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This is a Tier 4 zone that is accessed via a small path behind the Resplendent Temple and is connected to Windsong Sanctuary.

Extending above the lake is a shimmering walkway that leads to a desolate island -- the burial site of the fallen god, Alra. Further walkways lead away from this island to the four surrounding Pillars, each of which home to the followers of Alra. They are segregated into Arcane, Natural, Darkness, and Light. As the magic of Alra is segregated in this manner, so are Alra's followers. The opposing Pillars appear to be locked in unending warfare, each vying for followers and preaching the message that they are the one true path to proper worship.

The residents of each Pillar are generally unhostile toward outsiders, but that may be quick to change if adventurers prove to be uninterested in anything more than killing and pillaging. It is worth noting that you can gain favor with the various groups by running errands or slaying their opposition...

Viewing 1 to 150 of 365 entries.

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Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a battered sentry stone 99 - 99 Object Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a blistering shade 93 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a brightshell s`ripla 95 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a brilliant coalescence of light 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a burning shadow 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a coalescence of light 95 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a constructor acolyte 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a constructor apprentice 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a constructor host 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a constructor initiate 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a constructor keeper - Arcane 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a constructor keeper - Light 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a constructor neophyte 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a contemplative verdantguardian 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a dark essencegazer 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a dark horror 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a darkshell s`ripla 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a firmshell s`ripla 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a focused attendant 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a focused lightgazer 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a focused lightward 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a focused sorcerer 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a focused ward 95 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a goral lakrian 95 - 96 Animal Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a goral ohritak 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a goral sariak 96 - 98 Animal Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a greater arcane drake 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a greater blistering shade 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a greater life-essence 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a greater manaward 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a hall ward 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a hardshell s`ripla 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lesser animation of earth 92 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a lesser essence of nature 92 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a life harvester 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a life infuser 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a life purifier 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lifetender 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a light convertor 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a light harvester 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a light infuser 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a light purifier 96 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lighttender 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward captain 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward guardian 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward keeper 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a lightward novice 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a lightward purifier 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a lightward sentinel 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward squire 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward trainee 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward veteran 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightward zealot 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a lightwarder 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a luminous sprite 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a mana convertor 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a mana harvester 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a mana infuser 97 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a mana purifier 96 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a mana sprite 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a manatender 97 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a natureward acolyte 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a natureward apprentice 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a natureward host 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a natureward initiate 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a natureward keeper 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a natureward meditator 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a natureward neophyte 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a natureward seeker 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a nightwell s`ripla 95 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive lightgazer 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive onlooker 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive scholar - Arcane 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive scholar - Light 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive scholar - Nature 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive scholar - Shadow 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pensive shadowcaster 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a penumbral priest 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a pure coalescence of light 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a purist essencegazer 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a quiet cataloger - Arcane 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a quiet cataloger - Light 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a quiet cataloger - Nature 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a quiet hopper 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a quiet naturetender 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a scholar of Anriella 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a scholar of Erion 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a scholar of Fal`Kaa 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a scholar of Melretia 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a seasoned channeller 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a seasoned lightward 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a selyrah cliffstalker 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a selyrah cliffwalker 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a selyrah earthstrider 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a selyrah edgewalker 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a selyrah plainsfeeder 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a selyrah plainstrider 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a sentry stone 99 - 99 Object Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shade 60 - 60 Quest NPC Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shade convertor 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shade infuser 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shaded flame 93 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shaded horror 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shaded reanimator 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shaded silencer 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadeweaver acolyte 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadeweaver apprentice 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadeweaver host 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadeweaver initiate 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadeweaver keeper 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadeweaver neophyte 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadow harvester 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadow purifier 96 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadow sprite 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadowtender 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadowward 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadowward captain 96 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadowward guardian 96 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadowward novice 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a shadowward sentinel 96 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadowward squire 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadowward trainee 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a shadowward veteran 96 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a silent bookkeeper - Arcane 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a silent bookkeeper - Light 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a silent bookkeeper - Nature 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a silent shadowcaster 95 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a spirited conjuror 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a spirited essence 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a spirited focuser 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a spirited lightward 94 - 95 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a spirited verdantguardian 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a stoic lightgazer 95 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a stoic patron 95 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a stoic shadowcaster 95 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a stoic ward 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a stoneflesh toad 92 - 92 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a stoneskin hopper 90 - 90 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a student of Anriella 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a student of Erion 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a student of Fal`Kaa 98 - 98 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a student of Melretia 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a summoned shadow 94 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a s`ripla hatchling 93 - 94 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a verdant animator 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a verdant earthshaper 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a verdant earthtender 97 - 97 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
No Picture Included a verdant naturestrider 96 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a verdant naturewalker 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
Picture Included a verdant sprite 94 - 96 Monster Pillars of Alra Veil of Alaris
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