a Rallosian shocktrooper  


Level: 85
Expansion: Seeds of Destruction
NPC Added: 2008-10-30 21:18:06
NPC Last Updated: 2024-08-18 07:31:51
Known Loot:
icon Aderirse Bur
icon Alkalai Loam
icon Black Powder Pouch
icon Blue Diamond
icon Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
icon Cask of Toskirakk Bitter
icon Chronal Resonance Dust
icon Consigned Bite of the Shissar XV
icon Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
icon Diamond
icon Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
icon Earthtouched Crystal
icon Earthtouched Diamond
icon Elegant Adept's Shard
icon Elegant Combatant's Shard
icon Elegant Defiant Battleaxe
icon Elegant Defiant Bow
icon Elegant Defiant Breastplate
icon Elegant Defiant Buckler
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Boots
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Bracer
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Coif
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Gauntlets
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Leggings
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Sleeves
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Tunic
icon Elegant Defiant Chain Wristguard
icon Elegant Defiant Dayblade
icon Elegant Defiant Fireborn Axe
icon Elegant Defiant Forked Spear
icon Elegant Defiant Goshenite
icon Elegant Defiant Knuckle Guards
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Boots
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Bracer
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Cap
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Gloves
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Sleeves
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Trousers
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Tunic
icon Elegant Defiant Leather Wristguard
icon Elegant Defiant Nightblade
icon Elegant Defiant Nightstone
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Boots
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Bracer
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Gauntlets
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Greaves
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Helm
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Vambraces
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Wristband
icon Elegant Defiant Plate Wristguard
icon Elegant Defiant Round Shield
icon Elegant Defiant Sceptre
icon Elegant Defiant Shortsword
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Cap
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Gloves
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Pantaloons
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Robe
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Sandals
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Sleeves
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Wristband
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Wristguard
icon Elegant Defiant Silk Wristwrap
icon Elegant Defiant Square Hammer
icon Elegant Defiant Warhammer
icon Exquisite Animal Pelt
icon Exquisite Marrow
icon Exquisite Silk
icon Exquisite Spinneret Fluid
icon Extruded Underfoot Diamond
icon Faintly Pulsating Chronal Shear
icon Fine Steel Dagger
icon Fine Steel Great Staff
icon Fine Steel Jutte
icon Fine Steel Katana
icon Fine Steel Kusarigama
icon Fine Steel Long Sword
icon Fine Steel Morning Star
icon Fine Steel Naginata
icon Fine Steel Rapier
icon Fine Steel Scimitar
icon Fine Steel Short Sword
icon Fine Steel Spear
icon Fine Steel Tachi
icon Fine Steel Tanto
icon Fine Steel Tonfa
icon Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
icon Fine Steel Wakizashi
icon Fine Steel Warhammer
icon Fine Steel Yari
icon Flawless Animal Pelt
icon Flawless Silk
icon Flawless Spinneret Fluid
icon Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
icon Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
icon Hagorn's Gem of Fortification
icon Harmonagate
icon Immaculate Animal Pelt
icon Immaculate Marrow
icon Immaculate Silk
icon Immaculate Spinneret Fluid
icon Jar of Potable Murkwater
icon Leather Roll
icon Lumber Plank
icon Medicinal Herbs
icon Natural Spices
icon Ogre Blood
icon Ogre Meat
icon Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
icon Petite Dark Fear Shard
icon Petite Fear Shard
icon Porous Loam
icon Prestidigitase
icon Pristine Caladium
icon Pristine Delphinium
icon Pristine Laburnum
icon Pristine Larkspur
icon Pristine Muscimol
icon Pristine Oleander
icon Pristine Privet
icon Pulsating Chronal Shear
icon Purified Grade AA Choresine Sample
icon Purified Grade AA Gormar Venom
icon Purified Grade AA Mamba Venom
icon Purified Grade AA Nigriventer Venom
icon Purified Grade AA Taipan Venom
icon Rallosian Casterix
icon Rallosian Iron Rations
icon Raw Amber Nihilite
icon Raw Crimson Nihilite
icon Raw Indigo Nihilite
icon Raw Shimmering Nihilite
icon Scale Ore
icon Sliver of Korascian
icon Solid Dregcheese
icon Song: Druzzil's Psalm of Potency Rk.II
icon Song: Talendor's Chant of Flame Rk.II
icon Spell: Abolish Corruption Rk. II
icon Spell: Adrenaline Burst Rk. II
icon Spell: Aegis of Xadrith Rk. II
icon Spell: Blessing of the Heartwood Rk. II
icon Spell: Blood of Avoling Rk. II
icon Spell: Blood of Jaled'Dar Rk. II
icon Spell: Brierbloom Coat Rk. II
icon Spell: Chant of the Burynai Rk. II
icon Spell: Claw of Gorenaire Rk. II
icon Spell: Crackling Blades Rk. II
icon Spell: Curse of Frailty Rk. II
icon Spell: Darianna's Mark Rk. II
icon Spell: Dermal Brimstone Rk. II
icon Spell: Dominate Rk. II
icon Spell: Elixir of Expiation Rk. II
icon Spell: Enraging Shot Rk. II
icon Spell: Ensorcelling Wave Rk. II
icon Spell: Fellgrip Jaws Rk. II
icon Spell: Fickle Blaze Rk. II
icon Spell: Flarelure Rk. II
icon Spell: Frenetic Renewal Rk. II
icon Spell: Heartshear Rk. II
icon Spell: Hulking Bodyguard Rk. II
icon Spell: Icicle Torrent Rk. II
icon Spell: Klixcxyk's Fire Rk. II
icon Spell: Legion of Xadrith Rk. II
icon Spell: Lunulation Rk. II
icon Spell: Magmatic Eruption Rk. II
icon Spell: Malarian Spear Rk. II
icon Spell: Mark of the Unsullied Rk. II
icon Spell: Mask of the Raptor Rk. II
icon Spell: Mass Ethereal Transvergence Rk. II
icon Spell: Mind Decomposition Rk. II
icon Spell: Morning's Glory Rk. II
icon Spell: Nectar of the Slitheren Rk. II
icon Spell: Polychaotic Assault Rk. II
icon Spell: Polychaotic Rune Rk. II
icon Spell: Purified Blood Rk. II
icon Spell: Rallied Palladium of Vie Rk. II
icon Spell: Ravenous Flames Rk. II
icon Spell: Repel Corruption Rk. II
icon Spell: Sermon of Castigation Rk. II
icon Spell: Shadow of Renewal Rk. II
icon Spell: Silent Edict Rk. II
icon Spell: Splart Rk. II
icon Spell: Squamae of the Crystalwing Rk. II
icon Spell: Summer Solstice Rk. II
icon Spell: Sworn Keeper Rk. II
icon Spell: Talisman of Unity Rk. II
icon Spell: Tears of Xadrith Rk. II
icon Spell: Tectonic Tumult Rk. II
icon Spell: Touch of Tharoff Rk. II
icon Spell: Unwavering Hammer of Zeal Rk. II
icon Spell: Ward of Befuddlement Rk. II
icon Spell: Word of Recovery Rk. II
icon Spongy Loam
icon Staurolite
icon Steel Ingot
icon Superb Marrow
icon Taaffeite
icon Tantalum Ore
icon Tears of the Rathe
icon Titanium Ore
icon Tome of Moment of Placidity Rk. II
icon Uncut Alexandrite
icon Uncut Amethyst
icon Uncut Black Sapphire
icon Uncut Combine Star
icon Uncut Demantoid
icon Uncut Goshenite
icon Uncut Jacinth
icon Uncut Morganite
icon Uncut Rubellite
icon Urticaceae
icon Vanadium Ore
icon Writing Ink

