - Ienala Eceiaiu (+790, +860, in the last room in the back of the bank)
    Everfrost Peaks - Teria Grinntli (1860, -5030)
    Grobb - Blorgok Gkapbron (+220, +100, inside the Berserker guild)
    Kelethin (Greater Faydark) - Enyaanuia Windancer (-525, -565, in a tavern off the fletching platform)
    Halas - Jowra McGynnall (+340, -310)
    Mountains of Rathe (Frogloks) - Fipnoc Birribit (-1215, +390)
    Mountains of Rathe (non-Frogloks) - Nemeen Pekasr (+3990, +1385)
    Neriak Commons - Kwilrz Vn`Ycxa (+75, -865, in The Refined Palate)
    Neriak Third Gate - Torxal Smalane (+775, -1370, -80, near the Furrier Royale)
    North Kaladim - Halthar Mowestone (+470, -90)
    North Qeynos - Drun Vorwig (+280, +90)
    North Ro - Ruanya Windleaf (+7445, -955)
    Northern Felwithe - Larroniae Huial (+130, -430, Shop of All Holos)
    Oggok - Puwdap (+360, +1080) in the cave just north of the beastlord GM
    Paineel - Yenlr Undraie (+810, +625, wearing a white robe, just inside as you get off the elevator)
    Qeynos Aqueducts - Dollin Nusmag (+405, -595)
    Rivervale - Jimbledorp Heptybak (+430, -380)
    Shar Vahl - Vlarha Myticla (-440, -255)
    South Kaladim - Kennelia Gwieal (+90, +245)
    South Qeynos - Warehnn Awlne (-10, -35)
    South Ro - Selephra Giztral at (-116.97, -289.24)
    Southern Felwithe - Thwinose Vilgarn (+355, -805)
    Surefall Glades - Narwkend Falgon (+180, -60, inside the ranger guild)
    The Rathe Mountains - Fipnoc Birribit (-1220, 390) (just south west of PoK book under same tent), he sends you to speak to any of the following NPCs.
    West Cabilis - Yzilimn Pxikn (+275, +520)
    West Freeport - Genniau Noghce (-155, -420, inside Tassel's Tavern)
    West Karana - Melaara Tenwinds (-3330, -14815, southeast corner of the zone)

    Detailed Version

    This is the introduction you'll see in Greater Faydark. Others will be very similar.

    A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'If you can feel me in your thoughts, know this -- something is changing in the world and I reckon you should be a part of it. I do not know much, but I do know that in every home city and the wilds there are agents of an organization called the Wayfarers Brotherhood. They are looking for recruits and . . . If you can hear this message, you are one of the chosen. Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds, and find out more. Adventure awaits you, my friend.'

    You have entered The Greater Faydark.

    A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'Enyaanuia Windancer in the tavern by Trueshots Bows has just joined the Wayfarers Brotherhood and has some information about them, and how you can start doing odd jobs for them. You looked like the heroic sort, so I wanted to contact you . . . discreetly.'

    You say, 'Hail, Enyaanuia Windancer'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'Come to find out about the Wayfarers Brotherhood, hm? I think I saw you around here long ago. Because you are familiar to me, I will trust you with some [information].'

    You say, 'I want some information.'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'The Wayfarers Brotherhood is pretty particular about who they do business with. You will need to prove yourself to them. You can start gaining their gratitude by helping them. The Wayfarers Brotherhood will ask you to answer some questions when you first meet with them. They tend to call all of their assignments 'adventures.' You'd do well to keep that in mind as they'll be more likely to give you some tasks. There is other information that makes them easier to [deal with] too.'

    You say, 'Deal with?'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'There are several camps of Wayfarers Brotherhood explorers around the world. In each camp you'll find a trusted Wayfarers Brotherhood member that has the task of recruiting adventurers that will take on interesting, and potentially lethal, [work]. Some members will tell you stories, if they think you are worthy of learning such prized information. Others will share their treasures with you, but only if you do work for them.'

    You say, 'Work?'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'The Wayfarers Brotherhood believes in giving something for something. For each adventure you take from them, they will add you to their Favor Journal. With the points of Favor that their record keepers have counted for you, you can trade your good Favor for wonderful treasures and goods. Also, the more adventures you do for the Wayfarers Brotherhood, the more your Favor increases. The harder jobs get you more Favor, by the way. As you gain more Favor, the Wayfarers Brotherhood treasure keepers will let you peek at some of their more unique and sought after items. So, it pays to get in good with them, you see! And there's [more]!'

