Butcherblock Mountains

Quick Facts





Level Range:
1 - 15

Send a correction
The Butcherblock Mountains are the land of the dwarves. This rugged mountain range serves as the gateway into Norrath for the dwarves of Kaladim with its citizens, guards, and vendors well-represented throughout the area.

The Greater Faydark can be found to the East while Dagnor's Cauldron lies to the South. These mountains also connect to both the Ocean of Tears and Timorous Deep as the docks in Port Faydwer service both oceans.
Mountain CoastlineKaladimBlackhammer and GuardsGate to Port FaydwerCoastal Goblin CampPathing Through ButcherblockThe ChessboardThe Wayfarer CampA Kaladim Vendor HousePeg Leg's Bandit CampPort FaydwerThe Sea King Docks
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lvl range
# Jul 30 2002 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
whats good lvl range for chess board
RE: lvl range
# Feb 16 2003 at 12:56 AM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
Level range is about 12-15 on the Chessboard. Undead Pawns are around level 10. Rarely do you see anything else than them, if you do ask for assistance.
New In BB
# Jul 15 2002 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
346 posts
I finally ventured out of Unrest today loaded with stuff to sell. Decided to run up to the docks, sell, and see if the boats were running again. While running I noticed a shout "Beach camps camped". I am still pretty new to the game, but, I have spent some time building up my swimming along that beach, and could not recall any "camps" outside the dwarf huts. So, I headed over and noticed 2 new camps full of "aqua goblin mauraders" between the dwarf houses and the docks along the beach. There is also a small camp (only saw one mob) located west of the Dwarf Building along the narrow strip of land that heads out into the ocean (very south edge of zone).

Not only that but....

* The boats are broken, so at least one "traslocator" had been placed to TL you to Timorous Deep. You are TL'ed to a dock with another translocator who will either TL you to the Oasis or FV. NIce, very nice. You just need to say "I want to travel to ..." and off you go.

* Some else in the zone reported trolls. I have no further info on it, but will check it out when I go online tonight.

Fun stuff, anyone else find anything else new?
RE: New In BB
# Aug 30 2002 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
Unfortunatly, those spiffy translocators arent there for good. They go up when the boats are down.
RE: New In BB
# Aug 05 2002 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
No trolls, ogres. There are ogres called wandering greenbloods which wander about down in the southern part of the area. These are either dark or light blue to my level 11 and regularly drop an insignia which sells to vendors for around 4.5 pp. They also always drop a rusty two-handed sword and often drop a severed finger. Also the tower at the south zone wall has been taken over by ogres called towering brutes that appear to range from 10 - 12 or so. Three spawn around the tower.
Newbie Enchanter's Guide to Butcherblock
# Jun 18 2002 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I do not have any info on any of the newbie armor quests, so I will say look elsewhere for that. :) But here is some basic info on how to go to at least level 10, hunting solo in Butcherblock. This is aimed at chanters, but will work for any class.

As a chanter, I wanted to preserve my Indigo Brotherhood faction so I did not kill in Crushbone except maybe once or twice. (Not sure why I tried so hard to preserve this as my chanter has gotten killed at least once in Neriak by a guard who could see I followed Mithaniel Marr, even though I was in DE illusion).

So I started out in the GFay newbie area (NE of newbie lift of Kelethin at approx 300, -300) until I was 2 or 3. Then I got a sow, ran to Kaladim, got re-bound there, and began.

When you are facing out from Kaladim, you can see a hill. Go over this and you'll be in a nice open area at approximately 2500, -200. There is lots of open room here, you're close to the guards if you have problems, and a steady stream of mobs.

When I started my chanter, she was not a twink. She wore the cloth armor I could get off mobs, and I had two silver star rose quartz rings (INT+2) that I was able to make once I could enchant silver. So any nekkid newbie can do this stuff. :)

Kill anything any everything that wanders in this area, starting with snakes, bats, skellies, and goblin whelps. The goblins are good because they give you faction, cash, and sometimes armor. Snakes can drop eggs (food), and bats and skellies drop wings and bones, which can be used for faction in Felwithe and Kaladim, respectively. As a chanter I kept my pet up at ALL times - I would pull a mob using one of my spells (DD, DOT, anything), and my pet would leap on it soon as it hit me.

