Lxanvom Labors  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 03:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:The Broken Mirror
Group Size:Group
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Jan 1 19:16:53 2016
Modified: Sat Dec 7 09:26:15 2024
NPC who gives the Task is Karth Punox located in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay.
Phrase to get the task is "assistance."
To get to the heroic adventure you run to the Crypt of Decay and zone in. Select "Adventure" on the pop up window. Dialog:

The drops are prelootable.

You say, 'Hail, Karth Punox'

Karth Punox says 'Well, hail to you. I may have several jobs for you, depending on what you seek. I have several [heroic tasks] that you might be able to accomplish, or if you are really tough, I have a request that will require a [significant force].'

You say, 'heroic tasks'

Karth Punox says 'This is a very interesting place with, I'm sure, a lot of interesting people and interesting trinkets. Not just here, but there are some very unusual places you can get to from here, I have heard. There may even be an entrance to the [Ruin of Lxanvom] someplace here. That crypt to their Sul god is pretty strange too, I hear from the fellow called [Jerill], the one that was talking about some [final blow] against his enemies. Now Jerill wants your help again, this time to deal with some sort of [powerful enemy].'

You say, 'Ruin of Lxanvom'

Karth Punox says 'I know, most folks call it the Crypt of Decay. To me, well, I call it opportunity. Not only are there strange things going on there, like some sort of war, but I know people that have interest in unique items that can only be found there. I could use your [assistance] finding those things.'

You say, 'assistance'

Karth Punox says 'Well, that's good news for both of us. As I understand it, you know the way. I'll have my assistant await you to gather up the things we need.'

  • 1. Deliver Religious Texts for a special collector. (0/4)

    Worn Religious Pamphlet drops off "a cavalier", "a unicorn", "a seraph of health", and "bubonians" found in the basement of the zone. These are also dropped from a bubonian war rat, a bubonian mystic, a bubonian death caster, a bubonian great mystic on the north side.

  • 2. Bring the heads of something called a pestilence knight for a special customer. (0/4)

    Pestilence Knight's Head drops off "a cavalier", "a healer", "a wellspring", "a unicorn", "a brave scout" and "a seraph of health" in the basement.

    Alternative Step 2:

    Note that you only have to collect 2 different items, not all 15 as it appears below. Which 2 you have to collect depends on the specific instance you get. The list of 15 items above is only intended to show what mobs drop the items you might need.

    Pus for a beauty product they really love in Oggok (0/4)

    Fetid Pus drops off of "a cavalier" and "a unicorn".

  • 3. A special customer would like the heads of things called Lepertoloth, whatever that is. (0/4)

    Lepertoloth Head drops off "a deathbone sage", "a firebone sage", "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone magus", "a pestilence priest", "a firebone magus" and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

  • 4. Bring the heads of the servants of health for a special customer. (0/4)

    Healthy Skull drops off "a corrupted lord" and "a death lord" in the basement.

  • 5. Bring the heads of some gross sounding things called a bubonians for a special customer. (0/4)

    <Bubonian Head drops off "a bubonian war rat", "a bubonian mystic", "a bubonian death caster", "a bubonian great mystic" on the north side.

    List of Possibilities for Step 2:

  • 6. A customer wants to play a weird joke on someone. Bring some huge rat tails. (0/4)

    Bubonian Tail drops off various bubonians on the north side of the main floor.

  • 7. I've heard there are winged avatars of Health in there. Their feathers should fetch a fortune. (0/4)

    Seraph Feather drops off "a death lord" and "a corrupted lord" in the basement.

  • 8. Bring some grumling toes for a special customer in Freeport. (0/4)

    Grumling Toe drops off "a bubonian mystic", "a bubonian war rat", "a bubonian great mystic" on the north side.

  • 9. Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally, she said. For her cats. (0/4)

    Writhing Maggot drops off bubonian rats on the north side.

  • 10. A client want fetid hides for making magical garments. Gross magical garments. (0/4)

    Fetid Hide drops off "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone sage" and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

  • 11. Bring some unicorn horns. Those things are always valuable. (0/4)

    Unicorn Horn drops off "a death lord" and "a corrupted lord" in the basement.

  • 12. There is a person that makes candles in creepy skulls. Bring some creepy skulls. (0/4)

    Undead Skull drops off "a unicorn", "a cavalier", "a wellspring golem" and "a healer" in the basement.