    You say, 'There's more?'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'You should also know that there are five magi in the Wayfarers Brotherhood that have found very unique magic stones in the world that they are able to use to transport adventurers to one another. They have placed a magus with one of these stones at each large camp. They call it Farstone Magic. And that's not the only [interesting ore] we've seen lately.'

    You say, 'Interesting ore -- you are messing with me, elf woman!'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'We've found some strange items off the dead in the dungeons. At first we just thought they were simple things -- rocks, pebbles, gems, and the like -- and then we noticed they had very unusual auras about them. Well, one day, Morden Rasp was toying with one -- a shiny green shard -- and he went to scrape it with his dagger. Suddenly, the shard began to reform and fused with his dagger. While the dagger remained as fine as ever, Morden himself felt a surge of strength! So, you will want to watch out for these strange magic pieces in the world. Now, I suggest you go talk to Selephra Giztral, Barstre Songweaver, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, or Ruanya Windleaf. They handle all of those who are interested in working for the Wayfarers Brotherhood and getting rewards. Remember well what I've told you!'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    In the Everfrost Peaks:

    You say, 'Hail, Teria Grinntli'

    Teria Grinntli says 'Welcome stranger. I'm afraid you must answer some questions before I can consider opening our wealth of skill and knowledge to you. First, what does the Wayfarers Brotherhood call the tasks they will ask you to do for them?'

    You say, 'Give me adventures!'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    Teria Grinntli says 'We will reward based on your improving position with the Wayfarers Brotherhood. We keep a certain type of log that records how often and well you help us. What is it called?'

    You say, 'It's a favor journal.'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    Teria Grinntli says 'Who discovered that some treasures have strange magical properties by poking one with his dagger?'

    You say, 'Morden Rasp'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    Teria Grinntli says 'Our brilliant magi use a special kind of magic to help teleport us between camps. What is it called?'

    You say, 'A farstone'

    Teria Grinntli says 'Congratulations! I believe now that you are trustworthy enough to take on some of the adventures the Wayfarers Brotherhood have to give. We will be able to continue with our discussions once you complete some adventures. We can also help you with travel between our camps. Be well, fair Guiscard. I'm sure, someday, you will be a great addition to the Wayfarers Brotherhood.'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!
    Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100.

    Teria Grinntli says 'Take this Adventurer Stone with you on your journeys into the dungeons. You will find it useful. Should you lose it somehow, come talk to me and I'll replace it.'

    - Faction with Wayfarers Brotherhood
    - Adventurer's Stone (needed to use the Magus portals)

    These same steps will work on any of the following NPCs: Selephra Giztral, Barstre Songweaver, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, and Ruanya Windleaf.

    Upon the hail that maxes out the stats of your Adventurer's Stone, you will see in red:

    It's time to acknowledge you as a Wayfarer. Give Chaenz Abella in the Commonlands your Adventurer Stone and he'll replace it with your very own Wayfarers Emblem. Or, if it's being used in a charm, you must remove it to get your new one. And, if you simply destroy the stone, he will replace it with your much-deserved emblem. Just tell him you want your [emblem].

    Head to Chaenz Abella in the Wayfarer's camp in the Commonlands.

    Chaenz Abella says 'I heard you had become knowledgeable about all aspects of the dungeons we've found. I must confess that I never had you pegged for such a great adventurer! I suppose I should welcome you -- as a member of the Wayfarers Brotherhood. The honor is well deserved. Congratulations!'

    Chaenz Abella says 'Here is a token of my appreciation. Should you lose your Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem or misplace it, I or Barstre, Selephra, Ruanya, Teria, or Vual will replace it.'

    Receive Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem.
    Send a Correction
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    Post Comment
    Screwed up all this time
    # Apr 12 2023 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
    244 posts
    I've been answering favors, morden rasp, and farstone all this time. But today I actually read what was said and realized I missed saying 'adventures' and 100 points of faction that I can't get back. So just remember there are 4 answers not 3. Smiley: bah
    Adventure Stone
    # Apr 03 2023 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
    96 posts
    I'm a Gnome enchanter. My starting city should be Ak'Anon but that didn't work!

