The NPC that dwarfs need to hail in their home city is Kennelia Gwieal loc +87, +243. She is in the Pub Kal near the arena.
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Short version
Once you reach level 15, you will receive a "mysterious message:" A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'If you can feel me in your thoughts, know this -- something is changing in the world and I reckon you should be a part of it. I do not know much, but I do know that in every home city and the wilds there are agents of an organization called the Wayfarers Brotherhood. They are looking for recruits . . . If you can hear this message, you are one of the chosen. Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds, and find out more. Adventure awaits you, my friend.' If you are not sure what town you started in, you can also go to the Rathe Mountains gypsy camp or the SE corner of Western Karana. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC. You need to find the person mentioned and hail him. He will tell you about the wayfarer camps and mention 5 more NPC's - one per camp. Head to a camp and talk to the NPC there and he will ask you some questions. Answer them and you will get flagged to use the adventure system and the Magus teleports that take you from camp to camp. Answers: Question 1: adventures 2: favor journal 3: Morden Rasp 4: farstone Known "hometown" NPCs: Ak'Anon - Flapti Bizztrin (+1245, -930) Butcherblock Mountains - Vual Stoutest (-1120, -2500) Commonlands - Barstre Songweaver (-1665, -110) Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585, sitting in a chair on the second level near the banker) Detailed steps to get to him: Take elevator to 1 floor up. Then look for stairwell near SE corner area. Go towards the Potion and Alchemy Sellers area. Look around the tables. He should be sitting near at one of the tables. Almost across from the Alchemy potion sellers. East Cabilis - Zauz Malgorne (+260, -265) East Freeport - Miocaei Herlsas (-1480, +625, at the back of the Pit) Erudin - Orwin Flintmaker (bottom of the stairs in the Vasty Deep Inn, at -1160, -150) Erudin Palace - Ienala Eceiaiu (+790, +860, in the last room in the back of the bank) Everfrost Peaks - Teria Grinntli (1860, -5030) Grobb - Blorgok Gkapbron (+220, +100, inside the Berserker guild) Kelethin (Greater Faydark) - Enyaanuia Windancer (-525, -565, in a tavern off the fletching platform) Halas - Jowra McGynnall (+340, -310) Mountains of Rathe (Frogloks) - Fipnoc Birribit (-1215, +390) Mountains of Rathe (non-Frogloks) - Nemeen Pekasr (+3990, +1385) Neriak Commons - Kwilrz Vn`Ycxa (+75, -865, in The Refined Palate) Neriak Third Gate - Torxal Smalane (+775, -1370, -80, near the Furrier Royale) North Kaladim - Halthar Mowestone (+470, -90) North Qeynos - Drun Vorwig (+280, +90) North Ro - Ruanya Windleaf (+7445, -955) Northern Felwithe - Larroniae Huial (+130, -430, Shop of All Holos) Oggok - Puwdap (+360, +1080) in the cave just north of the beastlord GM Paineel - Yenlr Undraie (+810, +625, wearing a white robe, just inside as you get off the elevator) Qeynos Aqueducts - Dollin Nusmag (+405, -595) Rivervale - Jimbledorp Heptybak (+430, -380) Shar Vahl - Vlarha Myticla (-440, -255) South Kaladim - Kennelia Gwieal (+90, +245) South Qeynos - Warehnn Awlne (-10, -35) South Ro - Selephra Giztral at (-116.97, -289.24) Southern Felwithe - Thwinose Vilgarn (+355, -805) Surefall Glades - Narwkend Falgon (+180, -60, inside the ranger guild) The Rathe Mountains - Fipnoc Birribit (-1220, 390) (just south west of PoK book under same tent), he sends you to speak to any of the following NPCs. West Cabilis - Yzilimn Pxikn (+275, +520) West Freeport - Genniau Noghce (-155, -420, inside Tassel's Tavern) West Karana - Melaara Tenwinds (-3330, -14815, southeast corner of the zone) Detailed Version This is the introduction you'll see in Greater Faydark. Others will be very similar. A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'If you can feel me in your thoughts, know this -- something is changing in the world and I reckon you should be a part of it. I do not know much, but I do know that in every home city and the wilds there are agents of an organization called the Wayfarers Brotherhood. They are looking for recruits and . . . If you can hear this message, you are one of the chosen. Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds, and find out more. Adventure awaits you, my friend.' You have entered The Greater Faydark. A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'Enyaanuia Windancer in the tavern by Trueshots Bows has just joined the Wayfarers Brotherhood and has some information about them, and how you can start doing odd jobs for them. You looked like the heroic sort, so I wanted to contact you . . . discreetly.' You say, 'Hail, Enyaanuia Windancer' Enyaanuia Windancer says 'Come to find out about the Wayfarers Brotherhood, hm? I think I saw you around here long ago. Because you are familiar to me, I will trust you with some [information].' You say, 'I want some information.' Enyaanuia Windancer says 'The Wayfarers Brotherhood is pretty particular about who they do business with. You will need to prove yourself to them. You can start gaining their gratitude by helping them. The Wayfarers Brotherhood will ask you to answer some questions when you first meet with them. They tend to call all of their assignments 'adventures.' You'd do well to keep that in mind as they'll be more likely to give you some tasks. There is other information that makes them easier to [deal with] too.' You say, 'Deal with?' Enyaanuia Windancer says 'There are