  • 13. Scythes. Scythes are very popular in Neriak these days. (0/4)

    Pitted Scythe drops off "a cavalier", "a brave scout", "a unicorn", "a healer", "a wellspring" and "a seraph of health" in the basement.

  • 14. Some priest, stupid man, wants bandages from undead in Decay for some sort of healing thing.

    Lepertoloth Bandages drops off "a deathbone magus" and "a deathbone sage" straight West of the zone in.

  • 15. Gelatin for a customer. No, I didn't ask why they wanted diseased and corrupted gelatin. (0/4)

    Rotted Gelatin drops off "a pestilence elder", "a deathbone sage" and "a firebrand magus" straight West of the zone in.

    *NOTE*: The above steps only update AFTER you hand Mers the items, Grublus or its PH will also spawn after handing in the items.

  • 16. Speak with Mers about how it went. (0/1)

    - Hail Mers Arl at t zone in.

  • 17. Open the chest. (0/1)

    You gain experience!
    300 platinum
    1125 Remnant of Tranquility
    Lesser Crypt Spirit
  • Submitted by: undeadmasters
    Send a Correction
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    Post Comment
    Not this long a list
    # Dec 04 2024 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
    229 posts
    Note that you only have to collect 2 different items, not all 15 as it appears above. Which 2 you have to collect depends on the specific instance you get. The list of 15 items above is only intended to show what mobs drop the items you might need.
    Buanu Connoy
    Champions of Norrath
    1. Deliver Religious Texts for a special collector. (0/4)
    # Oct 29 2021 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
    7 posts
    Religious Texts for a special collector are dropped from a bubonian war rat, a bubonian mystic, a bubonian death caster, a bubonian great mystic on the north side.
    Another option
    # Feb 07 2021 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
    157 posts
    there is another option for Step 2:

    "Pus for a beauty product they really love in Oggok"
    4 Fetid Pus required

    Drops off of a Cavalier and a Unicorn for me
    # Aug 25 2020 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
    161 posts
    It should be, "Bring a customer some huge rat tales, as he wants to play a weird joke on someone. 0/4"

    Yes, tails is misspelled.

    Ozadar of Zek
    Spelled wrong
    # Jan 04 2020 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
    157 posts
    It's spelled Lxavnom according to the /achieve window
    religious texts also drop upstairs
    # Jan 03 2019 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
    349 posts
    Thought i got an impossible mission 3x, so tried killing upstairs and got religious texts from rats. Guess they fixed it.
    New drop, new mobs
    # Apr 11 2018 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
    24 posts
    Pristine Scroll
    Saraph Feather
    Off a death lord. and a corrupted lord.

    Severed Spaulders in chest

    Edited, Apr 11th 2018 2:13pm by PharmerEnthedell
    buggy setup
    # Jun 27 2017 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
    349 posts
    Sometimes it gives me an impossible setup.
    As example - religious texts drop in basement but the basement paths are all blocked. Checked upstairs and not dropping there either. Just had to drop and get a new one. This has happened several times. It pays to lookup where the stuff drops so you dont waste time on this.
    buggy setup
    # Jan 13 2019 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
    178 posts
    Religious Texts are dropping from the bubonics right now
    buggy setup
    # Aug 28 2017 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
    I just had the Religious Texts and Gelatin with the downstairs portion blocked, they both dropped from the casters straight back.

    Edited, Aug 29th 2017 12:29am by UtilitimanofTT
    buggy setup
    # Jun 30 2017 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    svann wrote:
    Sometimes it gives me an impossible setup.
    As example - religious texts drop in basement but the basement paths are all blocked. Checked upstairs and not dropping there either. Just had to drop and get a new one. This has happened several times. It pays to lookup where the stuff drops so you dont waste time on this.

    Added a bunch of missing quest items and added the npc's they drop from to those items.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Grublus pop after killing the PH
    # Apr 15 2017 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
    134 posts
    In the HA [Lxavnom Labors]
    It was the PH [a grumling] spawned after 2 steps completed
    However, the namer [Grublus] pop after killed the PH.
    Chest/ Grublus
    # Apr 04 2017 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
    236 posts
    Soloed (or duo-ed if you like) this HA today with a cleric merc (105, 24k assigned aa ranger TBM/ EoK raid geared). Had no problems..even tanking 2-3 at once (level 105 mobs and above)..Grublus' Glfux is minor, as he summons you back like a yo-yo anyways. Max hit on me was 12048. He parsed 12.34 Million hps ( exact parse~12348597 @ 106453 dps in 116s). Dropped minor essence, crypt hunters sleeves/ gloves. Chest dropped Crypt Spirit,Minor, greater and glowing essences and Peacock's Charm https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124611 Experience from this task with Clayton Teek daily bonus yields 3 aa's + 3 aa's for task completion at level 105. Happy Hunting!