    I went to The Rathe Mountains and West Karana. NO GO

    "If you are not sure what town you started in, you can also go to the Rathe Mountains gypsy camp or the SE corner of Western Karana. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC." In both RM and WK.

    SO WRONG, incorrect information! Does not work!

    "Fipnoc Birribit says, "you show a great deal of courage in coming here to speak with me. However... I'm unable to guide you along the path of becoming a part of the wayfarers brotherhood. You may wish to seek out someone closer to home.
    Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585) Also did not work, Same message. So I'm screwed from getting an adventure stone and using Magus!

    Wasted a couple hours on this and can't get it.
    Adventure Stone
    # Apr 04 2023 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
    399 posts
    Its ok if he Vladnelg Galvern doesn't respond - just hail him and see if he says anything at all.

    Next: go to any adventure camp and saying the 4 answers to the npc for that camp: "Adventures - favor journal - Morden rasp and farstone." Last time I did it they did not engage in conversation but I was able to /say those answers and got thru it.

    Pick one of these NPC available for you to say those words to: Not all of them - just one.
    Teria Grinntli/everfrost, Selephra Giztral/South ro, Barstre Songweaver/Commonlands, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, and Ruanya Windleaf. You can look up the zones for zones not listed on the last few

    You will get the stone on the last answer - "farstone"

    Edited, Apr 4th 2023 11:19am by Dogpaw

    Edited, Apr 13th 2023 11:38am by Dogpaw
    Adventure Stone
    # Apr 04 2023 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
    463 posts
    Suzzi wrote:
    I'm a Gnome enchanter. My starting city should be Ak'Anon but that didn't work!

    I went to The Rathe Mountains and West Karana. NO GO

    "If you are not sure what town you started in, you can also go to the Rathe Mountains gypsy camp or the SE corner of Western Karana. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC." In both RM and WK.

    SO WRONG, incorrect information! Does not work!

    "Fipnoc Birribit says, "you show a great deal of courage in coming here to speak with me. However... I'm unable to guide you along the path of becoming a part of the wayfarers brotherhood. You may wish to seek out someone closer to home.
    Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585) Also did not work, Same message. So I'm screwed from getting an adventure stone and using Magus!

    Wasted a couple hours on this and can't get it.

    You have done all the right things.
    One other thing to check: do /char and see what places are reported. Should be your home city and bind location. If other than what you understand, try that new information.
    If nothing new, do a petition out of game. That travel stone permission can be important.
    Greater Faydark Alternative Description of /loc
    # Jan 21 2023 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
    134 posts
    While the /loc coordinates are correct, there are multiple platforms in Kelethin that have fletchers on them. The NPC (Enyaanuia Windancer) is in the tavern next to Merchant Sylnis and directly across from Trueshot Bows. =)
    Bright Blessings to All!

    Lady Daia Spiritlight
    High Priestess of Quellious, Rathe Server
    High Priestess of Quellious, Mischief Server
    Enyaanuia Windancer
    # Jan 15 2023 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
    15 posts
    Kelethin (Greater Faydark) - Enyaanuia Windancer (Find Bartender "Barkeep Tvanla")
    Halas NPC is not findable
    # Nov 20 2022 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
    3,032 posts
    Halas - Jowra McGynnall (+340, -310) not in FIND.

    FIND Scon McDaniel, the bartender, she's in front of him.
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    FTP/Silver Accounts and this quest
    # Aug 21 2022 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
    671 posts
    Can we modify the comment:

    If you are not sure what town you started in, you can also go to the Rathe Mountains gypsy camp or the SE corner of Western Karana. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC. You need to find the person mentioned and hail him. He will tell you about the wayfarer camps and mention 5 more NPC's - one per camp. Head to a camp and talk to the NPC there and he will ask you some questions. Answer them and you will get flagged to use the adventure system and the Magus teleports that take you from camp to camp.

    To include specific commentary that if you are on a Free to Play or Silver account that your home city is effectively corrupted for this quest and you need to use the Crescent Reach NPC to trigger the quest?
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    FTP/Silver Accounts and this quest
    # Aug 23 2022 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
    399 posts
    No, your home city is not corrupted if your Silver or F2P. All F2P start in Cresent Reach and therefor use the Cresent Reach as home city and for this quest the NPC, Vladnelg who is sitting in a chair on the second level. That is why he is there.

