Marla #1: A Helping Hand  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 03:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jan 22 03:50:44 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

About Heroic Adventures

- Heroic adventures in Call of the Forsaken scale in level: As low as Level 75 and up to current maximum level.
- Scale is based on the highest level player present in the zone and affects difficulty, loot quality, and mob levels.
- There is some variation/randomization in the task steps you'll be assigned as you progress through the task.
- Time of completion will vary by your group's makeup (anywhere from 30-90+ minutes).
- Collection items appear as ground spawns midway through tasks (you'll see an emote indicating their appearance).
- Named mobs (or their PHs) spawn midway through tasks (usually, but always, at the same time collection items appear).
- These tasks have individual 3-hour lockout timers (timer gained upon completion).

Experience in Heroic Adventures

- Mobs in these instances grant some experience, but the bulk of experience is earned upon task completion.
- As of a patch in November 2014, less difficult tasks were tuned to reward less experience and more difficult ones were tuned to reward more.
- For an added experience bonus, check out Guard Hamarn's "Daily Tasks".

This is a heroic adventure (1-6 players) that begins with Marla Gaslow (click for map image) in the Ethernere Tainted West Karana. She is located in the guard camp where the Guild Hall portal sends you (/loc -1000, 345, -315).

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Level 75
- No tasks


- Say "help" to request the task and "ready" to zone in.

Step #1:
- Speak to Fredrick Gaslow just outside the burning village 0/1
--- Hail update.

Step #2:
- Use water to put out the fire that is blocking access to the farm 0/8
--- Kill water mephits and loot "Water Sphere", then right-click it on the farm fires.
- Use dirt to put out the fire that is blocking access to the farm 0/8
--- Kill mudsouls and mudspirits and loot "Clump of Dirt"; right-click item on farm fires.

Step #3:
- Rescue people from within the burning structures 0/5
--- Kill the fire mephits around the NPCs in the area.
- Rescue animals around the farmland 0/5
--- Kill the fire mephits around the horses in the area.
- Salvage the crops by extinguishing burning scarecrows 0/14
--- Kill update (scarecrow mobs).

Step #4:
- Return to Fredrick Gaslow 0/1
--- Hail update.

- At this point in the task, collectibles spawn in the zone (ground spawns) and a named (or its PH) has a chance to spawn.

Step #5:
- Recover food from bandits 0/6
--- Loot "Loaf of Bread" from bandits (50% drop rate).
- Recover supplies from bandits 0/6
--- Loot "Crate of Supplies" from bandits (50% drop rate).
- Recover clean water from bandits 0/6
--- Loot "Fresh Water" from bandits (50% drop rate).

Step #6:
- Return to Fredrick Gaslow 0/1
--- Hail update.

Step #7:
- Kill burning treants to prevent the fire from spreading 0/10
--- Kill update.
- Kill fire beetles to prevent the fire from spreading 0/10
--- Kill update.
- Kill scorched stumps to prevent the fire from spreading 0/10
--- Kill update.

Step #8:
- Speak with Fredrick Gaslow once again 0/1
--- Hail update.

- As soon as the objective for Step #8 is done, the task completes.



"Harlow the Blackguard" (or its PH, "a sneaky bandit") has a chance to spawn after the fourth step is completed. Known loot from this named:

Level 100
Blood Red Cravat
Splinter of Potency
Striped Bandit's Cravat

Level 95

Level 90
Warlord's Shadowy Halberd

Level 85

You'll see this emote if the named appears:

You sense movement on the path between the village and the camp.

Harlow the Blackguard hits for a max ~21,500 (backstabs for significantly more damage); AE rampages; and mem blurs himself.



You say, 'Hail, Marla Gaslow'

Marla Gaslow remains silent and still for a moment, before blinking away the confusion. 'Please excuse my rudeness. I'm so used to being ignored that I forgot my manners.' The quaint farmer bows before you in introduction, 'My name's Marla. I come from a small farming and fishing village to the south, well, what's left of it. We've been hit real hard by recent [events].'

You say, 'What about those events?'

Marla Gaslow says 'Our land has suffered since that creature decided to make our plains her home. The nearby mountainside rises and falls on a whim, pouring lava into the streams and farmlands that once helped feed our families. It's a disaster! A disaster we can't survive much longer without some [assistance].'

You say, 'Assistance?'

Marla Gaslow says 'I've been to every tent and spoken with every guard. Most of them ignored me completely, while others acknowledged my presence long enough to assure me that there were more pressing matters than assisting a small village that no one's ever heard of.' The farmer sighs. 'We're desperate, _____. Someone needs to [help].'

You say, 'I'll help!'

Marla Gaslow takes your hand gently in hers with a warm smile, 'Thank you, _____. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'll show you the way to the village when you are [ready] to leave.'

