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Uncut Morganite
This item can be used in tradeskills.
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Uncut Morganite
This item can be used in tradeskills.
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Item Type
Merchant Value
0 pp 0 gp 1 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By
Ormus - TR
Item Updated By
IC Last Updated
2022-01-18 18:27:24
Page Updated
Fri Jul 24th, 2020
Average Price:
No Data
Pricing Data...
Level to Attain:
This item is found on creatures.
Accursed Nest
NPC Name
a corrupted sentinel
Al'Kabor's Nightmare
NPC Name
a bixie drone
a bixie natureweaver
a black bear
a black wolf
a brownie bewitcher
a brownie forestwarden
a brownie nature caller
a brownie trickster
a crazed halfling
a Crushbone strategist
a Crushbone warrior
a decaying skeleton
a drachnid knight
a drachnid necromancer
a drachnid priest
a drachnid soldier
a drachnid sorcerer
a drolvarg
a drolvarg lieutenant
a drolvarg thief
a feral cockatrice
a freezing tentacle terror
a giant rat
a giant snake
a giant wasp
a half elf guard
a half elf scout
a halfling bandit
a halfling guard
a halfling lookout
a high elf guard
a high elf sentry
a high elf wizard
a klaknak beetle
a klaknak guard
a lurid plaguebone
a minion of discord
a plaguebone skeleton
a polar bear
a Runnyeye raider
a Runnyeye thief
a snow orc scout
a snow orc warrior
a snow wolf
a wood elf druid
a wood elf ranger
a wood elf seer
a wood elf warden
a wooly mammoth
an angry mountain giant
an enraged mammoth
an ice bear
an ice boned skeleton
an ice giant
an ice goblin raider
an ice goblin scrapper
an ice goblin thief
Arcstone, Isle of Spirits
NPC Name
Master of the Herd
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
NPC Name
a Blade Guide of Erillion
a Blade Overseer of Erillion
a Blade Regulant of Erillion
a craet looter
a dark deathcaller
a dark mesmer
a dark spellrazer
a footsoldier of Erillion
a greedy looter
a hungry thief
a malevolent exhalation
a plated berserker
a plated juggernaut
a plated slaughterer
a steel cyclone
a steel hurricane
a wind archer
a wind tamer
an abandoned naeya
an Argathian defector
an Argathian spelltamer
an Argathian traitor
an Erillian soother
an exhalation
empowered blades
living blades
living steel
molten steel
NPC Name
a bellikos disciple
a bellikos recruiter
a bellikos servant
a caustic ooze
a cliknar adept
a cliknar agent
a cliknar aphid farmer
a cliknar arcanist
a cliknar arduloid
a cliknar auxilioid
a cliknar battle drone
a cliknar centurion
a cliknar eucryptoid
a cliknar farm guard
a cliknar mage
a cliknar paragon
a cliknar patrol leader
a cliknar prelate
a cliknar prophet
a cliknar reguloid
a cliknar scout drone
a cliknar sentinel
a cliknar sentry
a cliknar skirmish drone
a cliknar sporali farmer
a cliknar tephuloid
a cliknar verguloid
a cliknar warmage
a coldain disciple
a coldain servant
a crystalkin disciple
a dwarf disciple
a dwarf servant
a gigyn disciple
a gigyn servant
a gnome disciple
a gnome servant
a lethal ooze
a mature aphid
a sandspinner juvenile
a sandspinner stalker
a sporali disciple
a sporali foodling
a sporali foodspawn
a sporali servant
a telmira disciple
a telmira servant
an aggressive sporali
an aphid drone
an aphid nymph
Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
NPC Name
a Scarlet Legion scalewatcher
a trained avian
Barren Coast
NPC Name
a vicious mutineer
Beasts' Domain
NPC Name
a binaesa
a bloodthirsty wyvern
a braxi
a braxi fungus seeker
a braxi herbivore
a braxi junglerunner
a braxi leafleaper
a braxi swiftrunner
a colossal crocodile
a domain hunter
a ferocious goral
a fierce wyvern
a filthy ape
a giant binaesa
a goral hunter
a goral leafstalker
a goral predator
a goral scavenger
a grendlaen
a grendlaen pouncer
a grendlaen scent tracker
a hungry raptor
a lashtail crocodile
a loathsome ape
a monstrous wyvern
a naeya scavenger
a pensive prowler
a primeval crocodile
a prowler
a raging wyvern
a rampaging wyvern
a ravenous wyvern
a ripclaw raptor
a selyrah forestwalker
a selyrah leaper
a selyrah logleaper
a selyrah scavenger
a selyrah stalker
a selyrah treejumper
a sick braxi
a slithering binaesa
a stealthy grendlaen
a tainted ape
a terrible raptor
a vicious wyvern
a voracious raptor
a wyvern deathstalker
a wyvern preystalker
a wyvern scent tracker
an aggressive prowler
an ancient izon
an empowered ape
an empowered binaesa
an empowered crocodile
an empowered goral
an empowered grendlaen
an empowered izon
an empowered raptor
an empowered wyvern
an izon
an izon rootgrabber
an okiina vinethrasher
great dark ape
Blackburrow: Reinforced Blackburrow (Level 80 - HH)
NPC Name
a brown bear
a burly gnoll
a giant snake
a gnoll
a gnoll arcanist
a gnoll archer
a gnoll brewer
a gnoll commander
a gnoll guardsman
a gnoll pup
a gnoll shaman
a grizzly bear
a patrolling gnoll
a scrawny gnoll
an elite gnoll guard
Scout Malityn
Blackfeather Roost
NPC Name
a Queen`s guard
Bloody Kithicor
NPC Name
a barracuda
a bixie
a black wolf
a forest guardian
a forest ranger
a forest skirmisher
a giant spider
a grizzly bear
a kodiak bear
a shadow wolf
a tree snake
an Army of Light blademaster
an Army of Light champion
an Army of Light cleric
an Army of Light defender
an Army of Light disciple
an Army of Light enchanter
an Army of Light infiltrator
an Army of Light magician
an Army of Light naturalist
an Army of Light paladin
an Army of Light patroller
an Army of Light rogue
an Army of Light soldier
an Army of Light sorcerer
an Army of Light stormcaller
an Army of Light templar
an Army of Light windcaller
an Obliteration acolyte
an Obliteration agent
an Obliteration assassin
an Obliteration beastmaster
an Obliteration bruiser
an Obliteration conjurer
an Obliteration evoker
an Obliteration infiltrator
an Obliteration knight
an Obliteration lifestealer
an Obliteration nightblade
an Obliteration oracle
an Obliteration patroller
an Obliteration savagelord
an Obliteration sentinel
an Obliteration traitor
an Obliteration warlock
an Obliteration warlord
an Obliteration weaponmaster
Breeding Grounds
NPC Name
a Chetari scavenger
a phase spider
a young ashwing
a young fearwing
a young flamewing
a young icewing
a young scalewing
Brell's Rest
NPC Name
a burynai burrower
a burynai cenobite
a burynai curate
a burynai explorer
a burynai rockshaper
a burynai sapper
a gnoll assassin
a gnoll brawler
a gnoll charger
a gnoll flamepaw
a gnoll guardian
a gnoll protector
a gnoll shaman
a gnoll soothsayer
a kobold champion
a kobold defender
a kobold guardian
a kobold hunter
a kobold shaman
a kobold spiritcaller
a kobold warder
a lavakin
a nestling
a spinebloom
a steam elemental
Brell's Temple
NPC Name
a beastly construct
a brawling construct
a clay elemental
a coldain champion
a coldain diviner
a coldain overseer
a feral construct
a fledgling gigyn
a gigyn destroyer
a gigyn guardian
a gigyn marauder
a gigyn myrmidon
a gigyn rager
a gigyn sentry
a glowing creation
a gnomish concealer
a gnomish convoker
a gnomish enigma
a gnomish overseer
a grinning arcanist
a grinning spellbinder
a howling construct
a menacing creation
a radiating creation
a telmiran allurist
a telmiran channeler
a telmiran convoker
a telmiran custodian
a wary guardian
Cazic-Thule: Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule (Level 85 - HH)
NPC Name
a hulking gorilla
a lifestealer mosquito
a lizard broodling
a lizard champion
a lizard crusader
a lizard defender
a lizard disciple
a lizard fanatic
a lizard guard
a lizard herald
a lizard judicator
a lizard justicar
a lizard page
a lizard probationer
a lizard proselyte
a lizard protector
a lizard ritualist
a lizard sentinel
a lizard warder
a lizard warrior
a lizard zealot
a silvered guard
an alligator
Chapterhouse of the Fallen
NPC Name
a brittle mummy
a corpse eating beetle
a defiled paladin of Marr
a disgraced knight
a disgraced paladin of Marr
a dusty mummy
a fallen knight
a filthy rat
a forgotten prisoner
a forlorn cleric of Marr
a gooey goo
a hissing basilisk
a hungry ghoul
a lost soul
a lost willow wisp
a malcontent thrall
a mindless zombie
a misguided willow wisp
a necromancer initiate
a necromancer neophyte
a plague rat
a reanimated paladin
a revolting ghoul
a scavenging beetle
a shambling zombie
a stalag terror
a starving basilisk
a voracious goo
a wandering ghost
a woeful shade
an afflicted shade
an icy terror
an undead cleric of Marr
Chelsith Reborn
NPC Name
a bloodthirsty tiger
a browsing cook
a bruised slave
a burly slave
a charming slave
a cracked beetle
a crocodile
a cruel spellbinder
a dissipating elemental
a docile slave
a dockworker
a downcast slave
a farm slave
a flame golem
a frustrated fisherman
a merciless bonemender
a quiet slave
a shissar guard
a sickly slave
