The Oracle is now located on the island just east of the undead/gargoyle island, nearish to the center of it near the top of a hill. More accurately, if you go to the center and look around at the hills, you'll see him and his buddies.
His location is -18, -6734.
I think the Robe is a 100% drop rate, but don't quote me on that.
While I was camping the AC spawn tonight i went up to the merchant to sell some gems i had looted and this was for sale. It was only 25pp and change. I dont know why somone sold it to a merch, but if you want one you might try checking her out
The only hard part was that he nukes for 263 and he roots so if he gets ya he got ya. I tried to solo him and well i got an interesting piece of info apparently he has like 15 different versions of extend range because if i could see him he could nuke me. While i had harmony on his buddy so that was fine, but i ended up having to run. Only 1100 HP buffed and with his nukes i couldn't chance it. But i did come back with a lvl53 war at my side and smoked him easy he isnt a huge tank id say about 1.5K hps but his buddy is a lot tougher to take out he only hits for 57 but its quick so if you have a damage sheild it helps a ton and he will run so snare him if you can. But all and all its a great robe and i think is worth farming. But does ne1 know what his spawn time is?? Thanks. OHHHHH ya we gon NO faction hits at all and we killed them both, and the paly has horid loot. (we got a page and a regular short sword)
I think mine is broken. When I cast Burst of Flame with my level 1 Magician while wearing this robe, I get no message that my Robe of the Oracle has done anything, and my damage is the same as if I didn't have an ID item. My Mana Preservation I earring works fine. Anyone know what's up?
Hey, I will trade you a Cloak of the Ice Bear for the robe you have, I believe it will help you out a LOT more on up to level 25 or so, if your interested, reply, later. Jay
If nothing else. it looks like many people buy this not only because of not camping it. But the faction. It would be like ******** up your home town faction. The only problem with the economy thing is, if Ford, GM and Honda all decide to sell a car at X amount. Well, the smart vendor will just TELL the others he will raise the bar, sell below it and LIE and make out like a bandit. Oh yea, he payed me X amount.
Why the hell did they put a DD 1 on this item? Only usable for spells under level 20 off of a level 40 Mob. I have this at 34 and the effect does me absolutely no good. I can see the FBR level 1 DD, but Come on. This is a great Robe for up to 50.(yes I know there's better, but I'm really cheap and would rather get it myself than spent 10K on it)
alright...seems off the subject but scroll down and you will see where this got started... first~ whoever says buyer sets the price will have some problems trying to buy things.if you wanna get into the real economics of it, EQ has a free market economic system... there are many buyers, many sellers, and sellers can set their prices.People can choose to buy or not to buy at these prices, but these prices are indeed set by the sellers. here comes the part where buyers think they have the power in this system, which they do, but only to a small extent. when 10 people are all selling the same item, the sellers will be in competition with one another. they will lower their prices most often, so that their wares are sold at a faster rate. this price is usually set by the buyer, by making statements of "well Rennon said she will sell it to me for XXXpp so if you can do better than that, i will buy from you instead." This is why people think buyers have the power in this market.Buyers think they have power, but it's all up to the seller's discretion. imagine this scenario~~~there is one item, such an uncommon drop that people would much prefer to just buy than spend days upon days camping for themselves... 10 people are selling this item and they all have knowledge that the others are selling the same item. They send tells to eachother, all coming to the conclusion that the price that was set long ago for this item is just too low for it's rarity and use. they all decide to raise the price, reaching an agreement with one another not to sell it below this new, higher price. What can anybody do besides not buy it, or camp it for themselves? NOTHING. eventually this trend will continue and the price check will raise to that set price, as people will eventually start buying it at the new set price, as people will pay for what the truly want. lets go deeper into this scenario. say some of the 10, but not the majority, decide against this new higher price. They sell their wares to people who want to keep and use this new gear for a while. Now you have people who arent selling, and people who are selling for this raised price, as the people who marked up the price of the item hold out, in hopes of getting more money for their time spent.Like i said in a previous sentence, people will pay for what they truly want, so these items get sold for the higher price in the end. When price checks come up on this item, people who bought them might answer that they paid whatever price for the said item. Now not always, but most often, sellers will go with the highest price check to sell their gear, so now you have new sellers who set their price to this higher number. simple domino effect.This is mostly a lesson on how to raise the price of an item and how the EQ economy works, as would any free market without a government to... u know, govern (the prices).If you really just cant believe what i wrote, ask your economics teacher what would happen to prices of necessities if the government were to collapse. then remember that there is no government in EQ.If you have a valid argument to this, please state it, as i would very much like to tear down any validity in whatever statement you might make =) hehehe~ j/k~ but i am correct.
