EQ Update #2

Site Updates

Updated Items: Spell: Zephyr: Dawnshroud ;  Spell: Zephyr: Twilight ;  Spell: Zephyr: Nexus ;  Spell: Circle of the Nexus ;  Spell: Ring of the Nexus ;  Spell: Expulse Summoned ;  Spell: Zephyr: Grimling ;  Augmentation Sealer ;  Ancient Book Binding ;  Garudon's Scale ;  Legends of Norrath: Chel'Drak ;  Bloodgill Shaman's Effigy ;  Bloodgill Shaman's Staff ;  Waterlogged Armwraps ;  Bloodgill Belt ;  Hammer of the Forgotten City ;  Rotting Iksar Claw ;  Fer'Esh Defender ;  Shadowbone Ring ;  Dark Bracer of Writhing ;  Necklace of Dark Rituals ;  Kylong Darkmail Boots ;  Kylong Darkmail Visor ;  Mithril Spiked Collar ;  Trithcink ;  Draconian Idol ;  Moss Covered Sleeves ;  Kylong Darkmail Coif ;  Kylong Darkmail Pauldrons ;

Click on Read More to see the rest of the updates.

Updated Items:   Tu'Nakk Parryblade ;  Moss Covered Hood ;  Razor-edged Claw ;  Boots of the Kunzar Wanderer ;  Kylong Darkmail Girdle ;  Double Edged Ga'Nak ;  Soulscream Shoulderpads ;  Battleworn Ch'Ror ;  Steel Ga'Nak ;  Steel Ta'Nak ;  Steel So'Shar ;  Steel Mak'Stor ;  Steel Ch'Ror ;  Ritual Talisman of Fate ;  Kunzar Tu'Lal ;  Hooked So'Shar ;  Moss Covered Cloak ;  Dukatlos ;  Mantle of Ill Omen ;  Garudon Boneshard Earring ; Moss Covered Leggings ;  Soulscream Bracer ;  Tempered Gold Mask ;  Ribbon of Empathy ;  Breastplate of the Healing Waters ;  Kylong Darkmail Leggings ;  Bloodgill Hide Gloves ;  Platinum Plated Re'Stek ;  Darkguard Chestplate ;  Glowing Bath Token ;  Ceremonial Kylong Shroud ; Bracelet of Lost Souls ;  Kylong Darkmail Bracer ;  Moss Covered Handwraps ;  Kunzar Deathguard Shield ;  Dented Kunzar War Helm ;  Kylong Darkmail Breastplate ;  Eyepatch of Warding ;  Steel Re'Stek ;  Kunzar Ceremonial Deathshroud ;  Soulshard ;  Silken Veil of Gazing ;  Soulscream Belt ;  Shiny Pantaloons ;  Blood Infused Stone Necklace ;  Earring of the Darkfaith ;  Kylong Darkmail Gauntlets ;  Gomdurig ;  Band of Twilight ;  Naraithus ;  Bow of Gloaming ;  Ring of Dark Intellect ;  Kylong Shinguards ;  Ceremonial Sh'Voth ;  Ring of the Lost Soul ;  Mana Cinched Leggings;  Belt of Lost Souls ;  Razor-edged Shan'Tok ;  Mud Covered Plate Leggings ;  Mud Covered Leather Leggings ;  Mud Covered Earring ;  Mud Covered Chain Legwraps ;  Mud Covered Belt ;  Mud Covered Silk Pantaloons ;  Heedless Seal ;  Amorphous Cohort's Boots ;  Amorphous Cohort's Breastplate ;  Tome: Wide-Eyed Mark Rk. II ;  Tome: Surprise Attack Rk. II ;  Sebilisian Prudence ;  Sibilisan Viridian Pigment ;  Disciplining Maimer ;  Pulsating Fungal Spores 

Updated Quests: Disheveled Human #4: Find Telivar ;  Telivar Solo #1: You Pay the Price ;  Telivar Solo #2: Assist the Riftseekers ;  TDS Rank II Level 101 Spells: Minor Briny Essence ;  TDS Rank II Level 103 Spells: Median Briny Essence ;  Informal Diplomacy 

Bestiary Updates: Torth Largefoot ;  Sarlos Windwalker ;  Talorial D`Estalian ;  Fralith Thornbush [Druid Spells] ;  Corrigan Hawthorne [Discord Merchant - Zek Server] ;  Eroncil Rellyus ;  Farista Eniatia ;  Palrion Enieus ;  Quarenarn Elditia [Transportation Spells] ;  a thought bleeder ; Belligerent Biarn ;  a chokidai fleshripper ;  a twisted fungusman ;  a Di`zok warlord ;  Warlord Kal`nuuz


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