Tower of Frozen Shadow

Quick Facts





Level Range:
30 - 55

Send a correction
This massive seven-floor tower is located on the second island of Iceclad. It is clear that something terrible once happened to the inhabitants of the tower.

Littered with undead scholars, priests, travelers and shades, one must make their way up floor by floor with a different key necessary for each floor up. On the top floor is Tserrina, inciting terror on the rest of Frozen Shadow. Contrary to rumors, there is no eighth floor.

Various keys grant you access to each floor of the tower:

Everquest Guide Keys to the Tower of Frozen Shadow (OLD)

Crystal Key - 2nd floor - a large undead gnoll
Three Toothed Key - 3rd floor - an angry librarian
Frosty Key - 4th floor - an enraged shadow beast
Small Rusty Key - 5th floor - Cara Omica
Bone Finger Key - 6th floor - an enraged relative
Large Metal Key - 7th floor - VhalSera
Tserrina's Key - Master Key - Tserrina Syl`Tor
Welcome to the Tower of Frozen ShadowA Bedroom on the Third FloorA Fifth Floor HallSecond Floor LibraryA Sixth Floor HallIcy ShadesOn the Seventh FloorPortal to the Top FloorThe Efreeti, VhalSeraA Deranged CeremonyCara Omica in the Mummy TunnelsTserrina Syl`Tor
Post Comment
8th floor, and more
# Dec 01 2001 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
There is no 8th floor. Plain and simple, there just isnt. The locked mirror will more than likely be for the Plain of Shadows....

The bat that pops Teserrina is pretty easy to spot, pets do not attack it. My suggestion for doing her, is easy. Clear torch room, pull first 2 bats. If those are not her, move to the back of that room. Have an Enchanter mezz one bat, while fighting the other. This way if she pops, theres running room to kill her before she gets into the torch room and creates adds. She is very easly taken out with just one group. I have even done it with just 3 people.
RE: 8th floor, and more
# Dec 06 2001 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
It might be for a plane...time will tell.

At what level was this done?
Signet Ring?
# Nov 18 2001 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
Has anyone else looted a no drop signet ring from either Daman or Nosja? I have found them a couple times and figured they're for a quest. Anyone know?
RE: Signet Ring?
# Feb 22 2002 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
When identified, it is identified as "Felkak's signet ring"... no info from me there.. hope this helps.
Abanon Soulstealer
45 necromancer
RE: Signet Ring?
# Jan 13 2002 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
Yes My part and I looted 2 of thse the other night
no idea what there for if you have any info on this send to please

kilkandark 44 mage Saints in shadows..quellious
defender of the free world and destroyer of the norath economy...if you want it camp it..if you got it kick it down
can a 55 ranger clear to 6th?
# Nov 02 2001 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
So I am trying the reinforcing kael quest, and I was curiou show tough this place is.
Could a 55 ranger with a fungi tunic clear this place to level 6 and kill the incoherent spirit?

I'm gonna try when my kael faction gets decent enough...just curious if I need a group to babysit me or not.

can i solo 2nd floor?
# Oct 24 2001 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
hello i was just wondering if a 39 almost 40 cleric could solo the 2nd floor on tofs. Please need feedback before i try it thanks.
Daranur Icebrew
39 cleric
<noir Circle>
RE: can i solo 2nd floor?
# Nov 02 2001 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
I think you could probably handle it. I was up there with a meat shield for a while but I was handling most of the work, and I'm a 35 cleric. I'm thinking about trying to solo it in a couple of levels.

Clerics rock!
RE: can i solo 2nd floor?
# Oct 30 2001 at 7:53 PM Rating: Default
Probably not. At least I wouldn't reccomend it if you haven't been on 2nd floor before.

Lots of them are casters, and it is easy to get adds.
8th floor, yes or no?
# Oct 19 2001 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
I have a uh, nameless friend that says he has been to the 8th but didn't stay long to fight because it was hella dangerous. He says he will take me up there but I don't quite believe him, has anyone ever been up there? Just say so but don't say how so it won't be farmed.
Need some advice
# Oct 16 2001 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Hi there everyone has anybody try to solo with 35 level cleric. If anybody has can you give me some advice please.


