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Spell: Word of Recovery Rk. II  

Charges: 1
Skill: Alteration
Mana Cost: 1738
Effect: Word of Recovery Rk. II
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: CLR
Race: ALL

Item Type:Scroll
Merchant Value:225 pp 5 gp 6 sp 2 cp
Lucy Entry By:Durew [Kratos] - Luclin
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-09-08 12:45:07
Page Updated:Fri Jan 24th, 2020

Expansion: Seeds of Destruction Seeds of Destruction

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 85

[Drops | Comments ]

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is found on creatures.

City of Dranik
NPC Name
a Dragorn thug
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound

Korafax, Home of the Riders
NPC Name
a bazu pulverizer
a bloodthirsty feran
a discordling mangler
a kyv deathstalker
a mastruq fleshrender
a mastruq paindrinker
a mindshear attendant
a noc ripper
a vitrik corporifer
a vitrik portal slaver
an aneuk mindrender
an ikaav archon
an ikaav corrupter
an ixt commander
an ukun bloodsniffer
an ukun carnophage

Korascian Warrens
NPC Name
a clay golem
a crystalline aetheront
a crystalline corrupter
a crystalline exterminator
a crystalline hulk
a crystalline sphere
a crystalline visceront
a Disciple of Zek
a Korascian champion
a korascian sentinel
a Korascian sentinel
a Korascian thrall
a moss spider
a Rallosian catapult loader
a Rallosian fodderling
a Rallosian guard
a Rallosian guardsman
a Rallosian invader
a Rallosian lifetaker
a Rallosian marauder
a Rallosian messcook
a Rallosian provost
a Rallosian salvebringer
a Rallosian scout
a Rallosian shirker
a Rallosian shocktrooper
a Rallosian soldier
a Rallosian warbrute
a Vekerchiki warrior
an earthen warden

Old Bloodfields
NPC Name
a Dragorn muramite
a kyv
a kyv heartpiercer
a noc darklurch
a noc flashblade
a noc fleshletter
an ikaav castigator
an ikaav deathbeckoner
an ikaav despiser
an ukun fleshhound

Rathe Council Chambers
NPC Name
a dirt covered frog
a living heap
a myrmidon of granite
a Rathe seedling tender
a Vekerchiki infiltrator

NPC Name
a hulking warboar
a Rallosian blade
a Rallosian bruiser
a Rallosian gladiator
a Rallosian sentinel
a Rallosian trooper
a Rallosian warlord
a Rallosian warmaster
a Toskirakk ward sergeant

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drop info, a myrmidon of granite, rathe council chambers
# May 26 2010 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
1,308 posts
drop info, a myrmidon of granite, rathe council chambers
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