Traded a Jarsath Trident (Paid 200pp) A centi Warspear (Paid 20pp) and 150pp For the Heavy Velium War Lance (32/39 2hP). Level 32 Dwarf Warrior with STR of 169 and a Pierce skill of 154, AVg Damage is Between 67 and 99, with crits of 170 and cripples of 387. Saw one for sale in the Bazaar for 2.5K and I paid less than 400 essentailly.
these are by far some of the most ubber peircers in da game. etched go for only 8k and exuisite go fer 12k on ralloz zek as long as the guy isn't an a@# sellin um but there are like 7 or 8 of em with different stats etched and exuisite are about the best as far as damage ratio goes exuisite is 1hp to awsome wep fer a pally can still use bash WOOOOOOOOOOOOOTT
for those of you who are wondering i will anser a few frequently asked questiongs about this mob and the wepon it is holding 1) ALL VELIUM LANCES to my knowledge have the same graphic i do now know about the primal/priceless 2) these little rodents come in different classes, ive seen straight up warriors mainly but some hybrids too, 1 or 2 pally rats and a few sk rats-yes sk rats ht but pally rats dont LH i havent seen them around lately though i thik verant was experimenting 3) Mezzes are i pain to get off on these things so dont bother ive heard of only a few times where a mezz actually worked but our poor chanted died while she tried to get the 5th mezz off the other 4 were unsuccessful 4) lucky for you thye are not usually in packs or else you would be rat food
Just so no one flames someone else for thinking that they are right about the lance and someone else is not.
The lances all look the same graphically. I have had both the Crafted Velium War Lance and currently own a Etched Velium War Lance. And they both drop off the Dominators.
Vajeeta Vileblade 47 Rogue Bonds of Faith (Prexus)
I have the Heavy Velium War Lance and it also appears just as the one pictured here. Tremendous weapon even with out any stat modifiers. I have to put it away when in newb zones, too many questions and requests to examine. heh heh One day I will get another one by force and not thru the sheer nicety of a friend.
Bonlainy Trueheart Paladin of the 45th Crusade Unyielding Power Vazaelle
How frightening. I bet deep in their lair you can find scientists in lab coats running on big wheels and running through mazes to find the cheese at the end.
My one venture into Dragon Necropolis was quite humorous. I ended up getting the FPL, very nice, but this Dominator hit me with a HT. Killed me with over 800 damage instantly. I believe them to be ShadowKnights. Anyone else have this rude awakening?
It could also be the Honed Veliumn War Lance (Yes Honed...I have a picture =P). They might be the same thing, I'm not sure, but I saw a guy in SolB with one the other day. 2h piercing.
There are a bunch of different weapons that I have seen so far that end with the name "...Velium War LAnce" The first word is different and they have slightly different dmg/dly ratios.