January 9, 2015
Here are some Friday night updates for you. Enjoy your weekend!
New Items: Buccaneer's Chainmail Cape ; Scroll: Shieldstone Bodyguard Rk. II ; Scroll: Dark Symbiosis Rk. II
New Bestiary: a siren spitfire pet ; a siren spitfire pet ; a siren spitfire pet ; a siren spitfire pet ; a siren spitfire pet ; a siren sorceress pet ; a siren sorceress pet ; a siren sorceress pet ; a siren sorceress pet ; a siren sorceress pet ; flaming skull ; flaming skull ; The Scurvy Flea ; a dazed sailor ; a Blacksail boatswain ; a Blacksail brute ; a Blacksail captain ; a Blacksail coxswain ; a Blacksail deckhand ; a Blacksail dockworker ; a Blacksail master pilot ; a Blacksail mate ; a Blacksail pilot ; a Blacksail pirate ; a Blacksail quartermaster ; a Blacksail reaver ; a Blacksail rigger ; a Blacksail sailmaker ; a Blacksail sailor ; a Blacksail seabones ; a Blacksail ship master ; a Blacksail witch ; a coralisk ; a convergence of sea pet ; a ringed sea snake ; a sea turtle ; Bilgewater Bill ; Darius Blythe ; Jert Scarmonger ; Karl Scarmonger ; Murderous Mal ; Scurv-acious Bella Straw ; Tetraton ; a festering Greysong pirate pet
Updated Zones: Jardel's Hook: Jardel's Hidden Cove ; Maiden's Grave: Mer's Lost Love ; Maiden's Grave: Piecing Things Together ; Maiden's Grave: The Grim News ; Maiden's Grave: If You Can't Beat Em ; Maiden's Grave: Never Trust a Siren
Updated Items: Makeshift Binding Powder ; Shimmering Agate Signet ; Adamantite Bo Stick ; Arx Wood Recurve Bow ; Insigni Saevus
Updated Quests: Maiden's Grave #1: Mer's Lost Love ; Maiden's Grave #2: Piecing Things Together ; Maiden's Grave #3: The Grim News ; Maiden's Grave #4: If You Can't Beat 'em, Bribe 'em ; Maiden's Grave #5: Never Trust a Siren ; Howlan's Research #1: Tracking the Missing Notes ; Howlan's Research #2: The Rest of the Diary ; Chataya's Staff: The Shattered Pieces ; Chataya's Staff: Jardel's Hidden Cove ; Kromtus #1: Honoring the Elders ; Kromtus #2: Recovering Our History ; Kromtus #3: Memories of the Kromtus ; The Fisherman's Secret ; Dirty Work ; TDS Rank III Level 102 Spells: Lesser Essence of the Citadel ; TDS Rank III Level 103 Spells: Median Essence of the Citadel ; TDS Rank III Level 104 Spells: Greater Essence of the Citadel ; TDS Rank III Level 105 Spells: Glowing Essence of the Citadel
Updated Recipes: August Moonglade Armband ; Scroll: Rampant Growth Rk. II
Updated Bestiary: a Gloomingdeep warrior ; a Gloomingdeep slave warden ; an exhausted goblin ; a fallen pirate ; Cereltynne ; a siren guardian ; Renne ; a festering Greysong pirate ; a rotting Greysong pirate ; a festering Greysong pirate ; a rotting Greysong pirate ; a festering Greysong pirate ; a rotting Greysong pirate ; a festering Greysong pirate ; Greysong ship debris ; a panicked sailor ; a chest (Deep Lies the Snow)