Frontier Mountains

Quick Facts





Level Range:
22 - 45

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The Frontier Mountains are the highest and roughest set of mountians located on the continent. These harsh mountains cut across the western half of the continent, and are inhabited by a variety of powerful, large creatures, for whom the peaks are mere hills. Many of these creatures operate vast mining operations in the mountains for the minerals that lie beneath them.
Massive MountainTo the Burning WoodsMountain Giant FortBurynai CavesMountain ValleyTemple of DrogaMoonlightRuins
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Spawn spots
# Nov 27 2020 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
3,024 posts
Soloing a baby druid on Rizlona I made an interesting "discovery" after all these years. This zone is notorious for wandering mobs and I used to wonder where they come from and where they're going. Well, I did discover that there are mines for goblins and burnyai wherein a "new" mob spawns and eventually departs the mine, wanders around for awhile and then returns. It makes for an ideal camp for a soloer because you can just wait above the mine on the hill, which never seems to have any wanderers, and grab the freshly minted mob when it emerges for its meanderings.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
2015 Review... RP Style
# Feb 03 2015 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
/RP on
I am embarking with my Druid companion Yolsa for the Fronteir Mountains. Leaving PoK we are both level 29 and accompanying us are our Mercenaries, Seasrani a healer and Origgor our Tank. Our route will be through the Overthere, and it is "over there" we are currently heading.
Upon entering the zone we quickly consulted the map (See Screenshots) and discovered another marker indicating a PoK book much closer to our destination in the south. We investigated this and were not able to locate it. Not wanting to dally, we pressed on for the Mountains.
As with the Overthere, upon entering we studied our maps (again included in Screenshots) and decided that since we were in the northwestern corner, for the sake of adventure we would cut across to the southeaster corner and see what we could find. The mobs certainly roam about the place here, making many potential farm locations. Often we would find small huts with 3 or so goblins inside, and would encounter at least that many in wanderers as we fought them. By the time we reached the other corner Yolsa had already hit 30 and after no more than two pulls I had reached it as well.
We are preparing camp for the night, but we will be sure to note any worthwhile places we may encounter over the next couple of levels!

2015 Review... RP Style
# Feb 04 2015 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
/rp on

Elissandra here again, with an update to our adventures. Today we had a shaman join us, and I noticed I failed to mention that I am an enchanter :3. We met up around the deadlands enterance, and fought our way to the Giant Fortress. I am going to go as far as to say this place is a gold mine. We were both 30 and he was 26, with one lessons of devoted, he was 30 and Yolsa and I both were 32! Within another hour and a half we had hit 34 and the shaman reached 33.. On top of the great experience, they drop a slew of weapons and goods to sell. We set up camp above the tunnel to the two named 50s and would just pull to there. My has this zone been a great time! From here we depart for the Dawnshroud peaks, I hope to find it to be just as enjoyable.

22 necromancer
# Jun 24 2014 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Greetings. Plan to head here for some FLoops at 25-29. Being a HOT zone I can only imagine it's better exp so looking forward to it. In the meantime, check out Velious. Be well and safe journeys, friends.
29 mage
# Jan 20 2014 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Soloing the giant fort as a 29 mage.

Not grouped with anyone, but there is a group pulling to the left wall of the entrance.

I'm running in/out as needed and taking out what I can. Tumps con yellow, everything else is or white.

all in all pretty easy, but somewhat hairy.
New Hotzone Augment
# Jun 19 2013 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
136 posts
New Hotzone Augment in Frontier Mtns.

Alpine Rune
Req Level:30
Named Mob Cycles listed anywhere?
# Oct 15 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
18 posts

Does anyone know of a site that lists the named mob spawn cycles/place-holders? I used to have a list of mobs that use the same cycle, but can no longer find it.

#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 27 2004 at 11:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Don't go to thses places, this jerk is a trap.
# Aug 10 2003 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
currently i am a lv 34 froglok wizard on the morrell-thule server. i am hunting in FM, actually i find the experience there to be ok, i get about 2 ticks per kill, which is acceptable to me, seeing how i hate OT. the loot is good, cept i cant get ne thing, but all in all i like FM. i dont have to group with ne one, yes as a wizard i can solo the zone and be just fine, but i know who not to mess with. so if u are looking for good drops FM is the place. also has decent exp. if u want to kick some major butt, u dont really need a group, just one other person.
# Aug 20 2003 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Cleric of Hate here, 46th season. (I'm also on Mor-Thule.)