    Edited, Apr 4th 2017 6:59pm by ThefirstFeid

    Edited, Apr 4th 2017 6:59pm by ThefirstFeid
    Chest/ Grublus
    # Apr 05 2017 at 6:43 PM Rating: Excellent
    ThefirstFeid wrote:
    Soloed (or duo-ed if you like) this HA today with a cleric merc (105, 24k assigned aa ranger TBM/ EoK raid geared). Had no problems..even tanking 2-3 at once (level 105 mobs and above)..Grublus' Glfux is minor, as he summons you back like a yo-yo anyways. Max hit on me was 12048. He parsed 12.34 Million hps ( exact parse~12348597 @ 106453 dps in 116s). Dropped minor essence, crypt hunters sleeves/ gloves. Chest dropped Crypt Spirit,Minor, greater and glowing essences and Peacock's Charm https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124611 Experience from this task with Clayton Teek daily bonus yields 3 aa's + 3 aa's for task completion at level 105. Happy Hunting!

    Edited, Apr 4th 2017 6:59pm by ThefirstFeid

    Edited, Apr 4th 2017 6:59pm by ThefirstFeid

    Thanks, added everything. What was the name of the gflux spell Grublus used?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    chest drop
    # Feb 16 2017 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
    in the chest for this HA tonight I received https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124607
    chest drop
    # Feb 16 2017 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
    UtilitimanofTT wrote:
    in the chest for this HA tonight I received https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124607

    Thanks, added.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Rat Tails
    # Aug 28 2016 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    A customer wants to play a weird joke on someone. Bring some huge rat tails. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    The item in question is 'Bubonian Tail' and it drops from various Bubonians in the north side of the main floor.

    Edited, Aug 28th 2016 12:18pm by Karnivool
    Rat Tails
    # Aug 29 2016 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
    Karnivool wrote:
    A customer wants to play a weird joke on someone. Bring some huge rat tails. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    The item in question is 'Bubonian Tail' and it drops from various Bubonians in the north side of the main floor.

    Edited, Aug 28th 2016 12:18pm by Karnivool

    Thanks, added.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    # Aug 27 2016 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    Chest contained an Oscillating Belt
    # Aug 29 2016 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
    Karnivool wrote:
    Chest contained an Oscillating Belt

    Thanks, added.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Seraph Feather
    # Aug 27 2016 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    Seraph Feather dropped from 'a death lord' and 'a corrupt lord'

    I've heard there are winged avatars of Health in there. Their feathers should fetch a fortune. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    I did not encounter any actual winged avatars.

    This was completed entirely in the basement (click the chair at zone-in).

    Edited, Aug 27th 2016 11:44am by Karnivool
    Seraph Feather
    # Aug 29 2016 at 6:34 AM Rating: Excellent
    Karnivool wrote:
    Seraph Feather dropped from 'a death lord' and 'a corrupt lord'

    I've heard there are winged avatars of Health in there. Their feathers should fetch a fortune. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    I did not encounter any actual winged avatars.

    This was completed entirely in the basement (click the chair at zone-in).

    Edited, Aug 27th 2016 11:44am by Karnivool

    Thanks, added.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Step 2
    # Jul 28 2016 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
    232 posts
    Pus for a beauty product they really love in Ogguk.
    Drop item: Fetid Pus
    Mob: wellspring golem (basement)
    Nyvina Nytemare
    Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
    Nytera Nytemare
    Step 2
    # Jul 29 2016 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
    Rhykar, Mercenary Major wrote:
    Pus for a beauty product they really love in Ogguk.
    Drop item: Fetid Pus
    Mob: wellspring golem (basement)

    Thanks, added.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Additional quest item locations
    # Jun 24 2016 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
    36 posts
    Found the items that I needed in the north portion of the map.

