Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Elegant Defiant Nightblade  

Attuneable Placeable
Skill: 1H Piercing Atk Delay: 20
DMG: 22 Dmg Bonus: 33
Backstab DMG: 22
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +32 DEX: +27 STA: +17 CHA: +9 WIS: +9 INT: +4 AGI: +26 HP: +222 MANA: +212 ENDUR: +212
Recommended level of 80. Required level of 70.
WT: 2.6 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL except ERU HIE
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:For the use of anyone willing to take up arms
Item Type:1H Piercing
Merchant Value:4 pp 2 gp 8 sp 6 cp
Lucy Entry By:Thucidyes
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-15 22:28:42
Page Updated:Fri Nov 22nd, 2024

Expansion: Seeds of Destruction Seeds of Destruction

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Global
Level to Attain: 85

[Drops | Merchants | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

NPC Name
a cliknar farm guard

Cazic-Thule: Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule (Level 85 - HH)
NPC Name
a lizard defender
a lizard probationer

City of Dranik
NPC Name
a kyv heartpiercer
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound

Field of Scale
NPC Name
a giant tree boa
a large blackbird
a Sarnak conscript
a scaled wolf
a scaled wolf hunter
a scaled wolf stalker
a scorpion
a Sebilisian archer
a Sebilisian battlemaster
a Sebilisian bloodclaw
a Sebilisian bonecaster
a Sebilisian bonetrooper
a Sebilisian crusader
a Sebilisian haruspex
a Sebilisian hierophant
a Sebilisian hunter
a Sebilisian ironfist
a Sebilisian lich
a Sebilisian messenger
a Sebilisian patrol leader
a Sebilisian scaleblade
a Sebilisian tracker - iksar
a Sebilisian trooper
an escaped sarnak footman
an iksar alchemist

Kaesora Hatchery
NPC Name
a corrupt defiler
a cryptic diviner
a hateful oppressor
a hateful revenant
a sokokar
a stonefist cenobite
a stonefist master
a vault sentry
an imperial broodkeeper
an imperial construct
an imperial protector

Kaesora Library
NPC Name
a corrupt defiler
a corrupt heretic
a corrupt warlock
a cryptic diviner
a cryptic prophet
a cryptic soothsayer
a dark ritualist
a hateful reaver
a hateful revenant
a librarian
a stone guardian
a stone sentinel
a stonefist cenobite
a stonefist disciple
a stonefist master
a vault custodian
a vault protector
a vault sentry
an Imperial scourge
an Imperial sentry

Korafax, Home of the Riders
NPC Name
a bazu pulverizer
a bloodthirsty feran
a discordling mangler
a discordling ravager
a kyv deathstalker
a lightning warrior galvanizer
a mindshear attendant
a noc ripper
a vitrik corporifer
an aneuk mindrender
an ikaav corrupter
an ukun bloodsniffer
an ukun carnophage

Korascian Warrens
NPC Name
a crystalline corrupter
a crystalline discharger
a crystalline sphere
a crystalline trichordont
a Disciple of Zek
a Korascian champion
a korascian sentinel
a Korascian sentinel
a Korascian thrall
a moss spider
a Rallosian archer
a Rallosian artillery chief
a Rallosian boulder thrower
a Rallosian catapult loader
a Rallosian fodderling
a Rallosian guard
a Rallosian guardsman
a Rallosian invader
a Rallosian lifetaker
a Rallosian marauder
a Rallosian messcook
a Rallosian provost
a Rallosian salvebringer
a Rallosian scout
a Rallosian shirker
a Rallosian shocktrooper
a Rallosian skirmisher
a Rallosian soldier
a Rallosian warbrute
a Vekerchiki warrior

Kurn's Stronghold
NPC Name
a greentail commander
a greentail slayer
a malignant reaver
a malignant revenant
a regimental diviner
a regimental prophet
a regimental soothsayer
a scaled guardian
a scaled warder
a stone guardian
a tower guardian
a tower protector
a tower sentry
a venal defiler
a venal heretic
a venal warlock
an ironfist cenobite
an ironfist disciple

Loping Plains
NPC Name
a Bloodmoon assassin
a Bloodmoon brawler
a Bloodmoon mystic
a Bloodmoon necromancer
a Bloodmoon rogue
a Bloodmoon warlock
a Bloodmoon warrior
a Drangol sifter
a minotaur miner
a Mistwynd citizen
a Nightwalker warrior
a shadowmane mystic
a vicious worg

Oceangreen Hills
NPC Name
an infected king snake

Old Blackburrow
NPC Name
a burly gnoll
a Wrext Mal bloodreaper
an enraged gnoll mystic
an enraged gnoll thief

Old Blackburrow: Beat the Blackburrow Boss
NPC Name

Old Bloodfields
NPC Name
a Dragorn muramite
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a kyv limbcutter
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound

NPC Name
a dreadrat
a hulking warboar
a Rallosian champion
a Rallosian gladiator
a Rallosian mystic
a Rallosian namekeeper
a Rallosian sentinel
a Rallosian slaver
a Rallosian slayer
a Rallosian tactician
a Rallosian warlord
a Shivstalker thief
a Toskirakk ward sergeant


Vendor listing - Premium only


Uploaded December 4th, 2008 by __DEL__1592283423202
Updated December 5th, 2008
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# Apr 06 2012 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Katta Castrum, "a fright funnel"
drop info, a vicious worg, loping plains
# Jun 12 2009 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,308 posts
drop info, a vicious worg, loping plains
drop info, a vicious worg, loping plains
# Jul 29 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
forgot to mention, you can see it if he has it. it's attached to his foot, which is even more hilarious than it sounds.
also drops in blackburrow
# Jan 01 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
Just had this drop from Axeweaver in Blackburrow:Beat the blackburrow boss mission.
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