Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Indium Ore  

This item can be used in tradeskills.
Recommended level of 59. Required level of 55.
WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Type:Misc
Merchant Value:0 pp 3 gp 5 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Iradya
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-18 20:51:35
Page Updated:Tue Nov 5th, 2024

Expansion: The Buried Sea The Buried Sea

Average Price: 20pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Global
Level to Attain: 50

[Drops | Recipes | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Akheva Ruins
NPC Name
A Centi Atulus
Shrouded Anisher

Barren Coast
NPC Name
a blackwing crow
a rotten double-crosser
a vicious mutineer

Blackfeather Roost
NPC Name
a harpy patroller
Lady Inthra

Cazic-Thule 2.0
NPC Name
a Thul Tae Ew defender
a Thul Tae Ew zealot
an enraged shiverback

NPC Name
a Di`Zok Cryptmaster
a Di`Zok Legionnaire
a Shai`din Myrmidon
an Apprentice Herbalist
an off duty Accountant

City of Mist
NPC Name
a berserk fiend

Corathus Creep
NPC Name
a mindspore thrall

Crescent Reach
NPC Name
Warden Runihura

Crypt of Nadox
NPC Name
an exhausted Bloodtusk
Crew Chief Hanriesaf

Dragon Necropolis
NPC Name
a Chetari Deathbinder
a Chetari Dominator
a Chetari Dustshaper
a Chetari guard
a Chetari master
a phase spider

Drunder, Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics)
NPC Name
a boar beast
a frenzied initiate
a Gladiator

Dulak's Harbor
NPC Name
a Broken Skull scout

East Freeport
NPC Name
Militia Patrol Captain
Militia Patrol Member

Echo Caverns
NPC Name
a bogling

Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind
NPC Name
A Vengeful Airspirit

Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
NPC Name
a corrupted turepta

Firiona Vie
NPC Name
a cliff golem
Foloal Stormforest

Freeport Sewers
NPC Name
a Shadowhand dealer

Fungus Grove
NPC Name
a Bandit Lookout

Great Divide
NPC Name
a tower guard

Grieg's End
NPC Name
a belligerent guardsman
a defiled dreamweaver
a mangled clairvoyant
a shadowy figure
a shrouded willsapper
a soldier of madness
a tormented mercenary
a wretched servant

Halls of Honor
NPC Name
a Guardian of Marr
a Valiant Spirit
An Undead Miniature

Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden
NPC Name
a Broken Skull blademaster
High Priest Anaanci
lascar second class

Icewell Keep
NPC Name
Royal Scribe Kaavin
Watcher Sprin

Jaggedpine Forest
NPC Name
Waldo Pinemyer

Kael Drakkel
NPC Name
Armor of Zek

Lair of Terris Thule
NPC Name
a dream defiler

Lake Rathetear
NPC Name

Maiden's Eye
NPC Name
a goranga scout
a goranga tribesman
an umbrous toiler
Xin Thall Centien

Mines of Nurga 2.0
NPC Name
a goblin overseer

Natimbi, the Broken Shores
NPC Name
an entrapped potamide

Nobles' Causeway
NPC Name
a dragorn armsman
a dragorn guard

Old Sebilis
NPC Name
froglok dar knight
froglok ilis shaman
Imperial Crypt Guardian
sebilite juggernaut

Plane of Disease
NPC Name
a pestilence pusling
a tachnian caterpillar
a wretched pusling

Plane of Hate
NPC Name
an abhorrent

Plane of Innovation
NPC Name
an obsolete unit

Plane of Justice
NPC Name
an enervating beetle

Plane of Mischief 2.0
NPC Name
a theatre patron

Plane of Nightmare
NPC Name
a crumbling gargoyle
a slarghilug
a virulent arachnid

Plane of Sky
NPC Name
a soul harvester

Plane of Storms
NPC Name
a hleyta menn

Plane of Time A
NPC Name
a crystalline aberration
a shimmering geonid

Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
NPC Name
a twisted stoneservant

Ruins of Lxanvom [Crypt of Decay] - [PoP]
NPC Name
Corrupted Pusling
Foul Pusling
Greater Corrupted Pusling
Greater Foul Pusling
Greater Pusling

Sanctus Seru
NPC Name
a Praesertum Functionary
a Praetorian Pius
a Vigilum of the Eye
Watcher Kiba

Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones
NPC Name
a confused sludgeworker

Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
NPC Name
a sludge lurker [Pool of Sludge]

Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
NPC Name
an abandoned worker

Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory
NPC Name
a piece of sewage slime
a sludge lurker [the Crematory]

Siren's Grotto
NPC Name
a neriad maiden
a neriad mistress
a siren beguiler
a siren myrmidon
a siren templar
an enthralled bulthar