I agree with your assesment up to a point. It is true that the Seller has control of the baseline price of the item in question. However, it is the Buyer who ultimately sets the final price on the item. Bear with me, if you will..
The Seller auctions Item X and asks for 500pp for it. A Buyer sees the auction and thinks that would be a nice upgrade to the Item Y that he is currently wearing. However, the Buyer either doesn't have 500pp, or doesn't want to pay that much for Item X so he offers 400pp to the Seller. Now the seller can do one of a few things. 1) The Seller can hold out at his original requested price and wait for another Buyer to come along. 2) The Seller can agree with the Buyer and sell Item X to him for 400pp. 3) The Seller can decide to barter and ask for 475pp for Item X and the Seller and Buyer haggle back and forth until they reach an acceptable compromise on the price.
Let's assume that the Seller decides to hold out for his original requested price. The Buyer who offered 400pp still either can't, or doesn't want to, pay that much and he goes on his way. The Seller will not be able to sell Item X until he finds a Buyer willing to pay what he is asking for it, and therefor the Buyer is agreeing that 500pp is a fair price for the item.
Assuming that the Seller agrees to sell Item X for what the Buyer offered. That is a clear example of the Buyer setting the final price.
In the third case (and my personal favorite), both the Buyer and the Seller are making offers and counter-offers to get the price to a point that they both agree on. You could argue either way here about whether the Seller or the Buyer set the final price, but there is still the fact that the Buyer talked the Seller into lowering the price he was asking for the item. This is my preferred method of doing business in EQ, and I am continually shocked at how few people know how to argue a fair price for an item. I will always offer an item for sale at 10-15% above what I feel it is worth, and I expect a savvy Buyer to come along and argue my price down. All too often I have someone say "I'll take Item X. Where can I meet you?" And the same goes when I want to buy something. I'll see someone asking a certain price for an item, and I'll make a counter offer 10-15% below that. All too often the Seller responds with "Ok. Where can I meet you?" I have gotten away with some pretty decent deals that way. It's really a very simple procedure. The Buyer asks for 500pp, you offer 450. He comes back and asks for 475, you offer 460. And so on and so forth until you both reach an amount you agree on. That is pretty much how economies were run before they were regulated by governments, and I don't see why it shouldn't work in EQ.
What you describe here is price fixing -- illegal in the US and many other countries. Thankfully, the sellers in EQ are not that organized. And there are plenty of those who need quick cash or simply don't have the patience to wait for the best offer. They help bring the prices down. Then there are those on the other side who "got to get now" who drive the prices up. Patient buyers and sellers will get the best prices.
Prices in this game are going to fluxuate because, with the exception of trade skills items, there are no costs except the time you put in. And this will be valued differently by different people. The time spent looking for the best deal may not be worth the effort for many.
I don't see why he must detail the msot basic aspects of an economy. In the real world, there are basically three components to the price of something:
Stock- the materials involved, whether used in the actual product at all. The amount of stock employed- ie trucks- increases as the cost of labor rises in proportion to it. In communist Russia, stock was in rotation for 5 to 20 times as long as in the US. Labor- labor is the cost associated with anyone that the owner must pay. Workers at a manufacturing plant, truck drivers, cargo loaders, and human rescource managers all examples of what contributes to the labor cost of a product. Note that due to specialized services in the modern economy(avoids a diseconomy of scale), the labor cost comes from many different companies. Profit- a business owner will want to get as much profit out of his business as possible. 'exploitation of the poor' and 'overpricing' are myths in a competitive market. Whatever additional price goes to the partners, shareholders, and owners is profit.
Forms of price control... Labor unions- the most common of price control, and most favorably looked upon, is for the laborer. In a competitive economy, the laborers compete with eachother for jobs, and often companies compete with other companies for workers. Wages are determined by how much income the company can produce, and a company will not vie to set its profits in ( ) to pay laborers more. Labor unions often demand to be paid 'what we're worth', but in truth there is no absolute in an economy. Laborers try to get paid as much as possible, and employers try to pay as little as they can and still produce. Laborers, being uneducated, aren't aware of those basic economic principles. The United States Coal Industry was largely wrecked by unions. The most important role of labor unions is to fight for humane workplaces.
