Daily Task: Heroic Adventures  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Money
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:The Darkened Sea
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Nov 18 20:08:00 2014
Modified: Sun Apr 14 19:05:57 2024
"Daily Tasks" for heroic adventures were introduced in a November 2014 patch:

NOTE: This same patch also adjusted the experience gained in each individual heroic adventure. Less difficult tasks will reward less experience while more difficult tasks will reward more experience than previously. Also, the bulk of experience is now gained upon completion of the tasks (as opposed to the mob kills in the task).

You can get these daily tasks from Clayton Teek in Plane of Knowledge. You can find him in the west southwestern part of the zone at /loc -358, +1244, -125. You can find him on CTRL F.

Say "adventures" to him to be assigned two time-limited tasks, each with a 42-hour timer to complete with one goal: Complete its associated heroic adventure. The combination of tasks available will change each day (two random tasks picked from COTF's 34 heroic adventures, The Darkened Sea, The Broken Mirror, and Empires of Kunark).

You are assigned two tasks, each named "Daily Task: _____" (where the 'blank' is the name of a heroic adventure in the Call of the Forsaken expansion, The Darkened Sea, The Broken Mirror, and Empires of Kunark).

Complete the task "_____" 0/1 (ALL)

This is the only step, where the 'blank' is the name of the heroic adventure assigned. Complete it within 42 hours to get credit for this 'Daily Task'.

Experience & Platinum Rewards

NOTE: The platinum and experience rewards listed here are from the "Daily Tasks" from Guard Hamarn, meaning they are in addition to the rewards from the heroic adventures, themselves.

Zones: (Click on links to jump to the entries below.)
  • Argin-Hiz
  • Arx Mentis
  • Bixie Warfront
  • Combine Dredge
  • Dead Hills
  • Ethernere Tainted West Karana
  • Gates of Kor-Sha
  • Plane of Health
  • Kor-Sha Laboratory
  • Neriak Fourth Gate
  • Scorched Woods
  • Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay
  • Tower of Rot

  • Argin-Hiz

    Restless Spirit (click for map image)
    - A Posthumous Proposition: 716 platinum, 1 gold; awards (how much?) experience

  • Arx Mentis - (Back to Top)

    a noctis viratum (Click here for map image.)
    - Shake the Citadel: 191 Pieces of Eight, loot

  • Bixie Warfront - (Back to Top)

    Snazlieu the Shadow (click for map image)
    - Espionage Starts At Home: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Always Follow the Money: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Working Overtime: 472 platinum, 1 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper; awards 10-11% experience at Level 103/104

    Ambassador Crizlyna (click for map image)
    - Assault the Main Hive: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Jacyll's Jailbreak: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Naturalist Yrelia (click for map image)
    - The Great Hunt: (how much?) platinum; awards 13% experience at Level 102
    - They've Gone Too Far This Time: 721 platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - They're Everywhere!: 431 platinum, 5 gold, 5 silver; awards 10-11% experience at Level 103/104

    Battlebreaker Kraklest (click for map image)
    - Endless War: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - The Thunder Gun Escape: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - General Sagrinta's Final Stand: 352 platinum, 7 gold, 2 silver, 5 gold; awards 6-7% experience at Level 103/104

  • Combine Dredge - (Back to Top)

    Aqusos Ulto (Click here for map image.)
    - Kedge Counterblow: 387 Pieces of Eight, loot.

  • Dead Hills - (Back to Top)

    Captain Russell Cooper (click for map image)
    - Clearing a Path: 583 platinum, 7 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper; awards (how much?) experience
    - Excavating an Answer: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - The Descending Tower: 915 platinum, 7 silver, 5 copper; awards 20% experience at Level 103

    Gribble Grobblenobber (click for map image)
    - Into the Hills: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Scouting Ahead: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Disrupting the Ritual: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Skulk the Madaxe (click for map image)
    - The Hills Are Alive: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Artifacts of Great Importance: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Death Peace: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

  • Ethernere Tainted West Karana - (Back to Top)

    Brother Estle (click for map image)
    - Life After Death: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Remember the Dead: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - The Other Brother: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Marla Gaslow (click for map image)
    - A Helping Hand: 465 platinum; awards 9-10% experience at Level 102
    - Seeking Refuge: (how much?) platinum; awards 14% experience at Level 102
    - Protected Passage: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

