EQ Update #6, 2 New Progression Servers and more

Site Update

Here are the updates for this week.

PoP/LoY is now open on Coirnav. If you need some info on PoP, head on over to our PoP/LoY Wiki page.

Two new progression servers were announced for the 20th anniversary. Will they keep their current rulesets or will they change?

Some much needed work was done on some admin scripts to help our admins mark NPC's with info. Since we got that done, North Qeynos and West Freeport have had some work done on them to mark their NPC's with an original expansion tag. More zones will get the same treatment in the future.

I am currently working on a way for us to enter items in manually, hopefully should have that out for testing within the month.


Click on Read More to see all the updates.


Updated Items: Assassin's Kerchief of Eventide ;  Mortal Celestial Deft Spark ;  Phoenix Shard ;  Bridle of the Corrupted Sokokar ;  Temporal Chrysalis

Updated Quests: Shackle of Rock ;  Ellen Kwiklen #2: Fishy Fingers ;  A Meal of Greens

Bestiary Updates: a roasted chest ;  an arcane golem ;  a glowing chest ;  an elemental deep earth ;  Iron Heart ;  a jewel encrusted chest


Updated Items: Spell: Sense Summoned ;  Spell: Elementalkin: Water ;  Spell: Dimensional Pocket ;  Spell: Elementaling: Water ;  Spell: Gather Shadows ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Wrist Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Feet Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Chest Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Hands Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Arms Ornament ;  Suit of Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Legs Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Helm Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament ;  Suit of Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Arms Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Legs Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Helm Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Wrist Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Feet Ornament ;  Meanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Chest Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Legs Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Helm Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Wrist Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Feet Ornament ;  Suit of Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Chest Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Hands Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Arms Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Feet Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Chest Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Hands Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Arms Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Legs Ornament ;  Suit of Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Wrist Ornament ;  Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Helm Ornament ;  Fine Feathers ;  Fresh Meat ;  Box of Chocolate ;  Flask of Liquor

Updated Quests: Plans Gone Awry ;  Achievement: Erollisi Day ;  The Fisherman's Secret ;  The Last Grove ;  Achievement: Hero's Forge - Wanderer's Plate ;  Achievement: Hero's Forge - Meanderer's Scalemail ;  Achievement: Hero's Forge - Wanderer's Chain ;  Achievement: Hero's Forge - Meanderer's Chain ; The Ring of Scale Slayer (60 Points) ;  Natural Wonder (Esianti: Palace of the Winds) (10 Points) ;  Palace Aides (Esianti: Palace of the Winds) (10 Points) ;  Elementary Accomodation (Esianti: Palace of the Winds) (10 Points) ;  Prince Ralaifin

New Recipes: Spell: Gather Shadows ;  Spell: Elementaling: Water ;  Spell: Dimensional Pocket ;  Spell: Elementalkin: Water

Updated Recipes: Spell: Elementaling: Earth

Bestiary Updates: a griffawn ;  a griffon ;  a grizzly bear ;  a highland lion ;  Bindlegrob ;  the Broken Skull Navigator ;  a silvermist wolf ;  Korinth the crusher ;  a chest (To the Brave, Go the Spoils) ;  a chest (The Head of the Snake) ;  a chest (The Bokon High Council) ;  Tithnak Shadowhunter ;  Cook Jexnait ; Overseer Vakov ;  Black Spot ;  a reward chest (Lceanium: Before the Siege) ;  Rigelon the Watcher ;  a chest (Anashti Sul, Lady of Life) ;  a chest (The Head of the Snake) ;  The Stone Dove ;  Spirit of Incineration ;  Searstinger ;  Zakija ;  Deathfang ;  Overseer Dal`guur ;  Watch Captain Hir`roul ;  Shai'din Warmaster Roh`ki


Updated Items: Spell: Sphere of Light ;  Spell: Gate ;  Spell: Icestrike ;  Spell: Root ;  Spell: Shadow Step ;  Spell: Fingers of Fire ;  Spell: Halo of Light ;  Spell: Summon Food ;  Spell: True North ;  Spell: Sense Summoned ;  Gaudy Rainbow Cutlass ;  Robe of Conjuration ;  Jungle Pineapple ;  Soother's Extravagant Necklace ;  Soother's Extravagant Belt ;  Soother's Extravagant Earring ;  Soother's Extravagant Pauldrons ;  Amorphous Cohort's Sleeves