a slave trader
a tired fisherman
a trained scorpion
a turtle
a watchful tiger
a young shissar
an aggressive haggler
an animated iksar
an anxious patroller
an overseer
an overworked slave
Citadel of the Worldslayer
NPC Name
a raging girplan
City of Dranik
NPC Name
a Dragorn guardian
a Dragorn thug
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound
NPC Name
a bellikos conniver
a bellikos curator
a bellikos deceiver
a bellikos harbinger
a bellikos matriarch
a bellikos reviler
a bellikos sermonizer
a failed creation
a firebug
a greken hatchling
a lava beetle
a lava brute
a lava mephit defector
a lava mephit traitor
a lithographer
a prison guard
a ravenous greken
a record keeper
a telmiran summoner
a telmiran worker
an advisor
an apexus brute
an apexus guard
an apexus scholar
an autarchian elementalist
an autarchian guard
an autarchian harrier
an autarchian healer
an autarchian pilgrim
an autarchian ravager
an autarchian rioter
an autarchian scavenger
an autarchian scrapper
an autarchian skirmisher
an autarchian soldier
an autarchian trooper
an immature greken
Cooling Chamber
NPC Name
a baleful banshee
a bellikos infiltrator
a chattering skeleton
a clattering skeleton
a cool goo
a cooling chamber attendant
a cooling chamber engineer
a cooling chamber worker
a creeping ghoul
a cursed elf
a cursed human
a drifting specter
a forlorn banshee
a frightful banshee
a hand of death
a haunting specter
a hulking zombie
a leering ghoul
a rock absorbing goo
a rock consumed goo
a rock consuming goo
a rock crunching goo
a rock destroyed goo
a rock destroying goo
a rock devouring goo
a rock dissolving goo
a shuffling zombie
a traitorous alchemist
a traitorous laborer
a traitorous worker
a wailing banshee
an undead lieutenant
Corathus Lair: The Mines
NPC Name
a basilisk
a wattled bat
an insectivorous bat
an mechtech rat digger
Crushbone (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)
NPC Name
a dwarven slave
a dwarven smith
an elven priest
an elven slave
orc centurion
orc emissary
orc legionnaire
orc oracle
orc pawn
orc slaver
orc taskmaster - HH Version
orc trainer
royal guard
Crystal Caverns, Fragment of Fear
NPC Name
a crystal crawler
a crystal glare lord
a crystal spiderling
a crystal webmaster
a crystal webspinner
a demented dwarf
a geonid
a hollow terror
a lazy orc
a pure terror
a regal crawler
a Ry`Gorr digger
a Ry`Gorr excavator
a Ry`Gorr guard
a Ry`Gorr messenger
a Ry`Gorr miner
a Ry`Gorr oracle
a Ry`Gorr overseer
a Ry`Gorr prospector
a Ry`Gorr scout
a Ry`Gorr shaman
a Ry`Gorr watchman
a spinechiller spider
a stalag terror
a tentacle terror
a tentacle tormentor
a velium crawler
an icy leech
Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened
NPC Name
a contained elemental
a fire drake
a prismatic overlord
a prismatic wyvern
a shattered prismatic golem
a trapped elemental
a vengeful sentry
a watchful sentry
an air drake
an earth drake
an ice drake
Dead Hills: Into the Hills
NPC Name
an undead pirate
Deepest Guk: The Curse Reborn (Raid)
NPC Name
an ice caller of the First
Direwind Cliffs
NPC Name
a Clan Direwind carrionmancer
a Clan Direwind plague bearer
a Darkroot vinesnarl
a diseased griffon
a diseased wolf
a mountain griffon
a nesting griffon
a pack hunter
a pack huntress
Dragonscale Hills
NPC Name
a blighted scarecrow
a cursed crow
a Darkvine guard
a doombug scavenger
a dragonscale shadowcat
a dragonscale spider
a dragonscale viper
a minotaur furyblade
a minotaur miner
a minotaur spiritist
a minotaur spiritwalker
a minotaur warrior
a minotaur weaponsmaster
a prism guardian
a wind nymph
an earthen protector
Dreadspire Keep
NPC Name
a shadowmane warrior
Drunder, Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics)
NPC Name
a diaku plan keeper
a Gladiator
Diaku Elite Guard
Diaku Elite Sentry
East Wastes, Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening
NPC Name
a blizzard dervish
a coldain blacksmith
a coldain cook
a coldain hunter
a coldain lookout
a coldain marauder
a coldain missionary
a coldain skinner
a coldain warrior
a dire wolf
a fear shardling
a frost giant
a frost giant captain
a frost giant savage
a frost giant scout
a manticore
a mindless thrall
a nightmare
a Ry`Gorr centurion
a Ry`Gorr clan lookout
a Ry`Gorr clan scout
a Ry`Gorr legionnaire
a Ry`Gorr snow trooper
a samhain
a savage dire wolf
a snow bunny
a snow cougar
a snow dervish
a snow griffin
a spinechiller spider
a suspicious coldain
a suspicious frost giant
a suspicious Ry`Gorr
a tundra kodiak
a tundra mammoth
a walrus
a wooly mammoth
a wooly rhino
an Amygdalan knight
an Amygdalan warrior
an animated spell book
an elder snow griffin
an ulthork hunter
an ulthork man o war
an ulthork warrior
mystic of Ry`Gorr
Erillion, City of Bronze
NPC Name
a blacksmith
a bloodthirsty carnifex
a bored potter
a bureaucrat
a busy cook
a busy papyrus maker
a carnifex
a citizen
a cook
a cruel carnifex
a detailed record keeper
a diligent potter
a diseased oashim
a dour bureaucrat
a dull record keeper
a dutiful guard
a faithful citizen
a feral grendlaen
a forlorn prisoner
a government official
a guard - Erillion, City of Bronze
a magistrate
a merchant
a miserly government official
a mundane office worker
a potter
a prisoner
a prudent merchant
a record keeper - Erillion, City of Bronze
a resolute bureaucrat
a ruthless archon
a shrewd merchant
a solemn guard
a strangleweed
a tired cook
a tired papyrus maker
a wild braxi
a wild selyrah
a woeful prisoner
an apprentice blacksmith
an archon
an enthusiastic papyrus maker
an honest citizen
an imposing archon
an industrious blacksmith
an insipid government official
an irritated office worker
an office worker
Erudin Burning
NPC Name
a bone golem
a bone golem horror
a bone golem terrorizer
a bone golem tormentor
a book dervish
a burning book dervish
a burning tome dervish
a burning tome whirlwind
a dock rat
a fallen Deepwater Knight
a Heretic brute
a heretic commander
a Heretic death dabbler
a Heretic deathweaver
a Heretic fell blade
a Heretic fell blademaster
a Heretic fell vindicator
a Heretic fell warden
a heretic hierophant
a Heretic infiltrator - Erudite
a Heretic infiltrator - skeleton
a Heretic occultist dabbler
a Heretic pillager
a Heretic ravager
a ravenous dock rat
a skeleton sentinel
a skeleton sentry
a skeleton tunneler
a skeleton warrior
a Terris Thule apostle
a Terris Thule cultist
a tome dervish
an infiltrator pyromancer
an infiltrator sapper
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind
NPC Name
a Castellan of Air
a confused air elemental
a fearsome stormrider
a mischievous stormrider
a Nilborien Scholar
a nilborien servant
a prismatic recluse
an elemental doomseeker
Estate of Unrest: Greater Unrest (Level 85 - HH)
NPC Name
a barbed bone skeleton
a carrion ghoul
a dark terror
a death beetle
a dry bone skeleton
a dusty werebat
a festering hag
a ghoul
a greater dark bone
a greater skeleton - Greater Unrest
a jack o lantern
a large wisp
a lurking mummy
a skeletal monk
a tentacle terror
a werebat
dark boned skeleton
Khrix Fritchoff
mortuary fungus
tormented dead
Evantil, the Vile Oak
NPC Name
a bloated fungus man
a diligent ant
a famished goral
a fear blossom
a fear howler
a fear howler scavenger
a fear raven
a frightening fear blossom
a fruit hoarding ape
a hearty fungus man
a poisonous frog
a powerful fungus man
a ravenous goral
a robust fungus man
a scavenging raven
a snapping vine maw
a soldier ant
a tainted sapling
a tree binaesa
a tree frog
a venomous ant larva
a vine maw
a wandering sapling
a wretched hunter
a wretched scavenger
an ape lookout
an arboreal binaesa
living sap
vile sap
Everfrost Peaks
NPC Name
Sulon McMoor
Fear Itself
NPC Name
a bitter gorgon
a boogeyman
a boogeyman lurker
a curious phoboplasm
a decrepit toad
a delirious boogeyman
a delirious fiend
a delirious samhain
a fearful nightmare
a fetid fiend
a frightfinger
a glarelord
a gorgon
a mindless bleeder
a nightmare
a phantasm
a phoboplasm
a putrid fiend
a samhain
a scareling
a shadowed bleeder
a shadowed fiend
a shadowed phantasm
a shadowed wraith
a shiverback
a small glarelord
a spinechiller spider
a spinechiller widow
a tentacle tormentor
a terror wraith
a thought bleeder
a turmoil toad
a vile tormentor
a weak shiverback
a wolf
a worry wraith
an amygdalan guard
an amygdalan knight
an amygdalan soldier
an amygdalan warrior
an anguished fiend
an enraged frightfinger
an enraged glarelord
an enraged scareling
an enraged shiverback
Shade of Cazic Thule
Feerrott, the Dream
NPC Name
a blackened spirit
a blighted gorilla
a bloodbathed skeleton
a bloodbone lich
a bloodbone skeleton
a bloodied skeleton
a bloody Tae Ew ritualist
a convivial gorilla
a corrupt orbweaver
a deadly viper
a decaying gorilla
a deceased traveler
