Crafting a Party - Brell's Favor  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Quests:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Mar 18 23:20:16 2009
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is an anniversary quest available only during anniversary season (a few weeks during March and April). It was introduced in 2009 as part of EverQuest's 10th anniversary.

This is one of 16 deity quests. For an overview of how rewards work and how these quests are linked with one another, see this writeup.

Below here are the details for this particular quest.

This task begins with Roderik, High Priest of Brell, in the northeast loop of the Butcherblock Mountains. (/loc 2834.22, -2625.65, 6.05)

You say, 'Hail, Roderik, High Priest of Brell'

Roderik, High Priest of Brell says 'Greetings _____. Have you come to seek the [wisdom] of Brell?'

You say, 'I seek your wisdom'

Roderik, High Priest of Brell says 'Brell Serilis is the great creator. He is responsible for keeping the world working, and creating the greatest races on Norrath. Would you like to help us [celebrate] Brell?'

You say, 'I'll help celebrate'

Roderik, High Priest of Brell says 'Since Brell Serilis is the great creator, I would ask you to do some creating of your own. I will lead you through the steps necessary to create your own [party].'

You say, 'My own party?'

Roderik, High Priest of Brell says 'Very Good. Follow the instructions I have placed in your journal. I have made sure that it is all very simple, but even the simplest thing is not always done correctly the first time. If you fail, just try again.'

You have been assigned the task 'Crafting a Party - Brell's Favor'.

Make several different tradeskill recipes and go see some fireworks!

You receive a book called "Brell's Party Plans" which details the recipes in this task.

Create a silver fork by using the tools already in jewelry kit on a silver bar, to shape it like a fork.

Create a silk napkin by sewing four spiderling silks together with silk thread in a sewing kit or a loom. If you do not already know how to make silk thread, simply twist two spiderling silks together in a sewing kit of loom.

Create a simple dining plate in two simple steps. Use the lower part of a pie tin sketch and shape a small block of clay into a plate on a pottery wheel. Once you have created this, fire it in a kiln with a firing sheet.

You will need a good drink. For this drink brew barley, malt and yeast with water and a large nut that the chast sisters love. Don't forget the bottle that you will place the brew in.

For your meal, chop fresh fish, 1 lb. saltwater crab and crescent perch into cream. Bake this in an oven or spit.

You will want a chair to sit in while you watch the fireworks. Ingenuity is also a pillar of Brell Serilis. Create a camp chair by using a buckler mold and three arrow shaft molds to make a simple tripod chair. You will need a large brick of ore and a block of ore for the metal.

Next you will need a basket to carry the party in. Soak a hickory bow staff in water infused with rock salt and tannan ginko in a fletching kit. While it is soaking using a planning tool to pull wood strips off of the bow staff. You will be able to make four from each staff.

For the duration of this celebration, Severg O'Danos will give you a free ginko if you speak to him. It will not be the same quality as his normal stock, but it will work just fine for this.

Place the silver fork, napkin, plain dining plate, kiola nut brew and celebratory seafood medley in your woven basket to make your party basket.

All ingredients are merchant sold in PoK, unless otherwise noted.

1) Make a Silver Fork (Jewelry Making)

Combine a Silver Bar in a Jewelry Kit, trivial 17.

2) Make a Silk Napkin (Tailoring, use a loom or sewing kit)

Combine 2x Spiderling Silk to make a Silk Thread, trivial 15.
Combine Silk Thread and 4x Spiderling Silk to make a Silk Napkin, trivial 17.

3) Make a Plain Dining Plate (Pottery)

*Combine a Pie Tin Sketch and a Small Block of Clay in a Pottery Wheel to make an Unfired Plain Dining Plate, Trivial 17.
*Then combine the Unfired Plain Dining Plate with a Firing Sheet in a Kiln, trivial 17.

4) Make a Kiola Nut Brew (Brewing, use a Brew Barrel)

*Combine a Water Flask, Malt, Barley, Yeast, Bottle and a Kiola Nut (sold only in Ocean of Tears), trivial 17.

5) Make a Celebratory Seafood Medley (Baking & Fishing)

*You are going to need a fishing pole and bait! Get some.
*Fish up a Crescent Perch and a Fresh Fish in Crescent Reach.
*Fish up Saltwater Crab of any weight in Abysmal Sea or Natimbi.
*Combine whatever weight Saltwater Crab you fished up, in a Mixing Bowl, to make it into 1 Lb. Saltwater Crab, trivial 16.
*Combine a Bottle of Milk, Benzoin and a Dairy Spoon in a Mixing Bowl to make some Cream, trivial 83.
*Combine 1 Lb. Saltwater Crab, Cream, Fresh Fish and the Crescent Perch in an Oven to make Celebratory Seafood Medley, trivial 17.

