Lavastorm Mountains

Quick Facts





Level Range:
10 - 35

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The Lavastorm Mountains make for a treacherous terrain, so watch your step as you make your way through the area, being mindful of some signifcant falls.

Not long ago, some miners broke through to the dragon nesting grounds of northern Antonica. These Broodlands can be reached through a network of caves in Lavastorm's north. Also in these caves are two factions of adventurers, each offering expeditions and tasks into the Broodlands. They are Norrath's Keepers and the Dark Reign, and they strictly oppose one another. This mountain range is also home to many other places of interest:

Najena's dungeon is found in the southeast while Nektulos Forest lies in the south. In the cliffs along the lava lake is the entrance to Nagafen's Lair while Solusek's Eye, named after the lava lake and home to the Goblins of Fire Peak, sits in the west.

All the while, there are swarms of drakes, fire imps and elementals, goblins, dervishes, basilisks, undead, and lavaspinners roaming the area. Also, beware the lava dragon, Tirranun, who has been known to make occasional appearances around the lava lake. Of course if you hear him approaching, it's probably already too late...
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Lots of NPCs with the wrong expansion era
# Aug 04 2020 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
117 posts
Now that I'm playing on Aradune I've noticed that a bunch of NPCs that come from the Dragons of Norrath expansion are listed as Original, here's a quick list of them:

Burnt Overlord
Solusek Goblin Assassin
Solusek Goblin Commander
Solusek Goblin Lookout
Cinder Goblin Overseer
a smattering of experiences
# Nov 04 2017 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
1,076 posts
Flameclaw. Urpes posted info and I confirm it. Kill trash "a fire drake" around the druid rings. Find the mob that has a 5 minute repop timer ( standard trash is about 1 minute) and the 5 min mob is the ph.

Brognot: If you hang out near Lavaspinners lair entrance, several mobs path by. Kill them and find the one with a 5 minute repop timer. That's your ph.

Sir Lindeal: like Brognot, hangout near Lavaspinner lair entrance. Kill pathers and find the 20 minute repop as your ph.

Swirlstone: Between Najena and Temple are a bunch of mobs. lots of rock dervish. One of them has a 5 min repop timer. that's your ph for this named.

Tisella and a lesser nightmare: I set up at p1100 x p220 and killed every mob that came within spell range. after 6 hours I had seen Tisella twice and the nightmare once ( then I left). Tisella spawned close by - just north east - but the nightmare popped far north east up by lavaspinners lair. I believe the phs for these mobs are the pathers like Brognot and Sir Lindeal
Edited, Nov 5th 2017 7:41am by Shuraz

Edited, Nov 6th 2017 10:10am by Shuraz
a smattering of experiences
# Mar 12 2018 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
770 posts
To add some anecdotal infoz:

There are five (5) mobs that walk a path from Lavaspinners Lair, past the bridges and burnt guardians, into the valley and eventually towards the druid ring. They can be fire drakes, fire imps, lava crawlers, lava basilisks, etc. Three of these mobs have a 50 second respawn. One of the mobs has a respawn of 4 minutes 50 seconds, and the final mob has a respawn of 19 minutes 50 seconds. Over the course of roughly 24 hours time, named that I have spawned killing these five pathers include a lesser nightmare x3, a thought bleeder x5, Brognot x18, Sir Lindael x9, and Tisella x1. I am assuming the 50 second spawns are just plain trash, the two with the extended timers are the named cycles.

If you prefer not to be watching the clock, just set up on that path and kill all five as they roam by.
New NPC Agent of Change
# Jan 01 2016 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Agent of Change is the name. Location is 2180, 462, 70

Found at the mouth of Nagafen's Lair tunnel in Lavastorm Mountains.

