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Demi Lich Skullcap  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: HEAD
Charges: Unlimited
AC: 10
DEX: +10 STA: +10 CHA: -5 INT: +15 HP: +50 MANA: +75
Effect: Morternum (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 50
WT: 0.6 Size: SMALL
Class: NEC
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Necro of the 50th Circle
Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Lucy Entry By:Nilwean (Blades of Wrath)
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-09 07:06:45
Page Updated:Sat Feb 8th, 2020

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 47

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Necromancer 9th Rank

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
The Overthere

Item Lore: Necro of the 50th Circle

Looks like:


Uploaded September 26th, 2017 by Baldamor
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Demi Lich Skullcap questline checklist
# Sep 16 2020 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone, I'm currently playing on the TLP Aradune, and working my way through this line of quests. I have put together the following checklist that presents the full list of quest items and turn-ins organized by Zone and Rank.

The goal was to minimize the amount of running around by allowing questers to collect any other related items in their current zone.

I hope this helps others!

It's locked to prevent anyone from futzing with the source document, but you can make a copy of it after clicking the link by going to File and selecting Make a Copy.
Demi Lich Skullcap questline checklist
# Apr 07 2022 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing.
Demi Lich Skullcap questline checklist
# Apr 08 2022 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
I'm glad someone found it useful!
# Sep 30 2006 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
Can this be MQed?
Soultoucher 65 Necro Combine Server
# Jun 06 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Only in that you can buy the 8th Skullcap from someone who's completed it to that level, and thus only have to do the final (#9) step on your own.

Saves a lot of time doing it this way. I'm still kicking my own *** for never buying one of the 8th Skullcaps that used to be for sale in the Bazaar all the time, back in the pre-GoD era; nowadays, I can't find one for love nor money. Thank God my main's a Lvl 75 Enchanter with "Project Illusion", as I imagine that'll save me quite a bit of time and effort due to bypassing many of the factioning parts of this quest that are necessary for non-Iksar Necromancers.

My own Necromancer is a Dark Elf, I made him way back in the day, pre-Kunark era, when a Dark Elf was your best choice for most Classes. I've not created a new alt/bot since, so have yet to make an Iksar, Vah Shir, Guktan, or Drakkin toon; I see little point in doing so at least until I have levelled the ones I already have to a respectable point.
# Jun 19 2010 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
i know this is WAY late, but when was dark elf the best choice for ANY class? human, ogre, troll all were better shadowknights back in the day. erud's were the best casters...halflings or barbs were the best rogues (depending if you wanted higher str or agi/dex) DE warriors sucked back in the day due to lack of str or sta. don't get me wrong, i LOVE dark elves, far as being the "best" for any class, when was that? they were well balanced, but far from the best in any area...maybe cleric? i dunno.
# May 18 2024 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Holy crap. Talk about a necropost! Your reply was late, but my reply to your reply is 14 years after the fact. Yikes!

So, you may never see this, but! Dark Elves were the best because they looked awesome, had a cool backstory, a rockin' starting city (Neriak! Woot!), and...they had ultravision.

First character I ever made was an Erudite Magician, and I will never forget the terror of being overwhelmed in Toxxulia Forest by critters I couldn't even SEE once night fell. Deleted him, made a Dark Elf, never looked back.

But beyond that simple advantage, I was always about the role playing aspect FAR more than the min/maxing. Gear, yes; I was absolutely on top of what I needed for which slot in order to accommodate the Foci I needed as a caster, and I never went into a zone that I didn't already have an upgrade map made out for. But race? Nah, that was for role-playing purposes, and you wouldn't catch me DEAD as a Halfling or Gnome ANYTHING, for any reason.
lil help?
# Aug 30 2006 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
anyone have a link to where i can check to see where this quest starts, in depth details, ima 51necro and would love to get this cap.
lil help?
# Aug 31 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
Follow the link up above where it says "This item is the result of a quest."
- Necromancer 9th Rank .

It will lead you to 8th rank, etc. Follow the links back to the starting quest and take a note of it, or bookmark it, so you can go back to it in the future.
Other Races?
# Jan 15 2006 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Made a Euridite Necro. I see that this item is Necro/All, the earlier versions are Iksar only. Anyone who has this of another race: Any problems getting this? Did you need to faction, and, if so, how long did it take? How'd you do it?