6) Make a Metal Camp Chair (Smithing, use a Forge)

*Combine 3x Large Brick of Ore and a Water Flask to make a Block of Ore, Trivial 27.
*Combine a Buckler Mold, 3x Arrow Shaft Mold, Large Brick of Ore and a Block of Ore to make a Metal Camp Chair, Trivial 17.

7) Make a Woven Basket (Fletching, use a Fletching Kit)

NOTE: You will need a container slot here.

*Go to Severg O'Danos in PoK and hail him to get 4 x Consigned Tanaan Ginko.
*Combine a Hickory Bow Staff, Rock Salt, Water Flask, Planing Tool and a Consigned Tanaan Ginko in a Fletching kit to make 4 x Wood Strips, Trivial 17.
*Before the last combine have a bag slot open!
*Combine a Rock Salt, Water Flask and the four Wood Strips to make a Woven basket, Trivial 17.

8) Make a Party Basket

*Inside the Woven Basket, combine all but the Metal Camp Chair, a no fail combine.

9) With the Party Basket and Metal Camp Chair in hand, observe any fireworks show put on by Bristlebane's Party Machine.

This completes the task.

You have crafted a personal party and enjoyed a fireworks show.
You sit on your chair, eat your picnic and enjoy the show.


(1) Silver Bar (Noirin Khalen in PoK eastern trader building)
(1) Jeweler's Kit (Noirin Khalen in PoK eastern trader building)
(1) Pie Tin Sketch (Gligo Muddypants in PoK northern trader building)
(1) Small Block of Clay (Elisha Dirtyshoes in PoK northern trader building)
(1) Firing Sheet (Elisha Dirtyshoes in PoK northern trader building)
(6) Spiderling Silks (dropped by any spiderling--try Commonlands or Feerrott druid ring area)
(1) Large Sewing Kit (Higwyn Matrick in PoK western trader building -- or just use a loom!)
(1) Kiola Nut (Cleonae Kalen in OOT on Sister of Erollisi isle, wanders around /loc +1984, -7925, -194, can't buy if KOS or if she's asleep, but it is tradeable)
(1) Barley (Bargol Halith in PoK eastern trader building)
(1) Malt (Bargol Halith in PoK eastern trader building)
(1) Yeast (Bargol Halith in PoK eastern trader building)
(1) Bottle (Bargol Halith in PoK eastern trader building)
(1) Water Flask (Perago Crotal in PoK eastern trader building--Pod of Water does NOT work)
(1) Fresh Fish (Ramos Jerwan in PoK western trader building or fished just about anywhere)
(1) 1 lb. Saltwater Crab (fished in Abysmal Sea or Natimbi; combine any of the other versions of the crab meat in a mixing bowl to get the 1 lb. version)
(1) Crescent Perch (fished in Crescent Reach)
(1) Cream -- you might be able to vendor trash for this, if not:
....(1) Dairy Spoon (craft or aquire one if you do not have this)
....(2) Bottle of Milk (Culkin Ironstove in PoK eastern trader building)
....(1) Benzoin (Severg O`Danos in PoK western trader building)
(1) Spit (Culkin Ironstove in PoK eastern trader building -- or just use an oven!)
(1) Buckler Mold (Magnar Quok in PoK eastern trader building)
(3) Arrow Shaft Mold (Jaren Cloudchaser in PoK western trader building)
(1) Large Brick of Ore (Tallis Paerk in PoK western trader building)
(1) Block of Ore (crafted by combining (3) Large Brick of Ore and (1) Water Flask in a forge)
BASKET (creates a container!)
(2) Rock Salt (Eric Rasumus in PoK -- research vendor near small bank)
(5) Water Flask (Amile Pitt in PoK -- general supplies vendor near small bank)
(1) Planing Tool (Ellis Cloudchaser in PoK western trader building)
(1) Hickory Bowstaff (Ellis Cloudchaser in PoK western trader building)
(1) Consigned Tanaan Ginko (hail Severg O`Danos in western trader building alchemy area)
(1) Planar Fletching Kit (Ellis Cloudchaser in PoK western trader building)

Celebratory Firework Caster (if this is your first deity task)
Fireworks Focus of Brell Serilis
Platinum (scales by level)
The choice between seven different distillates (scales to level)
Submitted by: saroiny (with additional info from GOMN)
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Consigned Tanaan Ginko
# Apr 18 2012 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
I hailed Severg O'Danos 4 times, but he is not giving me the Consigned Tanaan Ginko. Is this broken now, or am I missing something?
--- figured it out... he seems to be working fine. I had not talked to Roderik to actually start the quest yet, and did not have the quest in my quest log yet