    Silver were converted to Cresent Reach home city thru a bug but they can also use Vladnelg

    In fact anyone can use Vladnelg to do the quest.

    What is a bug is that not everyone gets the notification of the quest at a specific level and sometimes not at all.

    When you make your account you can chose to start off as a paid subscription and if you chose that then you can also chose your home city. You can either go see the npc in home city OR you can go see Vladnelg

    I have never been able to use the one in Rathe mountains on any of my alts but that does not mean it would not work for others.

    Vladnelg has worked for all my accounts, paid, free or silver, even though he might not respond all the time. So long as you hail him you can continue the quest by going to the other 5 NPC like in my walk thru
    Oggok representative location
    # May 07 2022 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
    14 posts
    Hi all, just thought I'd share this with anyone else trying to get this as an Ogre. Puwdap is in the cave just north of the beastlord GM. Hope it helps!
    Be sure you're in your home town
    # Nov 16 2021 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
    3,032 posts
    My high elf enchanter zoned into Felwithe, found the LDoN rep, but got no dialogue and no adventurer's stone.

    The problem is you have to go to your hometown and in Felwithe, which has 2 zones, that depends on your class. You first zone into Northern but enchanters are "born" in Southern Felwithe.

    If you get the LDoN message when you enter a zone, and it does not mention an NPC name, then that's a general advert recommending you go to your hometown. The LDoN rep in the zone you entered will not get the job done. When you zone into your hometown, the LDoN message will provide the specific name of the LDoN rep that you want to see.

    For me, this problem was on Agnarr. Some have mentioned going to CR if they run into this problem but there's no CR on Agnarr, and never will be.
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    Be sure you're in your home town
    # Nov 17 2021 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
    399 posts
    You are right, being on a TLP would require you to use your hometown.

    All other servers were coded to allow the stone quest starting with Vladnelg Galvern on second floor in Cresent Reach because no F2P accounts have home cities. They all use Cresent Reach.

    Only paid accounts can chose home cities on character creations
    level requirement?
    # Aug 31 2021 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
    3 posts
    Just started the game and got to this achive at level 19. Followed the directions given in this post, but when I reach Chaenze Abella he just gives the stone back to me. Is there a level requirement for the emblem? I do realize that the "modified" version of the stone says recommended level 65. TIA
    Lost Adventure stone NPC's wont give a new one
    # Apr 05 2021 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
    271 posts
    One account i hailed and get np the other no dice no nothing! I even went through all the npcs today but nothing happens any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Lost Adventure stone NPC's wont give a new one
    # Apr 06 2021 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
    399 posts
    More info please. You hail who? Are you replacing a stone or trying to get a new one? Have you clicked your find key and looked for "stone" to see if character already has it? Are you invis?

    They are character specific not account specific.

    It is possible you already have done some steps but unlike newer quests the steps for this one do not pop up in a window. So if you provide a little more info then perhaps we can get you straightened out.

    This is an edited version of the quest nowdays:

    Your starting with Vladnelg Galvern on second floor in Cresent Reach. Use find for alchemy supplies and he is sitting in a chair near that. Go thru his text. Its ok if he doesn't respond - just hail him and see if he says anything at all.

    Next: go to any adventure camp and saying the 5 answers to the npc for that camp: "Adventures - favor journal - Morden rasp and farstone." Last time I did it they did not engage in conversation but I was able to /say those answers and got thru it.

    Pick one of these NPC available for you to say those words to: Not all of them - just one.
    Teria Grinntli/everfrost, Selephra Giztral/South ro, Barstre Songweaver/Commonlands, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, and Ruanya Windleaf. You can look up the zones for zones not listed on the last few

    You will get the stone on the last answer - "farstone"

    Remember to check back and hail the necessary NPC for updates as you do LDON missions so your stone stats increases.

    2020 Mangler Video Guide
    # May 06 2020 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
    47 posts
    Just did a video showing this quest done. Pretty simple. Just hail & quickly go through dialogue with Home city npc. Then go to one of the LDoN camps and do the 4 questions with another special npc and bingo presto done. Adventurer stone augment grants access to the Magus for quick ports around to other camps.
    Max stats
    # Feb 05 2019 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
    7 posts
    Do these default to max stats now? I just got one and it has +10s and +100 hp mana end. I equipped it in my charm and sure enough max Aug stats. Guess they didn't want people to work for it anymore.