[Fri Jan 01 16:04:17 2016] You say, 'Hail, Agent of Change'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:17 2016] Agent of Change says 'Ah, another who thinks themselves worthy. One more that believes they are capable of defeating the greatest of foes. Are you one that thinks they are immune to [danger]?'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:53 2016] You say, 'danger'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:53 2016] Agent of Change says 'So you believe, so you think. As you wish. I can grant you entrance where you are [ready].'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:53 2016] You do not meet the player count requirement. You have 1 players. You must have at least 6 and no more than 72.

So it appears this is the NPC for the Naggy raid.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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New NPC Agent of Change
# Jan 02 2016 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Gidono wrote:
Agent of Change is the name. Location is 2180, 462, 70

Found at the mouth of Nagafen's Lair tunnel in Lavastorm Mountains.

[Fri Jan 01 16:04:17 2016] You say, 'Hail, Agent of Change'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:17 2016] Agent of Change says 'Ah, another who thinks themselves worthy. One more that believes they are capable of defeating the greatest of foes. Are you one that thinks they are immune to [danger]?'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:53 2016] You say, 'danger'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:53 2016] Agent of Change says 'So you believe, so you think. As you wish. I can grant you entrance where you are [ready].'
[Fri Jan 01 16:04:53 2016] You do not meet the player count requirement. You have 1 players. You must have at least 6 and no more than 72.

So it appears this is the NPC for the Naggy raid.

Updated, thanks.
Rampaging Monolith
# Apr 23 2008 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
328 posts
There is also a Task for 24 Players named "Rampaging Monolith". It isn't information here. Anybody has information about that (mobs, loot, etc.) ?

from Gordish Frozenheart at good camp:

Gordish Frozenheart says "I have some more jobs available if you have seventeen friends or so, would you like to [see those] instead?

Rampaging Monolith 6:00:00:
As we have been exploring the nest we have found an animated statue that seems to have been corrupted by the magics there. It threatens what we work to do and it must be destroyed. We would be forever in your debt.

Maximum players:24

[This task begins in The Broodlands]

best laied plans
# Aug 19 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
has anyone even done the task called best laied plans? if so it would be nice to see some info so they can add the quest to the list.i am attempting to do this task now so if i get any info ill post it
New Lavastorm Mnts
# Jan 27 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Just as Im sure most of you know Lavastorm Mountains have been totaly changed from the ground up. It no longer looks like an EQ1 zone, its graphics and design resemble something from EQ2 or WoW. There are new mobs there that all con green to a lvl 50 warrior but put up a good fight, so im sure they were in the lvl 35 range. All the old zone lines are there but their locations have slightly changed. You still enter from the Dark Elf forrest in the south with Najena to the south east. The zone is no longer a large rectangle but a jadded mountain range vally. To the north is a volcano (yes) with active lava "flowing" /drool down the side and into the zone.

Inside the volcano crater you will find the entrance to SolA and B. Both are now cave tunnles that cut into the earth before zoneing you to the respective areas. (sola and B are still the same)
There is a bridge to the north east that goes over the volcanos lava flow but you can safely run across the flow and not get hurt. (no swimming)

Around the edge of the volcano are Goblin Packs that seem to hang out in groups of three. I have seen Warriors, Healers, and Nukers in their numbers. There are alos some that wander around.

All the mobs in the zone are using beautiful new graphics (except the fire elementals) The Fire Drakes look like tiny EQ2 Dragons, the rock dervishes are sweet. Lava basalisks have 6 legs and the goblins look like . . well you should really see for yourself. New mobs include some kind of Lava bug that looks really sick, They will fight in packs and some stronger ones hang out to the north in the tunnles that will lead to the Broodlands, a DoN zone.

Good luck here and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Also, be sure to Email Sony to tell them to do this to the rest of the zones in EQ

RE: New Lavastorm Mnts
# Jan 10 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
I was just about to Post a question which was: What has happened to Lavastorm and is this the beginning of better scenery to come in Everquest?