Trusts/Monopolies: a monopoly has noone to compete with, and can set the prices higher than they normally would otherwise. Note why diamonds are so expensive; the de beers family controls almost all of the diamond trade in Africa. A monopoly cannot actually set prices to whatever they want. After all, noone would pay a million dollars for a six pack of beer. Except perhaps Bill Gates, but being a famous nerd will do that to you. The media often whines about foreign investment in other nations as a form of exploitation, even in a competitive market. The PCI of columbia is $6,200 and is a country that has foreign investment from the United States. Cuba on the other hand has $1,700 for the PCI and has foreign investment largely restricted. Statistics always indicate that the economy of an area is improved by foreign investment. Making sneakers for 5 cents an hour, though paltry, may be better than farming with a crude stick. It's their choice.
Cartels: This is price fixing, and illegal in the US. Why? It disrupts the economy's price function. It only applies to transactions with US currency, though. OPEC is an example of one cartel. It's merely that all the producers of a product agree on a certain price. A week after Kane Bayle launched(yes, everyone from then is 60 now on the server, so don't try newbie etc comments) I had all of the enchanters selling steins of moggok to steadily raise the price on them to double, just enough to wipe out our customers' banks. They didn't have anything but spells to buy, then.
Apprenticeship Statuates(ended in the 1800s): There will be fewer people of a trade if it requires more work to get into. Note the lack of Doctors compared to maids. A doctor must undergo an exhaustively long education to acquire his trade, while a maid has skills that can be gained around the house. Requiring uneccesarily long(to have competent tradesmen) periods of education will naturally raise the amount that a tradesman can earn, just because there are fewer of them! I ripped off Adam Smith here, but it's a valid, if obsolete, method for artificially(controlled) raising prices.
So how does this all apply to EQ? Well for one, dropped items only have 'profit' when sold, and tradeskill items only have profit and stock! People will often lower their prices just to maintain a certain profit. For instance, Dreaka on Kane Bayle lowered prices on the 6/65 rings from 1200 to 1000 even though he was the first person at that time with 200+ JC, and even had 3 50+ chars after only 3 weeks...
So we wind up with consensus. Forest loops used to be worth 2.5k and that was generally agreed upon to be fair, and now they are worth often 100pp! People dislike waiting around forever in order to find a buyer, and will lower their prices in order to find one faster. With the bazaar, this is often true as well. Noone really sets a price. In a real-world economic system, people try to get as much profit as possible. The same is true for EQ, with the exception that the entire item's price is profit! Thus, there will always be profit for dropped items in EQ, and profit will be reduced as the number of competitors increases. That's why prices keep sliding down, and why not just the seller or buyer sets a price. Everyone sets the price in this economy. Other sellers set the price, as to be acceptable to the buyers.
Also note that the money supply is shrinking as considerably fewer people are farming giants for cash, and often opting to camp something for items instead. This too lowers the purchasing power of people 30+ in comparison to those of 10-30. No longer do people farm giants in order to pay 400pp for a stein of moggok. I recall from questioning a number of people on Kane Bayle when there was no economy about their cash flow. Since few things were being sold, most by level 40 had accrued, in total, 1,000pp from the regular cash drops.
Posted:Jun 09 2002 at 4:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I can't wait to see you send in the State Troopers on the EQ players who engage in price fixing
Oh, yeah. This is why I play EQ, to study economics. =P Hehe. some people should go do peoples taxes instead of spendin so much time with EQ, it pays better. LOL
Peeps, The value of ANY item whether it is an item in EQ or a house in RL, is what a willing buyer will pay for it and a willing seller will sell it for.
I took out the oracle yesterday with a 49 druid. Just 1. harmony the Guardian, 2.then harmony the Oracle, 3. ensnare the oracle, 4. then cast DD spells on him (Ice, Starfire, Calefaction, Firestrike, etc). I was in wolf form, had Skin like Nature on, Thorncoat, regen as well as resists for magic, cold and fire. He will hit dd you quickly so keep greater healling up. No reason for the kill, except to see if I could. The robe is ugly and not worth much. Always fun to get drops though....
Posted:May 20 2002 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I took out the oracle yesterday with a 49 druid. Just 1. harmony the Guardian, 2.then harmony the Oracle, 3. ensnare the oracle, 4. then cast DD spells on him (Ice, Starfire, Calefaction, Firestrike, etc). I was in wolf form, had Skin like Nature on, Thorncoat, regen as well as resists for magic, cold and fire. He will hit dd you quickly so keep greater healling up. No reason for the kill, except to see if I could. The robe is ugly and not worth much. Always fun to get drops though....