You have been assigned the task 'A Helping Hand'.

Marla Gaslow comes from a small fishing and farming village to the south that is in peril due to the recent cataclysmic events. She has pleaded with you to find her husband and help save the village.

You say, 'Ready!'

Marla Gaslow says 'This way, _____.'

You have entered Ethernere Tainted West Karana.


Speak to Fredrick Gaslow just outside the burning village 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Marla's husband, Fredrick, should have more information about what's going on in the village.

If You Get This Step: Hail Fredrick Gaslow at the zone-in.

You say, 'Hail, Fredrick Gaslow'

Fredrick Gaslow sighs with relief at your arrival, 'You must have been sent by my wife. Thank goodness she found help. I was trying to evacuate people from the farm, but the fires kept spreading. Now there's a giant wall of flames between me and the village. You have to help put it out! We have people trapped inside their burning homes.


Use water to put out the fire that is blocking access to the farm 0/8 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Kill water mephits and loot "Water Sphere", then right-click it on the farm fires (repeat x8).


Use dirt to put out the fire that is blocking access to the farm 0/8 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Clumps of dirt can be found on the mudsouls and mudspirits in the stream to the southeast.

If You Get This Step: Kill mudsouls and mudspirits and loot "Clump of Dirt", then right-click it on the farm fires (repeat x8).


Rescue people from within the burning structures 0/5 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Kill the fire mephits around the NPCs in the area.


Rescue animals around the farmland 0/5 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Many horses are trapped near the burning homes, unable to escape while fire mephits linger nearby.

If You Get This Step: Kill the fire mephits around the horses in the area.


Salvage the crops by extinguishing burning scarecrows 0/14 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: The crops that feed the village are at risk of being destroyed if flaming jacks continue to roam the fields.

If You Get This Step: Kill update (scarecrow mobs).


Return to Fredrick Gaslow 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: (nothing)

If You Get This Step: Hail Fredrick Gaslow.

Fredrick Gaslow cries for the loss of his village, 'It's painful to watch our homes go up in flames, but at least with your help not all was lost. I'll need to tend to those who are injured, but it's going to be tough without supplies. Our burning village made an easy target for bandits. While we were trying to get everyone to safety, those honorless thugs ransacked our homes and ran off to their camps in the east. How are we supposed to fight back? We're farmers and fishers.' Fredrick looks up at you with hope in his eyes, 'You, though, you could show those thugs a thing or two.'


Recover food from bandits 0/6 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Bandits took advantage of the villagers' situation and robbed them blind while their homes burned. Fredrick has asked that you attack their camp to the northeast and recover supplies.

If You Get This Step: Loot "Loaf of Bread" x6 from bandits.


Recover supplies from bandits 0/6 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Bandits took advantage of the villagers' situation and robbed them blind while their homes burned. Fredrick has asked that you attack their camp to the northeast and recover supplies.

If You Get This Step: Loot "Crate of Supplies" x6 from bandits.


Recover clean water from bandits 0/6 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Bandits took advantage of the villagers' situation and robbed them blind while their homes burned. Fredrick has asked that you attack their camp to the northeast and recover supplies.

If You Get This Step: Loot "Fresh Water" x6 from bandits.


Return to Fredrick Gaslow 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: (nothing)

If You Get This Step: Hail Fredrick Gaslow (response depends on next step).

If next step involves treants or stumps:

Fredrick Gaslow thanks you as he takes the supplies. 'This should be enough to help those who are injured, but if we don't do something about the spreading fires, many more will suffer. The winds are blowing the flames west where some of the trees and bushes are already starting to burn. If you could clear the burning brush it would help prevent the fire from spreading.'

If next step involves fire beetles:



Kill burning treants to prevent the fire from spreading 0/10 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: To help prevent the fire from spreading Fredrick has asked you to clear the area to the west of burning treants.

If You Get This Step: Standard kill update.


Kill fire beetles to prevent the fire from spreading 0/10 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Standard kill update.


Kill scorched stumps to prevent the fire from spreading 0/10 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Standard kill update.


Speak with Fredrick Gaslow once again 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: (nothing)

If You Get This Step: Hail him to complete the task.

You say, 'Hail, Fredrick Gaslow'

Fredrick Gaslow gazes out to the west, 'It looks like the fires may finally be contained, but the village is already ash. Our families have nowhere to go. If we stay out here in the wilderness, many won't survive. I'm going to stay here and make sure everyone is accounted for. Would you return to my wife and let her know that we're safe? Thank you, _____. You've been a real life saver.'

- a varying amount of platinum
- a varying amount of experience
- a varying number of Marks of Valor (currency used to buy group gear)

Video Guide:

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Higher then Lv 75
# Feb 02 2024 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I cant do these at 82 they must be higher then 75
Youtube walk through. 6mins
# May 11 2022 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
4 posts
Hey, as I am going through them on my latest boxing group, I am recording and making these simple, quick how-to's if anyone needs them.