several camps of Wayfarers Brotherhood explorers around the world. In each camp you'll find a trusted Wayfarers Brotherhood member that has the task of recruiting adventurers that will take on interesting, and potentially lethal, [work]. Some members will tell you stories, if they think you are worthy of learning such prized information. Others will share their treasures with you, but only if you do work for them.' You say, 'Work?' Enyaanuia Windancer says 'The Wayfarers Brotherhood believes in giving something for something. For each adventure you take from them, they will add you to their Favor Journal. With the points of Favor that their record keepers have counted for you, you can trade your good Favor for wonderful treasures and goods. Also, the more adventures you do for the Wayfarers Brotherhood, the more your Favor increases. The harder jobs get you more Favor, by the way. As you gain more Favor, the Wayfarers Brotherhood treasure keepers will let you peek at some of their more unique and sought after items. So, it pays to get in good with them, you see! And there's [more]!' You say, 'There's more?' Enyaanuia Windancer says 'You should also know that there are five magi in the Wayfarers Brotherhood that have found very unique magic stones in the world that they are able to use to transport adventurers to one another. They have placed a magus with one of these stones at each large camp. They call it Farstone Magic. And that's not the only [interesting ore] we've seen lately.' You say, 'Interesting ore -- you are messing with me, elf woman!' Enyaanuia Windancer says 'We've found some strange items off the dead in the dungeons. At first we just thought they were simple things -- rocks, pebbles, gems, and the like -- and then we noticed they had very unusual auras about them. Well, one day, Morden Rasp was toying with one -- a shiny green shard -- and he went to scrape it with his dagger. Suddenly, the shard began to reform and fused with his dagger. While the dagger remained as fine as ever, Morden himself felt a surge of strength! So, you will want to watch out for these strange magic pieces in the world. Now, I suggest you go talk to Selephra Giztral, Barstre Songweaver, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, or Ruanya Windleaf. They handle all of those who are interested in working for the Wayfarers Brotherhood and getting rewards. Remember well what I've told you!' You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done! In the Everfrost Peaks: You say, 'Hail, Teria Grinntli' Teria Grinntli says 'Welcome stranger. I'm afraid you must answer some questions before I can consider opening our wealth of skill and knowledge to you. First, what does the Wayfarers Brotherhood call the tasks they will ask you to do for them?' You say, 'Give me adventures!' You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done! Teria Grinntli says 'We will reward based on your improving position with the Wayfarers Brotherhood. We keep a certain type of log that records how often and well you help us. What is it called?' You say, 'It's a favor journal.' You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done! Teria Grinntli says 'Who discovered that some treasures have strange magical properties by poking one with his dagger?' You say, 'Morden Rasp' You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done! Teria Grinntli says 'Our brilliant magi use a special kind of magic to help teleport us between camps. What is it called?' You say, 'A farstone' Teria Grinntli says 'Congratulations! I believe now that you are trustworthy enough to take on some of the adventures the Wayfarers Brotherhood have to give. We will be able to continue with our discussions once you complete some adventures. We can also help you with travel between our camps. Be well, fair Guiscard. I'm sure, someday, you will be a great addition to the Wayfarers Brotherhood.' You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done! Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100. Teria Grinntli says 'Take this Adventurer Stone with you on your journeys into the dungeons. You will find it useful. Should you lose it somehow, come talk to me and I'll replace it.' Rewards: - Faction with Wayfarers Brotherhood - Adventurer's Stone (needed to use the Magus portals) These same steps will work on any of the following NPCs: Selephra Giztral, Barstre Songweaver, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, and Ruanya Windleaf. Upon the hail that maxes out the stats of your Adventurer's Stone, you will see in red: It's time to acknowledge you as a Wayfarer. Give Chaenz Abella in the Commonlands your Adventurer Stone and he'll replace it with your very own Wayfarers Emblem. Or, if it's being used in a charm, you must remove it to get your new one. And, if you simply destroy the stone, he will replace it with your much-deserved emblem. Just tell him you want your [emblem]. Head to Chaenz Abella in the Wayfarer's camp in the Commonlands. Chaenz Abella says 'I heard you had become knowledgeable about all aspects of the dungeons we've found. I must confess that I never had you pegged for such a great adventurer! I suppose I should welcome you -- as a member of the Wayfarers Brotherhood. The honor is well deserved. Congratulations!' Chaenz Abella says 'Here is a token of my appreciation. Should you lose your Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem or misplace it, I or Barstre, Selephra, Ruanya, Teria, or Vual will replace it.' Receive Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem. | |
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