    Edited, Feb 5th 2019 8:48am by Lotusis

    Edited, Feb 5th 2019 8:49am by Lotusis
    Max stats
    # Mar 26 2019 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
    42 posts
    click the unmodified button..
    The Rathe Mountains
    # Dec 28 2018 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
    49 posts
    Please add -

    "The Rathe Mountains" to the known hometown NPCs list above. After you talk to Fipnoc Birribit -1220, 390 (just south west of PoK book under same tent), he sends you to speak to any of the following NPCs.

    Selephra Giztral in South Ro -116.97, -289.24, Barstre Songweaver in Commonlands -1665, -110., Vual Stoutest in Butcherblock Mts -1120, -2500, Teria Grinntli in Everfrost Peaks 1860, -5030 or Ruanya Windleaf in Northern Ro +7445, -955
    The Rathe Mountains
    # Dec 29 2018 at 10:29 PM Rating: Excellent
    mlorente wrote:
    Please add -

    "The Rathe Mountains" to the known hometown NPCs list above. After you talk to Fipnoc Birribit -1220, 390 (just south west of PoK book under same tent), he sends you to speak to any of the following NPCs.

    Selephra Giztral in South Ro -116.97, -289.24, Barstre Songweaver in Commonlands -1665, -110., Vual Stoutest in Butcherblock Mts -1120, -2500, Teria Grinntli in Everfrost Peaks 1860, -5030 or Ruanya Windleaf in Northern Ro +7445, -955

    Thanks, added these to the top with all the locations of NPC's. Looks like they were already added as related NPC's.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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    lost adventure stone
    # Dec 08 2016 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
    5 posts
    did that, didn't work, thanks for the suggestion
    lost adventure stone
    # Nov 29 2016 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
    5 posts
    i seem to have lost my adventure stone. i have went to every camp and talked to every npc there, but none seem to help me with getting my stone back. any suggestions?
    lost adventure stone
    # Dec 28 2018 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
    49 posts
    I just completed the quest and at the bottom of it it states "Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100. Barstre Songweaver says, 'take this Adventure Stone with you on your journeys into the dungeons. You will find it useful. Should you lose it somehow, come talk to me and I'll replace it."

    The NPCs that will replace it are...
    Selephra Giztral in South Ro -116.97, -289.24,
    Barstre Songweaver in Commonlands -1665, -110.,
    Vual Stoutest in Butcherblock Mts -1120, -2500,
    Teria Grinntli in Everfrost Peaks 1860, -5030,
    Ruanya Windleaf in Northern Ro +7445, -955
    lost adventure stone
    # Jan 05 2017 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
    1,312 posts
    Maybe you left it augged to an item. Use the command "/out inventory" to create a text file in your EverQuest folder that you can then search in Notepad for the item.
    lost adventure stone
    # Nov 29 2016 at 8:24 PM Rating: Excellent
    Afterthot wrote:
    i seem to have lost my adventure stone. i have went to every camp and talked to every npc there, but none seem to help me with getting my stone back. any suggestions?

    Try talking to Teria Grinntli in Everfrost. Say farstone.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Vladnelg Galvern
    # Nov 28 2016 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
    21 posts
    about this guy:
    Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585, sitting in a chair on the second level near the banker)
    -detailed steps to get to him: Take elevator to 1 floor up. Then look for stairwell near SE corner area. Go towards the Potion and Alchemy Sellers area. Look around the tables. He should be sitting near at one of the tables. Almost across from the Alchemy potion sellers. Hope that helps. (good as of 11/28/16)
    Vladnelg Galvern
    # Nov 28 2016 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
    zetagod wrote:
    about this guy:
    Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585, sitting in a chair on the second level near the banker)
    -detailed steps to get to him: Take elevator to 1 floor up. Then look for stairwell near SE corner area. Go towards the Potion and Alchemy Sellers area. Look around the tables. He should be sitting near at one of the tables. Almost across from the Alchemy potion sellers. Hope that helps. (good as of 11/28/16)

