Bone Chips (Kaladim)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Fri Jun 23 20:00:02 2000
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Find Gunlok Jure (Paladin Guildmaster) in the Paladin guild hall in North Kaladim. He's on Find (Ctrl+F). He's on Clerics of Underfoot faction.

    You say, 'Hail, Gunlok Jure'

    Gunlok Jure says 'Hail, _____! Bow before the greatness of the Clerics of Underfoot! It is good to be a paladin in such an order as ours - to fight the good fight and defend Kaladim from the evil and undead. If you be a paladin, then I pray you find the [courage to battle the undead].'

    You say, 'I have the courage to battle the undead'

    Gunlok Jure says 'Yes!! To battle the undead is our greatest call. There has been a rise in the number of dwarven skeletons seen in the Butcherblocks. If you are a true member of this order, I shall reward you for the return of four bone chips. We shall defend our land from evil!'

    You can now turn in bone chips in stacks.

    Gunlok Jure says 'You have done well. We thank you for your deed with this humble reward. The power behind the raising of our dead shall soon be found. You will earn more respect with more bone chips. I only wish you could assist in the return of the [remains of Cromil].'

    You will receive faction, a random minor item, some silver, and some copper.

    Your faction standing with Clerics of Underfoot has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Kazon Stormhammer has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Miner's Guild 249 has been adjusted by 7.

    Note: quest experience changes of 2016 nerfed this quest hard in that respect
    Submitted by: Bigo
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    Exp on Teek 2024
    # May 23 2024 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    Level 7 Halfling Druid 0.053% per 4 bones
    Exp on Teek 2024
    confirmed 2/28/2023
    # Feb 28 2023 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    Confirmed today that you CAN hand in stacks of 1000 and get the faction boost. Ikky Shammy went from dubious to max ally in one hand in. Of course your bags get flooded with crap... but there's a merchant across the room.
    xp confirmed on TLP
    # Jul 05 2020 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
    38 posts
    Can confirm you get xp on TLP (Aradune)
    xp confirmed on TLP
    # Jul 06 2020 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
    zouleous wrote:
    Can confirm you get xp on TLP (Aradune)

    The experience scales based on your level now. The experience past level 10 is next to nothing.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    Bone Chip turn in
    # Apr 21 2020 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
    68 posts
    I am trying to raise my faction so I can do the Chalice of Conquest. I am a dwarf and still cannot get the mud from the Cleric guild master.

    This is to confirm that yes you do get xp, random amount of coins and items. At 41 I am getting .003% per turn in.

    May I suggest that if you are raising your faction that you do not want to turn in a stack but one at a time. I turned in a stack of 20 and got the same faction of 10 for Clerics of Underwood, 10 with Kazon Stormhammer and 7 with the Miners Guild 249 as if I turned in one at a time. Wasted 20 bones.
    Quest Rewards
    # Jul 02 2019 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
    513 posts
    Small Tattered Skullcap
    Small Patchwork Pants
    No longer unstacked
    # Jul 20 2016 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
    I'm not sure when they changed this, but you can actually turn in the Bone Chips stacked now, and get multiple rewards for it. A shame this came to light after it got nerfed..
    No longer unstacked
    # Jul 22 2016 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
    OranosSigma wrote:
    I'm not sure when they changed this, but you can actually turn in the Bone Chips stacked now, and get multiple rewards for it. A shame this came to light after it got nerfed..

    Thanks, updated.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Faction Numbers
    # May 20 2016 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,738 posts
    Clerics of Underfoot +10
    Kazon Stormhammer +10
    Miners Guild 249 +7
    Faction Numbers
    # May 29 2016 at 6:43 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Baron von Oxgoad wrote:
    Clerics of Underfoot +10
    Kazon Stormhammer +10
    Miners Guild 249 +7

    Barakis wrote:
    This quest no longer gives exp. Confirmed. Turned in 150 bone chips on a lvl 1 toon, 0 xp gain.

    Great for faction. You get patchwork and rusty weapons as a reward.

    Edited, Mar 2nd 2016 6:57pm by Barakis

    Ridolain wrote:
    I was given Small Patchwork Sleeves, and Small Patchwork Tunic as a reward.

    So please add that to the list.

