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Mask of Oseka's Servant  

Lore Item No Trade Prestige
Slot: FACE
Charges: Unlimited
AC: 109
STR: +30+7 DEX: +18+9 STA: +29+6 CHA: +30+11 WIS: +24 INT: +42+9 AGI: +25+7 HP: +1952 MANA: +2002 ENDUR: +1975
Attack: +35 HP Regen +2 Mana Regeneration: +2 Clairvoyance: +31 Spell Damage: +14 Heal Amount: +14
Required level of 95.
Effect: Illusion Hadal (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 1.0)
Focus: Hand of Punishment
WT: 0.7 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL except TRL OGR IKS
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect)

Item Lore:Worn by true servants of Oseka
Item Type:Illusion
Lucy Entry By:SoD-AB Deillusional
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-17 00:02:11
Page Updated:Fri Jan 24th, 2020

Expansion: Veil of Alaris Veil of Alaris

Rarity: Zonewide Random
Level to Attain: 95

[Drops | Quests | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Erillion, City of Bronze
NPC Name
a blacksmith
a bloodthirsty carnifex
a bored potter
a bureaucrat
a busy cook
a busy papyrus maker
a carnifex
a citizen
a cook
a cruel carnifex
a detailed record keeper
a diligent potter
a diseased oashim
a dour bureaucrat
a dull record keeper
a dutiful guard
a faithful citizen
a feral grendlaen
a forlorn prisoner
a government official
a guard - Erillion, City of Bronze
a magistrate
a merchant
a miserly government official
a mundane office worker
a potter
a prisoner
a prudent merchant
a record keeper - Erillion, City of Bronze
a resolute bureaucrat
a ruthless archon
a shrewd merchant
a solemn guard
a strangleweed
a tired cook
a tired papyrus maker
a wild braxi
a wild selyrah
a woeful prisoner
an apprentice blacksmith
an archon
an enthusiastic papyrus maker
an honest citizen
an imposing archon
an industrious blacksmith
an insipid government official
an irritated office worker
an office worker

Pillars of Alra
NPC Name
a blistering shade
a brilliant coalescence of light
a coalescence of light
a constructor host
a constructor keeper - Light
a constructor neophyte
a contemplative verdantguardian
a dark essencegazer
a dark horror
a focused attendant
a focused lightgazer
a focused lightward
a focused sorcerer
a focused ward
a greater blistering shade
a greater life-essence
a greater manaward
a hall ward
a lesser animation of earth
a life harvester
a life infuser
a life purifier
a lifetender
a light harvester
a light infuser
a light purifier
a lighttender
a lightward captain
a lightward guardian
a lightward novice
a lightward sentinel
a lightwarder
a luminous sprite
a mana convertor
a mana harvester
a mana infuser
a mana purifier
a manatender
a natureward acolyte
a natureward keeper
a pensive onlooker
a pensive scholar - Arcane
a pensive shadowcaster
a penumbral priest
a pure coalescence of light
a quiet cataloger - Light
a quiet hopper
a quiet naturetender
a scholar of Anriella
a scholar of Erion
a seasoned channeller
a selyrah plainsfeeder
a shade infuser
a shaded flame
a shaded horror
a shadeweaver apprentice
a shadeweaver initiate
a shadeweaver keeper
a shadeweaver neophyte
a shadow harvester
a shadowtender
a shadowward
a shadowward captain
a shadowward guardian
a shadowward sentinel
a shadowward squire
a shadowward veteran
a silent bookkeeper - Arcane
a silent shadowcaster
a spirited essence
a spirited lightward
a spirited verdantguardian
a stoic lightgazer
a stoic patron
a stoic ward
a verdant animator
a verdant earthshaper
a verdant earthtender
a verdant naturewalker
a verdantguard captain
a verdantguard novice
a verdantguard squire
a verdantguard veteran
a verdantguard ward
a verdantguard warden
a verdantguardian
a ward of the arcane
a warm glow
a zealous augur
an amalgamation of earth
an animate guardian
an animate ward
an animated manaward
an antumbral priest
an arcane essencegazer
an arcane guardian
an arcane interceptor
an arcane ward
an arcward captain
an arcward guardian
an arcward trainee
an ardent scholar - Nature
an attendant of Anriella
an attendant of Melretia
an attendant of purity
an augmented zealot
an ayrlak fry
an empowered guardian
an empowered horror
an empowered shadowweaver
an enthralled lightgazer
an enthralled shadowcaster
an enthralled spectator
an essence convertor
an essence lifegazer
an essence lifeshaper
an essence lifeward
an essence lightshaper
an essence lightward
an essence lightweaver
an essence manashaper
an essence manaward
an essence manaweaver
an essence of pure light
an essence shadowshaper
an essence shadowward
an essence shadowweaver
an essence surveyor - Nature
an experienced focuser
an experienced lightshaper
an infused guardian
an infused hopper
an introspective student - Shadow
an okiina lifewalker
an okiina mossbranch
an okiina mossroot
an umbral priest