Posted:May 20 2002 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I took out the oracle yesterday with a 49 druid. Just 1. harmony the Guardian, 2.then harmony the Oracle, 3. ensnare the oracle, 4. then cast DD spells on him (Ice, Starfire, Calefaction, Firestrike, etc). I was in wolf form, had Skin like Nature on, Thorncoat, regen as well as resists for magic, cold and fire. He will hit dd you quickly so keep greater healling up. No reason for the kill, except to see if I could. The robe is ugly and not worth much. Always fun to get drops though....
Posted:May 20 2002 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I took out the oracle yesterday with a 49 druid. Just 1. harmony the Guardian, 2.then harmony the Oracle, 3. ensnare the oracle, 4. then cast DD spells on him (Ice, Starfire, Calefaction, Firestrike, etc). I was in wolf form, had Skin like Nature on, Thorncoat, regen as well as resists for magic, cold and fire. He will hit dd you quickly so keep greater healling up. No reason for the kill, except to see if I could. The robe is ugly and not worth much. Always fun to get drops though....
sorry, but this guy has a pally protector with him, both con red to me at 31. I had a 54 mage guildmate tell me that he would get stomped if he tried to take this guy out alone. I'm not even sure if a GROUP of level 40 people could take him, but I know the second he's yellow to me I'm gonna try it =)
Nice looking robe, a little cheap though, too many people have them.
I took out the oracle yesterday with a 49 druid. Just 1. harmony the Guardian, 2.then harmony the Oracle, 3. ensnare the oracle, 4. then cast DD spells on him (Ice, Starfire, Calefaction, Firestrike, etc). I was in wolf form, had Skin like Nature on, Thorncoat, regen as well as resists for magic, cold and fire. He will hit dd you quickly so keep greater healling up. No reason for the kill, except to see if I could. The robe is ugly and not worth much. Always fun to get drops though....
Posted:May 20 2002 at 1:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I took out the oracle yesterday with a 49 druid. Just 1. harmony the Guardian, 2.then harmony the Oracle, 3. ensnare the oracle, 4. then cast DD spells on him (Ice, Starfire, Calefaction, Firestrike, etc). I was in wolf form, had Skin like Nature on, Thorncoat, regen as well as resists for magic, cold and fire. He will hit dd you quickly so keep greater healling up. No reason for the kill, except to see if I could. The robe is ugly and not worth much. Always fun to get drops though....
Well - while camping the ac with a gracious guild mate (lvl 55 necro) for something to,do she ran over and killed him for giggles solo while I Stayed on ac isle just in case of a pop!
She returned with the robe wondering if I wanted it for my necro lowbie:)
I received my robe as a gift. Have no idea why, but it serves its purpose. As far as pricing is concerned. All of us should at least have an idea of what an item should sell for before either buying or selling. There are plenty of places to look the price up and if none is available, maybe its a good idea to let it go... This robe or any item is worth what the buyer is willing to pay for it, but a rip off is still a rip off... No harm in making a profit, but sticking it to someone just isnt worth it. What continues to amaze me is that there are items worth 5k that have never been sold and in some cases no one even has one... go figure...
Posted:Jan 04 2002 at 3:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) it really is sad to see lv 1 twinks wearing the same thing as you at 40 ... =(
This robe looks much better with the Luclin expansion!! Very nice!! I got it for 200pp from a guy in Shadow Haven. Not a bad deal. Probably about normal. Although I saw someone in LOIO selling it for 350pp ... so im sure the price ranges from possibly as low as 150-400pp ...
Agreed... looks *hugely* better with Luclin, very very attractive indeed. Too bad no CHA on this robe or I'd now take one over my BCR for my chanter! :)
Well my Level 9 Pally was a blacksmith and had lots of money and bought my wizzy a Green Silken Drape. For some reason I wanted to go to Qeynos with my wizzy and died and lost my corpse. That was about 2 months ago. Yesterday, since I shouted about how mad I was way back when, someone remembered my and gave me this. :)
I was out looking for an Advisor Robe for a friend, looking to spend about 500pp on it, which is what they go for now on Povar, im getting lotso ppl offering oracle robes also. same int. I said, ill give you 250pp for robe, he said nah 350. I said, well i really am looking for an advisor robe but would have taken an oracle robe for 250...he then agreed to sell it to me for 250, in the meanwhile calling me a Bloodsucker =).
I just got my robe and im a level 8 wizard I LOVE THIS ROBE i have had it for a few hours and everyone keeps compliminting it and asking where i got it (somone GAVE it to me) i love this robe it makes me look like a million platinum
Just because you have golden nipples when you have this on, dont mean you look like a million plat. hehe :P. I think the robe looks hidious! I would care less about the look though, and just let stats speak for themselves.