a dedicated Tae Ew
a drowned explorer
a drybone skeleton
a fallen traveler
a flesh feeder
a frenzied feeder
a frenzied Tae Ew
a gorilla matron
a gorilla patriarch
a jungle crawler
a lingering revenant
a lingering spirit
a lizardman brute
a lizardman mystic
a lizardman patroller
a lizardman scrapper
a lizardman thug
a lizardman visionary
a lizardman watcher
a ravenous rotdog
a restless spirit
a rotdog scavenger
a sinuous adder
a slithering adder
a stalking crawler
a Tae Ew aggressor
a Tae Ew devotee
a Tae Ew disciple
a Tae Ew drudge
a Tae Ew enforcer
a Tae Ew exalter
a Tae Ew invoker
a Tae Ew ritualist
a Tae Ew scavenger
a Tae Ew worshiper
a tainted orbweaver
a tanglefang hunter
a tanglefang huntress
a tanglefang prowler
a tanglefang stalker
a toxic orbweaver
a venomous viper
a waterlogged explorer
a young gorilla
an agitated spirit
an angry gorilla patriarch
an awakened rotdog
an empowered fallen explorer
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
NPC Name
a corrupted turepta
Field of Scale
NPC Name
a Burynai explorer
a chokidai elder
a chokidai tracker
a fiery guardian
a fiery skirmisher
a giant tree boa
a herald of Gauntas
a herald of Lorkis
a herald of Naskado
a herald of Slact
a large blackbird
a racnar ripper
a racnar tracker
a Sarnak conscript
a scaled wolf
a scaled wolf hunter
a scaled wolf stalker
a scorpion
a searing champion
a Sebilisian archer
a Sebilisian battlemaster
a Sebilisian bloodclaw
a Sebilisian bonecaster
a Sebilisian bonemaster
a Sebilisian bonetrooper
a Sebilisian commander
a Sebilisian crusader
a Sebilisian dragonhunter
a Sebilisian dragonstalker
a Sebilisian emissary
a Sebilisian guardian
a Sebilisian haruspex
a Sebilisian hierophant
a Sebilisian hunter
a Sebilisian ironfist
a Sebilisian lich
a Sebilisian messenger
a Sebilisian patrol leader
a Sebilisian scaleblade
a Sebilisian tracker - chokadai
a Sebilisian tracker - iksar
a Sebilisian trooper
a sokokar hatchling
an emerald champion
an emerald skirmisher
an escaped sarnak footman
an escaped sarnak oracle
an icy champion
an icy guardian
an icy skirmisher
an iksar alchemist
an Iksar Master
an obsidian champion
an obsidian skirmisher
Commander Koth
Fortress Mechanotus
NPC Name
a consecrant
a dedicant
a gardener - brownie
a gardener - clockwork
a gardener - minotaur
a mechanic - brownie
a mender
a reaver
a shock reaver
a shock striker
a shock trooper - gnome
a slaver
a steamwork mechanic
a steamwork mender
a steamwork shock reaver
a steamwork skitterer
a steamwork soldier
a steamwork trooper
a troubleshooter - brownie
a troubleshooter - gnome
an enhanced steamsuit
Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King
NPC Name
The Fleshless
Frostcrypt: Raid Instance #2
NPC Name
a blighted icecaller
Fungal Forest
NPC Name
a cliknar austra
a cliknar califo
a cliknar lasius
a cliknar mexica
a cliknar nigrisca
a cliknar scabri
a coherent growth
a coral snake
a deadspore
a deathspore
a fire beetle
a frog
a gigyn prole
a gigyn shielder
a ground snake
a large coral snake
a large death beetle
a large emerald beetle
a large emerald burrower
a large fire beetle
a large frog
a large ground snake
a large moss snake
a large orb weaver
a large recluse
a large rhino beetle
a large sapphire burrower
a large wasp spider
a large widow
a mephit ganger
a mephit tender
a moss snake
a motile moss
a recluse
a rhino beetle
a sapphire burrower
a Shrivstem guardian
a Shrivstem scout
a sporali firespore
a sporali fungalist
a sporali needleroot
a sporali rejuvenator
a sporali restorer
a sporali sneakroot
a sporali sparkspore
a sporali sporemaster
a sporali sporeweaver
a sporali stoutspore
a stout sporali
a telmira arcanist
a telmira devout
a telmira equarry
a telmira famulus
a telmira prole
a telmira wizard
a vigorous moss
a wandering greken
a wasp spider
a widow
an earthbound burrower
an emerald beetle
an emerald burrower
an orb weaver
motile earth
motile spore slime
vigorous earth
vigorous spore slime
Fungus Grove
NPC Name
Shik`nar Warrior
Grelleth's Palace, Chateau of Filth
NPC Name
a Chateau bloodcaster
a Chateau defender
a Chateau gravedigger
a creature keeper
a grizzled tamed selyrah
a guard braxi
a guard goral
a guard selyrah
a junk golem
a junkcrafter scavenger
a kitchen assistant
a living filth creature
a palace beast handler
a palace decay priest
a palace filthcaster
a palace guard
a palace scout
a polluted bunny
a polluted water elemental
a pollution golem
a pollution monster
a rot shaman
an elite soldier
Gyrospire Beza
NPC Name
a gnome dreadguard
a gnome mage
a gnome shocktrooper
a gnome sneak
a minotaur trooper
a steamwork shocktrooper
a steamwork trooper
Gyrospire Zeka
NPC Name
a steamwork ductworker
a steamwork reaver
a steamwork striker
Halls of Honor
NPC Name
a Guardian of Marr
Heart of Fear: The Rebirth
NPC Name
a fear hatchling
Hills of Shade
NPC Name
a Blackwater lookout
a Blackwater resident
a blood crow
a borrower razorbeak
a crypt ghoul
a crypt guardian
a feral frightener
a fisherman
a frenzied ancestor
a Kirathas villager
a phoboplasm
a rampaging boneguard
a risen ancestor
a rotcap feeder
a tomb shade
a tortured treant
House of Thule, Lower Floors
NPC Name
a beastling of horror
a beastling of rage
a beastling of rot
a beastling of the unknown
a bone golem
a dreadful bone golem
a fright guard
a fright spinner
a frightening skeleton
a frightful bone golem
a frightful skeleton
a horror guard
a nightmarish guard
a quaking haunt
a rotdog fearfinder
a rotdog fearsmeller
a rotdog fearsniffer
a rotdog fearstalker
a rotdog feartracker
a shivering haunt
a sleepeating cube
a sleeper cube
a terror guard
a terror spinner
a troublesome snake
a vile bone crafter
a worrisome snake
House of Thule, Upper Floors
NPC Name
a blood elemental
a bloodthirsty beast
a cheerless apparition
a drifting fog elemental
a dripping blood elemental
a filthy rotdog
a flowing fog elemental
a flying monkey
a frozen ooze
a funnelweb leaper
a funnelweb spider
a ghostly vision
a gibbering madman
a hateful fire elemental
a heartstinger scorpion
a horrible centipede
a hungry beast
a mournful soul
a nightmarish beast
a nightmarish centipede
a nightmarish guardian
a protective imp
a putrid rotdog
a raging beast
a soul devourer
a stalagmite terror
Agent of Morzad
an ember golem
an iceworn guardian
an icy ooze
Angry Galo Maric
Deceiver Abbit
Enraged Khalis
Morzad Agent
Morzad Aircaster
Morzad Earthcaster
Morzad Firecaster
Morzad Watercaster
Profane Fiend
Swindler Keega
Icefall Glacier
NPC Name
a dire wolf
a large mammoth
a wooly mammoth
an elder icewing
Infected Paw (OoW / LDoN)
NPC Name
a water elemental invader
a water elemental wavecrasher
Inktu`Ta, the Unmasked Chapel
NPC Name
a blighted exile
a clay monolith
a deathprophet
a doomsayer
a dying exile
a lingering doomchanter
a prophet of destruction
Jewel of Atiiki
NPC Name
a photoplasm
Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness
NPC Name
a cleric of Tallon Zek
a cleric of Vallon Zek
a cruel wurmling
a daemonic lorespawn
a domesticated direwolf
a Drakkel Dire Wolf
a Drakkel dire wolf pup
a drunken faerie
a fading dirge
a fey delerium
a fey uniter
a frost giant berserker
a frost giant commoner
a frost giant gladiator
a frost giant trainer
a frost giant wolf tamer
a giant soul eater
a grave conjurer
a guardian of war
a guardian of Zek
a hostile apparition
a kromzek sorcerer
a large commoner
a lesser storm giant noble
a penumbral coldain
a priest of Tallon Zek
a priest of Vallon Zek
a Protector of war
a Protector of Zek
a ritualist of Rallos Zek
a ritualist of Tallon Zek
a ritualist of Vallon Zek
a scalding mistdragon
a skeleton
a soul scavenger
a spectral dragonkin
a storm giant commoner
a storm giant gladiator
a storm giant noble
a storm giant of nobility
a Storm Giant warlord
a temple guardian
a thieving acolyte
a twisted prowler
a visiting noble
an angry commoner
an arena spectator
an extinct kedge
an umbral coldain
an unbalanced kromzek
an upright kromrif
Kaesora Hatchery
NPC Name
a corrupt defiler
a cryptic diviner
a cryptic prophet
a hateful oppressor
a hateful revenant
a sokokar
a stonefist cenobite
a stonefist master
a vault sentry
an imperial broodkeeper
an imperial construct
an imperial protector
Kaesora Library
NPC Name
a corrupt defiler
a corrupt heretic
a corrupt warlock
a cryptic diviner
a cryptic prophet
a cryptic soothsayer
a dark ritualist
a dark sentry
a hateful reaver
a hateful revenant
a librarian
a stone guardian
a stone sentinel
a stonefist cenobite
a stonefist disciple
a stonefist master
a vault custodian
a vault protector
a vault sentry
an Imperial scourge
an Imperial sentry
Katta Castrum
NPC Name
a vortex of the deep
an elite revenant
an essence of the deep
Kerafyrm's Lair (Sleeper's Tomb)
NPC Name