  • Gates of Kor-sha - (Back to Top)

    Praetor Gilfol (Located at /loc 1181, -724, -217)
    - Mysteries of Kor-Sha: Random Experience, Money, Sathir Trade Gems

  • Kor-Sha Laboratory - (Back to Top)

    Praetor Gilfol
    - Infiltration of Kor-Sha: Random Experience, Money, Sathir Trade Gems

  • Neriak Fourth Gate - (Back to Top)

    Lark D`Tradis (click for map image)
    - The Toll Road: 576 platinum, 5 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper; awards (how much?) experience
    - The Sealed Gate: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Late Checkout: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Rozz T`Ver (click for map image)
    - The King's Court: 608 platinum, 4 gold; awards 12% experience at Level 105
    - Hate Hath No Fury: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    - Royal Access: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

  • Plane of Health - (Back to Top)

    Karth Punox - We Make Our Own Rewards
    Kerath Punox - In Defense of Health

  • Scorched Woods - (Back to Top)

    Arbitrator Kelliar (click for map image)
    - Other's Things: Random cash, Experience and random Sathir Trade Gems.

  • Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay - (Back to Top)

    Tarl Punox - Lxanvom Labors

  • Tower of Rot - (Back to Top)

    Brendaleen Thundershield (click for map image)
    - Brendaleen's Scheme: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
  • Rewards:
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    Naturalist Yrelia
    # Apr 09 2024 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
    134 posts
    Naturalist Yrelia

    15 - They've Gone Too Far This Time: (721) platinum; awards 290 points
    New Adventure - In Defense of Health
    # May 03 2022 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
    6 posts
    There is a new adventure that is offered in the Demiplane of Life, called In Defense of Health. Requires a pre-flag from PoTranq from a "Quellious." Will post an update when I find out more.
    Other Heroics
    # May 29 2021 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
    63 posts
    I think it will cover any heroic adventure, I've gotten the one from Thuliasaur Island: A Fateful Arrival
    and from Caverns of Endless Song : Seductive Subterfuge
    Additional HAs - new tasks and zones
    # May 06 2019 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
    10 posts
    Today, I was offered (at levels 95/96/98):

    Lxanvom Labors from Karth Punox in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay.
    We Make Our Own Rewards from Tarl Punox in Plane of Health.

    I was able to zone to both task givers via Clayton Teek's [send you to them] function. This was with a level 96 toon that has never been in those zones on an account that does not have the latest expansions.

    I did not attempt either adventure (yet), so I do not know if the scale to level as many/most of the other HAs do.
    other HA's added
    # Dec 21 2018 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
    30 posts
    many other HA's have been added to the daily rotation, including: Arx Mentis: Kedge Counterblow, Arx Mentis: Shake the Citadel Gates of Kor-Sha: Mysteries of Kor-Sha, Scorched Woods: Others' Things, and others

    if you haven't completed the progression requirements for those zones, you'll still receive the bonus task, but he won't send you to the zone
    other HA's added
    # Dec 28 2018 at 1:26 AM Rating: Excellent
    Hithiquen wrote:
    many other HA's have been added to the daily rotation, including: Arx Mentis: Kedge Counterblow, Arx Mentis: Shake the Citadel Gates of Kor-Sha: Mysteries of Kor-Sha, Scorched Woods: Others' Things, and others

    if you haven't completed the progression requirements for those zones, you'll still receive the bonus task, but he won't send you to the zone

    Thanks, added the HA's you listed and redid the quest entry a little bit.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    other HA's added
    # Dec 24 2018 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
    30 posts
    also, the dailies refresh at 12:01 PST, don't think there's a limit on how many you can have going at once; but if you haven't purchased the expansion you won't receive the bonus tasks for that expansion so you might get only 1 or 0 bonuses for a certain day
    Guard Hamarn has been relived of his duties
    # Apr 29 2018 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
    105 posts
    Can this be updated in the top of this page? It will save many lazy people time from running about looking for the non-existent guard.
    Yes, that is a real chicken wearing an Armani tuxedo.