Solusek Ro's Tower
NPC Name
a fire mephit
a flame mephit

Ssraeshza Temple
NPC Name
A Bone Spiked Golem
a temple guard
a temple patroller

Steamfont Mountains
NPC Name
Forpar Fizfla

Sunderock Springs
NPC Name
a quarry slave

Swamp of No Hope
NPC Name
a black ravenger

Temple of Marr
NPC Name
a Wrulon Guard

The Bloodfields
NPC Name
a noc fleshletter
Golem Supplier
High Priest Wersin

The Broodlands
NPC Name
a Broodlands worshipper
a Frostflake champion

The Freeport Arena: Hidden Treasures
NPC Name
a Shadowhand pickpocket

The Grey
NPC Name
a timeless golem
An Ancient Shissar Servitor

The Overthere
NPC Name
a cliff golem
Kurron Ni

The Steppes
NPC Name
a Stonemight goblin
a Stonemight shaman

Timorous Deep
NPC Name
a gunthak pirate
a gunthak swabby
a Spiroc Harvester

Torgiran Mines
NPC Name
a Broken Skull dreadguard

NPC Name
a dwarven slave
a gnomish slave
an elven slave

NPC Name
a Malgrin acolyte
a Malgrin priest
a Ragepaw primal one
a shiliskin net caster
a shiliskin shore walker
a sporali harvester

Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
NPC Name
A Glass Formation

NPC Name
a bloodgill shaman
an iksar golem

Velketor's Labyrinth
NPC Name
an Icepaw berserker
Failed Experiment Izah
Khelkar Icepaw
Laryk Icepaw

Vex Thal
NPC Name
a living shadow
a mass of shadows

Wakening Land
NPC Name
a corrupted faun

West Freeport
NPC Name
Guard Petyr
Militia Patrol Captain
Militia Patrol Member

Used in 25 recipes.
Recipe list - Premium only.


Uploaded November 5th, 2024 by iventheassassin
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# Sep 29 2010 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
Dropped of of An Apprentice Herbalist
Wrong info for Dulaks harbour
# Jun 02 2009 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
Shipyard Architect in Dulaks harbour drops Fulginate Ore.
Drop Info
# May 26 2009 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
Best place to farm this for those wishing to work early 225-245 smithing is Chardok. While camping for the snare hammer, I farmed library, King, and Queen rooms and got a 60+ in about 3 hrs. Also a ton of Binding powders. Way better drop rate that Grieg's.
# Mar 13 2008 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
also dropped off exhausted boar in crypt of nadox .
another drop place
# Dec 03 2007 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
also drops off trash mobs in HoHa
What to do with patterns?
# Nov 09 2007 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
759 posts
So, once you've made the patters out of the Indium Ore, do we know what armour can actually be made from them? Can't seem to find anything online or in-game.
What to do with patterns?
# Nov 29 2007 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Indium is provided purely as a skillup path for smithing... the templates are not used but can be sold back to vendor to recoup some losses. You will see at the last patch they should have removed the tradeskill flag from unusable items such as this.
What to do with patterns?
# Nov 09 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Duchess Cylius wrote:
So, once you've made the patters out of the Indium Ore, do we know what armour can actually be made from them? Can't seem to find anything online or in-game.

We're still missing large portions of the new recipes for DoN cultural stuff. Stay tuned...
# Oct 23 2007 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
Dropped today in Veksar off of "an iksar golem".

Stonemite Goblins
# Oct 16 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Add the stonemite Goblins in goruka mesa. Had the ore drop of a shaman and a straight goblin last night. Suspect it can drop off all of them and had lots of the other new tradeskill bits drops including fine silk, fine hide, excellent silk, rhenium ore, fine spinnaret, and some marrow and loam but cant remember which of those.
# Oct 13 2007 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Indium Ore drops from mobs in Grieg's End:
a belligerent guardsman
a mangled clairvoyant
a shadowy figure
a shrouded willsapper
a soldier of madness
a tormented mercenary
a wretched servant

Indium Ore drops from mobs in Sanctus Seru:
a Vigilium of the Eye
Watcher Kiba

Yther Ore.
DoN Cultural armor
# Oct 04 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
this is one of the new materials for DoN cultural armor, smithing stuff
New Item
# Sep 29 2007 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
This drops in Sirens Groto as well as several other items. I do not know what it is for.
# Sep 29 2007 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Got some in ssra level 2 ( way to archilich ). think we have to search for new crafting :)
# Sep 29 2007 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Dropped off Bashmaster, Dromrek Cook, Foodpicker and/or Dromrek Provisioner in Goru'Kar Mesa.
Indium Ore.
# Sep 28 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
Picked up one of these today in the hole. Not sure what it's for so. Any info would be great. Looks like a new item though.

Erdric Nobleknight
71 Warrior
Indium Ore.
# Sep 29 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
This also drops off "a small mushroom" in Fungus Grove"
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