Shackle of Rock  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
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    Era:Ruins of Kunark
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
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    Entered: Wed Feb 28 20:56:32 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    After completing the quest for your Shackle of Stone, Master Raska mentioned that you need to see Master Niska, who may be found at 456, 32 in the Court of Pain.

    You say, 'Hail, Master Niska'

    Master Niska bows with elegance and grace. You can see her arms rippling with muscles. 'Greetings. We are the Swifttails. We are the harnessers of the elements. We are the tails of discipline. To achieve rebirth into our caste is a great honor indeed. We can be identified by our adornments. You should display that which we have given you to adorn your arms with pride. You do have your bracer, correct?'

    You say, 'I want the Shackle of Rock.'

    Master Niska strikes within inches of your snout with amazing speed. 'The shackle of rock is your interest? Then learn well our ways and prepare yourself. If the stone embraces your wrist, you are ready indeed. To complete the second rung you must find for me the [Fists of Talon].'

    You say, 'What are the Fists of Talon?'

    Master Niska points to the Court Chronicler. 'All that is known of Talon has been chronicled. Should you obtain the fists then you shall hand them to me. This shall earn you the shackle of rock.'

    Purchase the book named "Talon Southpaw" (identifies as "Scribed by Rinmark") from the Court Chronicler nearby at 363, 48, across the courtyard from Master Niska. It reads:

    Talon Southpaw

    Talon Southpaw was the fastest pugilist ever to walk within the Court of Pain. His speed rivaled that of the great Grandmaster Tynn. He could often be found within the local taverns demonstrating the awesome speed of his left fist.

    Talon Southpaw came to rebirth within this caste. Although quick with fist and tail, the speed of his left arm was not to come to blossom for a couple of decades past his rebirth. It was to follow his captivity by the accursed sarnak.

    Soon after fulfilling the Rung of Tynn, Talon went on a wandering retreat into the dangerous outlands of Kunark. He was not heard from for a total of 5 seasons. Upon his return to Cabilis he told of his captivity within an ancient city of the Iksar now claimed by the sarnak.

    He told of intense torture.

    He survived the ordeal.

    He escaped from the claws of the sarnak with numerous scars which proved his painful ordeal. Most of the worst scars were never seen.

    Talon wore a robe which he never removed. The scars underneath were for no lizard's eyes. His great perseverance gave him an inner strength no other monk could lay claim to.

    He now possessed incredible, almost blinding speed with his left arm. He could trap a foe's arm with his left and strike with it as if he had a third arm! He was indeed a paragon of the Swifttails. All in the empire either respected or feared him. None would spar him outside of the taverns. With grog comes stupidity.

    Upon his death in Kurn, Grandmaster Tynn removed his hands in a private ceremony. Only Tynn was allowed to gaze upon Talon's body. The fists were then sealed in a canopic which would stay within the Tower of Kurn. His body was dusted. This is his tale as told by Rinmark.

    Klok Poklon may be found at +910, -70, on the first floor of the house near the castle.

    You say, 'Hail, Klok Poklon'

    Klok Poklon says 'Greetings, thirsty traveler. Pull up a stool and lay yer copper down. It's time to drink and be merry. Just don't get too merry or I will have to call the troopers.'

    You say, 'Who was Talon Southpaw?'

    Klok Poklon feints with two quick left hooks!! 'Talon Southpaw. He had the fastest hands in the empire. I remember he once beat another lizard in an arm wrestling match. The amazing thing was, while he was gripping the croak's left hand, he left-hooked him without losing his hold!! That's quick!! I hear one of his treasured hands is in the possession of a monk called Master Rinmark.'

    You say, 'Where is Master Rinmark?'

    Master Bain resides in the Court of Pain at 293, -49.

    Master Bain says 'Seeking Master Rinmark? He has left the Court of Pain. Gone to focus his thoughts on the elements of wind and thunder. I believe he was headed toward the Overthere. That was the last I heard of his trek.'

    Find "an Iksar master" in the Timorous Deep at -5055, +2790.

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar master'

    an Iksar master is humming and chanting softly. He seems oblivious to your presence.