    Guard Hamarn has been relived of his duties
    # May 06 2018 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
    NecroPost wrote:
    Can this be updated in the top of this page? It will save many lazy people time from running about looking for the non-existent guard.

    Updated, thanks!
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Guard Hamarn MIA
    # Sep 05 2017 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
    So I went to EWK to do some AAs today and Guard Hamarn is nowehere to be found, a different guard who does not give the tasks is at the north end of the water near the dragon.
    Graeme Faelban, 125 Barbarian Shaman, Erollisi Marr
    <Phoenix Ascending>
    Feb 2017 Patch
    # Feb 16 2017 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
    - The daily bonuses for completing Heroic Adventures offered by Guard Hamarn in Ethernere Tainted West Karana have been significantly improved:
    - - Guard Hamarn has been relieved of his duties. These bonus tasks are now offered by Clayton Teek in the Plane of Knowledge. You will be able to find him next to his brother Franklin Teek near the door to the Guild Lobby.
    - - Clayton Teek has the ability to directly teleport you to the quest giver of any Heroic Adventure for which you have the daily bonus task to complete.
    - - The amount of experience rewarded by the bonus tasks has been increased by an average of 300%. (The bonus task now offers approximately the same amount of experience of just completing the Heroic Adventure.)
    - - The bonus now additionally rewards 50% of the experience needed to complete a Mercenary AA ability point as well as approximately the same amount of matching currency of completing the Heroic Adventure.
    - - Heroic Adventures from The Darkened Sea, The Broken Mirror, and Empires of Kunark are now included in the list of possible adventures that bonuses are granted for.
    - - The bonuses for the tasks 'Into the Hills', 'Scouting Ahead', and 'Disrupting the Ritual' have been removed from the list of possible adventures that bonuses are granted for.
    - - The number of daily bonus tasks offered per day has been reduced from 4 to 2.
    AA awards per HA completion
    # Oct 20 2015 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
    3,033 posts
    This is based on my logs for completing each HA. There MAY be some variability here, beyond just level, not sure. YMMV. I suspect this from the inconsistency of the amounts, even from the same zone/quest-giver, particularly when a "higher" HA gave me a lesser award. That's why I'd love to hear results from other players. Bear in mind these are for a group of 105's, with NO XP-enhancement buffs and AAXP set to 100%. I've always found these are more useful for earning AA's than regular XP but, again, each to his own.

    Ethernere Tainted West Karana

    Brother Estle
    18 - Life After Death: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    12 - Remember the Dead: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    15 - The Other Brother: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Marla Gaslow
    21 - A Helping Hand: 465 platinum; awards 9-10% experience at Level 102
    18 - Seeking Refuge: (how much?) platinum; awards 14% experience at Level 102
    17 - Protected Passage: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Dead Hills

    Captain Russell Cooper
    14 - Clearing a Path: 583 platinum, 7 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper; awards (how much?) experience
    20 - Excavating an Answer: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    0* - The Descending Tower: 915 platinum, 7 silver, 5 copper; awards 20% experience at Level 103
    *This may have been a bug but my logs show NO reward. This was a difficult time-consuming mission so I don't plan to do it again. Did anyone else have an amount they were awarded to report?

    Gribble Grobblenobber
    10** - Into the Hills: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    17 - Scouting Ahead: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    19 - Disrupting the Ritual: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    **This is probably wrong. I did this first time in 2014 and can't find log data for it. This is a popular HA so maybe someone else can confirm the right amount.

    Skulk the Madaxe
    18 - The Hills Are Alive: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    17 - Artifacts of Great Importance: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    21 - Death Peace: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Bixie Warfront

    Snazlieu the Shadow
    14 - Espionage Starts At Home: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    18 - Always Follow the Money: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    16 - Working Overtime: 472 platinum, 1 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper; awards 10-11% experience at Level 103/104

    Ambassador Crizlyna
    16 - Assault the Main Hive: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    20 - Jacyll's Jailbreak: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Naturalist Yrelia
    15 - The Great Hunt: (how much?) platinum; awards 13% experience at Level 102
    15 - They've Gone Too Far This Time: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    15 - They're Everywhere!: 431 platinum, 5 gold, 5 silver; awards 10-11% experience at Level 103/104