Fergal Thunderfoot
Skeletal hand
# Oct 06 2001 at 3:52 AM Rating: Default
I was on the 2nd floor killing the librarian. There is a bookcase with platform near here with a platform, and everytime i'm near it a skeletal hand attacks me. I can not see him anywhere or figure out where he is, whe must be attackin through the floor a ceiling. He is not on the beistary list and i have asked many people who have been to the top of the tower and say tehy never seen such a creature. Has anyone ran into this skeletal hand? or know where he is hidden? please post any info you got on this skeletal hand. Thanx

Evilb 44 Paladin
Morrel Thule
RE: Skeletal hand
# Oct 22 2001 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Im pretty sure the skeletal hand is a trap.

There is another trap on 6th, in the same room as the zone out mirrior. Its a mean one too, has a AOE of unbelievable powers(vox/naggy levels). After getting my group killed, and _then_ finding out what it is, I will not venture there without my cold resist gear to investigate.

Tanali - 51 Warrior - Tribunal
RE: Skeletal hand
# Oct 10 2001 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I do believe this is a trap on the bookcase. I'll try to disarm it next time in there to be sure.
RE: Skeletal hand
# Oct 17 2001 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
Last night (10/16/01) i noticed the fallen bookcase for the first time and indeed there is a skeletal hand which is not targetable but will attack. My pet did not respond to my getting beat on (lol). Loc is just to the R of the zone in. No rogue with us to try to disarm; am curious what this is.

Donanek, Nameless
52 Mage
Quest in SB
# Sep 29 2001 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
There is a quest in Stonebrunt for the Crystalized shadow armor and weapons, and fading shadow armor. You can look up the details but the rewards are: Turning an Crystalized shadow weapon, into a purified crystal weapon with exact same DMG/DLY but +4cha +5sv all. The dagger fits in range and is caster useable too so you could get a 4cha 5sv all range item. The Fading Shadow weapons turn into Purified weapons with exact same DMG/DLY but +2cha +3sv all, same with the dagger and range slot. On the armor it veries with the stat changes but it makes it so they are all druid useable. I looted the gloves belt and helm, they were plate only useable, then I did the quest and my HFL DRU could use them. Cool look, sucky stats, low wt on most of them so they would be ok for an untwinked lowbie monk.
Loot by floors
# Sep 14 2001 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
On all levels there is a possiblity of crystallized shadow (for Stoneburnt mountain quests and fair monk armor), gnome skin (fair PR gear and monk armor), fading shadow and velium weapons (sell to merchant).
I have not done 6th and 7th floor often enough to give you a loot list for that floor, but I do know Tserrina drops a mage only no drop snowball, ghostly robes, and some type of whip. Torchs drop a very nice no rent 1hb too (good to play with or give to pets if you are up there killing a lot).
I heard that the 7th floor is also good EXP for a 50+ group too and the one time I was up there is was pretty tough, kept getting lots of nasty adds.

On the first floor the key drops off a large undead gnoll who can be tiggered from basically any MOB on that floor. The loot isn't too great on this floor, but shadowbones can drop some fairly nice "newbie" weapons and a shadowbone earring (2int 4agi). It's fairly easy to clear, just levitate the puller and have him pull a few at a time and AoE them if you are a high enough level.

On the second floor the key drops off a angered or enraged librarian which is also a random tiggered MOB from any MOB on that floor. She is the only one who will drop really decent loot, and she drops 2 nice caster range slot items:
Student's Homework which adds 3 int and mana (forget what else) and Teacher's Syballus which adds 3 int, mana, 3 wis, and 20 poison resist.
This floor can also be cleared with AoEs because the MOBs don't have much HP, just becareful of getting DOTed. If you are taking a fairly low level group (30s-35) you can gain a good amount of EXP on this floor at low risk. Look for a secret bookcase along on of the corners which leads to a zone out.

The third floor I have not camped much, but I do know that an enraged cook (which seems to be tiggered by any shadow beast cook) drops the key and a very nice crafted velium ring (2ac 3agi 3sta 15hp 8svfire). I believe there is another named here, but not sure of the name or what she drops.

The 4th floor is a very nice, but significantly harder floor. There are a few traps which will lead to a room with a flame in it, clicking the flame will take you back to the floor entrance, be careful there are MOBs near by. One of the most difficult things about this floor is the intial break in, loads of MOBs will wander in once you head to the floor entrance, so be prepared for a hard battle. One of the keys will open the locked door (was either first or 3rd floor key) to the right of the entrance. Around there a named mummy will spawn named Amhotep, if you are looking for the key kill it and wait for Cara the key holder to spawn in another room a fair ways off. Another name I remember is Narmak something another named MOB. Drops include a nice helmet (for plate classes I believe) summon bandage dagger, magnetic dirk of distraction, and frost covered tome.