    Thanks, added directions to that NPC entry on the quest.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Vladnelg Galvern
    # Apr 02 2023 at 4:28 AM Rating: Good
    273 posts
    /waypoint -1360, -1585, 37
    Path works from ground floor ok
    Chard ~ 120 Magician of Bertoxxulous
    Mean Ole Men
    Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
    # Nov 01 2016 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
    101 posts
    after receiving the Adventurer's Stone:
    Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100
    # Nov 02 2016 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
    SCindyee wrote:
    after receiving the Adventurer's Stone:
    Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100

    Updated, thanks!
    No Home?
    # Jun 07 2015 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
    83 posts
    I have discovered a bug I am guessing of sorts. I started a new character one a new account. Starting city is Erudin. I went there talked to the dude and he says I should basiclly go somewhere closer to home. So I go try Crescent Reach, same thing. I decide okay make my way to gypsie camp in Rathe Mountains and same thing. I have no home it appears. I am stuck and cannot get the adventurer's stone. Nor can I move between camps through the magus. Any ideas? I am going to petition I think.
    (> <)
    EQ-Erad A`katusurkindus of Debeo Amicitia
    98th Monkey on Bertoxxulous
    EQ-Zlor 82nd SK
    Peace & Strength through Honor
    SWG-Eloclktu: MBH/MP on Tarquinas moved to Flurry (UN-Retired) defunked
    No Home?
    # Dec 12 2015 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
    you can also type /CharInfo
    it will list your Origin location and bind point(s) (primary, secondary, and 3rd if your a porting class with the aa)
    No Home?
    # Dec 03 2015 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
    124 posts
    For the case you are unsure about your home city use "Origin" AA and you will land in your home city. I had no problem with all my 22 charas. And make sure that you are level 15 or higher. is a very good guide.
    No Home?
    # Aug 25 2015 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
    SK -- good chance your home is Paineel. Might want to try there.
    Cylmae Misytlore
    No Home?
    # Jul 01 2015 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    Same thing. If you're heroic go to CR even though it wont show up you have the quest. head to everfrost.
    No Home?
    # Jun 08 2015 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
    Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC.

    Ask some one in game to see what home city your a flaged for - most new ones was

    When you make a character now days they give you the option of selecting your hometown, or selecting Crescent Reach as your hometown. Crescent Reach is the hometown through default.
    These are the alternate npc's you can talk to in this case:

    so you might not be able to talk to a npc till you get a new mysterious message flag,so hang out in the different zones looking for a new message - I think.

    West Karana: Melaara Tenwinds -3350 -14835 (south east corner near the wizard port) - This npc is alone so all races should be ok here -

    Rathe Mountains: Nemeen Pekasr +3985 +1360 (gypsy camp near Lake Rathetear zoneline) - This npc is near other npc's which may be agro to some races ie: my Iksar was threatening to the npc Cynthia who was also there -

    No Home?
    # Aug 13 2015 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
    Larth wrote:
    Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC.

    Ask some one in game to see what home city your a flaged for - most new ones was

    When you make a character now days they give you the option of selecting your hometown, or selecting Crescent Reach as your hometown. Crescent Reach is the hometown through default.
    These are the alternate npc's you can talk to in this case:

    so you might not be able to talk to a npc till you get a new mysterious message flag,so hang out in the different zones looking for a new message - I think.

    West Karana: Melaara Tenwinds -3350 -14835 (south east corner near the wizard port) - This npc is alone so all races should be ok here -

    Rathe Mountains: Nemeen Pekasr +3985 +1360 (gypsy camp near Lake Rathetear zoneline) - This npc is near other npc's which may be agro to some races ie: my Iksar was threatening to the npc Cynthia who was also there -

    My home is Cresent Reach as I am drakken I never got the message at 15 or any other level as I have left CR several times
    # Jan 24 2015 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
    157 posts
    for anyone doing hero's journey on FV, the wayfarers brotherhood emblem is tradable on FV and having one in your inventory will grant you the related achievement even if you have not done any LDON missions
    adventurer's stone as a heroic character
    # Oct 05 2014 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
    4,580 posts this is something they might adjust, but here's how it worked for me today on my level 85 heroic monk:

    -got "mysterious message" in home city as usual. Talked to that NPC and went through dialogues as usual.
    -I was in Butcherblock anyways so I decided to see Vual... he did not respond to my hail.

    -so I said "farstone" and he gave me my adventure stone.