Known Habitats:
  Korascian Warrens
Factions Increased:
  Mitius, Herald of Change
Factions Decreased:
  Rallosian Invaders -2
  Disrupt the Siege

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I found different faction hits than listed.
# Aug 17 2024 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
I went to Korascian Warrens looking for help with Toskirakk Slaves faction and found I only got faction hits from these guys was:
Rollosian Invaders (-2/kill)
and a Plus for Mitius, Herald of Change (not sure how much mine is Maxed)
so I think the faction info may have changed on these guys in this zone as listed on the faction page.
For monks
# Jul 15 2013 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Finally managed to solo the entire partisan on my 88 monk, the shocktroopers were indeed giving me the most trouble.
After over half an hour of camping on the east safespot trying to single the troppers I have only managed to get one, so I changed my tactic for a bit.
I went over to the west side instead, from twoma's comment above there is a small ledge up the side of the wall and made my camp there.
With maxed Hastened Imitate Death bring the cooldown to 2min, I then lull the giant on the right (since they are unmezzable) shoot at one of the troopers and move a little bit to the south side of the ledge. What happens afterward will be just luck - just ID when you see a shocktrooper managed to come up to the ledge (usually with adds) move back to the north tip of the ledge, echo them and single out the troopers (or just kill them both if you only got 2 mobs),
I was able to finish my remaining 3 troopers under 20min with this.
# Nov 29 2010 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
Did this tonight as a bard, pulled the shocktroopers no problems, was much easier than other posts made it out to be. Pull, mez one, fade, mez, fade, single back to camp, kill, easy! Seems like alot of people forgot about bards when it comes to pulling :P Always hearing about monks, bleh I say!
# Jun 22 2010 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
So the only known spot for these guys is by entrance to Rathe Chambers?
pulled using monk/mage/shm
# Dec 24 2009 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
I split these guys by pulling with a monk who immediately clicks an instant cast cloudy potions to make him invisible. Once invisible he runs towards murdunk and FD's.

The shaman casts virulent paralysis to root the mob as it makes it's way back and the mage casts c.o.t.h. to clear aggro. With the new shaman AA inconspicous totem, you can clear agro and make the cothing less eventful.

When V.P. wears off the monk tags the mob and death ensues.

Harmonius Arrow
# Jun 18 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Actually a ranger with Harmonius Arrow is the easiest way to pull the Shocktroopers. Get on the West side, Lev, invis, climb the wall a little and look down the cut. Use HA to pull the Totterings first, then the Shocktroupers. This works like clockwork - much easier than a monk.
If you HA a Shocktrooper without clearing the Totterings, you will aggro all.
not aggro linked
# Jun 15 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
102 posts

With my druid, i bound nearby, and used snare + evac to single these. So although all the fodderlings come when you try to pull these, they are not aggro linked and can be singled.
A mess to pull!
# May 09 2009 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
The Fodderlings seem to be linked to these guys so much that even Harmonius Arrow isn't working.
Fight smarter not harder.
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