I was considering on returning after a nearly three year break with my Level 30+ Paladin, as well as 20's Enchanter, 20's Wiz, 20's Shadowknight, and 20's Warrior. I was thinking about hunting in the Field of Bone, Warslicks Woods, Lake of Ill Omen Areas which I love HOWEVER, after reading this post and researching the sort of new monsters to seek out here (As well as some VERY interesting drops - which some might consider UBER considering the stats) my sword is ready to begin my return with Lavastorm Mountains. If everything is as what is being said I must say congradulations to SONY and Verant for rekindling my interest and excitement to return to the world of Everquest.
RE: New Lavastorm Mnts
# Jun 11 2006 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
To let you know yes this is just the start of the revamp of the old content zones to date the following zones have been updated
Freeport (north West and east)
North Ro
OOM and South Ro (made into one zone)
Nektulos Forest (which will be on its 3rd remake)
The Bazzar

Sony has decided that thwy will keep to the original content concepts, as in the relitive location and distance from one zone item from another in the future revamps. So when they redo Nektulos Forest again it will have the same feature contents and not the current forest walls.
Wow - XP
# Aug 31 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
If your looking for some killer XP that can be done even around level 12 this is it. This xp is awesome. I dont know what what they did to it, A dark blue was giving a little over a blue. As far as my beastlord (meaning a pet class) can rake the XP in. It was insane, not to mention you can then just slip into Najena which has a good level spread and decent drops for the level. I think they have made it a hot spot... its crazy.
Magic Attacks
# Apr 08 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know if a necro pet's attacks can hurt elementals? If not, then what is a cheap weapon that i can buy it so that i can hunt elemantals?
RE: Magic Attacks
# Aug 31 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Dont quote me but I believe the level 12 pet is concidered magical. By the time you can hunt here, I believe you are ok. However if you check vendors often its surprising how many magic weapons there are now, or get a mage to summon you a few. I believe the cut off is level 12.
Good hunting
# Mar 02 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
I hunted here from 12 to 20 and it only took me about 2-3 days to do so the loot is good especially if u an evil race u can just go 1 zone over and sell all your stuff.
And if good...
# Aug 31 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
And if your NOT evil, there is a Druid spell merchant at the stone henge. She will most likely sell to you.
# Apr 29 2003 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Well, I'm camped here and I have only one problem with this zone. My pockets get full too quick LoL. Yes, it is one of the best soloing zones I have seen in my limited Ever Quest career.(also, I figured I'd put a recent post up)

16 Shadow Knight
Innoruuk server and diety
I have heard
# Nov 05 2001 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
I have heard that this place has lot's of elementes. Does it? and if it doen't where is a good place to hunt for elements
I have heard
# Apr 23 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Elementals = Twilight Sea
RE: I have heard
# Oct 31 2002 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
97 posts
Yes, Lava is a great zone to hunt the ever abundant Fire Elementals, is the only type of elemental in the zone.
I have heard
# Nov 05 2001 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
I have heard that this place has lot's of elementes. Does it? and if it doen't where is a good place to hunt for elements
Subtle Effects
# Oct 28 2001 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
I've been soloing here for a while as a 16-17 Druid, and noticed a couple of things.

The Druid ring is a great place to Med and heal. Unlike the Gypsy camp, where Sprites and Imps abound, the ring is not on any of the wandering monsters' paths.

While you're there Medding, take the opportunity to Forage whenever you can. I'm just going on experimental evidence here, but it seems that foraging here has a far higher success rate than anywhere else in the zone. Anyone know if Druid rings in other zones have this effect?
RE: Subtle Effects
# May 09 2005 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
I have done this for a very long time, and have gotten so used to it that it may be worthwhile mentioning some minor problems that result.

First of all, when in a critical position (i.e. healer for example) in a group, be aware that the auto-forage can interrupt your casting, and cause you to pause to store the item in your inventory. This can be fixed by putting a pause after the forage command and then /autoinventory. This does, however result in what can be a fatal delay between the forage and the auto-storage into inventory. You can't cast, you can't select, etc. My solution is to remove the autoforage button when I am in a raid or critical position in a group. Just be aware, as it took me some puzzling to figure why some of my casting was being delayed, and of course Murphy dictates that is will always be at the worst possible time.