The 5th floor is the wedding, and this room is pretty strange foward. Crash the wedding (I forget what actually drops what) and a few goodies will drop including Spiked Velium Helm and an extremely nice Wedding Ring: Some ac (2?), 5int 5wis 15mana 8svfire 8svcold 3dex and a Ceremonial Wedding Sword (quest or maybe just for show as it has no stats). The enraged relative drops the key.
Key Names?
# Sep 14 2001 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I have collected a number of the keys to the ToFS on different occasions, but, can't set them straight as to what floors I have and what I don't? Can someone post a list of the key names and what floors they go to? Thanks!

RE: Key Names?
# Sep 23 2001 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
i don't have all the keys but here's what i know:
small rusty key: opens ToFS floor5
bone finger key: opens ToFS floor 6
3 toothed key: opens ToFS floor 3
8th Key
# Aug 05 2001 at 3:39 AM Rating: Default
If there is a 8th floor key quest then I doubt it involves Abrams,Corudoth and Helseen. All 3 of those npcs are part of a quest called "Reinforcements for The Tunarean Regiment" which starts in kael and involes you talking to the turtle and then giving something to Abrams on the 6th floor.
Everything i know about ToFS floors 1-5 (little of 6)
# Aug 03 2001 at 2:24 AM Rating: Excellent
ok me and a few friends spend lots of time here actually its me and one friend always dragging others there lol but by this point we know alot about it hope this helps a little

In general- take an enchanter cause trust me youll need one on every floor but the 1st it is so easy to get pulls you dont want the enchanter will save your life =) as always in dungeons have an evacer but ehre its even better cause sometimes the mirrors for teh exits arent so east to find =) and even worse sometimes there locked!!

simple every time ive seen the key dropped on this floor(off a large undead gnoll) its triggered by the shadowbone in the last or second to last hallway on the left. Ive been told anything on teh floor can trigger it though but its easy enough to clear the whole floor so if all else fails kill everything =) once you have the key youll find the mirror in the right corridor after you run through the doorway guarded by teh lesser iceshades
cool drops- Gnome skin!!! lol this armor sucks but looks really cool its simply black armor pretty much no texture to it. bracers are teh most common, Gloves are teh least common and arms are pretty rare too they seem to drop more on the 5th floor
warnings- look out for the slippery floor!! there is a huge pit in teh middle if you fall in there are stairs to climb but you aggro a ton of stuff by falling in, larger races have a very hard time getting up the stairs lol
levels and classes needed- this floor doesnt take much a mid 30's druid and tank could wipe the whole floor if there careful

FLOOR 2- The library

Key mobs- The Angry Librarian (she drops the key to the 3rd floor a teachers sylibus and a students homework these items are caster i think both range items i know the homewrok is for sure and goes for abotu 1k on the tunare server) the one time i got her to spawn we had to kill the entire floor before it happened seems shell spawn off of any mob shes not too tough though

its best on this floor to pull to where you zone. An enchanter comes in really ahndy on this floor. once youve pulled the first half of teh room and you ahve someoen who can cast invis to undead move to teh corridor across teh room from teh entrance and pull to there to get teh rest of teh room

cool loot- nothing to great here (cept teh stuff on teh angry librarian) ive heard of some crystal somethign or other armor but it doesnt look to great and after ownign the whole floor i never saw a single piece of it.

Entrance and exit- nothing importand about the entrance to this floor. the exit you have to click one of the bookcases i think its down the last corridor to the left but i cant tell you for sure wich book case it is (ive never had to exit of this floor)

Levels and classes needed- several times i have taken couger hunting groups from iceclad to this floor and things go pretty well i suggest that you have a chanter and an evacer if its your first time here cause the exit can be hard to find and to get to. im thinking full group of mid 30s can take it even just a chanter cleric and tank could probably do it.

Warnings- these mobs gate. And gate alot if your group isnt capable of stunning or blasting them at the end. ive never had a problem with them bringing back more than one or two friends but be prepaired.