Updated Quests: Shackle of Copper ;  Kwinn's Quest ;  Save the Queen #1: Ekaterina's Lament ;  Ciodaru and Kathryn #2: Ciodaru's First Gift ;  A Meal of Greens ;  Pentalateral Negotiations ;  Lost In Place (Empyr: Realms of Ash) (10 Points) ;  The Life of Fire (Empyr: Realms of Ash) (10 Points) ;  No Stone Unturned (Aalishai: Palace of Embers) (10 Points) ;  Earthen Dirge ;  Slippery Slope ;  Mold Seeker

New Recipes: Spell: Sense Summoned ;  Spell: True North ;  Spell: Summon Food ;  Spell: Halo of Light ;  Spell: Fingers of Fire ;  Spell: Shadow Step ;  Spell: Root ;  Spell: Icestrike ;  Spell: Gate ;  Spell: Sphere of Light

Updated Recipes: Philter of Aquatic Haunt

Bestiary Updates: a stonesnake ;  Rahotep ;  Guard Brendyl ;  Guard Stoutman ;  Tunare ;  Kwinn the Outlander ;  a malarian metamo ;  a Delve champion ;  a cistern asp ;  Bi`faak the Shadowwalker ;  Dirge in the Catacomb ;  Obsidian Sundering Master [Quests] ;  a glowing chest ;  a throne guardian



Updated Items: Mortal Celestial Incisive Spark ;  Ruby Shard ;  Scintillating Ribbon of Weakness ;  Lesser Spellbound Lamp ;  Sorcerer's Vigilant Belt ;  Scintillating Ribbon of Power ;  Diminished Inhabited Muhbis ;  Fractured Clip ;  Mortal Celestial Vigorous Spark ;  Scintillating Ribbon of Fire ;  Mortal Celestial Equilibrium Spark ;  Duende's Swift Club ;  Greater Spellbound Lamp ;  Bloodstaff ;  Spell: Share Wolf Form

Bestiary Updates: All-Seeing Eye ;  Captain Verra Sendis [NTC Security Captain] ;  Morgyn Connors ;  Bernard Whickers ;  a Northwind Trade Company guard [NTC Security Officer] ;  Captain Verra Sendis [NTC Security Captain] ;  Praecantor Jumais ;  Tsunami Sol Blood ;  White Iron Rainbow ;  Ruby Icefall Blossom ;  Ghost Glass Bitter ;  Unconquering Sand Dirge ;  Final Blade Lord ;  Venom of the Fallen Star ;  Shield Spirit's Laugh ;  a surging tide