    Edited, Dec 9th 2015 11:57pm by Ridolain

    Updated, thanks.
    # Mar 02 2016 at 5:56 PM Rating: Excellent
    28 posts
    This quest no longer gives exp. Confirmed. Turned in 150 bone chips on a lvl 1 toon, 0 xp gain.

    Great for faction. You get patchwork and rusty weapons as a reward.

    Edited, Mar 2nd 2016 6:57pm by Barakis
    # Jan 11 2018 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
    1,059 posts
    You are wrong. It does give XP, just not like it used to. I went in a half a bubble away from level 3 because my bags were full and turned in a bunch of chips and dinged the level so it DOES still give XP. The quest isn't useless, though, because if you have no armor yet it gives you patchwork/tattered and it gives you rustys that you can use for ore conversions to keep the price of your smithing skillups lower than if you were buying ore.
    If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
    # Jul 28 2018 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
    23 posts
    Just tried a bunch of different turn ins.

    Here what i saw on my low level toon :

    Now, no matter how many bone chips you give at once, experience given is maxed (per hand-in), but you get experience.
    If you want full experience for your bone chips, you have to handle them 4 by 4, unstackeds, you'll get an item and exp every time, i just got 2 level on my 6 druid on TLP by handing approx 300 bone chips 4 by 4. (the exp reward have been seriously diminished though)

    Edited, Jul 28th 2018 11:41am by davisamu

    Edited, Jul 28th 2018 11:59pm by davisamu
    # Dec 09 2015 at 7:33 PM Rating: Excellent
    280 posts
    I was given Small Patchwork Sleeves, and Small Patchwork Tunic as a reward.

    So please add that to the list.

    Edited, Dec 9th 2015 11:57pm by Ridolain
    Nerfed as of 9/21/2015
    # Sep 21 2015 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
    On 9/21/2015, I created a new character and went to Kaladim to level using this quest. Normally, the quest would carry you all the way to level 42 and it would only take a few hours to accomplish. However, I found that somewhere between when I used this method last and today, they nerfed the quest into the ground. At level 9, one full stack of 100 bonechips only awarded 3% of xp making this method of leveling useless & pointless (there are far better/easier ways to level than using this quest at this level).

    Edited, Sep 21st 2015 2:06pm by Kensaii
    Faction, exp and minor items
    # Aug 26 2015 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
    9 posts
    26-aug-2015, Lockjaw server: You can hand in full stacks and get the rewards. 3 stacks got my bard from 10 to 11 and massively overweight with rusty weaps and tattered armor.
    Interesting 'shrooms, you said? Show me.
    Faction, exp and minor items
    # Sep 15 2015 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
    211 posts
    Today, one stack of 100 was 25% of level 3.
    Ragefire updated
    # May 28 2015 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
    157 posts
    Gunlok is in the far back of Kaladim in the Pally guild. You can hand in 4 bone chips at a time stacked or unstacked, or you can hand in up to 4 stacks of 4 bone chips at a time. No more than 4 in a stack.

    At level 7 I received about 3% XP per hand in. At level 6 it was about 4% XP per hand in (so 1% per chip). At level 3 it was much higher like around 15% XP per hand in. By level 8 it is not worth wasting 200 chips per level on this quest. Pass them on to an alt or sell them, they are selling very well right now.

    Based on experience, the xp granted from this quest in Kaladim is much higher than the other bone chip quests currently in game.
    Ragefire updated
    # Jun 26 2015 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
    508 posts
    Just hand him four full stacks of Bone Chips. Very good experience, and a big long wall of faction :p
    Faction adjustment
    # Jul 17 2014 at 6:47 AM Rating: Default
    215 posts
    With the new faction messaging, we now have confirmation. Per turn-in, you get:

    +10 to Clerics of Underfoot
    +10 to Kazon Stormhammer
    +7 to Miner's Guild 249
    faction points
    # Jul 12 2012 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
    1,080 posts
    kindly is 500 point span. doing this task 25 times ( 100 bone chips) got me all 500 points. which means each task is worth 20 points towards this faction. It also increased the other two factions the same amount
    Edit : picked another toon (gnome SK bertoxx worshipper). and 160 bone chips ( 40 tasks) got me from beginning of amiable into kindly. at 20 pts per task thats 800 points just as expected for amiable span.
    Edit: as expected 100 more got me through kindly into warmly and 140 got me into ally. took a total of 225 tasks (900 chips) to max kazon stormhammer. 228 tasks to max clerics of underfoot. 310 to max Miners guild 249. it was 424 bone chips ( 106 tasks or 2120 points) past making ally to max out.