    You say, 'Are you Master Rinmark?'

    an Iksar master squints one eye open, then returns to his meditation.

    You say, 'Who was Talon Southpaw?'

    an Iksar master waves his arms in the air. 'The great master. His soul is the wind. He speaks to us in words of thunder. He strikes Norrath with bolts of lightning. I seek to be as he is. I have traveled the globe in search of his fists. I have found only one. Another is said to be with [Gomoz]. I shall return it when I am finished with my seasons-long meditation or perhaps I shall find a monk to [return the hand to Cabilis].'

    You say, 'Who is Gomoz?'

    an Iksar master says 'Disciple Gomoz was once Talon Southpaw's pupil. It is rumored that he has only one hand. Unfortunately, a horde of ogre raiders swiped his bones, along with others, from their place in Kurn's Tower. What those simple oafs plan to do with them is a mystery. Only one who has studied the arcane sciences could use them. They most likely used them as soup bones.'

    You say, 'I will return the hand to Cabilis.'

    an Iksar master hands you an old tattered sack. 'This shall be your proof of allegiance. Prove that you are strong with an intact mandible of a skulking brutling and the claws of a burynai excavator. Prove that you are a monk of fist and tail with a sash of an exiled human monk and the sparring gloves of a goblin pit fighter. Combined, these items make the sack full. This will earn my trust and the hand.'

    You receive a Tattered Sack from Rinmark, a 4-slot container. Acquire Excavator Claws (identifies as "Burynai Excavator Claws," dropped by various burynai), Intact Brutling Choppers (dropped by a skulking brutling in Warsliks Wood), Torn Sash (identifies as "Exiled Monk Sash," dropped by a young ronin in South Ro), and Goblin Sparring Gloves (dropped by a goblin pit fighter in Warsliks Wood). Combine them to create a Full Sack for Master (identifies as "property of Rinmark"). Hand this in.

    an Iksar master bows before you and takes a wrinkled, mummified hand from a pouch at his side. 'Take the hand. Let it rest within Cabilis and be reunited with the left.'
    Your faction standing with Swift Tails has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You receive Iksar Right Hand '=|-' (identifies as "Right Hand of Talon Southpaw").

    Find The Great Oowomp elsewhere in the Timorous Deep at +5725, +3120.

    You say, 'Hail, The Great Oowomp'

    The Great Oowomp gestures as if casting a powerful spell. 'Come forward, adventurer! Come and [see the dancing skeleton]. I shall cast a powerful spell and bring forth this operatic, clattering jumble of bones and he shall do a fine dance for you. From the nether regions and planes beyond, I call forth this bardic, magical, rhyming, tap-dancing hunk of undead!! I am Oowomp the Great!!'

    You say, 'I want to see the dancing skeleton.'

    The Great Oowomp says 'Oh!! You wish to see the great Oowomp perform his magic!! I have studied with the grand mages and wise [McMerin clan] of Norrath, as my speech implies. I can call forth the skeleton with but a twinkling of my power and five of your gold.'

    Give him 5g (or any equivalent money).

    The Great Oowomp flings the coins into the air and they all fall neatly into his oversized coin pouch. 'Gaze in awe at my awesome powers of the arcane!! You, a simple citizen, shall see my power. Allakabam!!'

    The Great Oowomp begins to cast a spell.

    A dancing skeleton's body pulses with energy.

    You say, 'Hail, a dancing skeleton'

    a dancing skeleton begins to dance with a loud clatter. A cloud of dust is created. Teedle dee. Teedle doo.

    a dancing skeleton says 'A dancing skeleton am I.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for you and dancing for me.'

    You say, 'Are you Gomoz?'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Gomoz!! Why, that is me! I was heading off to be with the elements when I was captured by this smelly ogre. Actually, he is not as smelly as most.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for the great Oowomp!! Wheee!!'

    You say, 'Who was Talon Southpaw?'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Master Talon Southpaw!! He was my master. Dead, he became. Off to the elements. I keep his special hand with me. Perhaps I should have it returned. Maybe I shall find a young adventurer to [return the hand to Cabilis].'