FLOOR 3- this floor can be nasty if you dont have a map when you enter have your main puller take a right dont go too far cause stuff will aggro as soon as you move pretty much so have your tank clear a path down teh right corridor straight off that corridor is teh kitchen once youve cleared the room its a good place to camp
____________l.OOOOOOOlOOOOOOPool roomOOOOO^Ol
____________l.OOOOOOOlOO(not sure whatsOOO^Ol
OOOO>.(hall 1)>.>.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^Ol

3rd floor map section b (the connect where there marked with A)

rough basic layout of what you need to know to get out of the third floor and also to the 4th floor

****- you enter here

--- door not sure whats behind it

XX -doorway (some of these may be fake walls)

XIX- defanitly a fake wall

....- path to get to 4th floor

>>>- path to get to exit

^- secret wall marked with a tapestry

###- mirror to teh 4th floor

mobs on this floor are much harder than the 2nd if your in trouble and you cant gate the mintue you even think you might nto be able to handle something run for teh exit mirror and make sure your entire party will run the very second teh leader says RUN try to keep teh casters in front so they get to teh mirror first hate to say it but if a caster doesnt make the gate thats pretty much the end of teh line for them. after you clear the first hallway (marked hall1) if you hug the left wall pretty much nothing should aggro and if it does and your nto ready just make a straight run for wichever mirror your headed now if something aggros here and you cant handle it then your group defanitly will not serive the 4th floor so my suggestion just exit.

before going to teh 4th floor have your party buff and then med to full in front of teh 4th floor mirror marked ###

key mob- enraged shadow beast pretty sure he spawns in the kitchen

cool loot- dotn know much about loot on this floor =( its not a heck of an interesting place to camp but id asume that the cook or enraged cook drops soemthing good not sure what hes called.

Warnings- some stuff here is undead some is living so invis or invis to undead doesnt work thats what makes this floor so hard.

my map is very rough but the path to the exit mirror is very easy to find i found it for the first time by just running around looking

***when you enter this floor have your part ready to back up to the wall theres lots of stuff that aggros right where you pop in***
i can not stress /assist enough here there tons of mobs close together on this floor an enchanter(or a very high level bard that knows what there doing) is an absalute MUST on this floor. have your chanter ready to mez as soon as the main tank calls for the first assist unless someoen has been here right before you you will ahve anywhere from 3- 7 mobs on you depending on how fast you get back to the wall. lots of stuff from this point on has dmg shields so have someoen ready to dispell, and with any dungeon to snare or root

main mobs-
cara omica- drops the key to teh 5th floor
elmbalmers skinning knife (procs summon bandaids =D )
very very rare soreceress bowl- caster item
narmak something or other-
Sk shield not sure on stats i think tis pretty good though
a melee class tome range item cood stats not bard usable not sure what other classes cant use i dont think rogues can either
one more named mob not sure what it drops never seen it spawn amphetia or soemthing like that is what its called

you need a map to get to teh 5th floor from here there a ton of fake walls its liek a maze

FLOOR 5 - the wedding

simple have someoen single pull the ushers first

root your mobs cause as soon as they start to run away they dissapear and reaper at teh other end of teh hallway it can get nasty if you havtn rooted or snared.

after youve [ulled teh ushers you can either have that person pull the priest then nasja then daman or you can simply go in teh room and start killing them (if everyone is 45 and up theres not much in here that will aggro)

suggested killing order-
priest, Nasja, Daman, the usher, undead dancers, then take out the 9 zombies

warnings- the pathing bug see above

BEWARE THE ENRAGED RELATIVE- he drops the key to teh next floor wow is this guy tough hits 100+ was red to me at 40 pretty sure hes teh highest level mob on the floor

well thats pretty much it ill add stuff later

ack sorry guys the message board doesnt show the map correctly =( its sorta fixed had to fill all the spaces inm with o's
RE: Everything i know about ToFS floors 1-5 (little of 6)
# Jan 29 2002 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
Good God man, here...

. ! ? . . ! , . ! ; : .

...borrow some of my punctuation symbols.
RE: Everything i know about ToFS floors 1-5 (little of 6)
# Sep 06 2001 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
Heh, trust me. Enchanters are overrated and not needed for most of these floors. If you get more than you can handle, either zone, evac or die like da supa oga with rage in yer heart and fire in yer loins!