Edited, Apr 18th 2012 11:42pm by Raldaian
Consigned Tanaan Ginko
# Mar 16 2014 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
Gotta have the quest on each toon to receive the ginko.
firework show
# Apr 01 2012 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
ran all over BB and Nek forest... not seeing any firework show anywhere to complete this quest
don't need four consigned ginko
# Mar 24 2012 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
You only need one consigned ginko and one hickory staff to get 4 wooden strips. i followed your directions and got all four only to find myself with 16 wooden strips-- guess 12 will go in the bank for next year
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
The Basket
# Apr 14 2009 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
seems that now it makes a stack of wood chips in one combine and the planar tool is no longer consumed.
The Basket
# Apr 07 2010 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I can confirm this. Each combine provides the necessary 4 wood strips.
"I seem to have died, is that ok?"
The Basket
# Mar 24 2012 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Agree - shopping list under BASKET should be changed to: 1 Planing Pool, 2 Rock Salt, 2 Water Flask, 1 Consigned Tanaan Ginko, 1 Hickory Bowstaff.
Time waste?
# Apr 07 2009 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
Perhaps I am missing something so please tell me if I have but this is quest is a waste of time yeah? i mean clicky firework thingy is that it? Whats the point of spending all that time making stuff for that and a couple of potions? is there more to this than meets the eye?

Thanks in advance!
Time waste?
# Apr 07 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Everyone views it differently. What is a time waste to you is not to someone else.

Once you have all the non-vendor ingredients, the quest takes maybe 10-15 minutes. I think it should've been worth a tad more plat/exp, but that's my personal opinion.

The main reason people will do this is because after you finish all 16 of the deity tasks, you get a shiny roboboar and a title. I really don't forsee many people leaping at repeating it because of the low plat/exp reward.

If you still see it as a time waste, then the answer is simple: yes and don't do it.
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Time waste?
# Apr 09 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for your response, I was unaware of the shiny boar and title awarded hence me asking the question as to whether it's a waste of time. I wasn't grumbing about it or wanting to start on about what constitutes a waste of time or not but merely asking for clarification which you have now generously afforded me. Now i'll go check out this roboboar and see if it warrants my time or not. Thanks again :P
Wood Strips recipe change
# Apr 07 2009 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
From today's patch notes (still can't login to confirm):

*** Tradeskills ***

- Wood strips recipe will now return the planing tool on success and failure. Additionally wood strips will now stack to 20, allowing the recipe to give you 4.
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

# Apr 05 2009 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
The Wood Strips and the Basket can be made in a Collapsable Fletching Kit also

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 2:20pm by Kylerion
# Apr 05 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Silk threads is 3 silks.
the cord plus 4 silks do not equal a napkin.
# Apr 10 2009 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Silk thread.... is two spiderling silks...
Silk Cord ..... is three spiderling silks.....
Silk thread and four spiderling silks should make the napkin....
severg not severy
# Apr 04 2009 at 3:04 AM Rating: Default
42 posts
NPC for consigned tanaan ginko is named severg o'danos
severy and you can use find to locate him he is an alchemy supplies vendor
# Mar 27 2009 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Some people might like quests that involve TS but I hate them.I saved this one for last.
# Mar 25 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
This combine EATS THE PLANING TOOL! ugh. what a pain in the butt
# Mar 25 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
2 bottles of milk for the cream
# Mar 31 2013 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you !
# Apr 04 2009 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
output is 8 cream per combine.
# Mar 24 2009 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
156 posts
note: the crab does not have to be fished in the abysmal sea. i got mine in natimbi.

Dont forget!
# Mar 23 2009 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
24 posts
You need to do this quest in its entirety before you complete the accompanying quest of Bristlebane's because the last step is view a firework show of his!
[95 Coercer (Enchanter)] Master Carpenter Darkzephyr Vierus The Decorator of Legend (Ratonga) < Homes and Tomes > Zone : Antonia Bayle

[95 Warden (Drud)] White Raven Nytedesyre Vierus the Oathbreaker (Ratonga) < Homes and Tomes > Zone : Antonia Bayle
Dont forget!
# Mar 24 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
No, you can finish the Bristlebane task first. You get the Brell completion for visiting one of the BB shows, regardless of whether or not you have the BB task (since you can see the fireworks either way).
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Crafting a Party
# Mar 23 2009 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Dialogues, book text, and a shopping list can be found here:

Crafting a Party
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

# Mar 20 2009 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
Crafting a Party - Brell Serillis's Favor

From Roderik, High Priest of Brell in Butcherblock, northeast corner of zone.

Have room for a recipe book (Brell's Party Plans).

All ingredients are merchant sold in PoK, unless otherwise noted.