Once you are 4-5, you can begin hunting the large bugs (spiders/beetles), Krag chicks (they hit hard at that level), slightly higher goblins. Some rarely wander in this area - mostly you should head further south in the zone, to the area between the guards at the crossroads and the merchant near GFay (approx -1200, -1200) to begin camping the bigger bugs/snakes. Stay away from the basilisks as they are quite nasty for their level. The beetles sometimes drop carapices, which can be used in the dwarf quest armor (boots, helm, legs), and are worth it to get the faction hits even if you cannot wear the armor - the armor is tradeable so you can sell it to a merchant if you like or give to a newbie dwarf.

These mobs will easily take you to at least 8 or higher. At that level you can begin grouping at the chessboard or the slightly higher goblin camp (9-14).

RE: Newbie Enchanter's Guide to Butcherblock
# Aug 06 2002 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
As a Dark Elf Enchanter myself, I think that you may be able to work on faction a little by killing Orcs inside Nektulos Forest. If you go invis from the zone line (EC) to the left as soon as you come out of the pass/tunnel from zone, you will find an Orc camp (need a group probably at your level) near the corner of the zone. From what I remember, killing these orcs gives Indigo Brotherhood faction. I need to get back there myself and kill the Chief at that camp and the Chief at another camp in order to get my weapon (need their prayer beads)--newbie quest for DE--but I am almost 100% positive that I got a "better" I.B. faction for killing the ones I have killed so far.

Good hunting. Even though you aren't a Dark Elf (the Shame!), you are a fellow Enchanter, so I hope this helps :)
Aviak Beaks & Corflunk
# Jun 10 2002 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
Anyone know what the Krag Elder drop of "aviak beaks" are for - didnt see them listed in quest items. If u do, could you drop a note to eqstargrace@yahoo.com ? Thanks !

Also, ran acrossed the Ogre bandit(?) named Corflunk - runs with a goblin -- watch out for him!! Also, there are a lot of meanie bandit dwarves - dont know their level;guessing mid-teens to 20ish?

Stargrace, Level 12.5 Wood Elf Druid

Edited, Mon Jun 10 12:55:22 2002
Qued's Tongue
# Jun 09 2002 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
Okay. I was making the fifth run to Gfay from FP in five days, and I see a dwarf go by me as I run. 'Hm,' I figure, 'some newbie headed back to Kaladim.' Then I hear, "Prepare to die!!" I think, 'Aw, cute, he has a thing he says when he goes to kill something,' and I started thinking if I want one of those. But I keep running. THEN I see, 'Qued tries to punch YOU, but misses!' and 'Qued tries to backstab YOU, but misses!' I got freaked out, turned around, and saw the dwarf trying to kill me! I knew I'd have to kill him, but I was panicking (at the time I was still bound in FP) and thinking it would royally suck to have to ride OOT again.
So what did I do but Root him, step back, and then Shock of Lightning'ed his ***** For a dark blue con, he was surprising easy. It took me two or three blasts simple, and then he was dead. There weren't any bad faction hits (thank Solusek) and I checked out his corpse. 'For making me worry like that, he better have some damn good stuff,' I thought.
I looted his corpse, finding a Small Cloth Shawl and a tongue.
Later, when I entered Gfay, I asked what the tongue was for (since it is a LORE and NO DROP) and someone said a Rogue quest. I figure I can just keep it, as a souvineer you know, and go back and royally nuke him someday. But, he was a dark blue so I figure the quest might give some good EXP. What quest is his tongue for?