a watchful custodian
Kernagir, the Shining City
NPC Name
a bartender
a bitter apprentice maker
a bitter cleanliness technician
a brewer
a brooding genati
a builder - gnomework
a chirurgeon
a city guard - kobold
a cleaner
a cleanliness technician
a coldain brewer
a conceited metalsmith - dwarf
a conceited metalsmith - gnomework
a contemptuous mystic
a craftsman - gnome
a crystalline sphere
a crystalline trichordont
a cynical fabricator - dwarf
a cynical heating supervisor
a designer
a despondent tinker - gnome
a despondent worker
a discontent fabricator
a disdainful advisor
a disdainful shaman
a disgruntled artisan
a distrustful guard - dwarf
a fabricator - dwarf
a fitful crystalline trichordont
a fuming master builder
a fuming mine supervisor
a genati
a genati worker
a gloomy inventor
a guard trainee
a guardian of Kernagir
a gygin worker
a healer
a heat engineer - gnomework
a heating supervisor
a jeweler
a machinist
a maker
a mason
a master builder - dwarf
a master craftsman
a master healer
a master maker
a mechanic
a metalsmith - gnome
a mine supervisor
a miner
a mystic
a perturbed cleaner
a potter
a rude shopworker
a scornful work supervisor
a seneschal
a shaman
a shining city champion - gnome
a shopworker
a smith - gnome
a supercilious worker
a surly apprentice healer - gnome
a surly genati
a surly worker
a tinker - gnome
a wary guard - gnome
a work supervisor
a worker - gnomework
a worker - sessiloid
an accountant - gnomework
an accounts manager
an advisor
an agitated ice sculptor
an annoyed accounts manager
an apprentice architect
an apprentice healer - gnome
an apprentice maker
an arrogant craftsman - gnome
an arrogant guard trainee
an artificer - gnome
an assassin
an egotistical artificer - gnomework
an evil eye
an ice builder
an ice sculptor
an imperious crystalline sphere
an indifferent mason
an indignant healer - gnome
an indignant master maker
an indignant worker - gnomework
an inventor
an irate accountant - gnomework
an irritable miner
an unhappy builder - gnomework
an unhappy heat engineer - gnome
Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds
NPC Name
a hynid
a noc bloodluster
a trusik idol
a trusik luminary
a trusik martyr
a trusik pioneer
a trusik soldier
a trusik voyager
a trusik wanderer
an aneuk darkdiviner
Forgotten Martyr
Pixtt Priest Guardian - Aneuk
Pixtt Priest Guardian - Ixt
Korafax, Home of the Riders
NPC Name
a bazu pulverizer
a bloodthirsty feran
a discordling mangler
a discordling ravager
a huvul lord
a kyv deathstalker
a kyv slayer
a lightning warrior galvanizer
a mastruq fleshrender
a mastruq paindrinker
a mindshear attendant
a noc bloodthirster
a noc ripper
a ra`tuk bonecleaver
a ra`tuk executioner
a ra`tuk skullsplitter
a vitrik corporifer
a vitrik liege
a vitrik portal slaver
an aneuk mindrender
an aneuk overfiend
an ikaav archon
an ikaav corrupter
an ikaav envenomer
an ixt commander
an ukun bloodsniffer
an ukun carnophage
an ukun thrasher
Korascian Warrens
NPC Name
a clay golem
a crystalline aetheront
a crystalline corrupter
a crystalline discharger
a crystalline exterminator
a crystalline hulk
a crystalline sphere
a crystalline trichordont
a crystalline visceront
a Darkhammer miner
a Darkhammer paladin
a Darkhammer prospector
a Darkhammer rowdy
a Darkhammer runeholder
a Darkhammer stonemaster
a Darkhammer thane
a Disciple of Zek
a Korascian champion
a korascian sentinel
a Korascian sentinel
a Korascian thrall
a mithril golem
a moss spider
a Rallosian archer
a Rallosian artillery chief
a Rallosian boulder thrower
a Rallosian catapult loader
a Rallosian Dakkilon warrior
a Rallosian fodderling
a Rallosian guardsman
a Rallosian invader
a Rallosian lifetaker
a Rallosian marauder
a Rallosian messcook
a Rallosian provost
a Rallosian salvebringer
a Rallosian scout
a Rallosian shirker
a Rallosian shocktrooper
a Rallosian skirmisher
a Rallosian soldier
a Rallosian warbrute
a Rathecharmed scarab
a spinecutter basilisk
a Vekerchiki warrior
an earthen warden
Kurn's Stronghold
NPC Name
a greentail commander
a greentail slayer
a harried lieutenant
a harried researcher
a hateful oppressor
a malignant dread knight
a malignant reaver
a malignant revenant
a regimental diviner
a regimental prophet
a regimental soothsayer
a scaled guardian
a scaled sentinel
a scaled warder
a stone guardian
a stone sentinel
a tower guardian
a tower protector
a tower sentry
a venal defiler
a venal heretic
a venal warlock
an ironfist cenobite
an ironfist disciple
an ironfist master
Lair of Terris Thule
NPC Name
Guardian of Terris
Lichen Creep
NPC Name
a cliknar gatherer
a cliknar scout
a crazed mephit
a deranged mephit
a frightened sporali
a hungry sessiloid
a lava golem
a lava mephit guard
a lava mephit miner
a lava mephit ore carrier
a lavaborn golem
a lost sporali
a magma golem
a rock golem guardian
a rock golem smasher
an autarchian dwarf
an autarchian gnome
Loping Plains
NPC Name
a Bloodmoon acolyte
a Bloodmoon assassin
a Bloodmoon brawler
a Bloodmoon guard
a Bloodmoon mystic
a Bloodmoon necromancer
a Bloodmoon rogue
a Bloodmoon shaman
a Bloodmoon warlock
a Bloodmoon warrior
a bottomfeeding imp
a cursed remnant
a cursed treant
a Drangol miner
a Drangol rogue
a Drangol shaman
a Drangol sifter
a Drangol warrior
a Drangol worker
a loping plains grizzly
a loping plains zombie
a minotaur excavator
a minotaur miner
a Mistwynd citizen
a Nightwalker bandit
a Nightwalker mystic
a Nightwalker sentry
a Nightwalker warrior
a plague-ridden Nightwalker
a rabid worg
a rampaging nightmare
a restless alligator
a shadowmane beastlord
a shadowmane berserker
a shadowmane brawler
a shadowmane bruiser
a shadowmane mystic
a shadowmane shaman
a shadowmane tamer
a shadowmane warlock
a shadowmane warrior
a skeleton cleric
a skeleton warrior
a skeleton wizard
a small pond hopper
a vampiric healer
a vampiric necromancer
a vampiric reaver
a vicious worg
an unruly nightmare
Mechamatic Guardian
NPC Name
a glob of dirty grease
a steamwork blaster
Meldrath's Majestic Mansion
NPC Name
a mechanic - gnome
a steamwork shock reaver
a steamwork shock striker
a steamwork shock trooper
a steamwork trooper
a trooper - minotaur
an influential consultant
Miragul's Nightmare
NPC Name
a darkbone golem
a darkshadow golem
a darkshadow mephit
a darkshadow raven
a feasting raven
a forgotten guardian
a mournful shade
a pool of darkness
a runic sentinel
a shadow mephit
a shadowed beast
a shadowed golem
a shadowy lurker
a silent shadow
a skyshadow raven
a sorrowful shade
a stalking shadow
an ancient guardian
an unseen foe
an unseen warrior
Morell's Castle
NPC Name
a candy hoarder
a crazed candy hoarder
a daydream
a decrepit confectioner
a devoted guard
a dream devourer
a dream drake
a dutiful defender
a forest guardian
a forest protector
a forest watcher
a gingerbread man
a gnarled hedgewalker
a hedgewalker
a helping hand
a hoofed diviner
a hoofed guardian
a hoofed protector
a marionette
a mutinous scallywag
a night terror
a rabbit
a rabid rabbit
a sandman
a sandman timekeeper
a scallywag diabolist
a scallywag marauder
a scallywag pillager
a scorned diabolist
a scorned marauder
a scorned pillager
a sea sorceress
a sea vamp
a seawitch
a serpent
a shelled defender
a shellscale diver
a shellscale guard
a shellscale guardian
a shellscale hunter
a shellscale occultist
a singing siren
a speckled hare
a spotted hare
a tangled hedgewalker
a vengeful diabolist
a vengeful marauder
a vengeful pillager
a water serpent
an enchanted mare
an enraged sandman
an ethereal defender
an idle hand
an ornate guard
Gaitius Cloden
Maiana the Chanteuse
Muramite Proving Grounds
NPC Name
a lightning warrior diodite
a lightning warrior staticfist
an elite ikaav binder
an elite ikaav captor
an elite ikaav detainer
an elite noc cleaver
Nagafen's Lair (Level 100 - Hardcore Heritage)
NPC Name
a fire giant magus
a fire giant warrior
a fire giant wizard
a greater kobold
a greater kobold shaman
a guano harvester
a kobold fighter
a kobold healer
a kobold noble
a kobold priest
a kobold royal
a lava beetle
a lava duct crawler
a lava guardian
a sonic bat
an enraged lava guardian
an imp protector
Natimbi, the Broken Shores
NPC Name
Nobles' Causeway
NPC Name
a murkglider
Oceangreen Hills
NPC Name
a desiccated treeling
a gray wolf
a grizzly
a king snake
a poacher
a zombie bombardier
an infected bat
an infected gray wolf
an infected king snake
Oceangreen Village
NPC Name
a Bertoxxulian cultist
a skeleton
an infected bat
Old Blackburrow
NPC Name
a burly gnoll
a burly guard
a direfang constrictor
a direfang serpent
a gnoll ravager
a gnoll shaman
a large direfang serpent
a Wrext Mal bloodreaper
a Wrext Mal painbringer
a Wrext Mal shaman
an enraged gnoll
an enraged gnoll berserker
an enraged gnoll brewmaster
an enraged gnoll butcher