Edited, Sun Jan 15 14:40:55 2006
Other Races?
# Feb 28 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
53 Erudite Necro here, and the faction for Cabilis was the problem for me. Options were kill lots of bandits or make some Illusion Iksar potions. I chose the potions route as the faction gained for killing a bandit is negligible. Easiest way to get pots is to farm Iksar meat from Dulaks Harbor, then get an alchemist to make pots for you. I was ready to attack for almost all of Cabilis without pots, with pots I was amiable to warmly. To conserve pots, just do several parts of the quest at once, then go to Cabilis to do several turn ins at once. This quest is definitely doable by non-Iksar.
Other Races?
# Sep 17 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
53 gnome necro ... faction was fine to do this from the start of my toon... hope this helps GL
# Dec 29 2005 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
Just finished mine today and at Lvl 55 it is great. I pull with Cascade add Ignite Blood when mob gets close to me I hit them with Screaming Terror and instantly click the Demi Lich Skullcap ... so far it always lands right before Screaming Terror breaks then, I add Envenomed Bolt and add Pet to mob.

Very nice Dmg 420 - 486 Dmg a tic (spell mod) add in 1098 Hp HoT for me and add Pet Dps ... DB mobs droppin like flies. Have fun with yours and be safe.

a.K.a Reaggor Mortiss on the Nameless

Update at lvl 57 with new spells since original post dishing out 600-720 Dmg a tic now using Lich cap.

Edited, Thu Apr 6 02:40:09 2006

Edited, Nov 10th 2007 9:47pm by meralin
Feel free to nail me with your flames .. check my spelling .. punctuation .. what ever makes you happy. I am not here for an E-***** building Experience ... these forums are for info not Ego's.
# Jul 14 2006 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
...and insta-click the Demi Lich Skullcap ...

Has the cast time on this been changed from 10 secs to instant, or was that a typo?
# Aug 30 2006 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
74 posts
Saying that he clicks it instantly after ST. Not that its an insta click heal... That would be way overpowered
still nice
# May 21 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
Used this clicky on just about anything and everything since I have had it including Fennin Ro, Bertox, Keeper of the Altar, hell pretty much anything and everything my guild shook a stick at. People can weigh out the pros and cons of this all, day but being lazy and pretty much happy with most of my gear atm my necro still wears this. You can't beat needing to med a bit after soloing in close quarters and clicking the hat, death peace AA following. If you solo at all the best thing to do is be efficient as possible. Also, my necro is a dark elf with highest faction possible with Brood of Kotiz (warmly not ally, but being a dark elf I guess you can't expect much love any way), and you can just buy the necromancer skullcap if you see one for sale in bazaar, since the guy in OT only does a check to see if its on your person before he gives you the box for the next turn in.
RE: still nice
# Jul 14 2005 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
FYI to all who try this quest......

It is not noted, BUT you MUST hand Ixpacan your 8th level skullcap along with the Remains of a Child of Charisis or Ixpacan will swallow the remains and give you nothing in return. He will not even allow you to give him the 8th level skullcap later.

I had to petition Sony several times to get my completed Ixpacan's Tome back so I couyld try again.

Also, you will get back both the 9th level camp and the 8th level cap.
RE: still nice
# Jul 10 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Soloed this over the weekend.

Lvl 55, below avg gear, so anyone at this lvl can do this.

I had a lvl 55 BL join me for the Child of Chasis, i thought better safe than not. Good thing too. He resisted all except taps and ignite blood. BL epic slow landed, undead slow would not. He went down without trouble.

And I got the brittle bone on my first run of chasis in the basement area just below zone in, took 2 kills to get it. i felt lucky. =)

Oh and i am an Erudite, i just left my necro logged in during the nights in one of the ruins where the Iksar Bandit Lord spawns in Warsliks Woods, almost max ally after it was said and done. Hope this helps.

RE: still nice
# Nov 19 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
Master Rixiz says 'I offer the third rank apprentice skullcap to those who wear the second. If that is you, then you will do the [bidding of the tower].