Sepulcher East
NPC Name
a beast
a beastling
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bloody ape
a breathing orchestration
a burrowing goral
a caretaker of Lunanyn
a cave selyrah
a champion of Kolos
a clot of light
a composted heap
a conqueror of Kolos
a crystallization of light
a dark magic caster
a dark magic wielder
a defender of Kolos
a didact of Ryken
a dirty ape
a farmer of Lunanyn
a furrier of Kolos
a gale of truth
a grasping heap
a groundswell of nature
a gust of sophistry
a hunter of Kolos
a hurricane of truth
a light magic caster
a light magic wielder
a living dialogue
a lurching izon
a lustrous serpent
a nature magic caster
a nature magic wielder
a philosopher of Ryken
a raging beast
a serpent
a shade of darkness
a shadow of darkness
a shambling izon
a snarling beast
a sophist of Ryken
a squirming heap
a subterranean goral
a subterranean selyrah
a tattered pile
a tender of Lunanyn
a tracker of Kolos
a trapper of Kolos
a warden of Lunanyn
a whirlwind of sophistry
an academic of Ryken
an arcane denizen
an arcane magic caster
an arcane magic wielder
an archon of alsa thelara
an embodiment of arcanum
light magic caster
light magic wielder

Sepulcher of Order
NPC Name
a bead of light
a blade mentor of alsa thelara
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladed ereth of order
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a blind scavenger
a boastful tricrystal
a body of darkness
a bone amalgamation
a bone mass
a brooding selyrah
a brutalizer of alsa thelara
a calcified ser thal
a carnifex of alsa thelara
a carnivorous prowler
a carrier of arcanum
a commanding wind
a crystalline healer
a deceased thelasa
a defender of alsa thel
a dense mound
a denuded ser thal
a departed thelasa
a disfigured thelasa ser
a disgusting soul
a disintegrating ser alsa thel
a fertile mound
a fleshless ser thal
a flow of alsa thel
a forgotten spirit
a fortified tideshell
a gale liege
a gale servant
a gleaming stonewalker
a greensward walker
a greensward webstitcher
a guardian of alsa thel
a hardened tideshell
a loamy pile
a luminous stonewalker
a moss jumble
a mutated thel imbiber
a nesting goral
a penitent of Beloth
a petrified ser thal
a plated tideshell
a pool of alsa thel
a protector of alsa thel
a proud tricrystal
a ravenous raptor
a resplendent soul
a revenant of thelasa
a rotflesh seeker
a savage raptor
a sea funnel
a ser alsa
a shouting element
a shroud of thelasa
a soul of darkness
a soul of nature
a spirit of nature
a starving raptor
a steel droplet
a steel hurricane
a steel mass
a steel tornado
a sub archon of alsa thelara
a sublime tricrystal
a swirling voice
a tarnished soul
a territorial goral
a thel eel
a thelara alsa ril of Alra
a tide creeper
a tide drain
a tide drifter
a torturer of alsa thelara
a transcendent adherent
a transfigured thel imbiber
a vessel of arcanum
a vicious raptor
a visage of darkness
a vociferous element
a whirlwind of steel
a wind servant
a zephyr of steel
Alra ser alsa
an Alra ser alsa
an alsa construct
an alsa thel embodiment
an alsa thel selyrah
an alsa thelara initiate
an alsa thelara worker
an apparition of thelasa
an arable mound
an arbiter ereth of order
an archon of alsa thelara
an armipotent ser alsa thel
an armored tideshell
an ascended ser alsa thel
an aspect of darkness
an engorged ser alsa thel
an enraptured ser alsa thel
an ereth of Alra
an ereth of law
an ereth of order
an herbivorous prowler
an imbued ser alsa thel
an infant eel
an infused alsa construct
an overgrown mound
blades of anger
carnifex of alsa thelara
ereth of Alra
living blades
thelara alsa ril of Alra