an enraged gnoll commander
an enraged gnoll high commander
an enraged gnoll high shaman
an enraged gnoll mystic
an enraged gnoll reaver
an enraged gnoll slavemaster
an enraged gnoll slaver
an enraged gnoll thief
an enraged scrawny gnoll
an enraged snake handler
Old Bloodfields
NPC Name
a dragorn adjunct
a dragorn courier
a dragorn knight
a Dragorn muramite
a dragorn warrior
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a kyv limbcutter
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
a slavemaster
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound
an ukun guard
Commander Vthallyx
Old Commonlands
NPC Name
an Army of Light blademaster
an Army of Light defender
an Army of Light sorceror
an Army of Light stormcaller
an Army of Light templar
an Obliteration acolyte
an Obliteration assassin
an Obliteration conjurer
an Obliteration evoker
an Obliteration knight
an Obliteration lifestealer
an Obliteration nightblade
an Obliteration oracle
an Obliteration soldier
an Obliteration summoner
an Obliteration warlock
an Obliteration warlord
an Obliteration weaponmaster
Pellucid Grotto
NPC Name
a cavernaut healer
a cavernaut scout
a cavernaut sentinel
a cavernaut thaumaturge
a cliknar centurion
a Cliknar Overseer
a cliknar raider
a cliknar seer
a cliknar soldier
a cliknar thoughtstealer
a crystalline discharger
a crystalline exterminator
a crystalline hulk
a crystalline matranont
a crystalline sphere
a crystalline trichordont
a crystallizer ooze
a grand sessiloid
a lava elemental
a magnite golem
a mineral ooze
a mithril elemental
a rock elemental
a sessiloid
a tunneler ooze
a vile ooze
an acidic ooze
an Adherent archean
an Adherent chondrian
an Adherent komatite
an Adherent lord
an Adherent magmite
an Adherent sentinel
an Autarchian komatite
an Autarchian lord
an Autarchian primalist
an ember elemental
an infernal ooze
Permafrost Keep (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)
NPC Name
a dire pup
a dire wolf
a frigid terror
a giant polar bear
a goblin diviner
a goblin evoker
a goblin guard
a goblin mendicant
a goblin prelate
a goblin priest
a goblin royal guard
a goblin warlock
a goblin wizard
a goblin worker
a large dire wolf
a rabid wolf
a tiny ice goblin
a wooly spider
an elite goblin guard
an ice giant
an ice giant magus
an ice giant priest
an ice giant youth
an ice goblin
an icy terror
an injured polar bear
giant wooly spider
Pillars of Alra
NPC Name
a blistering shade
a brightshell s`ripla
a brilliant coalescence of light
a coalescence of light
a constructor acolyte
a constructor apprentice
a constructor host
a constructor keeper - Light
a constructor neophyte
a contemplative verdantguardian
a dark essencegazer
a dark horror
a darkshell s`ripla
a firmshell s`ripla
a focused attendant
a focused lightgazer
a focused lightward
a focused sorcerer
a focused ward
a goral lakrian
a goral ohritak
a goral sariak
a greater blistering shade
a greater life-essence
a greater manaward
a hall ward
a hardshell s`ripla
a lesser animation of earth
a lesser essence of nature
a life harvester
a life infuser
a life purifier
a lifetender
a light convertor
a light harvester
a light infuser
a light purifier
a lighttender
a lightward captain
a lightward guardian
a lightward novice
a lightward sentinel
a lightward squire
a lightward trainee
a lightward zealot
a lightwarder
a luminous sprite
a mana convertor
a mana harvester
a mana infuser
a mana purifier
a mana sprite
a manatender
a natureward acolyte
a natureward apprentice
a natureward host
a natureward initiate
a natureward keeper
a natureward meditator
a natureward seeker
a nightwell s`ripla
a pensive lightgazer
a pensive onlooker
a pensive scholar - Arcane
a pensive shadowcaster
a penumbral priest
a pure coalescence of light
a purist essencegazer
a quiet cataloger - Light
a quiet hopper
a quiet naturetender
a scholar of Anriella
a scholar of Erion
a scholar of Fal`Kaa
a scholar of Melretia
a seasoned channeller
a seasoned lightward
a selyrah cliffstalker
a selyrah cliffwalker
a selyrah plainsfeeder
a selyrah plainstrider
a shade convertor
a shade infuser
a shaded flame
a shaded horror
a shadeweaver acolyte
a shadeweaver apprentice
a shadeweaver initiate
a shadeweaver keeper
a shadeweaver neophyte
a shadow harvester
a shadow purifier
a shadow sprite
a shadowtender
a shadowward
a shadowward captain
a shadowward guardian
a shadowward sentinel
a shadowward squire
a shadowward trainee
a shadowward veteran
a silent bookkeeper - Arcane
a silent shadowcaster
a spirited conjuror
a spirited essence
a spirited focuser
a spirited lightward
a spirited verdantguardian
a stoic lightgazer
a stoic patron
a stoic shadowcaster
a stoic ward
a stoneflesh toad
a stoneskin hopper
a student of Anriella
a student of Erion
a student of Fal`Kaa
a student of Melretia
a s`ripla hatchling
a verdant animator
a verdant earthshaper
a verdant earthtender
a verdant naturewalker
a verdant sprite
a verdantguard captain
a verdantguard initiate
a verdantguard novice
a verdantguard reflector
a verdantguard squire
a verdantguard veteran
a verdantguard ward
a verdantguard warden
a verdantguardian
a voracious cauldronstalker
a vyrlak bloodfin
a vyrlak fry
a vyrlak spawnling
a ward of the arcane
a warm glow
a zealous augur
a zealous lightshaper
an amalgamation of earth
an animate guardian
an animate shrub
an animate ward
an animated life-essence
an animated manaward
an animated shadow
an antumbral priest
an arcane essencegazer
an arcane guardian
an arcane interceptor
an arcane ward
an arcward captain
an arcward guardian
an arcward sentinel
an arcward squire
an arcward trainee
an arcward veteran
an arcwarder
an ardent scholar - Nature
an attendant of Anriella
an attendant of Erion
an attendant of Fal`Kaa
an attendant of Melretia
an attendant of purity
an augmented zealot
an ayrlak fry
an ayrlak spawnling
an elder vyrlak
an empowered guardian
an empowered hopper
an empowered horror
an empowered manipulator
an empowered shadowweaver
an enthralled lightgazer
an enthralled shadowcaster
an enthralled spectator
an essence convertor
an essence director - Light
an essence extractor - Shadow
an essence keeper - Arcane
an essence lifegazer
an essence lifeshaper
an essence lifeward
an essence lifeweaver
an essence lightshaper
an essence lightward
an essence lightweaver
an essence manashaper
an essence manaward
an essence manaweaver
an essence of pure light
an essence of pure mana
an essence of pure shadow
an essence purifier - Light
an essence shadowshaper
an essence shadowward
an essence shadowweaver
an essence surveyor - Nature
an experienced focuser
an experienced lightshaper
an illuminary ward
an illuminator acolyte
an illuminator apprentice
an illuminator initiate
an illuminator neophyte
an infused guardian
an infused hopper
an infused horror
an infused okiina
an innocuous hopper
an introspective student - Shadow
an okiina lifewalker
an okiina mossbranch
an okiina mossroot
an okiina rotlier
an umbral priest
an ut`len flaremind
an ut`len hunter
an ut`len mindbreaker
Plane of Hate B
NPC Name
a gravelord of hate
Plane of Innovation
NPC Name
a metallic slime
Plane of Shadow
NPC Name
a bat
a gleaming seed beetle
a pile of shadow
a righteous spirit of light
a shadowed seed beetle
a storm of light and darkness
a vengeful spirit of darkness
an Akhevan vagabond
an ancient construct
Plane of Storms
NPC Name
a hleytis maor
a hurricane lorok
Plane of Time B
NPC Name
Champion of Korascian
Plane of Valor
NPC Name
A Razorfiend Subduer
an Undead Vassal
Prince's Manor: The Rage of Kelliad
NPC Name
a Royal Protector
Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve
NPC Name
a Bloodthirsty Moss Warlord
Rathe Council Chambers
NPC Name
a dirt covered frog
a gem studded champion
a living heap
a moss covered frog
a myrmidon of granite
a Rathe construct
a Rathe Council minion
a Rathe Council protector
a Rathe seedling tender
a Vekerchiki infiltrator
a Vekerchiki warlord
an aged Earth emissary
Relic, the Artifact City
NPC Name
a courtyard air current
a courtyard earth pile
a courtyard fire spark
a courtyard water spout
Resplendent Temple
NPC Name
a blob of filth
a colorful selyrah
a diseased braxi
a diseased goral
a diseased hopper
a diseased rat
a diseased selyrah
a filthy swinetor
a grazing braxi
a groundskeeper
a grove braxi
a grove goral
a grove hopper
a grove selyrah
a grove serpent
a hostile goral
a mosquito
a Nitore advisor
a Nitore apprentice
a Nitore cleanser
a Nitore elder
a Nitore enforcer
a Nitore guard
a Nitore idealist
a Nitore initiate
a Nitore liaison
a Nitore mender
a Nitore neophyte
a Nitore peacekeeper
a Nitore priest
a Nitore prober
a Nitore purger
a Nitore savant
a Nitore sorcerer
a Nitore watcher
a Piq`a deadraiser