Maoh of Rodcet Nife server
lore item 2
# Mar 18 2002 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
I killed a orc runner today and collected a letter,where do i take this lore item to gain exp.
RE: lore item 2
# Mar 23 2002 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Try talking to the Wood Elves in the Ranger guild in Kelethin. One of them will want you to kill some "blue meanies". He will give you the orc runner quest too. Or just check out the orc runner quest on this site.
Gesibe DelCorvino
Falcons of Norrath
Bristlebane (Formerly of Solusek Ro)
lore items
# Mar 18 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
I need to know where & whom do i take the two ogre heads to, after i have killed them in butcherblock mountain zone.
RE: lore items
# Mar 23 2002 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Try talking to some of the Dwarfs in the Warrior guild in Kaladim. One of them will react if you say the names the Ogres whose heads you posses.
Or just look up the ogre head quest on this site, it has all the info to walk you through it.
Gesibe DelCorvino
Falcons of Norrath
Bristlebane (Formerly of Solusek Ro)
Crazed Goblin and Freinds
# Jan 25 2002 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
I'm soloing the 3 goblins (2 normal, 1 crazed) and burn them down pretty quick. I was told from EQ Atlas map that the Crazed Goblin drops a rare Blade of Nobility. Got it the first time I logged on this morning. It didn't come from the crazed goblin however, but from one of his side-kicks. Does anyone know what quest this is for? It doesn't do anything and it's LORE, NO DROP so I can only assume it's for a quest. I couldn't find any reference to it other than EQ Atlas.
RE: Crazed Goblin and Freinds
# Jan 28 2002 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
The Blade of Nobility is part of the quest for the Ghoulbane sword (NO DROP, equipable by Paladins only). See the Sword of Nobility quest under Butcherblock Mtns for the whole description.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 13 2001 at 11:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Now, being a female character and wearing those thongs, I have to ask of you...does my bum look in this ????
Vineclinger Berries
# Nov 12 2001 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
I was hit "forage" in BB and got something non-edible called "Vineclinger Berries". They are lore and no-drop. Anyone know what they are for? Are they part of some quest? My Bard found them...
RE: Vineclinger Berries
# Nov 15 2001 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Druid Epic quest I believe.
black bear
# Oct 12 2001 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
has anyone seen or heard anything about a big black bear with armor and a weapon i saw one being killed in greater faydark don't know anything about it
RE: black bear
# Apr 13 2002 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
Big black bear? Are you sure it wasn't an orc? They're hairy enough to be mistaken.
Question from Khanak
# Oct 12 2001 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
Newbie question here. I am a 4th level dwarven warrior that is doing pretty well in balencing the level increase with the skill increase.
First I want to say THANKS for all the help I have recieved so far. When you are a newbie and lost and going in the wrong direction it is nice to hear somebody strongly recomend not to go that way. Also thanks for the better weapons then just my beggining short sword.
My question is
What level should I be before I try to take on any of the goblin camps? I am not a part of a group yet and probably wont even try to join one until I reach 7th level. (I want to be usefull to whatever group I do join.
My next area will probably be the crossroads following the path to the right of Kaladium, past the docks. Just wondering about the Goblin camps since there is one to the left of Kaladium with no gaurd post between it and the city.

faction with dwarves
# Oct 04 2001 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
The dwarf citizens in bb are awesome exp but do hit very hard -- best if root/snared and nuke/dot's down -- you lose faction with dwarf citizens only. These kills do not affect faction with guards or merchants in kaladim. I am a level 45 druid and have gained many levels here -- still getting my best exp with the least amount of mana lost. I can solo a dwarf with about a bub of mana using root, snare, dot, heal repeat.
good luck to all and happy hunting. Also be aware that the dwarves do have a fair resist rate.

Skiwolf Meadowpaw
Quellious Server
A Raging Goblin
# Sep 19 2001 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
I made a new friend in BB last night named "A Raging Goblin". I'm lvl 12 and it conned red
to me, so I don't think it is the same as an Enraged Goblin. I met him between the Merchant
Huts and the GFay zone and barely got out alive. I can't find him in the beastiery. What is
this critter?????

Ranger of the 12th season
Ayonae Ro Server
RE: A Raging Goblin
# Sep 20 2001 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
I think I may have been in error when I made this post. I looked at the beastiary and
saw that an enraged goblin was lvl 8-9 and assumed that wasn't it. After actually
READING the posts I saw that the listed level was too low. I probably got the name
wrong. It's hard to be sure of these things while running for your life. What it was
doing that far from home I have no idea.