Only Iksars can wear the 2nd skullcap. How do non-Iksars get past this?
very very useful
# Mar 12 2005 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
use your imagination 8)
**if you have holgresh elder beads or a large collection of stalking probes you could..**
1.If you still lose HPs with lich up just tap an eye and never have to worry about HP loss.
2.If you die and need to recover HPs fast tap an eye.
3.If you have a mana robe click down your HPs as low as you want and tap eye.
4.If you just cast Shadow Guard and go from 100% to 85% tap an eye.
5.Have a mob that put a nasty dot on you?Keep tapping eyes to stop or slow down the amount of damage taken.
**When you kite**
1.If you have run5 (maybe even run3) you CAN get to a point where you can cast this on a mob for extra dps.
IMO best when used with HEBs but still a quest every necro should at least look into doing.This thing has saved my life many times.
RE: very very useful
# Jun 13 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
You can't tap stalking probes.
RE: very very useful
# Jun 18 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
yes you can I use my stalking probs with it all the time.
RE: very very useful
# Aug 30 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Default
Stalking probes can't be tapped with standard tap spells. Don't have the skullcap, don't really need it.

Cast time is too long to be useful in a combat situation, and the soul orb line of spells gives a way to have quick HP on an as needed basis.
RE: very very useful
# Oct 06 2005 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
you can use any lifetap on eyes.
cast your probe or heb
Create a hotkey /target eye
cast your life tap on it.

eye tapping is not ment to be used in battle,but you can use it in downtimes between agro kites when a mob got a couple hits on you or dotted you.I dont waste mana casting a dd lifetap and that is where the demicap comes in.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 08 2005 at 5:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry didn't work for me. Stalking probes can't be tapped, like I said in my first post.
RE: very very useful
# Dec 04 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
100 posts
Stalking probes can be tapped. Lifetap or HoT spell will work. I've been using them a couple years now, great asset between kills.
Brakiss Dooku (retired)
Archon of Vazaelle
Adalric Brandl <Walkers>
Deathspeaker of Innoruuk

RE: very very useful
# Oct 19 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
well then you are doing something wrong
For the EP/Time maniacs
# Nov 27 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
The Skullcap while laughed at by many of my colleagues has allowed me to do a bit more damage where needed on Raid mobs due to the inevitable oom from dots and also is insanely useful on many raid mobs that can only be hit by our lifetaps and lifetap dots. By the the affect does kind of stack with SK, the dot part does, the recourse does not hence extra damage but no extra hp if you use both. Often if the mob is practically immune to everything else sk/skullcap/soulspike are my main damage(which happens more than you would think). BTW another great clicky for raiding types is the wand off the horror guy in the deep, infinite self clicky shrink rocks(specially on mount hehe). Yes I am EP/Time/KT/MPG etc etc etc.
RE: For the EP/Time maniacs
# May 18 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
lvl56 and EP/time/KT/MPG etc etc etc? you do know that you can only enter time if you're at least lvl65?
RE: For the EP/Time maniacs
# May 31 2005 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
You can enter time prior to 65 -MPG on the other hand isn't a flag and you have to be 65 to zone in there. So I agree it's a little twisted.
Demi Lich Cap
# Oct 26 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
I got the Cap last week .
I love it,it keeps me at full health ,gives me clickie damage ,is excellent for root rot
and now with my grand master bakers trophy i can switch out 2 low int rings or one med. int item for something better
Marinda Flockwings
# Oct 05 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Looking for help with Marinda...i am having absolutely no luck finding her in FV....if anyone can provide some spawn info, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Much.
RE: Marinda Flockwings
# Oct 06 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
You'll find her by hanging out in the area between FV and the LoIO zone. She's one of those butterfly things. So if you see the butterflies and spiders, you are in the right place. Kill all butterflies until she spawns.
RE: Marinda Flockwings
# Feb 21 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
I have never seen marinda not up, unless i've recently killed her. Even with track though, ill admit i sometimes have a tad bit of difficulty finding her... though eventually she will be there, normally with 50% life.
Review of the skullcap now that I have had it a while
# Oct 03 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
Let me preface this by saying that my necro is a 65th level alt with bazaar gear, and no PoP flags. I have like 30AAs.

So, is this hat worth the trouble?

I had a Bubonian Turban before, so this was a nice upgrade with regards to stats. (Stat-lovers should check out Earthweave armor.)

Now, what of the effect, Morternum, which is why you're here. The casting time is a fairly wretched 10 seconds. This means that casting it on a moving mob is difficult since the mob will likely be out of range by the time the spell completes. For pulling, then, the effect isn't very appropriate. The casting time also makes it useless for aggro-kiting.