I love FMs! The kills are always interesting, but, yes, it can get lonely here at times. My suggestion is to get some SOW potions before wandering this place, and DO wander it. That's how you really learn to enjoy it here. The challenge!

Watch out for the human skelie! And mind the gobbie healers!

If you get a chance, peek into some of the caves. Quite a history there.

Opaque Sanctus
House Rea Morda
46 Healer and Hater
Neglected Spot
# Jun 25 2003 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
From level 32 to 36 I (Halfling Ranger) solo camped at the cave entrance leading to the Dreadlands. This spot would be perfect for a well-rounded group of low 20s also, although the journey to get there would be very dangerous. Once there, you can sit on the ledge of the cave opening and watch the spawns stroll by, pulling at leisure, and always having the safety of the DL zoneline just a few steps behind you. The mob pathing here keeps them far enough away from the cave to avoid aggro while healing and medding, but close enough to pull with a spell. Bow pulling was nice at the base of the hill, just a few steps below the cave opening.
The loot here is not the best, but the xp can pile up fast because the mobs roam by at least one a minute, and you can single pull as long as you have the mana and hp to keep fighting. I would self-buff, fight three battles, heal, med, and rebuff. Make sure to pull back to the cave opening (especially the goblins) and you will get no adds. For the week that I spent at the DL cave, I only ran into a handful of players, and all of them were just passing through on the way to the fort or other well-known locations.
Traveling to and from this spot is quick with PoP, since the run across the NE corner of the Dreadlands to the FV zone is short (although dangerous) and the PoK stone is not far into the FV cave system.
Zone Review
# Jun 24 2003 at 5:38 AM Rating: Default
While it is true that the exp in thie zone is slow compaired to some other zones, it is also true that you can make decent plat here.
I've been soloing my monk at the giant fort, and have found the exp acceptable and i'm able to make enough plat to cover expenses (sow potions, & bandaids) and have enough left over to upgrade my armor. Furthermore all the mountains make this a great zone to rase SF.
Do to the fact that most groups now just mow over pulls of 2 or 3 mobs, a monk need to spend a little time soloing so he can learn how to split mobs and rase his FD skill, and the giant fort here is just the place.
And if you feel the need for fast exp, OT is just a short run away
Lvl 28 XPS Better in LOIO
# Mar 13 2003 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Hail friends,

If you are around level 28 and are looking for experience (both solo and in groups) my recommendation would be to hunt in LOIO instead of FM. Yesterday I made about 1.5 yellow bubbs of experience killing LOIO mobs by the waters edge while grouped with 3 others whereas fighting FM giants for the same amount of time netted me about 2 blue (if that) of xps with 2 others in group (and that was with little downtime).

I think I remember rumors of xps bonuses being given for mobs in LOIO plus the mobs in LOIO go down probably about 3 times faster than the giants do in LOIO allowing for faster pulls.

The only drawback to LOIO is that there arent any decent moneymaking drops like there are in FM. So in summary, go to FM for loot, go to LOIO for xps at in your high 20s-low 30s.

-Baelnorm ElMarr
29th season Paladin
Mithanial Marr Server

Solo act
# Feb 19 2003 at 12:19 AM Rating: Default
I hvae seen a lot about the fort but have not seen a whole lot on the solo act. Being a DE Necro I tend to go solo a great deal ( I have grouped but prefer solo). What if any advice can you provide on solo hunting in this zone at 30?
FM? LOIO for soloing
# Jan 30 2003 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
i found that a good group in LOIO can get even better exp in FM if they move oveer to the fort. MAke sure the group is solid (if you notice that the mobs in LOIO arent even coming close to hurting your group). The group should first try hillocks and then tumps. A bunch of 19-24ers might get a pounding by a craig or brae, and multiple pulls might get hairy also.

but when i was lvl 22 our group of almoast all other 22ers from LOIO moved over here and got extreamly nice exp.