Second, but much easier to deal with, you will fill up your inventory very fast, and sometime have to make room to loot some of the "good stuff." In addition, you will not always notice what you have foraged, and some zones have some peculiar and worthless foraged items.

I should also mention that using movement keys can be very advantageous in other situations. As an example, when monks first get their Mend capability, it skills up VERY slowly. Since it is practically useless to begin with because it almost always fails, I put this on "auto" keys. With this, I no longer have to wait for the timer to expire, it just gets activated whenever it can. Obviously, when you get the skill ups you need for your current level, you should remove that hot button and substitute another. Other abilities for different classes will come to mind I am sure. (Hide, Beg, taunt, but my old favorite Sense Heading no longer is needed)

Another way I use this is to teach languages. I put the hot button to send a group message of five lines with very short messages, change the language type and route group to a new chat window that I keep very small. Result is that in about a half hour of normal activity, all your group members have gained a new language. Remember to only set the new language in new chat window and you don't have to worry about gibberish when you try to talk normal, but erasing the new chat window essentially resets you to common or whatever language you use. This is a very painless way to teach languages, and can be adapted to a chat channel so you can teach during a raid with almost no impact on the raid itself. Believe me, people will love you for it.

I am sure that with a little thought and some experimentation, you can come up with additional ways to enhance your EQ fun.

Hope this helps someone! If you play on Terris-Thule, send me a tell. I play Flewid (the druid) and am a member of The Arisen Guild. Would love to hear from you!
RE: Subtle Effects
# Aug 31 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
I make Forage in slot 9 and 10, I use the num pad to move. Using the ALL KEYBOARD commands, I make it so when I walk forward "8" or center view "5" It also activates hotkey 9 and 10. Making me forage.

2 downfalls. It will use hotkey 9 and 10 on ANY hotkey page. so I have to dedicate them. But its awesome to skill up all kinds of stuff.

Other thing is that when something is in your hand you cant click on some stuff. and you have to keep dropping, destroying or putting in inventory.
RE: Subtle Effects
# Dec 18 2001 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I am bound at the gates of Najena, and that is (IMHO) as good or better than the druid ring. Reasons: it's off the mob paths, AND there's a zone nearby to kill aggro (although you won't want to stay for long in Najena).
As for Foraging, I think it's the zone in general. I'm a 14 druid, and I've been getting foraged items like mad, to the point that I've had to start stacking my items in a second container (I have an 8-slot lunchbox usually). It seems odd that the most fireblasted zone would have the best foraging. *shrug*

Lambeau <Lords and Ladies>
Druid of Tunare in his 14th season
QOTD: "Oh please, it's just a basilisk.
# Oct 10 2001 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
I am planning a raid for SOL A here with my guild. I need to find a place to bind people can I bind them at the gypsy camp? If not where is a good place to bind them.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 03 2001 at 2:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hi.
# Oct 02 2001 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
While pulling a drake and imp did jump in so be careful.
As for the zone it's quite awesome and one of my favorite in the whole game. Next to pre-patched Befallen of course.
Here's my strategy, note I am a twink.
Peek over a mountain, snag a white with a pull spell. I personally like disease cloud as I am an SK. Don't bother with a pet if you can melee. Pets absorb the dmg shield quick and I wasted a series of rusty 2handers before I figured that one out.
I like to pull back to the Nek zone, just feels safer. During fight I'll cast constant LifeTaps just to make up for the dmg from the dmg shield.
As for creatures, I'm lvl 12 and I like to stick it to the drakes and dervs. Imps still nail me with their dmg shields and spells as I don't have a cancel magic spell.
Hide and regen when you're done. Kill a lot and kill often, you can only stay for some many lvls.
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
i've only recently got my L18 (almost 19) mage here and i have to say it loks a gift to hunt in. i have only been arnound the najena bit though as i spent most of my time hunting there wiles a friend got me my focus items quest. not i want to ge tthe sweet items from lava, but dont know what high dmg spell to use as i learnt the annoying way that fire is laughed at byt the imps. though my air pet sorted it good with regular heals and buffs form me.

any ideas what i should hunt for the rare drops and good pp?
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
LVL 14 DE SK on Mithanal Marr and This place is so easy. Not only can I destroy anything in this area but after killing 10 monsters or so I can just hit "hide" sit down and med and regen my health.