    Battlebreaker Kraklest
    11 - Endless War: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    10 - The Thunder Gun Escape: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    10 - General Sagrinta's Final Stand: 352 platinum, 7 gold, 2 silver, 5 gold; awards 6-7% experience at Level 103/104

    Neriak Fourth Gate

    Lark D`Tradis
    20 - The Toll Road: 576 platinum, 5 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper; awards (how much?) experience
    20 - The Sealed Gate: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    17 - Late Checkout: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Rozz T`Ver
    17 - The King's Court: 608 platinum, 4 gold; awards 12% experience at Level 105
    18 - Hate Hath No Fury: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience
    16 - Royal Access: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience

    Tower of Rot

    Brendaleen Thundershield
    13- Brendaleen's Scheme: (how much?) platinum; awards (how much?) experience


    Restless Spirit
    17 - A Posthumous Proposition: 716 platinum, 1 gold; awards (how much?) experience

    Edited, Oct 20th 2015 9:56am by Sippin

    Edited, Oct 21st 2015 4:52pm by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    more notes
    # Oct 19 2015 at 7:39 AM Rating: Excellent
    3,033 posts
    Having run these a few times now, it appears you get awarded "extra" XP for each of the 4 tasks you complete. There doesn't appear to be any linkage. (Like you don't have to complete ALL FOUR to get the bonus.) The XP awarded seems to vary based on how tough the HA is, measured by how much XP the HA itself gives.

    For example, for Seeking Refuge, the HA gave 17 AA's and the reward for doing it as part of the dailies gave 5 AA's.
    Same for Working Overtime.

    For A Posthumous Proposition, the HA gave 22 AA's and Guard Hamarn added 8 AA's to that.

    Haven't seen any award beyond 5 and 8, so it looks like the Guard gives you 1/3 the reward of the HA, as a bonus. This isn't bad. Plus the reward is affected by XP bonus "buffs", such as XP Pots, Lesson of the Devoted and any extra-XP holiday weekends issued by DBG. The multiple can go as high as 4x, using a 100% potion during a double-XP holiday. Which means in theory a 22AA task like A Posthumous Proposition can award 120 AA's [ (22+8) X4 ] if done as part of a daily task. The cap is 105 at this time, of course, and that assumes you have zero UNSPENT AA's saved. Earning 105 AA's for a mission that takes about an hour for a capable group of level 105's....mightee fine! Smiley: waycool

    Of course, to always be able to do all 4 of the tasks, you need to be eligible for all 34, which means you have to have completed them all previously (or at least one player in your groups needs to have) since the Guard is very likely to assign you some HA's which have prerequisites. Doing all 34 does earn you a number of Achievements, which in themselves award you modest amounts of XP (usually 3 AA's) for completing various sets of 1-3 of them.

    Edited, Oct 19th 2015 9:49am by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    17 AAs for less than an hour's "work"
    # Aug 31 2015 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
    3,033 posts
    My crew of 105's got 17 AA's of experience for completing Skulk the Madaxe's HA, Artifacts of Great Importance, in Dead Hills. That's without any XP buffs and all by itself, not counting any effective gain from doing it as part of a Daily Task.

    That's pretty good, in my book.

    That's IN ADDITION to 3 AA's, about, for doing the killing IN the mission. So 20 AA's total for <1 hour's work for all 6 level 105 toons.

    Edited, Aug 31st 2015 6:03pm by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    Extra EXP a hoax
    # Jan 23 2015 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
    158 posts
    These quests seem an exp hoax! You get the same exp at the hail with or without the quest! Ran every daily HA with one char in the quest and one out and the exp gain was the same!
    Extra EXP a hoax
    # Oct 25 2015 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
    3,033 posts
    It does seem the AAXP reward is buggy. I've done some on occasion where I get the message "You have completed your task for Guard Hamarn!" and got no reward. It seems to happen more if I don't start the first HA soon after obtaining the Guard's quest. There's no indication you need to start by a deadline but it seems to work that way. I would advise against waiting a day after talking to Guard Hamarn to start working on the HA's.
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    Extra EXP a hoax
    # Mar 10 2015 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
    47 posts
    It doesn't change the experience of the basic HA mission. It adds an additional reward. For example, from my logs:

    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] Your task 'Endless War' has been updated.
    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] You have received a replay timer for 'Endless War': 0d:2h:14m remaining.