Also, you will probly starting looking for groups regularly here at lvl 26+, but at lvl 28 or 29 i suggest going back to LOIO and solo in the sarnak fort.

At 28 i went back to LOIO because there were no wanting groups in FM. The sarnak fort ledge was open so i pulled mobs there. It was the perfect balance of difficulty/exp. I would get 1/2 blue per sarnak and they went down really quickly. I had no downtime being a bard, so things went along very quickly. And i was also able to deal with A few sarnaks at once with Charm.

Just to tell everyone that soloing at LOIO is i great alt to FM.
# Nov 03 2002 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
Hey im a lvl 26 rog. I've been fighting up in the paladul caverns on the moon. I was wondering if I should go to the Frontier Mountains or somewhere else?

Womocity Turobotax
RE: Rogue
# Nov 25 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
FM is a great place to hunt for lvls 26 and above. The Giant fort is good for both loot and exp. I have been able to level every 4 hours or playtime or so, if I'm in a full group inside the fort. Common drops are Tree Flayers (12 plat), Leg Choppers (35 plat), Hammer's of Flatting (12 plat), Lumberjack caps (15 plat to vendor more if you want to sell in bazaar). Plus Giants drop Plat, and a good amount of Gold.

I've seen lvl's 34-26 hunting in the fort. Very active place on Povar server
The Cycle
# Oct 18 2002 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I keep reading in places about the cycle, how in the heck and what mobs consist of the cycle to work?

Where can reference about be found?
# Sep 17 2002 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
I am a Dark Elf Necro level 27 and was thinking of hunting here when i hit 29 with new pet. or should i stay in warsilk woods and hunt there til 30. the only reason i ask if i can solo here is because not too many people seem to want to group with a necro. plus i love hunting giants.

Phleet Heathan
Level 27 Necro
Dark Elf
< Destiny of the Risen >
# Aug 23 2002 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
Where is a good place to get XP? I am a 29 war fighting in the FM at the Gaint Fort, just came there from LOIO at the Sarnak Fort. It's takes me now about 5-6 hours of constant game play without a death to lvl at this point, each giant gives me about 1/5 of a blue bub. Is this the normal going rate on XP, or should my group be moving to a different location? I am fighting in a full group with one char at a higher level, but this still seems to be awfully slow xp. Any recommendations?

Edited, Fri Aug 23 18:57:10 2002
# Jan 18 2003 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
This is normal
# Aug 27 2002 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
37 posts
i've fought here from 29 to 32 and never once needed a full group. 3 melee and 1 healer(dru/sham) seemed to work fine for the groups i was in. Just make sure you have a good puller...who isn't going to bring 5 reds back with him/her. A monk or a 30 lvl SK with FD should fix that problem. I was getting a level in 2.5 - 3 hours.
# Aug 23 2002 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri Aug 23 17:58:01 2002
Hunt here?
# Aug 17 2002 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
im a iksar sk, i recently got to lv 29. SHould i come here and hunt or should i hunt in omen til 30? please post your suggestions.

Satraniz Blacksword
Iksar shadow knight
29th lv
RE: Hunt here?
# Aug 27 2002 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
37 posts
I wouldn't stay in LOIO...hard to find sarnaks to solo for exp and your unlikely to get exp in any groups. If you can get a group at the giant fort in FM you'll be fine, best to get someone to show you the way the first time because you don't want to get lost. If you can't get a group easily you can always just grind out a level solo at the Giant fort in Warslicks, slow but guaranteed, and still good cash. The main thing is just to get to 30, and get your new spells...Feign Death just makes life as an SK so much easier.
Hell levels?
# Aug 15 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
I have been a 35, no 36, no 35, no 36 Druid for quite a while. Is this the "hell level" I read about?

My 2cp on OT is that I got very little XP in a very dangerous (can you say Goons?) zone and since no one wanted to be overweight, autosplit is off. Constant medding means no loot and almost no XP and that's if you can get a group and stay alive.

I am not a good kiter and EW seems much too dangerous. Only people who wanted to group were ten or more levels higher and were looking for a free SOW/Healer companion. These high levels are almost constantly on the move too, so medding is difficult and death can take you while you are totally lost.