    You say, 'I will return the hand to Cabilis.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Yes!! Return the hand. Here it is. Missing four it is. Within the tower of past pain and torture is where the four lie. Taken by bones similar to myself.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing and singing is my life!!'

    You receive a "hand with one only a thumb" [sic] (identifies as "Palm of Talon Southpaw").

    Head to Kurn's Tower and keep killing the fingered skeleton until you have looted:

    A Withered 2.5 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 3 Of Talon's Hand")
    A Withered 3 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 2 Of Talon's Hand")
    A Withered 3.1 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 1 Of Talon's Hand")
    A Withered 4 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 4 Of Talon's Hand")

    Combine these in the hand container to craft an Iksar Left Hand '=|-' (identifies as "Left Hand of Talon Southpaw.").

    Finally, an Iksar Left Hand '=|-' (identifies as "an Iksar Left Hand") drops from a Sarnak courier in the Lake of Ill Omen.

    Hand in the three hands to Master Niska.

    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'

    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'

    Master Niska removes a crudely hewn shackle. 'This is yours. It is one of the keys to the third rung. I see that you are truly a great monk and have studied your disciplines well. I have need of one such as you. I have heard of [troubles with an outlander].'

    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 1 gold from Master Niska.

    You receive the Shackle of Rock.
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    # Oct 05 2001 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
    I have every thing i need to complete the quest. However, when i got the skelly to spawn he would not speak to me when i hailed him. Is he broken or do i need to give the master his bag of stuff first?
    The Master
    # Oct 04 2001 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
    Do you have to get the first fist before going to see the master in Timerous? I have evrything i need for his fist and he wouldnt give me the bag for the stuff. He said I still had more to do? What a waste of time.,
    How do I pull the Ogre???
    # Oct 03 2001 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
    How do I pull that fat ogre from the skelly??????????????
    full sack for master???
    # Sep 14 2001 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
    I have 2 fist and a full sack for master. i am not sure if this is what i need or if i am missing something....please let me know if i all i need to do is turn in all 3 of the items to Niska or if i need to turn the sack for master into someone else before i get the last fist
    RE: full sack for master???
    # Sep 20 2001 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
    Run your tail back to TD and give 'an iksar master' the bag back and he will give you the 3rd fist. Turn in all 3 fist to Niska.
    turning them in
    # Sep 04 2001 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
    well i have all 3 fists but im really really paranoid about turning them in and having to do the whole thing over again?.... do u turn the 3 fists into the female monk niska? ..... do u just turn in the 3 fists or the fists and the shackle of stone as well?..... hehe i dont want all that work to be for nothing 8)
    RE: turning them in
    # Sep 08 2001 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Just hand in all 3 fists, not the shackle of stone. You hand in the Shackles of Stone and Rock + Kwinn the Outlanders head to get the shackle after Rock, the shackle of copper

    Sarthok Kal`Dar
    Fourty, Monk
    The Silent Watch
    Karana Server
    ah, oh well...
    # Sep 01 2001 at 4:08 AM Rating: Default
    well guess ive been saving them without reson(got a shemen no monks)
    Goblin Pitfighter
    # Aug 31 2001 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
    The goblin pitfighter was the most difficult part of this quest for me. Killed everything at the 2 ruins south of the goblin fort for a total of at least 10+ hours. No pitfighter. Then someone told me to try the goblin ruins at approx loc 3000,-2000, and there I got a pitfighter after 2 spawns. Could be me that was unlucky at the other ruins, or the pitfighter actually spawns more often at this location.
    Intact Brute Choppers
    # Aug 30 2001 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
    Intact brute choppers isn't for this quest. It a mandible from brute. the stuff wont' combine otherwise
    RE: Intact Brute Choppers
    # Sep 14 2001 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
    it is the intact brutLING choppers from the skulking brutling...i saw 4 of the brutlings just north east of the city
    RE: Intact Brute Choppers
    # Sep 26 2001 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
    these seem to be rare even of the already rare brutLING.. there are also intact pygmy brute choppers which drop almost everytime off the pygmy brute