1) Make a Silver Fork (Jewelry Making)

*Combine a Silver Bar in a Jewelry Kit, trivial 17.

2) Make a Silk Napkin (Tailoring, use a loom or sewing kit)

*Combine 2x Spiderling Silk to make a Silk Thread, trivial 15.
*Combine Silk Thread and 4x Spiderling Silk to make a Silk Napkin, trivial 17.

3) Make a Plain Dining Plate (Pottery)

*Combine a Pie Tin Sketch and a Small Block of Clay in a Pottery Wheel to make an Unfired Plain Dining Plate, Trivial 17.
*Then combine the Unfired Plain Dining Plate with a Firing Sheet in a Kiln,

trivial 17.

4) Make a Kiola Nut Brew (Brewing, use a Brew Barrel)

*Combine a Water Flask, Malt, Barley, Yeast, Bottle and a Kiola Nut <sold only in Ocean of Tears>, trivial 17.

5) Make a Celebratory Seafood Medley (Baking & Fishing)

*You are going to need a fishing pole and bait! Get some!
*Fish up a Crescent Perch and a Fresh Fish in Crescent Reach.
*Fish up Saltwater Crab of any weight in Abysmal Sea.
*COmbine whatever weight Saltwater Crab you fished up, in a Mixing Bowl, to make it into 1 Lb. Saltwater Crab, trivial 16.
*Combine a Bottle of Milk, Benzoin and a Dairy Spoon in a Mixing Bowl to make some Cream, trivial 83.
*Combine 1 Lb. Saltwater Crab, Cream, Fresh Fish and the Crescent Perch in an Oven to make Celebratory Seafood Medley, trivial 17.

6) Make a Metal Clamp Chair (Smithing, use a Forge)

*Combine 3x Large Brick of Ore and a Water Flask to make a Block of Ore,

Trivial 27.
*Combine a Buckler Mold, 3x Arrow Shaft Mold, Large Brick of Ore and a Block of Ore to make a Metal Clamp Chair, Trivial 17.

7) Make a Woven Basket (Fletching, use a Fletchig Kit)

*Go to Severy O'Danos in PoK and hail him four times to get four Consigned Tanaan Ginko.
*Combine a Hickory Bow Staff, Rock Salt, Water Flask, Planing Tool <tool is consumed> and a Consigned Tanaan Ginko in a Fletching kit to make Wood Strips, Trivial 17.
*Make three more Wood Strips.
*Before the last combine have a bag slot open!
*Combine a Rock Salt, Water Flask and the four Wood Strips to make a Woven basket, Trivial 17 (this is a container).

8) Make a Party Basket

*Inside the Woven Basket, combine all but the Metal Clamp Chair, a no fail combine.

9) With the Party Basket and Metal Clamp Chair in hand, observe any fireworks show put on by Bristlebanes Party Machine.

(Task ends)

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 11:55pm by GOMN

Quest update
# Mar 22 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
Spiderling silk has to be farmed, bought in Bazaar or otherwise obtained from another player.

Quest update
# Mar 22 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
Oh... and the Party Basket and Metal Clamp Chair are "used" up (poof) with the last step.

Fireworks Show
# Mar 20 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
We found the fireworks show in Nek Forest near the Wizard Spire.
# Mar 19 2009 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
#5. Fish Natimbi for the salt water crab. No matter now many LBS., combine it in a mixing bowl & it'll separate into 1 LB. servings. Ex.~ 8lbs turns into (8) 1 LB. salt water crabs.

#6. Buy 4 lg. bricks of ore. Combine 3 & a water flask to create a block of ore. Combine the 4th lg. brick for ore, your newly made block of ore, the 3 arrow shaft molds & the buckler mold to get your Metal Camp Chair. **all combines are done in a kiln.

#7. Buy (4) hickory bow staffs, (5) water flasks, (5) rock salts. Hail Severg O'Danos in Pok 4 times to receive (4) Taanan Ginkos. Buy a fletching kit. Buy (4) planing tools. ***all can be purchased in PoK. Combine in your fletching kit (1) hickory bow staff, (1) water flask, (1) rock salt, one Ginko & (1) planing tool to create (1) wood strips. (repeat THIS combine 4 times so you have (4) wood strips.) **HAVE AN OPEN INVENTORY SLOT BEFORE THE NEXT COMBINE** In your fletching kit, combine the (4) wood strips, your last rock salt & your last water flask to create the woven party basket.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 12:52am by Drovelle

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 12:52am by Drovelle

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 1:18am by Drovelle

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 1:19am by Drovelle
# Mar 19 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
8: Create 1 partybasket using tradeskills: combine 1 to 5 in the Woven basket
9: observe any bristlebane fireworks shows
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