    Grumling Toe - a bubonian mystic, a bubonian war rat, a bubonian great mystic
    Bubonian Head - a bubonian war rat, a bubonian mystic, a bubonian death caster, a bubonian great mystic
    Additional quest item locations
    # Jun 24 2016 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
    Fianb wrote:
    Found the items that I needed in the north portion of the map.

    Grumling Toe - a bubonian mystic, a bubonian war rat, a bubonian great mystic
    Bubonian Head - a bubonian war rat, a bubonian mystic, a bubonian death caster, a bubonian great mystic

    Thanks, updated.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally
    # Jun 13 2016 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
    Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally, she said. For her cats 0/4
    Writhing Maggot drops from bubonian rats on the North side
    Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally
    # Jun 21 2016 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
    Menarim wrote:
    Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally, she said. For her cats 0/4
    Writhing Maggot drops from bubonian rats on the North side

    Thanks, updated.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at https://discord.gg/zu9tTS7
    More drops
    # Mar 19 2016 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
    316 posts
    A client want fetid hides for making magical garments. Gross magical garments. (0/4)
    a pestilence priest, a deathblade magus

    Deliver Religious Texts for a special collector. (0/4)
    a pestilence priest, a firebone magus, a deathbone magus
    Bring the heads of some gross sounding things called a bubon
    # Feb 01 2016 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
    58 posts
    Bubonian heads and tail can drop from the bubionians.
    Lxavnom Labors - writhing maggot
    # Jan 31 2016 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
    110 posts
    Worn religious pamhlet dropped from a Bubonian War rat. (Deliver religious texts for a special collector)

    Writhing Maggot dropped from A Mystic Bubonian, A Bubonian War Rat. (Maggots. Some old witches uses them medicinally, she said. For her Cats.

    # Jan 17 2016 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
    234 posts
    NOTE: This quest write-up may need to be rewritten in an easier-to-follow order.

    Done and I also included more quest variations in the process.
    Npc who gives the Task is Karth Punox located in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay.
    Phrase to get the task is "assistance."
    To get to the heroic adventure you run to the Crypt of Decay and zone in. Select "Adventure" on the pop up window.

    You say, 'Hail, Karth Punox'

    Karth Punox says 'Well, hail to you. I may have several jobs for you, depending on what you seek. I have several [heroic tasks] that you might be able to accomplish, or if you are really tough, I have a request that will require a [significant force].'

    You say, 'heroic tasks'

    Karth Punox says 'This is a very interesting place with, I'm sure, a lot of interesting people and interesting trinkets. Not just here, but there are some very unusual places you can get to from here, I have heard. There may even be an entrance to the [Ruin of Lxanvom] someplace here. That crypt to their Sul god is pretty strange too, I hear from the fellow called [Jerill], the one that was talking about some [final blow] against his enemies. Now Jerill wants your help again, this time to deal with some sort of [powerful enemy].'

    You say, 'Ruin of Lxanvom'

    Karth Punox says 'I know, most folks call it the Crypt of Decay. To me, well, I call it opportunity. Not only are there strange things going on there, like some sort of war, but I know people that have interest in unique items that can only be found there. I could use your [assistance] finding those things.'

    You say, 'assistance'

    Karth Punox says 'Well, that's good news for both of us. As I understand it, you know the way. I'll have my assistant await you to gather up the things we need.'

    List of Possibilities for Step 1:
    Deliver Religious Texts for a special collector. (0/4)
    - The mobs that dropped these for us were "a cavalier", "a unicorn" and "a seraph of health" found in the basement of the zone.

    Bring the heads of something called a pestilence knight for a special customer. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a cavalier", "a healer", "a wellspring", "a unicorn", "a brave scout" and "a seraph of health" in the basement.

    A special customer would like the heads of things called Lepertoloth, whatever that is. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a deathbone sage", "a firebone sage", "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone magus", "a pestilence priest", "a firebone magus" and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    Bring the heads of the servants of health for a special customer. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a corrupted lord" and "a death lord" in the basement.

    Bring the heads of some gross sounding things called a bubonians for a special customer. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    List of Possibilities for Step 2:
    A customer wants to play a weird joke on someone. Bring some huge rat tails. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    I've heard there are winged avatars of Health in there. Their feathers should fetch a fortune. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    Bring some grumling toes for a special customer in Freeport. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally, she said. For her cats. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    A client want fetid hides for making magical garments. Gross magical garments. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone sage", and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    Bring some unicorn horns. Those things are always valuable. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a death lord" and "a corrupted lord" in the basement.