The only problem I've had is after soloing 10 monsters trying to find an out of the way place to hide and med and get hit with a fire elemental that brings a friend or a fire drake.

Several of the fire monsters are magical weapons only like the elementals and fire drakes etc. So my pet does no good because there is no way I'm giving it a magical weapon to die.

Only time I've died was because I wondered into the dungeon with all of the kobolds and didn't see the level 40+ people on quests here before I gost lost down there.

Like I said I solo this area and have been for a few levels. As a SK killing in Oasis sucks and quite deadly since I don't have the proper spells or high enough malee to kill the madmen who cast, crocks, or the rest. But I came here and have racked up several hundred pp just gaining experience. The fire drakes alone give me over 5 gold which is more than 1pp per every 2 wimpy drakes I kill, not to mention the loot.

I was medding and regening while hidding and Sir Lindean started to attack me. I don't know much about this quest but he's a ***** to say the least, and for all the people that complain about finding him he came and got me.

Only thing I can say for safety is know your way around or be really fast when your in trouble. You get 2-3 fire imps of elementals on you with half life and half mana you'r screwed if you can't run fast enough.

But beware young good races. The forrest is pretty highly guarded with most guards around lvl 17-19 & 30+ Not to mention the guardians which are lvl 17-19 and higher depending on type. Amd unless you wanna swim with paranaha's you'll have to cross the bridge with 3-4 guards on it all at least lvl 16-17 and one that i believe is 25 or higher, not to mention the several that roam the path to lava storm and the guard at lava storm.

The only solice is the very side of the map that has several halfing camps, none of which are camped except solo'd for a DE only quest. Also I have known DE players to attack guards and get them towards light races going to lavastorm and let the guards get attached to the light races..

But in general this is a good zone for teens and a great gateway level for the extremely high leveled groups.
# Jan 06 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Uhm as a good Race, you can reach Lavastorm by either the pok teleport or else if you are so inclined to running, all you have to go is turn left and keep running along the ridgeline. The only dangerous place is just before you enter the pass to Lavestorm because if you are to meet any Guards/Golemns they will be there. Most can be outrun and before you know it you will be zoned into Lavastorm.
Lava Hunts
# Aug 14 2001 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
243 posts
I've just recently started hunting hear, after reading up on it. I came here with a mage friend. At first it took a little adjusting to, but we both like coming here once some.
Some of my personal tips, maybe you will find them useful:
1. Know your reasons: We came initially for xp and loot. Well, until you start to get the feel for the zone, both can be slim. Our first night wasn't as fruitful as I would have wanted xp wise. We hunted near the Nek zone, which is not really my favorite camp. Once we got accustomed to the zone, however, XP proved to be nice, as did loot. I am a smith, and we looted TONS (literally, hee hee) of ore for me to practice with.
After playing, my reasons for wanting to return are as follows:
1. Practice. This really is a caster's dream zone. Most all of our killing was done by spells and the Mage's pet. If you really want to practice your magic abilities and your magic strategies, this is the perfect zone to do it.
2. Experience. Experience here isn't as plentiful as, say, Unrest, but it is good. If you pair up with a pet-caster you can handle some heafty characters. Blacks and Yellows make well for experience and you don't hurt yourself as badly as you would if you were solo'ing them. Also, while possible (I died once), death isn't as common as the high-xp dungeons. A careful hunter can avoid the multi-agro's that tend to lead to death, so death doesn't come as quickly.
3. Loot. Again, I find loot to be more lucrative in other areas, but I did find some nice selling items. Jewels always sell well. And if you are smithing, the Rock Dervishes almost always drop ore, which basically means you get a free practice with XP :) Yeah, you end up wasting it on the practice, but you work up your skill and save money. And when you do get your skill worked up...Drake scales sell well. Several silver, I think, and they stack. I also found charcoal on a fire ele. Don't know what it is for.