    Edited, Sep 23rd 2012 12:01pm by Shuraz

    Edited, Sep 23rd 2012 12:16pm by Shuraz
    quest rewards
    # Mar 15 2006 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
    141 posts
    I have received these items as rewards:
    Rusty Axe
    Rusty Broad Sword
    Rusty Mace
    Rusty Short Sword
    Rusty Two Handed Sword
    Small Lantern
    Small Patchwork Sleeves
    Small Patchwork Pants
    Small Patchwork Tunic
    Small Tattered Gloves
    Small Tattered Skullcap

    Edited, Sun Apr 9 12:36:56 2006
    Roommate's original account hijacked by Beahr
    Area52 - Beahr
    RE: quest rewards
    # Mar 15 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
    6,998 posts
    Updated, thanks.
    XP Nerfed
    # Mar 17 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
    The XP for this quest got nerfed a while back. It's still great for the faction, but if you're trying to PL a low level character it's not as worth it as it used to be. Of course, I'm sure most people are playing WoW or EQ2 and don't really care anymore.
    RE: XP Nerfed
    # Oct 08 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
    At this time, with EQ being an "old game", why not un-nerf these quests and the similar ones in Rivervale, etc.

    It could hardly be considered unbalancing for farming quests such as this to let you get to 20 or 25 faster. There is a type of effort involved.

    Consider the level range in the game and how hard it was to get to level 20 when these quests were put in. They have been nerfed well below their original intent. What I mean by that is these kinds of quests gave excellent xp well into the teens when being in the 40s was uber. Scale it to today and they give good xp into level 6 with near 70 being acceptable. Seems backwards to me...
    # Feb 20 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
    Apparently all the quests in Kaladim have been nerfed so they don't give much XP at all. In fact,the XP seems to be about the same as the Rat Whiskers quest!!! Thanx SOE for messing up another good thing in the game! Retards.
    Faction- and dark elves.
    # Oct 30 2004 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
    PS Giving Juse bone Chips will raise your faction. so if youare NOT getting much mony now, wait-- just kep giing him bone chips.
    Even Dark Elves can be Welcome in Kaladim -- IF you give Jure bone chips. BUP:T only in NORTH kalidim.
    in SOUTH kaladim wher e the Entranceis, be ver very careful.
    This hold true for anyone with low faction with dwarves for any reason-- like got caught stealing? Naughty rouge. now go kill a few skeletons, abuot 50 or more. and if youar high enough about 20 crushbone belts. that shoudl win back thegood gracesof the Dwarves.Soatleast if youcanlilve long enough to turn them in you will on longer be KOS -- LOL.
    Bone chips & Bronze-Starter Dungeon Tips
    # Oct 30 2004 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
  • Rat cips from the starter Dungeon will work. I tried this with a new Dwarf Paladin Character, and it works just fine. Ther eboe chips should NOT be turned in during the starter dungeon, but should be saved in stacks in the bank. And by all means SAVE all the bronze bricks from the starter dungeon. the initiate armor quests requires many bronze brick -- read up on the particulars for Warrior, Paladin, and Bard all fo whom have class specific armor that requires bronze bricks. I think also Barbarians.
  • [b][/b]
    Awesome XP
    # Sep 30 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
    Took my main through Kurns Tower one day when I was bored. Got 4 stacks of chips which I gave to my lvl 6 enchanter (Just started level). After the 20 turn ins (4 per turn in) I was halfway through lvl 7. This quest also give you some items (not really worth much), but the XP is enough alone to do it. If you get CB belts at same time I would say you could easily do 1 to 15 in a day.

    # Sep 14 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
    donot stack them because it will only work if they are put in single 4 at a time
    Still gives good exp
    # Aug 16 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
    55 posts
    Ok, my hubby made a new cleric and decided to hunt in Kurn's Tower. From 15 to 18 he solo'ed there and came away with almost 200 bone chips.

    He did 46 turn ins. He made 22% of level exp in level 18. And made about 6 plat.

    This is pretty decent for exp still.
    major exp
    # Mar 10 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
    This is a excellent quest for gathering major exp at lower levels. Just keep killing decaying skeletons and bring in the bone chips.
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