    pull yank tug
    where do you turn in the combined items?
    # Aug 30 2001 at 3:26 AM Rating: Default
    Ok i have not done this quest but i have started on it. i am working on the fingers in Kurn tower, and i got everything but the goblin pitfighters sparring gloves, and i dont see anywhere in the quest post where you turn all these items into. also with the bag after you combine it will it also turn into a hand? would someone please clarify this for me it woudl be greatly apprecated
    RE: where do you turn in the combined items?
    # Dec 03 2001 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
    I have the info you seek. Yes, after you place all the items into the bag hit Combine,the bag should turn into a hand. You need 3 hands in all to turn in for your Shackle of Rock, so after you get the other 2 hands and get the third by combining the Sparring Gloves, the Brute Chompers, the Torn Sash, and that Mole Claw, turn in all 3 hands to Master Niksa (she is the female monk next to Grand Master Glox) Hope this info helps you.

    Reptillian Venomfists
    Lvl 27 Iksar Monk
    Rathe Server
    4th Shackle Soon...
    # Aug 27 2001 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
    Will soon have the shackle of rock the only thing missing is the goblin pitfighter gloves, this one spawn looks promising. Got the fist from the sarnak courier after a long day in the sarnak fort I decided to take the east side of lake home, and literally ran into him (rather one-sided fight). Brutlings are a pain in the *** to make spawn, just keep at it, I had luck west of the lake south of giant fort. Fingered skeletons... 8 hours of camping... (killing placeholders) in a row, saw fingered skelly 4 times had a different correct finger each time, also saw and killed jester once (didn't have sceptre). Definietly stick to oasis for torn sash, lucked out inthat some one was camping dervs and ronin happened to spawn after nearly 2 hours.
    dancin skellie
    # Aug 14 2001 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default
    if you give him the money and the skellie doesn't spawn, check by the docks underwater. i've found him a few times swimming by the dock the boat pulls up to.

    Disciple of the 13th Circle of Pain
    Malus Morium
    Innoruuk Server
    Fingered Skellie
    # Aug 06 2001 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Well, I have been sitting here for a while killin this ****. Only have 1 finger left to get. But anyway. The spawn time of the Skellie is 36 minutes, he dosn't appear to have ANY placeholder. he just SPAWNS ever 36 minutes. I have killed him 5 times, and every 36 minutes he spawns again, so. Do ya got it? He spawns in the basement, every 36 minutes. :) around loc -37 29 -38 I just sit at this loc myself and wait for him to run up and hit me. works great. anyway, good luck to everyone else.
    RE: Fingered Skellie
    # Nov 18 2001 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
    I camped fingered for 10 hours this weekend and only seen him 6 times. sat almost exactly where you said for 3 hours with no spown!!!! So i started killing things and keeped the whole hall clear and he poped 6 times on me. Maybe it was just my bad luck.

    20 monk
    of Tunare
    Undead Cook Skull?
    # Aug 05 2001 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
    Half the people say you cant use it as an alternative to Oowamp, the other half say you can. If someone could clarify this I would really appreciate it!
    RE: Undead Cook Skull?
    # Aug 16 2001 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
    I can confirm that you cant use the Undead Cook's Skull (I tried it myself not long ago) from the bottom of Kurn's, it is safe to try if as it wont delete your items but theres no point, the only way to get this fist is by giving 5 gold to Oowomp and then talking to the dancing skeleton.

    Sarthok the Swift
    Thirty Three, Monk
    The Silent Watch
    # Aug 02 2001 at 12:51 AM Rating: Default
    I have given the ogre 5 gold three times, and he says tink tink tink, i will show you my true power alakazam!, but no skellie, whats up?
    # Aug 16 2001 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
    Aye, it happened to me when I was doing this quest, all I could figure was that the skeleton had been summoned already and some had pulled it away or it was popping in a different place (much like NPCs move out of position sometimes), other than next to Oowomp, the GMs couldnt help either but luckily there was a patch soon and it was fixed afterwards like they reset him or something.