This means that it is only useful when you are root-cooking or in a group. I haven't done for former in ages, I assume it works as well as any dot. The latter, however, I have done.

In groups I normally start out with Horror and Funeral Pyre. Normally at this point I haven't pulled aggro from the slower, so I take the time to cast Morternum. You can do this while your spell gems are greyed out, by the way - item effects aren't affected by the spell timers. In this way, you kinda shave a second or two from the casting time of Morternum.

I haven't found a case where I couldn't take 8 to 10 seconds to cast Morternum. It heals for about 1100 points in 54 seconds, so it replaces HPs at about twice the rate that Seduction of Saryrn eats them. Basically, at the cost of 1 or 2 ticks of medding, I negate SoS for a minute and heal for about 500 more. In the process I also do a mana-free 1100 to the mob.

I have used the Demi Lich skullcap in Droga, OOW instanced zones, and LDoN. No resists at all, no remarkable aggro.


1) mana free damage is good
2) negating the lich-line is great
3) significant self-heals are good
4) low aggro
5) hard to resist
6) frees a spell gem. I no longer keep a Leach or Tap memorized for typical exp groups.
7) stats are nice.
8) the effect is useful for a 65 necro (we have similar heal spells), but I can only assume that the lower the necro, the more Morternum shines - for a pre-60 necro, this has to be devastating.

1) The quest is a PITA except for Iksars. (I didn't try the Iksar potion method however.)
2) 10 second cast time limits the utility of the item to exp groups.
3) Probably not useful at the Elemental level (?)

For me personally, this item is fabulous. It isn't uber because of the eternal cast time (but I may change my opinion on that, as I use it more.) For risk-v-reward, this is an outstanding value.

So, my review of this item is a big thumbs up - recommended to all necros who are going to be pre-elemental for a while.


lvl 50?
# Aug 23 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
I noticed it says here that the spell effect is lvl 50 required. It doesn't say anything about that in the image. Do you have to be lvl 50 to use the effect? If so, someone should update the photo.
***Walk quietly and carry a big F***ING stick!!***

Vassar's Decent Profile
RE: lvl 50?
# Aug 26 2004 at 2:45 AM Rating: Default
Triggered effects don't show levels
GOT it
# Aug 14 2004 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
Just finish the quest and got the cap, solo all mobs and after 3 weeks of camping and hunting, this baby is finally mine. The effect is very sweet, freeing one spell sort and the stats aren't bad either for a quest item.
Good stuff
# Aug 01 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
Nothing like clikables! Good stuff.

Hey, this thing isn't ubberness in a bottle. Its just good. Hehe. Sorry, I'm not..yeah..nevermind.

In any case, if you get this and have a mount, who can complain? When you're medding, just right click cast. Yes, you continue meditating while clicking items on horses and lizards. It does damage to something and heals you while you would normally be just sitting there. This thing isn't godly. Its just damned good.
And, yeah, being unstackable with the standard Necro line that this branches off of is annoying. Who cares? Just right click it when you're sitting there not wanting to waste the mana on the standard spell. Or to help finish something when you're LOM or OOM.

I mean, com'n. Its a free click that, if you have a horse, you can do while medding. And if you're a 50+ Necro, you really should have a horse. Even just the 10k one to sit there and look pretty on while you're a skele, hehe.
Good stuff
# Jun 20 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Yes it is stackable, you don't get the extra healing from it but the damage to the mob does in fact stack with SK. Just try it and see, I've done it many many times so of course it works.
RE: Good stuff
# Sep 12 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
Unstackable? I think not! I can stack Morternum right on top of Saryn's Kiss if I want to for a total of over 300 hp per tick! Hehe! It's the first thing that I tried as soon as I got it.
RE: Good stuff
# Sep 21 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Um, dunno what you think you are casting, but it is NOT stackable.
RE: Good stuff
# Aug 07 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
just got mine and plan on using it in conjunction with my epic, another so called useless quest..but hey, i did it and pretty much did it solo..and, to me, that is great :)
RE: Good stuff
# Oct 12 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Default
Wurd Thorn. I got my epic and cap solo, and I am damn well proud of it. Btw, I can cast Embracing, distance the mob, then cast morternum on it no problem. Hardly ever use mujaki except for instant heals, and haven't used Saryrn's since I got this piece. Better than ornate, not as easy, but 10x more rewarding. Great piece, no complaints (except the tomb raider, got up to 11th kill before I got the book!)
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 01 2004 at 2:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have been doing this quest for years. (Raise your hand if you have emailed smaaug :-) )
# Aug 03 2004 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
Wearing Demi Lich Skullcap over Earthweave Cap gives -4ac, -9str, +3dex, +5sta, +10int, -5cha, -40hp, +40mana, +10vsmagic, -9vspoison, -9vsdisease.
Wearing this over the earthweave cap nets a ton of mana and loses a bit of HP's -- PLUS you get the mana free lifetap DoT that doesn't take up a spell icon. Also, the lifetap DoT is clickable at 50 and is as good or better than any you can get till level 62 iirc. Not to mention the earthweave cap takes drops from EP's AND high level tradeskills to make.