Sepulcher West
NPC Name
a beast of steel
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bone assembly
a bone bruiser
a cave great white
a cave hammerhead
a consumer of death
a filth eater
a fouled warrior
a giant of steel
a high thelasa of Ladrys
a high thelasa of Oseka
a myrmidon of Oseka
a noviate of Ladrys
a risen ser alsa
a ser alsa deceased
a ser alsa hadal
a ser alsa thel hadal
a servitor of the depths
a shard of Illdaera
a shard of purity
a sightless turtle
a soiled warrior
a splash of Illdaera
a steel breeze
a steel torrent
a subterranean kraken
a subterrestrial kraken
a sunken turtle
a thel eel
a thelasa of Ladrys
a tide creeper
a tide drifter
a warrior of Oseka
a worshipper of decay
a worshipper of filth
an adherent of Ladrys
an alsa thelara champion
an alsa thelara conqueror
an alsa thelara legend
an alsa thelara nonpareil
an alsa thelara wind archer
an alsa thelara wind tamer
an archon of alsa thelara
an armored tideshell
an devotee of Ladrys
an infant eel
an initiate of Ladrys
ser alsa hadal
ser alsa thel hadal

Windsong Sanctuary
NPC Name
a breezerunner
a cloud leaper
a filqua glider
a filqua winddrifter
a filqua windrider
a flowing wind elemental
a fluttering kangon
a haze jumper
a howling wind elemental
a melodious apparition
a mist bounder
a musical spirit
a muted brute
a polluted wind elemental
a silent guardian
a silent worshipper
a silentsong worshipper
a songful soul
a soundless devotee
a tempestuous wind elemental
a wind archer
a wind strider
an unspeaking sentinel


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Plane of Knowledge
Quest Name
Legendary Enchanter Illusions


Uploaded February 13th, 2022 by Drewinette
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peacekeeper of anriella
# Dec 22 2019 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
3rd boss spawn, clearing green pool and ramps in nature tower
120 nec wichdoctah cripwalk <Ascending Dawn> - ZeK
peacekeeper of anriella
# Dec 22 2019 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
an atttendant of erion, also
120 nec wichdoctah cripwalk <Ascending Dawn> - ZeK
Who can use clicky?
# Oct 12 2014 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
Can anyone use the clicky illusion on this or just bard, rogue, and enchanter?
Trash mob in CoB
# Sep 06 2012 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped on a wild braxi in Erillion at NW outside the city.
sepulchre west
# Mar 05 2012 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
1,076 posts
off an alsa thel conqueror in the battle area trying to spawn the chosen
Pillars and CoB confirmed
# Dec 08 2011 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
1 post
So far, I've seen it as a random drop in Pillars of Alra (off an Alaran) and City of Bronze (off an animal in the outer field area)
Zonewide random
# Nov 26 2011 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
It's a zonewide random drop
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