    Sarthok the Swift
    Thirty Three, Monk
    The Silent Watch
    # Aug 02 2001 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
    I am on the Cazic Thule Sever. I also tried to give him the 5 gold a few times with 2 different characters and he said the Tink tink tink stuff but never summoned the skell. I asked if anyone say him on track but the did not. There was a necro camping him that killed him a few times and I tried right after he respawned a few times all with no summon of the skell. I also had the necor cast sense the dead but all he could find was 'a fallen iksar' whick is a skeleton on an adjacent island. I don't know what the deal is with him but it's the last part I have to do and hope it gets fixed soon.

    Sssakanis Slayscale / Vvaraken Bloodscale
    What's the deal?
    # Jul 29 2001 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
    Except for the fist from the sarnak courier, I have all the items for the quest. But when I went up to Rinmark, telling him "I will return the hand to Cabilis" he just said "No!! You are nt one with the way of my caste!" or something to that effect. This is similar to what Niksa said when I asked her about the Shackle of Rock, saying "The swifttails require further service of you before I can give you this information." What gives? This is supposed to be a level 17 or higher quest, and I'm level 20. Have one of the left fists (the one from the dancing skeleton and all 4 fingers), the excavator claw, torn sash, brutling choppers, and pit fighter gloves. What do I have to do to get Rinmark to give me the container, so I can get the right fist from him? I guess I'll camp the courier in the meantime, but without Rinmark's fist, I'm stuck. Did they change the level floor or something, or do I have to do Bain's stupid escaped froglok quest, or what? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    RE: What's the deal?
    # Sep 03 2001 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
    By chance, did you have one or more of your shackles on your wrist? Usually, if you have not completed the previous quest properly, nor don the gear, you will be denied! I have started a mule monk in FP and Quenos to obtain the sashes/headbands to acquire the RoTLC, and have found this same response from the quest-giver.

    Just my 2cp worth!

    Zebbecaan <Sacred Legends> E'CI
    Iksar Monk 30th season
    RE: What's the deal?
    # Jul 29 2001 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
    Just sounds like your faction with 'Swiftails' isnt high enough, make sure youve done all the other previous shackle quests and if that doesnt work you can get Swiftail faction by giving 4 bone chips to Trooper Mozo outside the gates to the Field of Bone, do this a few times then try again.

    Sarthok the Swift
    27 Monk
    Karana Server ~
    When you're done...
    # Jul 24 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
    It's amazing how many people who happen to inspect you comment on your shackles. When you're done with this quest, it looks like you have a pair of handcuffs on each wrist slot. Swifttails of Cabilis, proudly display your badges of courage and honor!

    Ssark Fearbringer, Scales of Pain
    Monk of 26 Seasons, Torv
    RE: When you're done...
    # Jul 24 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
    Exactly my thinking, you can definitely be proud to wear them. Providing you did the quest yourself and didnt get someone else to camp the pieces for you ;)

    Sarthok the Swift
    25 Monk
    Nocturnal Reign
    Oowomp Not Broken
    # Jul 24 2001 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
    Im posting on the fact that people thought Oowomp is broken, well i got him to summon the dancing skellie yesterday, with some difficulties. Someone had feared him earlier, and he was off in the ocean somewhere, so i had to have someone kill him, and THEN i could give 5gold to Oowomp and he summoned the skeleton. Beware though, when the Ogre Raider/ Ogre Wise One spawns in the little hut next to Oowomp, they will aggro making Oowomp aggro, i barely escaped him twice with the combo of mend/ feign death (gotta love em). So if Oowomp wont summon the skellie, ask someone to track the dancing skeleton for you. Just my 2cp
    Forsaken Outcasts
    Iksar Monk of the 20th Circle
    Quellious Server =)
    RE: Oowomp Not Broken
    # Jul 25 2001 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
    No not anymore, after the patch I tried again and he summoned the skeleton, either the dancing skeleton had already been summoned and someone pulled it away to try and kill it out of curiosity (which I saw a gnome do when I had managed to summon it) or it was bugged and he did summon the skeleton but it appeared somewhere else
    perhaps something similar to when NPC merchants or bankers move out of position only to be reset after a patch, anyway I have completed the quest now and can be proud to wear my shackle.