Tip 2.
Alright, teenies don't need large groups. I come here with a mage and do very well.
My basic strategy, probably a repeat in most aspects, but ah well.
Forget fire spells. I actually think a mob laughed at me once...but seriously, don't even put up your fire series. Do put up a fire shield on you and pet. It did actually work once or twice. :) Weather spells are fine. I use lightning even when I don't have a multi-mob as a DD spell because of the amount of damage (remember, can't use ignite). Cascade of hail seemed to work between 60 and 70% of the time. Even if the continues were shrugged, I usually got atleast some effect. I just depeneded, really. Debuffs are key, and you or your mage should have them. Also, your most powerful DD is Ward Summoned. The only creature it isn't effective on is, I think the Dervish. Also, while he looks scary, he is a melee wimp and one you can go in and melee with if you want to conserve mana while your mage nukes. He sounds cool when you melee him too. Also, it's been said. Water pets are the best. Yeah, rocks have that sinking snare BUT water pets by far rule this zone for mages.
That said, my basic strategy:
When we go in, I am puller. I hunt (sometimes under camo) and pull whatever looks best. Snare first. Then I lead it back. Pet greets it. I DoT, then DD, then DoT, then DD (since DoT takes extra time to reset I cast my DD after it, while it is reseting) while the mage also dots and dd's. I melee if the pet does somehow die, which can happen with yellow's, or when I am out of mana, while the mage creates a new pet. And then we finish him off. We can usually take a couple of blues before having to pause to med. A yellow clears us out. we can sometimes do black then blue fine, then rest.
For camping spots. Nek zone is ok, especially in low teens. I don't like druid rings because too much agro comes by. Solusek ro is bad because HELLO LAVA!. The best I have found is next to najena. Zone is right there, you can sit next to temple out of general agro range and med, and -this is the best part- it seems to be out of the general track of the fire eles and imps, so you don't have them walk up on you as much.
so, that is my experience with Lavastorm

Happy hunting
Uhhh what are you multiclass?
# Aug 31 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent

"I hunt (sometimes under camo) and pull whatever looks best. Snare first."

Your a MAGE right? The Earth pet has ROOT, not snare. And you cant Camo, maybe you mean Invis? However if you Invis, you will lose your pet

(I dont know if they fixed that with the other new pet rules. Like Feign death leaves pet (an old rule, re-instated) and zoning with pet... totally new thing)

You must have a ranger alt? If your a ranger, id say forget fireline, pull with snare, no point in camo hunting, the moment you cast it will drop. Id cast Endure Fire because everything here has a fire base DS or Attack.
PvP servers
# Jul 21 2001 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
Yah. I know that in PvP you NEVER see a lightie running around there ESPECIALLY Druids. So if you play on Tallon, Vallon, Rallos, or Sullon DON'T GO THERE AS A LIGHTIE YOU WILL GET KILLED QUICKLY!!!

Shaboody Conquistador 22nd Dark Elf MAge
Tallon Zek
RE: PvP servers
# Aug 31 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
I do there to smoke young Inkies.... My hammer greets their forehead at high velocity. I enjoy that. They cry too! 'no please, im bound at my grandmother's house' 'oh no mommy please!'