Ogres and rogues
# Sep 07 2001 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
Where can the two ogres be found in bb I need there heads for a quest. Also, are their any quests that involve killing the rogues scattered throught BB?
RE: Ogres and rogues
# Feb 18 2002 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
658 posts
The ogres are runners and run up and down the path between the Crossroads and just East of Kaladim (maybe elsewhere, too). At 14 you should have no problem soloing Corflunk but the other might give you some difficulties.

The rogues you're referring to are bandits, and the Parrying Pick quest for Dwarf Rogues involves killing some of them and getting their tongues (yuck!) as well as another tongue from Crushbone. Also, one of several ways to start the Shaman epic quest is to kill Peg Leg, another one of the rogue bandits. He also drops his wooden leg, but nobody seems to know what it's for.
RE: corflunk and zarchoomi i got a 26 warr halfling hes got
# Aug 27 2001 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
Darkies in BB
# Aug 24 2001 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know of any place for members of the darker races to buy/sell in this area? Want to check things out with my TSK, but don't want to have to jump through hoops to sell my loot and buy food.
# Aug 10 2001 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
when you are between level 4 and 6 and you can have a pet the best thing to do which i did was hunt giant bats that were yellow to me by a guard house. It is easy to beat them for a lot of experience. If you are going to lose run to the guard house.
Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Aug 02 2001 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
Can some one please explain to me why a LVL 7 Human Warrior would have bad faction with Guards in BB? My first visit to BB from Freeport met with immediate death by the guards at the docks. When I came back I conned from a distance and sure enough they showed as Threatening. Why, dosent make sense dose it?

LVL 7 Warrior
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Mar 08 2002 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I have no trouble with them as a human warrior. They are "indifferent". I think the religion argument is right as I am a follower of Marr. I am trying to raise faction with them now and it seems Aqua goblins are the thing to kill.
Wherever I go - there I am.
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Oct 30 2001 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
I had the same problem with the dwarves when I started my human warrior, but he can now travel through the BB with no Trouble at all.

I think you just start out with bad faction with them. so you just need to kill goblins to better your faction and they will accept you.

Same with the forest next to WC(the Dark elf Place) you just need to kill the Gnomes (but that takes your faction down with the gnomes.

level 19 warrior
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Jan 28 2002 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
I too had this problem, hadn't been past the gates very long and I am sure that by now, the corpse has rotted, whoever gets to it if in fact the items don't rot with the corpse will be very lucky as there was a great deal of equipment. A level 6 who had just completed the first part of the Warrior quest and the Cantrip quest obviously was not in good standings with the guards. If you happen to see the corpse (running out of time very soon)it should be inside the gate on the road to the right by a guard house. Wish I would have read this post sooner, thank you for now I know better!

BTW corpse name is Shanenae
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Nov 17 2001 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Most liekly this has something to do with your religion...

Compare the tenants of the god that you follow to the tenants of Brell Serilis... that should help you understand the reason for this.
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Aug 24 2001 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
I don't know, but the same thing happend to me when I took my human warrior to BB at about level 11 or 12. I was just standing there checking things out when...



Had a heck of a time retrieving my coprse since it was right between the two guards.

Only thing I can guess is that they took exception to something I killed in EC. ???
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Jul 01 2002 at 4:55 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
Dwarves also don't like those who worship Rallos Zek.
RE: Bad Faction for Human Warrior?????
# Jan 24 2002 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
It was probably your Religion. You probably chose to worship Innoruuk. I know my eternally lvl 5 Human warrior did. He got killed in Freeport at the Paladin's Guild... twice. I had to let my corpse rot, because I didn't know anyone at the time. But, on the bright side (I guess), this Human can go into Neriak Foreign Quarters and still only be Dubious. D'Vinn is indifferent to him (had a fun time getting a lvl 5 warrior infront of him too). Religions are bad for Warriors, at least Human warriors.