Whistling fists is NOT worth the effort -- you can get a better weapon (entwood mace) for a reasonable ammount of plat and then turn around and sell it when you get an upgrade. Then again the whistling fists has the crappy clickable haste effect that does NOT stack with 90% of the haste buffs in the game including the monk epic clickie.
Shaman cudgel is nice for the clickie mana free buff -- but eventually FA will be wanted by everyone and their brother. Also there are many items with the same relative difficulty to achieve as earthweave that can be considered better than the shaman quest cudgel.
Greenmist is nice but hardly a good enough weapon for SK's to drool over. Once again -- scepter of lightning is a much nicer weapon for damage and SK's shouldn't have to rely on a weapon proc to hold aggro -- if you are you're probably doing something wrong.

Effectively all of the "Iksar epic" quests are worth doing to a point -- then again the same can be said of the normal epics. After all why bother with any of it since better stuff drops in plane of time and high end GoD.

/sarcastic semi-flame off

Edited, Tue Aug 3 06:58:31 2004
# Oct 20 2004 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
I hope you're being sarcastic...there's a lot of us that will never see the Plane of Time or anything post-time. PoI is about as planar as I get. So something like thise would be a pretty fair item for me, and any time I can get my hands on clickies I usually go for it. Espescially quested clickies...since the game is called EverQuest after all...not EverBazaar...or EverPlat...well, you get the point.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2004 at 5:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hahah Whistling fists is a hand slot item not a weapon btw and while its not the greatest it somethign that is better then anything up to elemental really and the clickly is worth it since its instant clickly. But then again ornate has the same clicky now so its all up to the player and how much time he wants to shink into camps.. other then that Epic is easy.
# Sep 17 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
Actually..... Whistling Fists ( is not a hand slot item......... Celestial Fists (Monk Epic)( is a hand slot item.

Edited, Fri Sep 17 09:26:11 2004
# Aug 10 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Wistling Fists. not monk epic. weapon.

Celestial Fists. monk epic. not weapon.

check yoself
# Nov 18 2004 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
Wistling Fists=Iksar Monk alternate epic before truespirit faction was implemented
stacking ?
# Aug 01 2004 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
does anyone know if this stacks with a high level heal over time dot ? like sarins kiss
# Jul 31 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
I just noticed something and hope that the others are all wrong....How come the skullcap's in the first 8 rank's are Iksar Necromancer's only and this one is available to all Necromancer's? I hope this isn't somehow wrong in that I would like to do this quest with my Dark Elf.
RE: Race?
# Aug 01 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, all of the iksar class quests are like this, comparable to say iksar SHD Greenmist quest, iksar monk shackle of tynnonium quest, and iksar shaman cudgel quest. All of the first 7-8 quests are iksar only, but the result of the final quest is usable by any race of that class.

Best way to get your iksar faction up is by:
1. Veksar weapon quest with Syrik Iceblood in LoIO
2. Farming sarnaks in LoIO
3. After steps 1 and 2 give you indifferent faction with the Legion of Cabilis, do the bone chip quest with Trooper Mozo (at the entrance to Cabilis) in Field of Bone.

This path will get you faction with all the iksars fast, my wife only did step 1 about 20-30 times and has pretty much never in her EQ career done step 2 and she got to indifferent that way.

I hope this helps all you nasty soft skin necro's in your quest to steal our precious iksarian relics.