Last couple excursions into ToFS has been so much fun. Pull massively, destroy them all and wait for more to pop. This strategy has worked for us so far, we even got to the 5th floor and was kicking some major bootay until the enraged relative showed up. (I still say we could have kicked that blue-conning biotch's ******

Gruk Halflingpunter, supa oga
Lords of Grief, E'Ci
45 Warrior
"Pull big or go the F home!"
RE: Everything i know about ToFS floors 1-5 (little of 6)
# Feb 28 2002 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
If you had an enchanter you would not need to gate, evac, run, or die. Foolish tanks. Plus, enchanters attract clerics like gnomes attract ugly.

And odds are if you're about to die on level 2 of TOFS and you're the one holding the key, that warm fealing in your pants is not the fire of your loins, but the oozy remains of your lunch.

Edited, Thu Feb 28 23:29:37 2002
# Jul 25 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
They fixed it as of last patch (7/24). Amonpheta, and therefore Cara, now both spawn
TOFS 4th Floor Nerfed?
# Jul 20 2001 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Hi all,

I was hunting in a full group on Lanys last night, and we cleared the 4th floor entirely. We had two druids to track and NONE of the named popped, even after clearing the ENTIRE floor.

This is completely different behavior from before - previously, there would be at least a single named up from which we could trigger the rest of the spawns (Narmek Barreka, Amonpheta, and lastly, Cara Omica).

Now it seems those spawns are rare spawns. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Or was it just a run of bad luck?

Lindup, 46th Necro, Clan of Wisdom
Lanys T'vyl
1st Floor
# Jul 18 2001 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
I have an idea I want to try, last nite me and acouple guildies were messing around with the first floor. The lesser ice shades seem to be pullable as a double pull, so my idea is with my 39 necro to charm one, kill the other, then kill charmed one. The zone is super close so if charm is resisted, just zone or FD. I'm gonna try this tonite and make sure I can just pull the shades, they con blue to me so this should be awesome solo XP.
pulling 1st floor
# Jul 07 2001 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 32 pally with my ghoulbane and was in ToFS last night trying to solo the 1st floor. The problem is that I cant seen to keep my pulls down to a resonable number. If anyone had any tricks as to which mobs to pull first it would be much appreciated thank you.
RE: pulling 1st floor
# Sep 07 2001 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
Being a mid 30's Paladin myself and soloing on the first floor.....The best advice I can give is to use your spell Spook the Dead. all the MOB's will run for the mirror and stand there with thier backs turned til the fear wears off...then it isnt so bad...using Ward and spook along with the ghoulbane will works wonders for ya...just make sure you spook ALL of them in order to stay alive...
RE: pulling 1st floor
# Mar 23 2002 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
Just so you know, following this guys advice could get you banned, this is considered an exploit by Verant, and as I understand they do check on this one.
RE: pulling 1st floor
# Aug 07 2001 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
rent a rogue..:)
RE: pulling 1st floor
# Feb 28 2002 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
Clearly an Enchanter would be a better choice. He can levitate you accross the ice.
sk sickle
# Jun 12 2001 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
Some where in here on the 3rd floor one of the named pops drops a sk sickle.... it is ok if u have got haste but otherwise sucks
Spell drops?
# Jun 09 2001 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
I hear rumors that Celestial Heal is a much more common drop here than in the Guardian Wurm cave in the Great divide. Is there any truth to that? And if so where is the best place in here to get a drop? Thanks!
RE: Spell drops?
# Oct 26 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
Yes Celestial heal is a pretty common drop.. I have seen it drop on 4th floor an up.. Also I have seen a druid spell and a shaman spell as well.

Tumerous strengh <sp> Shaman spell

Ro'of fiery <sp> Druid spell

Celestrial Healing Cleric spell
RE: Spell drops?
# Feb 03 2003 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
My little hunting group only made it to the 5th floor before we logged for the night ... I agree with the Druid and Shaman spells that are droped but not the Cleric ... but like I said we were only on level 5 .. don't know what 6a & b or 7 hold yet ... but the Cleric spell was Turning of the Unnatural ... we hope to find more stuff farther up.
Awesome XP
# Jun 07 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
Just like to say that at lvl 40 level 4 is awesome XP. I know msot groups go in here for loot, or to see how far you can get. We in strictly for XP, and stopped at lvl 4, it was coming in fast.

Got some decent loot, but nothing to write home about. Students Homework was best thing, and everybody gets that. Velium Finly Crafted Ring has some decent fire resist, impossible to sell.