Happy hunting!!
Marla #1 Level 95 mission drop
# Feb 06 2022 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
671 posts
On a Level 95 mission he dropped Braxi-Bone Backbreaker tonight
Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

Getting the Quest
# Dec 27 2019 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Got the task at level 79. Initially she refused but then I said 'help' and got the quest.
level requirement
# Feb 23 2018 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
11 posts
At level 75 I tried to request this, but she refuses:

[Sat Feb 10 19:25:28 2018] Marla Gaslow sighs, 'I appreciate your interest in my troubles, _____, but I doubt there's anything you can do to help. I'm looking for someone with a bit more experience.'

Could get the task at 85 with no problems.
level requirement
# Nov 04 2018 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
Level 81 group was a no go on this task as well. Same response given.
Named Droop
# Jan 08 2016 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Group was

84 Necro
82 Mage
82 BL
81 BL
2 healer Merc's
Harlow the Blackguard poped red to all of us and drooped...
Lava-Marked Obsidian Shield
Magic, Lore, No Trade, Prestige, Placeable
Race: ALL
Req Level: 85
AC:175 HP:1042 Mana:998 End:998

STR:28+8 STA:36+7 INT:24+5 WIS:28+5 AGI:27+6 DEX:25+4 CHA:32+3
SV: M:41 F:30 C:30 D:31 P:38
ATT: 28 HP R:5 MANA R:2 SS:1 ConbatEFF:6 Shld:2 DmgShld:4 DoTShld:2 DmgShldMit:1 Avo:5 Acc:10 StunR:2 StrikeThr:3 HealA:11 SpellD:12 Clair:22
Type 7 and type3
Have fun kill lots... it's a game lol[/img][/url]
Duramater 88 Mage E,Marr
Auibe 84 Paladin E,Marr
Auguz 87 Shaman E,Marr
# Sep 06 2015 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Mud mobs drop the mud most of the time, not all.

We had 6 horses on track and each is guarded by 3 mephits. You have to kill all 3 mephits before the horse escapes. So this step requires killing 15 mephits. I guess the extra horse is in case of *****-ups, like accidentailly killing a horse.

We got this from Step 7, NOT Step 5:

Recover clean water from bandits 0/6 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Task Window Says: Bandits took advantage of the villagers' situation and robbed them blind while their homes burned. Fredrick has asked that you attack their camp to the northeast and recover supplies.

If You Get This Step: Loot "Fresh Water" x6 from bandits.

On this Double-XP weekend, with LotD running, our group of 105's earned 85 AA's for completion. Really. Smiley: drool

Edited, Sep 6th 2015 8:44am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Reward (non-daily HA)
# Dec 22 2014 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
263 posts
Full group (4 players, 2 mercs: 91,91,91,91,90,90)
Lvl 90 (100% reg): 36% exp, 116 marks
Lvl 91 (99% AA): 34AA (over 6k), 124 marks

no named, PH popped

edit: looks like the holiday bonus exp affected HAs as well.
Completed on 1/11/15 with a different group (3 players, 3 mercs: 88bst, 88cmerc, 89enc, 89cmerc, 90wiz, 90tmerc)
Lvl 88 (98%reg): 17%reg, 27%AA, 112 marks
Lvl 89 (98%reg): 17%reg, 31%AA, 116 marks
Lvl 90 (90%reg): 8% to complete lvl 90, 6% into lvl 91, 1.27AA, 116 marks

Named popped - was red to all, very long fight (I thought 8min but gamparse shows 1014sec). Dropped Warlord's Shadowy Halberd. Had to pet tank it as the tank merc died about 20sec into the fight and the wiz right behind it. No issues pet tanking with 3 healers (inc bst) and a well debuffed mob.

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 2:22pm by DENecro
The write up is wrong or there are two versions of this
# Aug 24 2014 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
No Mephits to kill in our task, it was a mudsouls to loot Clump of Dirts, to put out fires.
The write up is wrong or there are two versions of this
# Aug 24 2014 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
Woops someone had edited the writeup i just didnt read it right :)
# Feb 07 2014 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Quest window hop this helps
# Feb 02 2014 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
Received 120 per quest at 92 with 2 mercs and a 91.
# Jan 26 2014 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
125 posts
For a group of 4 level 100 toons the payment was 186 marks.

100 gnomish enchanter
Final Assault
General comments
# Jan 22 2014 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
211 posts
I see nothing to change in the existing write up. I did notice that there were a large number of surplus mephits, bandits and treants. It might be a good mission to do for a lesson burn as you are unlikely to run out.
General comments
# Feb 07 2014 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
We didn't have to kill any scarecrows, did you?

Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
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