    There is a person that makes candles in creepy skulls. Bring some creepy skulls. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a unicorn", "a cavalier", "a wellspring golem" and "a healer" in the basement.

    Scythes. Scythes are very popular in Neriak these days. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a cavalier", "a brave scout", "a unicorn", "a healer", "a wellspring" and "a seraph of health" in the basement

    Some priest, stupid man, wants bandages from undead in Decay for some sort of healing thing.
    - Dropped off "a deathbone magus" and "a deathbone sage" straight West of the zone in.

    Gelatin for a customer. No, I didn't ask why they wanted diseased and corrupted gelatin. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a pestilence elder", "a deathbone sage" and "a firebrand magus" straight West of the zone in.

    *NOTE*: The above steps only update AFTER you hand Mers the items, Grublus or its PH will also spawn after handing in the items.

    Step 3:
    Speak with Mers about how it went. (0/1)
    - Hail Mers Arl at the zone in

    Step 4:
    Open the chest. (0/1)
    # Jan 17 2016 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    undeadmasters wrote:
    NOTE: This quest write-up may need to be rewritten in an easier-to-follow order.

    Done and I also included more quest variations in the process.
    Npc who gives the Task is Karth Punox located in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay.
    Phrase to get the task is "assistance."
    To get to the heroic adventure you run to the Crypt of Decay and zone in. Select "Adventure" on the pop up window.

    You say, 'Hail, Karth Punox'

    Karth Punox says 'Well, hail to you. I may have several jobs for you, depending on what you seek. I have several [heroic tasks] that you might be able to accomplish, or if you are really tough, I have a request that will require a [significant force].'

    You say, 'heroic tasks'

    Karth Punox says 'This is a very interesting place with, I'm sure, a lot of interesting people and interesting trinkets. Not just here, but there are some very unusual places you can get to from here, I have heard. There may even be an entrance to the [Ruin of Lxanvom] someplace here. That crypt to their Sul god is pretty strange too, I hear from the fellow called [Jerill], the one that was talking about some [final blow] against his enemies. Now Jerill wants your help again, this time to deal with some sort of [powerful enemy].'

    You say, 'Ruin of Lxanvom'

    Karth Punox says 'I know, most folks call it the Crypt of Decay. To me, well, I call it opportunity. Not only are there strange things going on there, like some sort of war, but I know people that have interest in unique items that can only be found there. I could use your [assistance] finding those things.'

    You say, 'assistance'

    Karth Punox says 'Well, that's good news for both of us. As I understand it, you know the way. I'll have my assistant await you to gather up the things we need.'

    List of Possibilities for Step 1:
    Deliver Religious Texts for a special collector. (0/4)
    - The mobs that dropped these for us were "a cavalier", "a unicorn" and "a seraph of health" found in the basement of the zone.

    Bring the heads of something called a pestilence knight for a special customer. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a cavalier", "a healer", "a wellspring", "a unicorn", "a brave scout" and "a seraph of health" in the basement.

    A special customer would like the heads of things called Lepertoloth, whatever that is. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a deathbone sage", "a firebone sage", "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone magus", "a pestilence priest", "a firebone magus" and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    Bring the heads of the servants of health for a special customer. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a corrupted lord" and "a death lord" in the basement.

    Bring the heads of some gross sounding things called a bubonians for a special customer. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    List of Possibilities for Step 2:
    A customer wants to play a weird joke on someone. Bring some huge rat tails. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    I've heard there are winged avatars of Health in there. Their feathers should fetch a fortune. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    Bring some grumling toes for a special customer in Freeport. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    Maggots. Some old witch uses them medicinally, she said. For her cats. (0/4)
    - Dropped from ????

    A client want fetid hides for making magical garments. Gross magical garments. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone sage", and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    Bring some unicorn horns. Those things are always valuable. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a death lord" and "a corrupted lord" in the basement.

    There is a person that makes candles in creepy skulls. Bring some creepy skulls. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a unicorn", "a cavalier", "a wellspring golem" and "a healer" in the basement.

    Scythes. Scythes are very popular in Neriak these days. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a cavalier", "a brave scout", "a unicorn", "a healer", "a wellspring" and "a seraph of health" in the basement

    Some priest, stupid man, wants bandages from undead in Decay for some sort of healing thing.
    - Dropped off "a deathbone magus" and "a deathbone sage" straight West of the zone in.