If you have a warrior, make him Agnostic! My level 31 warrior is, and he's never had any problems at all.
RE: Dwarves
# Jul 24 2001 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Could a lvl 36 HIE Mage solo a single spawn Dwarf NPC? I have heard that the NPC's have high resists and hit points. I am looking for a good solo spot and would gladly sacrifice Kalidim faction as long as the faction with the guards in the BB Mountains was not hurt. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
RE: Dwarves
# Jun 20 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Killing the several KaladimCitizen faction dwarves will not make you KOS to the StormGuard. For example, the one over by the chessboard, and a couple by the dock.
RE: Dwarves
# May 18 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
Killing Dwarfs in BB will lower your Storm Guard faction, and soon you will be KoS in BB...
RE: Dwarves
# Oct 13 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
well, i don't know about this guard thing but i know a 36 mage could get good xp in ot, overthere
RE: Dwarves
# Sep 08 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
I am pretty sure that if you kill a merchant or dwarf NPC in BB or Kaladim your faction takes a hit with the gaurds in BB AND Kaladim. Arn't they the same faction?
Need XP
# Jul 19 2001 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
What is the best creature to kill for high xp for a level 4 dwarven warrior that hits for around 19 damage a hit.
RE: Need XP
# Jul 22 2001 at 10:46 PM Rating: Default
What I did at level 4 with my Dwarven Warrior was head to Orc Hill in Greater Faydark. It is only a 10 minute run with a Spirit of Wolf to Kelethin. You can also run around the newbie areas and kill things in one hit. With patience, you will probably make more money, max out more skills (I advise maxing out all of your weapons skills every level if possible, but keep your main skill either one or two hand slashing. I wish I had done this then rather than starting to do it now. This way when you see a good weapon a warrior may use, you know that it is a weapon that you will be effective with.), and possibly earn better faction through the bone chips quest and other newbie quests. You could also head to Crushbone zone which is pretty much a higher level, larger Orc Hill that you can access from near orc hill easily. There are plenty of pawns and lower level centurions near the entrance that a full group could get steady and great experience. However, I did not take any of my characters into Crushbone until at least level nine. However, with good groups, Crushbone can easily take you from level 5 to close to twenty, but I would advise heading to Oasis or Lake of the Ill Omen around level 15 or higher. I hope my thoughts help.

Dwarven Warrior of the 24 Slash
Brell Serlis Server
Need XP
# Jul 19 2001 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
# Jul 10 2001 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
Where is the best place for a lvl 8 magician to hunt solo assuming you have a pet
Evil Races
# Jul 06 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Hey all. My main is an ogre warrior and i was wondering if there was a secret way to get through Greater Faydark and Butcher Block to get to Dagners Caulderon, without running the risk of a guard spotting me? Anyone got any ideas?

Oagma Dacute
Gentle Giant of the 45th
RE: Evil Races
# Jul 24 2001 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
dude, if ur 45 u can whack any guard that spots u in BB besides just get a SoW
RE: Evil Races
# Oct 02 2002 at 11:52 AM Rating: Default
Resists on guards are ridiculous now, I don't advise taking the hack and slash approach.
RE: Evil Races
# Sep 08 2001 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
haha- yeah, who needs diplomacy and faction when you have hack and slash. Id love to see those midgets swarm the ogre.
RE: Evil Races
# Jan 24 2002 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
Get a port into BB thru the Druid rings. The lone Druid there is facing away and on the other side of the rings, so she wouldn't see you (actually never seen her attack anyone). It's easy to travel to Dagnor's Cauldron or GFay from there, with no guards in your path.
RE: Evil Races
# Oct 02 2002 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
She is a merchant, by default merchants will not attack you unless you attack them.
Link to Kelethin
# Jul 03 2001 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
I liked doing the bone chips quest to death, and then using the rusty blades acquired to complete the Rusty Blades quest in Kelethin. Since Felwithe is on the way between Kaladim and Kelethin, I would save up any spare black wolf pelts and bat wings, and complete those two there, practicing my swimming in the bargain. By concientiously hitting the sense direction and tracking button (as a ranger) even when I didnt care, I have slowly worked those two up as well. Very efficient way to work up faction with very little genuine risk.
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