For Clerics and SKs
# Jul 08 2001 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
A lot of the other posts give strategies for mages, so I thought I'd put in my two cents for the clerics and SKs in this zone. When I first arrived, on my cleric, teamed up with my SK friend, we found a group in Najena, sitting in the entrance. Great exp and not to dangerous with the zone there, I never got below 4 bubs of health and my SK friend only droped below half a few times. After a while, the group split and we went into lavastorm. Excellent zone. We (lvl 11 & 12) hunted drakes, elementals and the occasional imp with almost no problem. We had the Najena zone behind us and HT and heals ready. The drakes were easy and there are a ton of them in the zone, plus they drop gems (good $$$). When my SK friend left, I began to solo. I found out that for a 11 Cleric like myself, not at all with solo capabilities, stick to the drakes. Decent EXP, good loot and they are relatively easy. Make sure you have center, holy armor and endure fire on you at all times, and keep Furor ready. I have a good weapon for my lvl and i can hit anywhere up to 15dmg pts, but I cast Furor constantly. Root works as well, but be careful, it gets resisted a lot. If the battle turns sour, run into najena, the entrance is safe. Thats my view, later.

Tnekan, Priest of the Lord Innoruuk
Karana Server
Norrath Terror Corps
?#@$! Oasis!
# Jun 26 2001 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
Everyone says that Oasis is the best place for low to mid teens, killing caimons and crocs, but how about great xp AND phat lewt? Then Lavastormm is the place for you. At lvl 14 I was in Oasis for about 20 min. Great xp killin those caimons, but cmon, apiece of meat? How about almost every kill a piece of jewelry or gem? I am a druid at lvl 16 now and have to save for those expensive lvl 19 spells so this place is a dream and its not overcrowded like Oasis. My stategy is either stinging swarm if they are not summoned expulse summuned if they are, then run for a safe spot, i usually hunt in front of the entrance to Nekforest grasping roots on them shield of thistles on me, maybe another damage spell on them and then melee the rest of the way(im not gonna be one of those folks that at higher lvls cant hit a mob in melee if there life depended on it). Now I like to stick to fire sprites and fire imps, fire drakes and rock dervishes. Altho imps are lower lvl than sprites to me imps are harder because they are constantly casting where as sprites are staight melee. Judt my 2cp but wouldnt you rather have xp and money? I know I would.)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 25 2001 at 3:15 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) DEATH1!?!?!?!??!?! HAG MAN DO! JDHUIGJ SATAN!!! HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!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#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 25 2001 at 3:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) oops wrong tell
# Jun 11 2001 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
I am the leader of a new guild named the Prime Assassins. As of June 12.2001, I am leading my guild on a raid in this zone. I have found the information given here very helpful and would like to thank all individuals that went through the process of research and exploration.
I am not sure how well we'll do but with the info given and taken to heart I do believe we'll have a better chance. If I learn anything new about the zones herein I will post them immediately.
Thank again,
Lord of The Prime Assassins,

Beartull the Prime
The glowing torch
# May 27 2001 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
The original post asked about where the erudite necro spawns with the torch, well she spawns IN the goblin camp, when i first saw her I thought it was some high level necro campin em until I noticed she was kos to me and conned her at yellow. I am level 15 now so shes eather 16 or 17 I neglected to hit her because I'm on sorta a tight scheduel right now of snare,nuke,kill so i can catch up to some friends, but she spawns at the goblin camp closest to Nejena zone, Not sure if its the one by solusek a or not... Know its close to najena though. its 7ac +5 charisma hand item, from what I recall. Glad if I could be any help!

Fizzleaf Troublfynder <Sworn>
Bertoxxulious/Druid of Karana
"Ahh fiddle-sticks, snared me self ag'in! Darn yah Fizzleaf ye'll be the death of yah one day!"
RE: The glowing torch
# Jun 13 2003 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
This girl is tough mainly because she casts fear. Often. Myself (as a level 17 wizard), and 2 friends (level 14 druid and level 14 ranger) had a tough time with her. After the initial strike, at any one time it seemed like 2 of us were feared and walking away from her while the other was fighting her. When fear wore off I would run back to attack, and would usually pass one or both of my buds who had been feared, sometimes with the npc following and whacking on the one in the rear. Don't assume she's and easy kill.
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