a Piq`a diabolist
a Piq`a noble
a Piq`a soothsayer
a prisoner
a purified essence
a putrid swinetor
a rat
a roaming swinetor
a rotting corpse
a sloth cube
a soiled essence
a stray goral
a swinetor summoner
a swinetor youth
a tame goral
a temple servant
an albino serpent
an animated corpse
an armed guard
an Ulork diviner
an Ulork noble
an Ulork occultist
an Ulork vicar
Riftseekers' Sanctum
NPC Name
a commanded chimera
a companion chimera
a discordling architect
a discordling surveyor
Rubak Oseka, Temple of the Sea
NPC Name
a coral ophidian
a follower
a priest
a revered ophidian
a ringed ophidian
a servant
a templar
a worshipper
a zealot
an acolyte
an adherent
an altar attendant
an evangelizer
Cursed Water Elemental
Ruins of Lxanvom [Crypt of Decay] - [PoP]
NPC Name
Bubonian War Rat
Corrupted Pusling
Foul Pusling
Greater Corrupted Pusling
Greater Foul Pusling
Greater Pusling
S.H.I.P. Workshop
NPC Name
a gnome dreadguard
a gnome mage
a gnome medic
a gnome necromancer
a gnome sneak
a gnome trooper
a minotaur berserker
a minotaur juggernaut
a minotaur shocktrooper
a minotaur trooper
a steamwork reaver
a steamwork striker
a steamwork trooper
Sanctum Somnium
NPC Name
a dark beast
a dark occultist
a dark occultist researcher
a dark ritualist
a dark ritualist expert
a deranged beggar
a dream phantom
a dream phantom illusion
a dream shade
a dream shade figment
a filthy rabid rat
a giant mosquito
a giant warrior
a giant warrior veteran
a goblin raider
a goblin raider captain
a head servant
a hungry scavanger beetle
a kobold skirmisher
a leprechaun
a mad beggar
a master guardian
a personal servant
a rabid rat
a royal archmage
a royal guard
a royal high priest
a royal knight
a royal knight errant
a royal mage
a royal priest
a scavanger beetle
a shadowy dark beast
a strange leprechaun
a tower guardian
a tower servant
a tower warden
a tower warden sergeant
an elite guardian
Morell`s Commander
Sanctus Seru
NPC Name
a Praetorian Pius
Sarith, City of Tides
NPC Name
a great white shark
a grizzled war beast
a hammerhead shark
a hostage taker
a king crab
a large sea turtle
a large squid
a salt-water piranha
a Sarith guardsman
a Sarith guardsman veteran
a Sarith tidal guardian
a Sarith tidalmage
a Sarith tidalmage master
a Sarith tide priest
a war beast - goral
a war beast - selyrah
an Orator`s army archmage
an Orator`s Army assassin
an Orator`s army battlemage
an Orator`s Army beast master
an Orator`s army beast trainer
an Orator`s army bishop
an Orator`s army commander
an Orator`s army conscript
an Orator`s army dark mage
an Orator`s Army death knight
an Orator`s army lieutenant
an Orator`s Army life knight
an Orator`s Army nature mage
an Orator`s Army primal mage
an Orator`s Army ranger
an Orator`s army scout
an Orator`s army soldier
an Orator`s army strategist
an Orator`s army warpriest
an Oseka`s Chosen defender
an Oseka`s Chosen guardian
Sepulcher East
NPC Name
a beast
a beastling
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bloody ape
a breathing orchestration
a burrowing goral
a caretaker of Lunanyn
a cave selyrah
a champion of Kolos
a clot of light
a composted heap
a conqueror of Kolos
a crystallization of light
a dark magic caster
a dark magic wielder
a defender of Kolos
a didact of Ryken
a dirty ape
a farmer of Lunanyn
a fighting beast
a forgotten spirit
a furrier of Kolos
a gale of truth
a grasping heap
a groundswell of nature
a gust of sophistry
a hunter of Kolos
a hurricane of truth
a light magic caster
a light magic wielder
a living dialogue
a lurching izon
a lustrous serpent
a nature magic caster
a nature magic wielder
a philosopher of Ryken
a raging beast
a serpent
a shade of darkness
a shadow of darkness
a shambling izon
a snarling beast
a sophist of Ryken
a squirming heap
a subterranean goral
a subterranean selyrah
a tattered pile
a tender of Lunanyn
a thelasa of fertility
a tracker of Kolos
a trapper of Kolos
a warden of Lunanyn
a whirlwind of sophistry
a wizened thelasa
an academic of Ryken
an arcane denizen
an arcane magic caster
an arcane magic wielder
an archon of alsa thelara
an embodiment of arcanum
light magic caster
light magic wielder
Sepulcher of Order
NPC Name
a bead of light
a blade mentor of alsa thelara
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladed ereth of order
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a blind scavenger
a boastful tricrystal
a body of darkness
a bone amalgamation
a bone mass
a brooding selyrah
a brutalizer of alsa thelara
a calcified ser thal
a carnifex of alsa thelara
a carnivorous prowler
a carrier of arcanum
a commanding wind
a crystalline healer
a deceased thelasa
a defender of alsa thel
a dense mound
a denuded ser thal
a departed thelasa
a disfigured thelasa ser
a disgusting soul
a disintegrating ser alsa thel
a fertile mound
a fleshless ser thal
a flow of alsa thel
a forgotten spirit
a fortified tideshell
a gale liege
a gale servant
a gleaming stonewalker
a greensward walker
a greensward webstitcher
a guardian of alsa thel
a hardened tideshell
a loamy pile
a luminous stonewalker
a moss jumble
a mutated thel imbiber
a nesting goral
a penitent of Beloth
a petrified ser thal
a plated tideshell
a pool of alsa thel
a protector of alsa thel
a proud tricrystal
a ravenous raptor
a resplendent soul
a revenant of thelasa
a revolting nightmare
a rotflesh seeker
a savage raptor
a scavenging brute
a sea funnel
a ser alsa
a shouting element
a shroud of thelasa
a soul of darkness
a soul of nature
a spirit of nature
a starving raptor
a steel droplet
a steel hurricane
a steel mass
a steel tornado
a sub archon of alsa thelara
a sublime tricrystal
a swirling voice
a tarnished soul
a territorial goral
a thel eel
a thelara alsa ril of Alra
a tide creeper
a tide drain
a tide drifter
a torturer of alsa thelara
a transcendent adherent
a transfigured thel imbiber
a veil of thelasa
a vessel of arcanum
a vicious raptor
a visage of darkness
a vociferous element
a whirlwind of steel
a wind servant
a wizened thelasa
a zephyr of steel
Alra ser alsa
an Alra ser alsa
an alsa construct
an alsa thel embodiment
an alsa thel selyrah
an alsa thelara initiate
an alsa thelara worker
an apparition of thelasa
an arable mound
an arbiter ereth of order
an archon of alsa thelara
an armipotent ser alsa thel
an armored tideshell
an ascended ser alsa thel
an aspect of darkness
an engorged ser alsa thel
an enraptured ser alsa thel
an ereth of Alra
an ereth of law
an ereth of order
an herbivorous prowler
an imbued ser alsa thel
an infant eel
an infused alsa construct
an overgrown mound
blades of anger
carnifex of alsa thelara
ereth of Alra
living blades
thelara alsa ril of Alra
Sepulcher West
NPC Name
a beast of steel
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bone assembly
a bone bruiser
a cave great white
a cave hammerhead
a consumer of death
a filth eater
a forgotten spirit
a fouled warrior
a giant of steel
a high thelasa of Ladrys
a high thelasa of Oseka
a lost initiate
a myrmidon of Oseka
a noviate of Ladrys
a risen ser alsa
a ser alsa deceased
a ser alsa hadal
a ser alsa thel hadal
a servitor of the depths
a shard of Illdaera
a shard of purity
a sightless turtle
a soiled warrior
a splash of Illdaera
a steel breeze
a steel torrent
a subterranean kraken
a subterrestrial kraken
a sunken turtle
a thel eel
a thelasa of Ladrys
a tide creeper
a tide drifter
a warrior of Oseka
a wizened thelasa
a worshipper of decay
a worshipper of filth
an adherent of Ladrys
an alsa thelara champion
an alsa thelara conqueror
an alsa thelara legend
an alsa thelara nonpareil
an alsa thelara wind archer
an alsa thelara wind tamer
an archon of alsa thelara
an armored tideshell
an devotee of Ladrys
an infant eel
an initiate of Ladrys
an unblemished shard
ser alsa hadal
ser alsa thel hadal
Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones
NPC Name
a confused sludgeworker
a decaying slimesnipper
a grimy turepta
a muck-covered fly
a Nihil arcanist spirit
a Nihil geomancer spirit
a Nihil priest spirit
a Nihil worker spirit
a sewer gnat
a slithering stonemite
a sludge lurker [
Lair of Trapped Ones
an abandoned sludgeworker
an acid larva
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
NPC Name
a grimy turepta
a muck-covered fly
a Nihil arcanist`s spirit
a Nihil priest`s spirit
a Nihil stonesculptor`s spirit
a Nihil worker`s spirit
a sewer gnat
a sludge lurker [
Pool of Sludge
a stonemite
an acid larva
Cube Fragment
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
NPC Name
a bestirring stonemite
a bloodthirsty stonemite
a burrowing stonemite
a congealed mass
a diseased gnat
a fading worker
a noc bloodletter
a noc scout
a noc underling
a phantom earthshaper
a plague fly
a sewer turepta
a shaded priest