    Gelatin for a customer. No, I didn't ask why they wanted diseased and corrupted gelatin. (0/4)
    - Dropped off "a pestilence elder", "a deathbone sage" and "a firebrand magus" straight West of the zone in.

    *NOTE*: The above steps only update AFTER you hand Mers the items, Grublus or its PH will also spawn after handing in the items.

    Step 3:
    Speak with Mers about how it went. (0/1)
    - Hail Mers Arl at the zone in

    Step 4:
    Open the chest. (0/1)

    So much better, thanks for doing the rewrite for this. Updated.
    Named and placeholder
    # Jan 16 2016 at 1:46 PM Rating: Excellent
    106 posts
    Grublus or placeholder (a grumling) spawn in multiple locations, it has been different each time.
    Named and placeholder
    # Jan 18 2016 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Hakir wrote:
    Grublus or placeholder (a grumling) spawn in multiple locations, it has been different each time.

    Updated, thanks.
    Another Version
    # Jan 12 2016 at 1:44 PM Rating: Excellent
    234 posts
    A special customer would like the heads of things called Lepertoloth, whatever that is. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a deathbone sage", "a pestilence priest" and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    A client want fetid hides for making magical garments. Gross magical garments. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone sage", and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    *NOTE*: Like the other versions, the above steps only update after you hand Mers the items. Unlike the other version I wrote a guide for, this one made me clear pretty much the entire zone for my quest items.

    Speak with Mers about how it went. (0/1)
    - Hail Mercs Arl at the zone in.

    Open the chest. (0/1)
    Another Version
    # Jan 12 2016 at 6:15 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    undeadmasters wrote:
    A special customer would like the heads of things called Lepertoloth, whatever that is. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a deathbone sage", "a pestilence priest" and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    A client want fetid hides for making magical garments. Gross magical garments. (0/4)
    - Dropped from "a corrupt pusling", "a deathbone sage", and "a pestilence elder" straight West of the zone in.

    *NOTE*: Like the other versions, the above steps only update after you hand Mers the items. Unlike the other version I wrote a guide for, this one made me clear pretty much the entire zone for my quest items.

    Speak with Mers about how it went. (0/1)
    - Hail Mercs Arl at the zone in.

    Open the chest. (0/1)

    Miakaa wrote:
    Npc who gives the Task is Karth Punox located in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay.
    phrase to get the task is assistance.
    To get to the heroic adventure you run to the cypt of Decay and zone in. Select Adventure on the pop up window.
    Upon completing this you get the reward Lesser Crypt spirit.


    You say, 'Hail, Karth Punox'

    Karth Punox says 'Well, hail to you. I may have several jobs for you, depending on what you seek. I have several [heroic tasks] that you might be able to accomplish, or if you are really tough, I have a request that will require a [significant force].'

    You say, 'heroic tasks'

    Karth Punox says 'This is a very interesting place with, I'm sure, a lot of interesting people and interesting trinkets. Not just here, but there are some very unusual places you can get to from here, I have heard. There may even be an entrance to the [Ruin of Lxanvom] someplace here. That crypt to their Sul god is pretty strange too, I hear from the fellow called [Jerill], the one that was talking about some [final blow] against his enemies. Now Jerill wants your help again, this time to deal with some sort of [powerful enemy].'

    You say, 'Ruin of Lxanvom'

    Karth Punox says 'I know, most folks call it the Crypt of Decay. To me, well, I call it opportunity. Not only are there strange things going on there, like some sort of war, but I know people that have interest in unique items that can only be found there. I could use your [assistance] finding those things.'

    You say, 'assistance'

    Karth Punox says 'Well, that's good news for both of us. As I understand it, you know the way. I'll have my assistant await you to gather up the things we need.'

    Our steps that we got were

    Deliver Religious Texts for a special collector. 0/4. The mobs that drop them for us were a cavalier, a unicorn, a seraph of health found in the basement of the zone.
    Scythes. Scythes are very popular in Neriak these days. 0/4. The mobs that drop them for us were a cavalier, a healer, a wellspring, a brave scout and a seraph of health found in the basement of the zone.
    Speak to Mers about how it went. You just hail Mers to update it.
    Open the Chest. Open the chest to complete it.

    Updated, thanks.
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