    Sarthok the Swift
    25 Monk
    D . I . Y
    # Jul 23 2001 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
    The first fist from the Courier was lucky for me I wasnt even looking for it, I was chasing a fleeing sarnak from the fort and the courier was just standing there opposite the fort entrance. The skulking brutling walked up behind me (and dropped the intact choppers) while I was strolling through Warsliks Wood one night and the Pit Fighter popped more or less straight after that at the goblin fort, the young ronins sash was easy enough just camp the dervs in Oasis near the SRo zone, until he popped in about half an hour. On the way back to Kunark is when I tried talking to Oowomp* (I just asked the people camping him if I could talk to him before they killed him next and they didnt mind at all, in fact they gave me 5pp and when I left their Magician summoned me a levitate ring with 2 charges so I could get to the Iksar master and back, I just followed the instructions in the quest guide at the top to get to his mountain) The Fingered Skeletons were the worst, I started at 7pm nothing killing everything in the area nothing popped for about an hour and a half then 3 Fingered popped and dropped 3 fingers, 2.5", 4" and 3". It then took another 5 hours that night and 11 hours the following day (from 12pm to 11pm) I left for 5 minutes to go sell cos I had severe AC penalty and came back to find a shadowknight had just killed a Fingered and dropped the 3.1" Finger, I explained the situation and he was ice cold I ended up having to trade my Cougar Claw Earring for it, he was camping the jester for 3 hours here and there since was lvl 15 he said he'd logged 40 hours on Fingered Skeletons for his little brothers quest but only had 2 fingers...His little brother was lvl 25 and must be some kind of lame monk if he cant do this quest himself, it defeats the object of being a monk and having these quests.

    *Also Oowomp is currently broken and will not summon the dancing skeleton so I still cannot complete the quest ( I can confirm that the undead Cook's Skull container doesn not combine with the fingers either). Thats my 2pp ~ it's still one step on the road to the Shackle of Steel, so its still worth doing in the long run but its a BIG LOOONG step. ( Congrats if you read this far and I hope this never happens to any of you, it is indeed a harrowing experience ) Overall though once you 'have' completed the quest you get a great sense of achievement and can be proud to wear your Shackles of Rock.

    Sarthok the Swift
    24 Monk
    Nocturnal Reign
    The Sarnak Courier.
    # Jul 18 2001 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default
    The skeleton fingers are the easiest ones to get for the Fingered Skeleton is a pretty fast spawn. As is the Great Oowoomp(sp?) who is usually camped. Just ask whoever's camping him if you can do your quest and they'll be happy to pull him away whilst you talk to the skeleton. : )

    The other fist is more difficult. Although Excavator claws are easy enough to find, Skulking Brutlings aren't. I found mine by beating up on Skulking Runtlings in 'the valley', very theraputic. ; ) Both the Goblin Pitfighter and the Young Ronin are tougher than they con. The GP hit a lot faster than I did and the YR hit a lot harder. Fortunately I was aided by a Necro and a Druid respectively. There are a lot of nice people in EQ. : )