a shadowed firelighter
a slimy turepta
a sludge lurker [
Purifying Plant
a stonemite
a vicious turepta
a vile stonemite
a viscous ooze
an abandoned worker
an aged stonemite
an ukun tracker
Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory
NPC Name
a decaying slimesnipper
a grimy turepta
a muck-covered fly
a Nihil arcanist`s spirit
a Nihil geomancer`s spirit
a Nihil priest`s spirit
a sewer gnat
a slimelurking stonemite
a sludge lurker [
the Crematory
an acid larva
Shard's Landing
NPC Name
a blighted prowler
a blightshell scarab
a calculating overseer
a chillclaw wyvern
a citizen
a clickshell pest
a conscripted dredger
a conscripted edgecrafter
a conscripted excavator
a conscripted fighter
a conscripted gladiator
a conscripted ironshaper
a conscripted lifter
a conscripted miner
a conscripted smith
a conscripted tender
a coralspine goral
a corrupted coralspine
a corrupted devourer
a council advisor
a council judicator
a council overseer
a devout believer
a feeble devourer
a forsaken believer
a forsaken coordinator
a forsaken overseer
a forsaken speaker
a forsaken supervisor
a forsaken torchbearer
a frostcoat grazer
a frostcoat patriarch
a greater ivyscale
a greater slatescale
a kangon verdantbeak
a lesser blightshell
a lesser hoarder
a lesser plainskeeper
a naeya plainshound
a pious believer
a plainsdweller guardian
a plainsdweller wyvern
a ruthless overseer
a selyrah plainskeeper
a slatescale serpent
a slatescale slitherer
a soulless attendee
a stoic believer
a taskmaster
a venomshell pest
a venomshell scarab
a verdantbeak cub
a wild naeya
a worntooth cub
a worntooth grendlaen
a worntooth matron
a zealous believer
an arena sentry
an arena ward
an armory director
an armory foreman
an armory guard
an armory sentry
an armory ward
an elder naeya
an elder prowler
an enforcer
an icebeak matriarch
an icebeak pup
an iceclaw wyvern
an impassive clergyman
an ivyscale serpent
an ivyscale slitherer
an oashim hoarder
an umbraphyte cultivator
an umbraphyte tender
Solusek Ro's Tower
NPC Name
a flame mephit
a protector of Ro
Ssraeshza Temple
NPC Name
A Bone Spiked Golem
Steam Factory
NPC Name
a crystal sorter
a dedicant
a flamemaster
a master slaver
a molding superintendent
a shock reaver
a shock striker
a shock trooper - gnome
a shock trooper - minotaur
a steamwork shock striker
a steamwork shock trooper
a steamwork trooper
a tinkerer
Stoneroot Falls
NPC Name
a Stoneroot basilisk
Sunderock Springs
NPC Name
a geyser elemental
a high desert drake
a hotsprings scaldling
a quarry slave
a snapping ridge drake
a yellow ooze
Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver
NPC Name
a corrupted construct
an elite mastruq berserker
an elite mastruq crusher
an elite mastruq destroyer
Temple of Bertoxxulous
NPC Name
a grim sentinel
a malignant student
a putrid lector
a putrid servant
a temple guardian
a tsetsian creeper
The Buried Sea
NPC Name
a coralisk
a ringed sea snake
a sea snake
a seatail drake
a Stormscape skyknight
The Foundation
NPC Name
a baelorat
a bellikos subvert
a burynai burrower
a burynai cenobite
a burynai curate
a burynai explorer
a burynai rockshaper
a burynai sapper
a clay golem
a cliknar hunter
a cliknar scout
a cliknar soldier
a genati
a gnomish engineer
a gnomish tinkerer
a gnomish toiler
a large beetle
a large insect
a small beetle
a small insect
a sporali cultivator
a sporali harvester
a sporali sprawl
an adherent engineer
an adherent foreman
an adherent worker
an Autarchian bandit
an Autarchian brute
an Autarchian grunt
an Autarchian warrior
an odd looking beetle
The Grounds
NPC Name
a bitter treant
a bixie guard
a bone crafter
a bone golem
a disgruntled aquadervish
a forlorn bone golem
a garden bixie
a living heap
a mad mulch cube
a mangy rotdog
a mulch cube
a peponnite
a petulant heap
a putrified peponnite
a rotdog
a servant of Thule
a souring treant
a thornfrog
a troublesome snake
a truculent wasp
a wasp
a wicked thornfrog
an aggressive snake
an aquadervish
an obedient servant
The Library
NPC Name
a corporeal scholar
a corporeal scholarly researcher
a curious custodian
a disoriented dreamer
a dusty codex
a dutiful librarian
a fascinated scholar
a languid poetry teacher
a library custodian
a library watcher
a listless librarian
a lonely librarian
a neglected tome
a preoccupied scholar
a rotdog
a wayward visitor
a weary assistant
an absorbed scholar
an ancient codex
an arcane researcher
an armored watcher
an enraged historian
an ethereal watcher
an idle artisan
an oblivious scholar
an obsessed scholar
an unusual codex
Assistant Librarian Vesrad
The Precipice of War
NPC Name
a noc flashblade
The Steppes
NPC Name
a Stonemight elder
The Underquarry
NPC Name
a brass golem
a burynai archwizard
a burynai caveblade
a burynai mineblade
a burynai plotter
a burynai trickster
a burynai tunnelblade
a burynai welterwizard
a cliknar adept
a cliknar avenger
a cliknar battle drone
a cliknar eviscerator
a cliknar mine worker
a cliknar paragon
a cliknar prelate
a cliknar sergeant
a cliknar skirmish drone
a cliknar war drone
a cliknar warrior
a copper golem
a genati ancient
a genati archaean
a gold golem
a silver golem
a Stonequarry engineer
a Stonequarry foreman
a surly genati
an iron golem
an Underquarry acolyte
an Underquarry arcanist
an Underquarry believer
an Underquarry devotee
an Underquarry engineer
an Underquarry follower
an Underquarry foreman
an Underquarry miner
an Underquarry prospector
an Underquarry spellsharp
an Underquarry stonecutter
an Underquarry stonerazer
The Well
NPC Name
a bold cave viper
a bold pit viper
a cave viper
a chaos scorpion
a dark scorpion
a dark spider
a deadly chaos scorpion
a deadly pit spider
a feldark scorpion
a feldark spider
a grown nayat
a mouth of insanity
a mud golem
a pit spider
a pit viper
a sludge golem
a young nayat
Fetid Spider
Raejic [
Devourer of Souls
The Adversary
Thuliasaur Island
NPC Name
a vicious parasite
Tipt, Treacherous Crags
NPC Name
a coerced granite worker
a cragbeast hatchling
a feeble beludu shade
a flinty cragbeast
a hynid ravager
a kyv eyecollector
a kyv heartstriker
a mastruq decapitator
a mastruq warmedic
a mountain pooka
a noc sprayblood
a ra`tuk decimator
a shadowed stonemite
a weeping beludu mother
an aneuk ebonspirit
an aneuk fleshweaver
an arisen beludu
an ikaav fleshflare
an ikaav irelette
an ikaav psychagonist
an ukun deathfang
Torden, the Bastion of Thunder
NPC Name
A stormrider
A vind geistlig
NPC Name
a dreadrat
a giant death beetle
a goblin ambusher
a hulking warboar
a Rallosian barker
a Rallosian blade
a Rallosian bloodblade
a Rallosian bruiser
a Rallosian champion
a Rallosian darklancer
a Rallosian gladiator
a Rallosian Guardian
a Rallosian mystic
a Rallosian namekeeper
a Rallosian seer
a Rallosian sentinel
a Rallosian shinsplitter
a Rallosian slaver
a Rallosian slayer
a Rallosian tactician
a Rallosian trooper
a Rallosian warlord
a Rallosian warmaster
a Shivstalker thief
a Toskirakk ward sergeant
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
NPC Name
a fervid revenant
a kyv hunter
a mastruq battlebrute
a mastruq gladiator
a noc bloodluster
a noc brawler
a ravenous corpsefeeder
a ra`tuk bruiser
a ra`tuk rabidfury
an ancient hynid scavenger
an aneuk darkdiviner
an aneuk fleshthreader
an aneuk nervehammer
an enslaved destroyer
an enthralled deathbringer
an ikaav binder
an ikaav detainer
an ikaav ruiner
an ikaav willbreaker
an ukun deathfang
an ukun mauler
Inquisitor Chiak Tansk
Inquisitor Lliev Kinth
The Runt
Tiv Prayer Chanter
Vrex Invoker Akello
Vrex Invoker Jahzara
Vrex Invoker Kashka
Vrex Invoker Malik
Vrex Invoker Raziya
NPC Name
a Creep basilisk
a rotting husk
a shiliskin sand caster
a shiliskin shore walker
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry
NPC Name
a coercing spirit
a construct of fury
a construct of rage
a destructive channeler
a disciple of destruction
a disciple of rage
a fury behemoth
a rage behemoth
a slighted spirit
a trusik anchorite
a trusik ascetic
a trusik ritualist
a trusik spiritmaster
a trusik stalker
a trusik summoner
an anchorite of destruction
an infuriated spirit
Guardian of Destruction
NPC Name
a butcher
a citizen of Valdeholm
a mammoth
Valley of King Xorbb
NPC Name
a bonepile golem
a condemned skeleton
a core elemental
a creekbottom muddite
a currentfang snake
a deadeater crocodile
a deathraiser goblin
a decomposing mass
a deepwoods bear
a farsighted eye
a fetid mass
a filthduct snake
a forest bear
a forest snake
a gravelcrush whirlwind
a groundswell elemental
a guardian minotaur
a longfang rat
a moldgrown sporali
a noxious spill
a pickslave goblin
a riverfoam elemental
a scarred skeleton
a sedimentary muddite
a sewer rat
a shamanic goblin
a shamanic minotaur
a shardcraft golem
a shardcraft hydra
