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My understanding is the Devs didn't bother removing focus effects for the Time-locked Progression servers as it would be a global change. When you consider how few are actually going to be available (and how difficult some of these will be to acquire in the early days of the servers) I can see why they didn't bother taking them out.
Despite diminishing returns after level 20, few of the rank I's are obtainable solo or even with proper-levelled groups prior to level 20. Rank II and III will also take some time to saturate the market...
Besides, I like lists...
Rank I
Affliction Efficiency I
Polished Bone Bracelet
Impskin Gloves
Dimondine Earring
Affliction Haste I
Ring of Goblin Lords
Granite Bracer
Burning Affliction I
Hollowed Bone Bracer
Golden Ear Stud
Aviak Charm
Allize Volew Medicine Bag
Enhancement Haste I
Gatorscale Sleeves
Cat Skull Cap
Cape of Midnight Mist
Braided Ivy Cords
Summoning Haste I
Shimmering Orb
Adamantite Band
Summoning Efficiency I
Gossamer Robe
Dusty Bloodstained Gloves
Band of Flesh
Spell Haste I
Wolf Fur Slippers
Gilded Cloth
Bracelet of Woven Grass
Beaded Slime Necklace
Reagent Conservation I
Happy Love Bracers
Drake-hide leggings
Batskull Earring
Mana Preservation I
Testament of Vanear
Polished Bone Hoop
Platinum Armband
Improved Healing I
Zaharn's Coronet
Turtleshell Helm
Improved Damage I
Robe of the Oracle
Mammoth Hide Cloak
Lupine Claw Gauntlets
Azure Sleeves
Extended Range I
Glowing Bone Collar
Elven Charm Necklace
Drake-hide Sleeves
Extended Enhancement I
Shazda Turban
Lockjaw Hide Vest
Damask Robe
Bear-hide Boots
Reanimation Efficiency I
Dark Circlet
Flowing Black Robe
Lizardskin Tribal Mask
Reanimation Haste I
Carved Ivory Mask
Ivory Bracelet
Nightshade Wreath
Rank II
Affliction efficiency II
Chipped Bone Bracelet
Squallsurge Shawl
Whitegold Necklace
Affliction Haste II
Crysoberyl Talisman
Green Silken Drape
Burning Affliction II
Kobold Hide Boots
Reed Belt
Serpentine Bracer
Siryn Hair Hood
Enhancement Haste II
Golden Efreeti Boots
Platinum Tiara
Extended Enhancement II
Batfang Headband
Clawed Knuckle-ring
Drakescale Belt
Totemic Breastplate
Chestplate of the Constant
Extended Range II
Moonstone Ring
Improved Damage II
Polished Mithril Mask
Improved Healing II
Mana Preservation II
Black Alloy Medallion
Mane Attraction ---if quest is available?
Reagent Conservation II
Amethyst Bracelet
Crown of Leaves
Fine Silk Turban
Savant's Cap
Reanimation Efficiency II
Platinum Skull Ring
Runed Cowl
Reanimation Haste II
Robe of Enshroudment note that quest may not be active on TLP to start, but npc's that drop it should be in Neriak.
Spell Haste II
Djarns Amethyst Ring
Mithril-Runed Tunic
Shining Metallic Robes
Shiny Robe of the Underfoot assuming the quest is active on TLP...
Summoning Efficiency II
Embroidered Black Sleeves
Robe of the Ishva
Summoning Haste II
Robe of the Elements
Incandescent Mask
Rank III
Affliction Efficiency III
Affliction Haste III
Burning Affliction III
Bone-Clasped Girdle
Cryosilk Cap
Enhancement Haste III
Mosquito Hide Belt requires CT revamp
Mosquito Hide Mask requires CT revamp
Extended Enhancement III
Holy Writ of the Devout
Rokyls Channelling Crystal
Extended Range III
Cryosilk Sash
Improved Damage III
Jungle Spider Fur Cap requires CT revamp
White Dragonscale Cloak if quest is on TLP --Update: reported to be active on Ragefire server during Kunark era.
Improved Healing III
Idol of the Underking requires The Hole being accessable (reports vary on this at time of posting)
Mana Preservation III
Reagent Conservation III
Robe of the Kedge
Runed Mithril Bracer
Reanimation Efficieny III
Reanimation Haste III
Grotesque Girdle
Spell Haste III
Summoning Efficiency III
Summoning Haste III
Brell's Girdle info is incomplete... will require access to the Hole, may no longer drop irregardless.
Edited, Mar 15th 2016 7:40pm by snailish
Edited, Mar 18th 2016 8:37am by snailish