Calikuli Deemonskale
Necromancer of the 65th defleshing
Karana server
RE: Race?
# Aug 03 2004 at 6:03 AM Rating: Default
Actually if i rember right, none of those 3 actions gives you faction with the iksar necromancers -- only way i could discover to make faction with the iksar necromancers easilly was to kill the iksar bandit types -- my favorite way was to stand in one of the bandit forts in WW with my shaman and go afk over night -- the iksar bandits aggro and pet kills them -- yay free faction. 8)
RE: Race?
# Nov 21 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Should be able to ignore racial faction (not sure about diety) by using lich near necro faction NPCs.
RE: Race?
# May 19 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Lich does not help your racial faction but Illusion Iksar will (potion or enchanter project illusion aa).
Deericious on Drinal
RE: Race?
# Nov 18 2004 at 7:27 AM Rating: Default
Bone Chips give + to all 5 iksar factions
RE: Race?
# Nov 27 2004 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
Unless SoE changed something in the last few months, the bone chip quest does not give you faction with the Brood of Kotiz (Cabilis Necromancer Faction). After my human monk got the faction to start handing in the bone chips (killed goblins in the cave in LOIO for this), I never saw a faction hit for Brood. Went to WW and killed the bandits at the lake, ruins and cave until I maxed out Brood faction. (I didn't like having to watch which buildings I went near)
Great item
# Jul 30 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
This item is well worth the effort and time if you are a nec this is a must do quest. I just wish there was more quests like for other classes. This form of progressive questing makes the end game alot more enjoyable and of course the effect makes it even better. I wonder how it stacks out with other nec dots?

65 Dread Lord
Looks mighty useful to me
# Jul 30 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
I plan to use this item in conjunction with root-rot, when I have the time to cast and I'd otherwise be losing hp when just sitting an medding (waiting for the rot). Assuming 9 ticks worth of damage, with my Robe of Misery and my two necros simulcasting this, that's a FREE extra 2415 dmg. That's the simple math; the complexity is that although this will also save mana from not having to cast heal spells, the mob will also not be taking the damage from those heal spells. I'm expecting that the net will still amount to more damage, a substantial savings on mana, and possibly an extra spell slot. I say that cause I still may want to keep an insta-heal spell memmed "for emergencies".
RE: Looks mighty useful to me
# Aug 04 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe everyone already knew this, but focus effects from other items do not affect the spell cast by the Demi Lich Skullcap. I kept wondering why I didn't have the range with the skullcap that I had will all my other spells.

With this skullcap I'm not even using my level 59 pets half the time. When I'm doing root-rot in PoN and get one of the higher level mobs I can even get off two casts of this spell = 4 total, resulting in alot of free damage - and I almost don't even look at my hp anymore.
RE: Looks mighty useful to me
# Sep 22 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
yes focus effects do not work with items how ever aa's do, so if you get crit affliction and max it out which from what ive seen gives you about 40% chance from all the dots ive done you get another 400+ dammage from the dang cast mana free 1400+ dammage + heal is better then any epic 1.0 (other then mage pet befor 61 lol)
Poor cast time.
# Jul 30 2004 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
I think the effect is great and the stats are ok (neg cha is so kunark~) but the long cast time ruins it for me. I'll admit to only playing an alt 56 necro that I only fearkite solo with, maybe it's more usefull when grouping. This would be awesome with elder beads tho.
RE: Poor cast time.
# Jul 30 2004 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
Even with the cast time it's still incredibly useful. If cast at max casting range on a Dooming Darkness snared mob, I can get it off just before it reaches me, so it's still useful for agro kiting. In groups it's less useful unless the killing is very slow and you have time to stack dots, like on Tier 2 PoP mobs and up. As a tip, try casting this spell between 2 other spells. You can ignore the recast timer this way, which gives the cap an effective cast time of 5.5 seconds.

Enchilada Heartburn
Nihilist of the Iksar
RE: Poor cast time.
# Jul 30 2004 at 6:11 AM Rating: Default
Casting time is long for sure but it is a great tool for farming and group as well. I like using it as a pull is incomming since it doesn't really create a big amount of aggro and it's a free 1098 damage every single fight. As long as you can start it casting early enough it shouldn't really affect you being able to do stuff the rest of the fight...

Tizere (lvl 58 Necromancer)
# Jul 29 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
I am a beastlord, so this item in no way pertains to me, however I would like to say that this looks completly sick, and grats to any who get it.
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