    New message (to me, I've been away though) was in yellow text:

    "You have taken a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done! Your faction standing with the Wayfarer's Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100.

    It also gave me the achievement "Wayfarer's Brotherhood Adventure Stone Various 20+"

    Note also that the stone's stats were maxed out (10 to all stats, 100 ac/hp/mana). This character has done zero adventures.
    adventurer's stone as a heroic character
    # Oct 22 2014 at 3:04 AM Rating: Good
    32 posts
    Your stone's stats would display their maximum value until you click the "Unmodified" option to display the modified stats (which will be blank until you equip it with some credit towards your progress).
    not working
    # Sep 08 2014 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
    17 posts
    I'm lvl 18 so far and got the farstone in Everfrost Peak. Now i am in the commonlands at Chaenz Abella but all he does is offering me a quest, no reaction when i hail him and say "Adventures". And i did not get a red text also, what could be the problem ?
    not working
    # Sep 08 2014 at 2:30 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,689 posts
    I assume you recieved your Adventurer's Stone as that is how your other soe post sounded. Note the requirement prior to the red text you are not receiving: Upon the hail that maxes out the stats of your Adventurer's Stone, you will see in red:" and see the notes on the Adventurer's Stone section of

    Yther Ore.
    # Sep 04 2014 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
    49 posts
    After completion of first part (4 key words)...
    Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100.

    Where is the Crescent Reach one? Missed Message
    # Feb 27 2013 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
    262 posts
    Seems I leveled fast and missed the mysterious message. I tried to find the NPC listed for Crescent Reach in case it would work, but there is no NPC by the name of Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585, sitting in a chair on the second level near the banker), as well as the bank is on the First floor.

    So ... I will see if the messages comes back.

    ADDITION: Okay, I died in the Moors, and when I revived in Crescent's Reach I got the message. Now, Vladnelg is sitting in a chair outside the ALCHEMISTS where Artisian Irisi is. Not the bank.

    Edited, Feb 28th 2013 12:22am by Ridolain
    Re: Where is the Crescent Reach one? Missed Message
    # Feb 27 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
    2,689 posts
    There is a banker and the Tribute NPC on the second floor, despite there being 3 bankers on the first floor, these other NPCs do exist. Take the lift East of the first floor bank room, up to the 2nd floor, then go West then South to the stairs, and up them. The 2nd floor banker is in the hut, and the tribute guy a little to your left as you face the banker from the top of the stairs.

    Yther Ore.
    Re: Where is the Crescent Reach one? Missed Message
    # Feb 27 2013 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
    262 posts
    Okay, though a better place to describe where he is is next to Artisian Irisi, a person who can be searched as that is the first I saw as well as the Alchemists nearby. Never saw any bankers.
    Re: Where is the Crescent Reach one? Missed Message
    # Feb 28 2013 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
    2,689 posts
    The second floor banker is inside the tent directly to the North of the entry way to the Alchemists (I believe that is pretty much East of the Adventure Stone NPC, and definitely mostly East of Beowb (sp?).

    Yther Ore.
    Adventurer's Stone
    # Jul 02 2012 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
    32 posts
    When you do the hail in your hometown, you ABSOLUTELY MUST /say (Key word) ALL of them in order and same with Barstre in commonlands...your next stop. His keywords are: Adventures, favor journal, morden rasp, then farstone. Hope this post helps. I had to figure it out by myself. So, hometown to commonlands then talk to Barstre Songweaver in the center, then done. BTW I wasn't crazy enough to make the run hydra/boxing 3 toons. I used guild portal. :)
    Adventures stone : The getting of it .
    # Feb 26 2012 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
    Here is what i think is going on. The cure or solving of it, is this. Origin is now a free aa. Go make a hot button for it. When you land That is your home town. Go to the person listed here as being your hometown contact. I Did not get the yellow text of old so you may or may not get it yourself. Hail the contact in your home town as listed here above. Go through the text if u don't get the try closer to home message follow the text and talk to one of the people that he/she tells you too. I used the Barstre Songweaver in east commons tunnel he should talk to you if you did't get the previous mentioned try closer to home message. then answer the 4 important questions all listed and answered above.

    Question 1: adventures
    2: favor journal
    3: Morden Rasp
    4: farstone

    This should work for you good luck hope it saves you some time reading this .
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