a sickwater crocodile
a stream snake
a streamswell elemental
a thickhide crocodile
a tunnel snake
a vigilant eye
a warrior minotaur
a watchman minotaur
a waterknight goblin
a wetbloom sporali
an earthcrust elemental
an evenflame goblin
an executed skeleton
an infectious spill
an omnifocus eye
Valley of Lunanyn
NPC Name
a deadly huntsman
a dirty oashim
a farmer
a ferocious grendlaen
a foul reega
a grendlaen cub
a huntsman
a huntsman youngling
a mature oashim
a mischievous fire imp
a mosstrooper
a mutated oashim
a nefarious reega
a ranger
a savage grendlaen
a silent huntsman
a soldier
a tired farmer
a trooper
a vile reega
a wicked grendlaen
a wraith of Arelis
an Arcon
an Argathian traitor
an impaler
an oashim
Veeshan's Peak 1.0
NPC Name
a lava basilisk
a mature wyvern guardian
an azure skywing
Veeshan's Peak 2.0
NPC Name
a mature flame protector
a mature frost protector
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
NPC Name
A Korascian Necksnapper
A Rotting Arborean
A War Shapen Earth Emissary
Vergalid Mines
NPC Name
a Kickpick slave
Volska's Husk
NPC Name
a bellikos overseer
a bellikos warden
a clockwork defender
a lava golem
a lava mephit brigand
a lava mephit scout
a sessiloid
a stone husk beetle
a stone husk burrower
a stone husk hunter
an Autarchian cultivator
an Autarchian engineer
an Autarchian gnoll
an Autarchian harvester
an Autarchian kobold
an Autarchian Sentry
an Autarchian sprawl
an Autarchian worker
Bellikos Lecturer
Bryxyx Kyzox
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns
NPC Name
a coerced granite worker
a feeble beludu shade
a flinty cragbeast
a hynid ravager
a kyv eyecollector
a kyv heartstriker
a mastruq decapitator
a mastruq warmedic
a mountain pooka
a noc havocblade
a noc sprayblood
a ra`tuk decimator
a venomous stonemite
a weeping beludu mother
an aneuk ebonspirit
an aneuk fleshweaver
an arisen beludu
an ikaav detestor
an ikaav fleshflare
an ikaav irelette
an ikaav psychagonist
an ukun boneretriever
an ukun deathfang
Wall of Slaughter
NPC Name
a murkglider preystalker
a raging chimera
Western Wastes
NPC Name
an ice burrower
Sir Elmonious Falmont
Windsong Sanctuary
NPC Name
a breezerunner
a cloud leaper
a contaminated wind elemental
a filqua glider
a filqua winddrifter
a filqua windrider
a flowing wind elemental
a fluttering kangon
a haze jumper
a howling wind elemental
a melodious apparition
a mist bounder
a musical spirit
a muted brute
a polluted wind elemental
a silent guardian
a silent worshipper
a silentsong worshipper
a songful soul
a soundless devotee
a tempestuous wind elemental
a wind archer
a wind strider
an escaped swinetor prisoner
an unspeaking sentinel
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles
NPC Name
a bereaved scribe
a cornered animist
a crag beetle
a dark cavern spider
a granite guardian
a granite laborer
a malicious trusik
a mastruq battleborn
a mastruq essence eater
a ravenous cragbeast
an aneuk bloodwraith
an ikaav malignatist
Used in 1 recipe.
Recipe list - Premium only.
Zone(s) Found In:
Zone Name
Al'Kabor's Nightmare
Arcstone, Isle of Spirits
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
Barren Coast
Beasts' Domain
Blackburrow: Reinforced Blackburrow (Level 80 - HH)
Blackfeather Roost
Bloody Kithicor
Breeding Grounds
Brell's Rest
Brell's Temple
Cazic-Thule: Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule (Level 85 - HH)
Chapterhouse of the Fallen
Chelsith Reborn
Citadel of the Worldslayer
City of Dranik
Cooling Chamber
Corathus Lair: The Mines
Crushbone (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)
Crystal Caverns, Fragment of Fear
Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened
Dead Hills: Into the Hills
Deepest Guk: The Curse Reborn (Raid)
Direwind Cliffs
Dragonscale Hills
Dreadspire Keep
Drunder, Fortress of Zek (Plane of Tactics)
East Wastes, Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening
Erillion, City of Bronze
Erudin Burning
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind
Estate of Unrest: Greater Unrest (Level 85 - HH)
Evantil, the Vile Oak
Everfrost Peaks
Fear Itself
Feerrott, the Dream
Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
Field of Scale
Fortress Mechanotus
Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King
Fungal Forest
Grelleth's Palace, Chateau of Filth
Gyrospire Beza
Heart of Fear: The Rebirth
Hills of Shade
House of Thule, Lower Floors
House of Thule, Upper Floors
Icefall Glacier
Infected Paw
Infected Paw (OoW / LDoN)
Inktu`Ta, the Unmasked Chapel
Jewel of Atiiki
Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness
Kaesora Hatchery
Kaesora Library
Katta Castrum
Kerafyrm's Lair (Sleeper's Tomb)
Kernagir, the Shining City
Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds
Korafax, Home of the Riders
Korascian Warrens
Kurn's Stronghold
Lair of Terris Thule
Lichen Creep
Loping Plains
Mechamatic Guardian
Meldrath's Majestic Mansion
Miragul's Nightmare
Morell's Castle
Muramite Proving Grounds
Nagafen's Lair (Level 100 - Hardcore Heritage)
Natimbi, the Broken Shores
Nobles' Causeway
Oceangreen Hills
Oceangreen Village
Old Blackburrow
Old Bloodfields
Old Commonlands
Pellucid Grotto
Permafrost Keep (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)
Pillars of Alra
Plane of Hate
Plane of Innovation
Plane of Shadow
Prince's Manor: The Rage of Kelliad
Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve
Rathe Council Chambers
Relic, the Artifact City
Resplendent Temple
Riftseekers' Sanctum
Rubak Oseka, Temple of the Sea
Ruins of Lxanvom [Crypt of Decay] - [PoP]
S.H.I.P. Workshop
Sanctum Somnium
Sanctus Seru
Sarith, City of Tides
Sepulcher East
Sepulcher West
Sepulcher of Order
Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones
Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory
Shard's Landing
Solusek Ro's Tower
Ssraeshza Temple
Steam Factory
Stoneroot Falls
Sunderock Springs
Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver
Temple of Bertoxxulous
The Buried Sea
The Foundation
The Grounds
The Library
The Precipice of War
The Underquarry
The Well
Thuliasaur Island
Tipt, Treacherous Crags
Torden, the Bastion of Thunder
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
Uqua, the Ocean God Chantry
Valley of King Xorbb
Valley of Lunanyn
Veeshan's Peak 1.0
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
Vergalid Mines
Volska's Husk
Vxed, the Crumbling Caverns
Wall of Slaughter
Western Wastes
Windsong Sanctuary
Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles
Uploaded November 30th, 2008 by
Updated December 1st, 2008
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Dropped In veskar HB area
Nov 22 2008
9:22 AM
241 posts
dropped of a high commander (level 63 undead mob) in High Born Area.
Very rare been killing for weeks here for AA points and first one seen
Dadijob (Prexus) TA rocks
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Also in Noble's Causeway
Aug 07 2008
7:41 AM
65 posts
Had one drop off regular Murk by DS zone.
Edited, Aug 7th 2008 10:48am by Novaspawn
Edited, Aug 9th 2008 1:50pm by Novaspawn
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Jun 17 2008
2:49 PM
View User Forum
1,344 posts
2 dropped today off of Reborn in Natimbi, The Broken Shores.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer
Ascending Angels on Beta
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Plane of Valor Drop
Mar 05 2008
8:53 AM
8 posts
There 1 drop off A Razorifiend Subduber Too!
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Feb 18 2008
6:28 AM
View User Forum
20 posts
in sunderrock from a high desert drake.
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Dropped in the Nest
Dec 22 2007
8:50 AM
View User Forum
4 posts
off of a corrupted sentinel.
Edited, Dec 22nd 2007 11:22am by Virgionas
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Dec 21 2007
7:45 AM
173 posts
One just dropped off a Guardian of Marr in HoHa
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dropped in HoHa
Dec 01 2007
9:43 AM
10 posts
dropped in HoHa not sure what mob cause was a frantic fight with many mobs
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Dropped in PoV
Nov 15 2007
1:58 AM
8 posts
Looted one from "an undead vassal" in PoV
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Dropped in PoV
Nov 15 2007
11:48 PM
5 posts
What's this for?
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Dropped in PoS
Nov 14 2007
6:32 PM
15 posts
had one drop in Plane of Storms off of "a hurricane lorok"
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Dropped in PoS
Dec 16 2007
3:02 PM
View User Forum
9 posts
One dropped in The Steppes off of a Stonemight Elder.
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