    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] Your task 'Daily Task: Endless War' has been updated.
    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] You have received a replay timer for 'Daily Task: Endless War': 1d:0h:1m remaining.
    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] You have completed your task for Guard Hamarn!

    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] You have gained 7 ability point(s)! You now have 14 ability point(s).
    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] You gain experience!!

    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:36 2015] You have gained 15 ability point(s)! You now have 29 ability point(s).
    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:37 2015] You gain experience!!
    [Sun Feb 08 15:12:37 2015] You receive alternate currency.
    Daily Tasks
    # Jan 15 2015 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Can these tasks be done by a 96 Ranger with a healer merc ?
    Scouting Ahead
    # Dec 24 2014 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
    125 posts
    level 104, with lesson running on the final hail I got 10% exp at 100% regular exp. 381 plat, 9 gold, 7 silver, and 5 copper.

    104 Gnome Enchanter
    Great Hunt exp at 102
    # Nov 22 2014 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
    The Great Hunt: level 102 > 13% exp
    Fight smarter not harder.
    Daily Task: The King's Court
    # Nov 21 2014 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
    59 posts
    Received 4 gold, 608 platinum, 18 AAs @ level 105 (with nearly 12k AAs total)

    A second level 105 character received 12% but I cannot determine which amount was from the actual HA and which portion is from the daily.
    Daily Task: A Helping Hand
    # Nov 21 2014 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
    59 posts
    Daily Task: A Helping Hand. I received 465 Platinum, 21 AA @ level 105

    Edited, Nov 21st 2014 6:04pm by GepettoAgromagnet
    Seeking Refuge
    # Nov 20 2014 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
    92 posts
    Seeking Refuge gave 14% regular xp on completion at level 102.
    NEW DAILY !!
    # Nov 19 2014 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
    14 posts
    Got 10% normal EXP doing this at lvl 104 today
    NEW DAILY !!
    # Nov 19 2014 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
    3,033 posts
    Stickontattoos wrote:
    Got 10% normal EXP doing this at lvl 104 today

    Is that IN ADDITION to getting XP for doing the 4 underlying tasks? That's a lot of work. Amazed you got it all done within 2 hours of the patch going live.

    The four tasks I obtained for this were all the 3rd of a sequence of 3, meaning to do them you have to complete the predecessor tasks. The 4 I got were General Sagrinta's Last Stand, The Descending Tower, They're Everywhere! and Working Overtime. Those 4 tasks include a LOT of mob slaying so even if they reduced the regular XP per kill I'm curious if the 10% you earned includes ALL the work involved in doing these 4 HA's PLUS the final reward for completing the 4...

    If the 10% is a bonus for getting all 4 accomplished within 42 hours, then that's pretty generous. If the 10% is the complete XP earned by doing ALL of this work... then not so much.

    Interesting how they're supposed to be "entirely random" yet all 4 tasks for the first day are third-of-three tasks...

    Also interesting that they give you 42 hours to complete a "daily" task. Maybe they're thinking of a Martian day?? Smiley: lol

    Edited, Nov 19th 2014 12:30pm by Sippin
    Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
    FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
    Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
    NEW DAILY !!
    # Nov 20 2014 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
    14 posts
    I'm sorry I should have been more clear. I only did Working Overtime and when I finished it I got 10% normal exp and I was level 104 at the time.

    edit: 100% into normal exp.

    Edited, Nov 20th 2014 12:33pm by Stickontattoos
    NEW DAILY !!
    # Nov 19 2014 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
    51 posts
    As you get 4 tasks, not 1 task with 4 steps, I think he did 1 of the Heroic Adventures and got a 10% bonus XP besides the kill+HA XP. So this sounds like you could get 40% bonus XP by doing the 4 specific (random) HAs that you are 'assigned'.

    The problem may be that some people (including myself) may not have unlocked all the HA missions in all zones yet, and therefor they'd have to work on unlocking the mission they need or have someone else get it for them.
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