All kinds of gnomeskin drops, but for some reason gnomes can't wear. :) Decent poision resist on it, useless otherwise, except for looks.

Got a few other drops, but nothing worth fighting over, or even rolling for.

This is a very cool dungeon, mages can summon pets thru the mirrors, so can keep them up. Dunno if necros can summon pets to them. /shrug

Also, you don't always "go up" when you mirror, keep eye on /loc, the Z axis stays the same, so things from top and bottom floor won't attack you if you use AE. Its basically just a big flat zone, with teleports. At least thats the way I understand it.

If you do mirror while something is beating on you, it will come thru with you.

Also, someone was saying that there are no defined "levels", well if you identify the keys, they says like "Level 4 Key" and stuff, so there are levels :)

RE: Awesome XP
# Jun 11 2001 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
I'll have to concur on the Awesome XP.

I went here for about 6 hours or so. My first trip. On that trip I gained a full level (from halfway into 36 to halfway into 37) and I got myself the Finely Crafted Velium Ring (much better than the Cutthroat Insignia Ring I had before) and the kicker... I got myself the Shield of Shadows.

Full, nice group with two clerics, druid, enchanter, warrior and me (SK) got up to the 4th level. They just let me have the shield since I was the only SK and in return I just let the warrior have his frost covered tomb. Excellent zone if you know your way around and can find the exits on each level (I only know of the ones on the 1st (duh) the 2nd and 3rd).
# Jun 01 2001 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
Hi all first i wana say i m spending most of my time in this tower cause i love it and bu fear it s very cool for necro levelling i killed about 20 times Tserinna i have all the keys included the Tserinna key
My first question is why when u arrive to 7 (Tserinna floor ) with the Tserinna key ( using left mirror) u cant use the 8 mirrors except for zoning out , i tryed all my keys on all mirrors but each time i m zoning out no access to each floor individually it s bugged or i missed something dunno really
Second question as i told u i killed Tserinna a couple of times but never see the Robe dropped someone has a proof she exists ?
For the 8th level i m ??????????? hope u have somes answers )
# May 27 2001 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
My guild has an ongoing project here. Can't decide where to raid we take another level or two off the tower. Anyhoo, The mirror to the 7th floor from the first is rumored to be pickable by rogues. Has anyone done this? If so, does it take you or your whole group?

how many requred to kill tserrina?
# May 13 2001 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
Hey, i was just wondering how many ppl and of what lvl it took to kill tserrina, and what are the stats of her drops? I'm thinkin of making a guild raid there pretty soon and i need to know some stuff. also, what lvl can a necro solo the 4th floor? people always tell me that its really hard.
# May 04 2001 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
8th floor 'mystery'
# Apr 11 2001 at 9:29 AM Rating: Default
As with most dungeons the faction given is related to the 'Boss' mob and I do not belive there to be a lev 8 or that there ever will be. the Ice queen Mrs. T is it, the boss, just read your faction hits as you kill things to find out whos cheerios your pissing in. However the mirrors could be the door to what ever lev of the tower you wish to go or serve no purpose at all, kinda like designers that had ideas and went another direction. Might want to try every key on every mirror up there. Just 2 more copper thrown onto the pile.
RE: 8th floor 'mystery'
# Apr 26 2001 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
I would lay money on the fact that the "mystery" mirror is the future portal to the Plane of Shadow.
What the Lucid Spirit is Not For
# Apr 07 2001 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
The Lucid Spirit of Abrams is unconnected with tower keys. He does not help you get to a floor above Tserrina, or warp to other levels, or out of the tower, or anything like that. He is only part of a Kael Quest (which you can read here on AllaKhazam's in the Kael section, entitled "Reinforcements for the Tunarean Regiment"). The ancient key from Petcas in Thurgadin - the key you need for said Kael quest - is also not related to the Tower.

Abram's ghost will be indifferent when he is triggered. Unless you have the lock of hair from Corudoth, which you got as part of the Kael quest, he's not going to be of any use to you.

The rewards from this quest are exceptional if you're an enchanter, pretty good if you're another int caster, very good if you're a tank, and seem pretty darned good if you're a wis caster. That's why Abram's ghost is so sought after. You can see the rewards by looking up the Tunarean Regiment quest.

Khoren Stonefall
Level 58 Knight
Brell Serilis
Big fan of the Collar of the Storm

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