Iceclad is borderline for a bad kiter, but at 36, it is doable. In a group of just two though, I get virtually no XP from cougars, so I have to solo there.

I really have not found a good place to hunt lately... and while I am ranting... No I don't want to port you to Butcherblock and walk your little level 6, bite-sized self to Kelethin.

Ooomid the Frustrated Druid
RE: Hell levels?
# Aug 20 2002 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
3,705 posts
No, its not a hell level. Only hell levels now are higher than 50, starting with 51.

The problem stems from your hunting spot. I recommend that you try Splitpaw, possibly Solb (with good melees)or if you can get your own group together, one of the kunark dungeons like droga/nurga or kaesora. Allakhazam's has a pretty decent chart of the zones and levels on this site. Take a look at it, and shoot for dungeons for good exp. Also, if you want outside groups, try Dreadlands. some might say you are too low, but druids are very desirable in DL, since pulling without sow really sucks there. Outside solo, you could probably take the spiders in Fironia Vie, near the DL. There are lots of guards to run to if things get ugly, and they are weak caster as long as you keep them rooted and away from you (keep resist buffs up).

Of course, if you want a nice relaxing camp, Gornit gives pretty good exp still at your level, and drops the same loot as hill giants.

Another place to camp a single spawn for exp is the gypsy Cynthia in rathe mountains. She's a caster, but has very little HP. Put on all your resists, and rott her, then nuke the snot out of her. She repops pretty quick.
RE: Hell levels?
# Aug 20 2002 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
Suggestions: Go hunt Hill Giants in Rathe Mountains (great loot, but usually overcamped) or go to Stonebrunt Mountains (a little harder to get to, but easy kiting for decent loot and good xp)
Hell levels?
# Aug 15 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
I have been a 35, no 36, no 35, no 36 Druid for quite a while. Is this the "hell level" I read about?

My 2cp on OT is that I got very little XP in a very dangerous (can you say Goons?) zone and since no one wanted to be overweight, autosplit is off. Constant medding means no loot and almost no XP and that's if you can get a group and stay alive.

I am not a good kiter and EW seems much too dangerous. Only people who wanted to group were ten or more levels higher and were looking for a free SOW/Healer companion. These high levels are almost constantly on the move too, so medding is difficult and death can take you while you are totally lost.

Iceclad is borderline for a bad kiter, but at 36, it is doable. In a group of just two though, I get virtually no XP from cougars, so I have to solo there.

I really have not found a good place to hunt lately... and while I am ranting... No I don't want to port you to Butcherblock and walk your little level 6, bite-sized self to Kelethin.

Ooomid the Frustrated Druid
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 15 2002 at 7:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You people make me want to vomit. You ruin the game for others who enjoy grouping and you give a bad name to the classes you abuse by soloing !
RE: be a good little soloer and DIE !
# Sep 25 2002 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
5,492 posts
Whats the matter....

Cant hack it by yourself?

Soloing is fun.....

get better at it and you will see.....

Aadyn Litefoot
26th Druid
Mage solo tips
# May 22 2002 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
When I solo, I consider a zone good if my pet can tank, keep the mobs off of me, and there are safe spots for me to med up.

Depending on your level, this place is great. With level 34 nukes and pets (focus item buffed, mind you), you should be able to solo most any blue you see quite easily, and have plenty of time to med to full.

I find resting on a hilltop (n3552, n2971, n105) lets you see all the mobs coming your way, and let you pick them off one-by-one with little fear of adds. Beware! Occasionally random mobs will climb the peak and attack while you're medding, so keep an eye out. Don't be afraid to let the pet attack for you, with you healing it occasionally.

By now you should be using Malise whenever you pull something. Not only does it debuff the mob, it decreases the chance of a resist.

A word of warning: When traveling the zone, most giants can See Invisible!

Good luck.
# May 01 2002 at 1:12 AM Rating: Default
What is this cycling you all speak of can a 32 ranger and like a 35 cleric partner do it together and can i get a url or something to some info on this

# May 01 2002 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
What is this cycling you all speak of can a 32 ranger and like a 35 cleric partner do it together and can i get a url or something to some info on this
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