Updated Items: Tiny Flower

New Recipes: Purified Plasma Shot

Bestiary Updates: a snake ;  Jyle Windshot ;  Jenna Smith [Weapons] ;  Jillian Dayson [Smithing Supplies] ;  Lynda Tapper [General Supplies] ;  Opal Darkbriar [Wizard Guildmaster] ;  a minnow ;  Dunore Moorwing ;  Falia Frikniller ;  Markin Ironwhite [Weapons] ;  Jusia Vapious [Weapons] ;  Mevah Toklius [Weapons] ;  Hulos Ghenar ;  Arem Ulosia ;  Merko Quetalis [Paladin Guildmaster] ;  Lanis Herion [Paladin Guildmaster] ;  Celsar Vestagon ;  Palious Jarten [Cleric Guildmaster] ;  Ghonic Erharn ;  Jemoz Lerkarson ;  Aimie Moonspin ;  Alec Greenglade ;  Amata D`Lavi [Cleric Spells] ;  Amber [Jewelcrafting Supplies];  Ardiflah Steadirt ;  Bran Greenglade ;  Direlee Furme ;  Donala Baris ;  Egasia Reenix [Cleric Spells] ;  Galio ;  Geep Tresoj [Cleric Spells] ;  Gern Tassel ;  Gibbon Morfield ;  Innkeep Evelona ;  Innkeep Palola ;  Jade ;  Jallen Nooz ;  Judicla Riverfield [Brewing Supplies] ;  Kyrin Steelbone [Smithing Supplies] ; Locarme Zennix [Cleric Spells] ;  Lystyn Wyspin [Armor] ;  Nosspri Andrika [Cleric Spells] ;  Orex Nolus [Paladin Spells] ;  Peran Silverfield [Banker] ;  Perep Chen [Cleric Spells] ;  Plur Etinu [Cleric Guildmaster] ;  Kalatrina Plossen [Paladin Guildmaster] ;  Eestyana Naestra ;  Gygus Remnara ;  a wolf ;  Hyrill Pon ; Lady Shae ;  Janam Rekish ;  Fania Esruc ;  Mekoma Buma [Magician Supplies] ;  Dulia Jestes ;  Pandos Flintside ;  Nusk Treton [Wizard Guildmaster] ;  Palon Deskeb [Wizard Guildmaster] ;  Besklor Tyrenson ;  Lynce Renardo ;  Dooly Jonkers ;  Glyssa Sonshaw ;  Hemia Skemner ;  Chardo Ahdelia ;  Charia Betou ;  Cronte Deloru [Magician Spells] ;  Jarel Ranin ;  Jonbe Kressi [Magician Spells] ;  Krystin Charcoal [Brewing Supplies] ;  Lasiris Oncre [Enchanter Spells] ;  Lysa Truegreen [Spell Components] ;  Lysin Smokkan [Jewelcrafting Supplies] ;  Mirpa Arana [Wizard Spells] ;  Monat D`Larme [Enchanter Spells] ; Odemi Partun [Magician Spells] ;  Olyna Mudel [Alchemy Supplies] ;  Pincia Brownloe [Baking Supplies] ;  Lorme Tredore [Magician Guildmaster] ;  Puab Closk [Monk Guildmaster] ;  Ping Fuzzlecutter [General Supplies] ;  Boomba the Big ;  a gray wolf ;  a myotis bat ;  Onytir Seavin ;  Raenna Griff ;  a burnt zombie;  Oresan Kai [Alchemy Supplies] ;  Knight Patrol Captain ;  Knight Patrol Member ;  Militia Patrol Captain ;  Militia Patrol Member ;  Guard Cabir ;  Guard Farsil ;  Guard Gosarn ;  Guard Hallin ;  Guard Kiston ;  Guard Lovine ;  Guard Milton ;  Guard Parthe ;  Guard Petyr ;  Guard Raflin ;  Guard Reilig ;  Guard Vinam;  Chaenthe Osere ;  Chasmos Throusk ;  Commander Glathriel ;  Erista Tidius ;  Etomuno Imihao [Merchant] ;  Eyunrian Claibus ;  Filrian Lylius ;  Huttlin Hillbot ;  Ilolista Enitia ;  Indanrian Lyshius [Merchant] ;  Indrian Rakeaus [Merchant] ;  Malarn Sinius [Chain Armor] ;  Malrion Rilius [Research Supplies] ;  Muro Kouai [Scrying Stones and Sol] ;  Qilanyon Saenius [Cloth Armor] ;  Qilcil Doezius [Plate Armor] ;  Quanarn Deneyus [Cloth Armor] ;  Quanarn Dereus [Brewing Supplies] ;  Quarenarn Elditia [Transportation Spells] ;  Queliel Phanus [Leather Armor] ;  Merril Silverstein [Banker] ;  Bievi Silverstein ;  Brother Velan Torresk ;  Priest Patrol Member ;  a Town Crier ;  Priest of Discord ;  a large rat ;  an orc centurion ;  a piranha ;  Louis Stull ;  Eldrith Tenk ;  Loom #1 (West Freeport) ;  Brewing Barrel #1 (West Freeport) ;  Forge #1 (West Freeport) ;  Half Elf Forge #1 (West Freeport) ;  Brewing Barrel #2 (West Freeport) ;  Brewing Barrel #3 (West Freeport) ;  Oven #1 (West Freeport) ;  Forge #2 (West Freeport) ;  Radiant Amber Lotus ;  Silent Sun ;  a spell research merchant (male #1) [Research Supplies] ;  a spell research merchant (female #1) [Research Supplies] ;  a spell research merchant (male #2) [Research Supplies] ;  a spell research merchant (female #2) [Research Supplies]


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