    For me, the hardest part of this quest is the Sarnak Courier. He's a rare and, as far as I know, possibly a random spawn! I've been searching for ages trying to find him. The most annoying part is not knowing where he spawns or how long before he spawns again.
    Hmm guess I'm lucky
    # Jul 10 2001 at 5:28 AM Rating: Default
    This quest has been a rather easy one for me... I got all 4 fingers when I camped the undead jester for his beating stick. Just happened to be walking through Lake of Ill Omen and some shouted the loc of the courier's corpse. When I camped the pit fighter I only had to wait three spawns and somone was camping the destroyer for the shruken I got a free pair of iskar scaled gloves and the totem of the warrior spirit as a gift. When I went to go get the choppers I walked up to the lake saw a brutling killed him and got them on the first try. Now all I need is the sash and the containers you combine the quest items in. So hey maybe somtimes you can just beat the odds.
    RE: Hmm guess I'm lucky
    # Aug 15 2001 at 3:05 AM Rating: Default
    I'd guess you are VERY lucky. Took me a weekend to camp the fingered skelly, and I've ran all over WW for a month and NO SKULKING BRUTELING! Skulking brute, skulking runtling, pygmy skulking brute, after seeing these a million times each i almost threw the computer down the stairs. I also ran into a person camping Grachnist, no pit fighter in that WEEK. I must say, I have wasted a few months on this quest, now I am leveling more before I attempt it again. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I had the aid of a druid and a ranger while trying to find the Skulking Bruteling. I hate camping.
    The Shackle of Rock Quest
    # Jul 05 2001 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
    I just finished this quest after beating the hell out of one of those stupid monkeys and ripping its tooth out of its head. The fingers are not that hard to get and a big bonus to this quest is that why you are in Kurns FDing to save your life you can also camp the Jester and get yourself one hell of a cool Bashum-stick. The last thing that I am going to say about this quest is about the item itself. For all the work that I had to put into this quest I was thinking that the new graphic on my arms would make it all better, but the graphic does not change. So in closeing this quest makes you run around about 5-6 different zones killing stupid monsters that only drop the item you need once in a blue moon, and then to make things even more upsetting the ac on the item is not all that great it weights .5 and has no stat bonuses, AND I STILL HAVE TO SEE THE SAME GRAPIC EVERYTIME I PLAY.

    But I would do it all over again becasue I have the Shackle of Rock and not everyone can say that.

    Chukshale Shadowfist
    Tellon Zek
    Monk 24
    Undead cook skull changed?
    # Jul 04 2001 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
    I just got the four fingers from the fingered skeleton and the hollow skull off the undead cook last night on the Torv server. When I placed the fingers into this four slot container and hit COMBINE, I got the message that these items do not combine in this container. I did make sure I had one of each kind of finger. Perhaps this was changed in the last patch? Well, at least the container did not eat the fingers. :)
    RE: Undead cook skull changed?
    # Jul 10 2001 at 5:51 AM Rating: Default
    I don't know about being able to get your second fist by combining the fingers in the hollow skull
    , but I do know that the skull is for a different quest involving three of the rare spawns in kurn's basement. When you kill the undead jester he leaves a note that says somthing to the extent that the cook was a faithful servent of the tower and that if you place a tounge, two eyes and some honey flesh inside the skull it will glow again.
    Nw the tounge drops off of the burynai forager. A very rare spawn that appears in the hall near the jesters spawn point. Th forager also drops some canopic jars which I think have the eyes inside... as far as getting them out I heared some where that a skeleton in the OT outpost will open the jars... don't know how you would go about getting him to though. And as far as anything resembling honey flesh I have not seen it yet... might also drop from the forager. Anyways what all of this insanly boring camping gets you I have no idea. Anyopne who has either done this quest or know anything about it I would be interested in knowing.
    ok that's all I got hoped it helped...
    RE: Undead cook skull changed?
    # Jul 23 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
    You cannot combine the 4 fingers in the Cook's skull, I tried it myself while I was down there recently, you need the fist from Oowomp's dancing skeleton in TD.
    fingered skeles
    # Jun 29 2001 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
    ok i have a problem, i have the 1st fist and i am now tryin to get the 2nd one. But the thing is that i have "3, "3.1, "4 fingers of the skeles, but i cant get the last one "2.5.
    alternative to oowomp
    # Jun 13 2001 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
    Just wanted to confirm an earlier post that stated an alternative to dealing with oowomp. In kurns tower, in the stables where the fingered skellies spawn, there is a mob that spawns called undead cook that dropped a 4 slot container called a hollow skull. I put the fingers in the skull and hit combine and got the same fist one would get from oowomp's skeleton.
    RE: alternative to oowomp
    # Aug 04 2001 at 11:37 PM Rating: Default
    This post is crap. Why would you combine the fingers from the fingered skelliton in the container that the cook drops? The rock quest clearly states that you need to combine the fingers in the container dropped by oowomp.... Oh wait, I've just thought of another way! How about getting a tailoring kit, put the fingers in that, and hit combine! Yea, yea that'll save me some time and it'll work, I promise!
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