
Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Pic by: Krenk Feen

This page last modified 2008-03-25 21:43:37.

Level: 60
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
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Severilous when?
# Apr 29 2023 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
I've been in EJ for the past 2 weeks and have yet to see this thing spawn. Does this even exist anymore?
Severilous when?
# Sep 04 2023 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
It does. I just saw it for the first time and came here to get info on it.
On phinigel
# Mar 29 2016 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
Severilous casts the following spells and has the MotM buff.

[Mon Mar 28 22:35:04 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Dragon Fear>
[Mon Mar 28 22:35:17 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Envenomed Bolt>
[Mon Mar 28 22:36:01 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Ice Strike>
[Mon Mar 28 22:37:37 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Malo>
[Mon Mar 28 22:38:43 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Torrent of Poison>
[Mon Mar 28 22:39:13 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Malosi>
[Mon Mar 28 22:40:38 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Immobilize>
[Mon Mar 28 23:20:50 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Blast of Venom>
[Mon Mar 28 23:27:38 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Inner Fire>
[Mon Mar 28 23:27:44 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Superior Healing>
[Mon Mar 28 23:27:57 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Celerity>
[Mon Mar 28 23:28:17 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Focus of Spirit>
[Mon Mar 28 23:28:56 2016] Severilous begins to cast a spell. <Spirit of Wolf>

Also casts the Ceticious Cloud, didn't show that he casted it but the DD I got from it was that spell.

Edited, Mar 29th 2016 7:47am by Gidono
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# Nov 02 2015 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
During double faction

Ring of scale -750
League of antonican bards +188
Mayong Mistmoore +113
Venril Sathir +38
# Nov 06 2015 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
larrat wrote:
During double faction

Ring of scale -750
League of antonican bards +188
Mayong Mistmoore +113
Venril Sathir +38

Updated, thanks.

If someone can verify these numbers under normal faction circumstances that would be appreciated.
# Aug 23 2017 at 5:53 AM Rating: Default
Ring of Scale -500
League of Antonican Bards 125
Mayong Mistmoore 75
Venril Sathir 25
# Sep 17 2015 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Very cute, mortal. Please, please don't kill me. Hah! Tell me, are you immune to poison? I certainly hope so, I am.
# Nov 29 2013 at 1:34 AM Rating: Decent
485 posts
Killed him 4 times trying to get a torn, burnt book for my paladin and he didn't drop it a single time. Cloak of Flames and Gauntlets of Fiery Might seem to also be rare drops. I haven't seen either drop from him. EDIT: Make that 5 kills and none of those drops. I was able to loot the torn, burnt book off of Talendor in skyfire. A kind person that killed Talendor showed me where the corpse was and let me loot the book. I got my paladin the epic later that day.

Edited, Dec 5th 2013 7:36am by Rickymaru
# Apr 28 2012 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Found him in the northwest part of the zone, on top of the cliff by Tulok. Wanders.
# Dec 06 2014 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Thanks for posting this. I found him right there, just off my tracking range. If I hadn't headed NW, I wouldn't have found him. Again, many thanks!
Never up
# Jun 27 2010 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Yeah i don't have 10 years like some people do on my account. 5.5 off and on. I have never ever seen this mob up. I have seen the fabled version 1 time but never seen this one. Does he still exist?
That which you may not know....probably isn't important anyways
Never up
# Jul 12 2010 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
Killed him once, haven't seen him since. I'm sure permacampers set their alarm clock so they can be there just as soon as he pops. It's not that the loot is great; it's the fact that it's a dragon. I had fun...once. I kept the scale for my alt warrior, but ended up giving it to someone more in need of it. The bag is nice too.
Never up
# Jul 01 2010 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I do have 10 years on my account, and I have never seen this mob either.
Respawn timer
# Jul 06 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
i would like too know Severilous respawn timer, if anyone knows plz reply
Blast it
# Nov 11 2008 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
Agroed him with my 68 cleric this morning. My 68 Mage husband logged in to help. Killed him with the help of our Mercenary Tank, and Cleric, but he didnt drop any scales. Need for my warrior, and my best friends warrior.

Dead on Tribunal at 6am EST.

Edited, Nov 11th 2008 6:14am by Febreeza
# Sep 27 2008 at 3:19 AM Rating: Default
50 posts
I was in EJ trying to spawn the tainted gorilla for a friend. I looked around to make sure this dragon wasn't up, and it wasn't. Doubt I can solo this thing (so I thought). I kill a few gorilla, then I notice I'm in combat and nothing near me is attacking. Then I see this guy marching towards me, oh great. I'm a 67 monk with just over 8k hp, had no buffs at all so I knew I was in trouble when I saw his damage. I got him to about 60% using Whirlwind disc, Leopard Claw disc a few times, a potion, and mend. I was around 30% so I hit FD thinking I would just get up and leave when he forgot about me. Noticed his hp regen was slow, so I bandaged myself and went back for more. I didn't use Innerflame before so I used that, more Leopard Claw, another potion, and mend. I was down around 40% and he feared me, he was just over 20%. When I recover he starts to run after hitting him some more. I was very happy to have killed him! Dropped the bracer, Orb of Tishan, 4 spells, and the Green Dragon Scales I'm gonna give to a friend of mine for his warrior. BTW, I didn't see any mention of it but he used 2 spells that seemed to lower resists. One was Tashania (maybe from the orb), but didn't catch the name of the other.

Edited, Sep 27th 2008 7:17am by Haywud
# Sep 03 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
Killed him today, 65 sk, 160ish AAs.

Servers came up from patch around 11:30, I got home from work around 12:15 and he was up.
killed today on stromm
# Apr 30 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
i run to seb alot and decided to run around on top to see if sev was up, aggroed alot of junk and all of a sudden i see a spell resist from a sev cast, i run to edge of zone and FD all my adds.

70 necro 158 aas
bazaar geared
had 70 pet up with full summoned armor, plate and caster stuff
pet had a tenacity on him

found sev, sent in pet and tried to land a fang of death, resisted
so in landed it on sevs pet hehe, i was about 1/4 down in hps when my pet
finally caught up and started tanking sev for me.

mainly just healed pet, got feared three times and mala stuck on me, dropping 294ish mr down to 240ish
none of his other spells stuck on me and pet whittled him down pretty fast, id say 3-4 mins maybe 5 at most.
dropped shield, scale, a ton of spells and a nd book oh and that crappy dragon bone bracelet hehe.
Fabled Sev
# Apr 09 2008 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
Killed Fabled on AB at 9pm EST, didn't drop book......another waste on way to my epic.
Fabled Sev
# Mar 25 2008 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Fabled severilous popped in the NW corner and owned us 68 pally 67 mage 55 cleric
Stromm - Help
# Nov 24 2007 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
Trying to get this guy for weeks now for my Pally, if you kill him can you please post specific details on how you were able to find him.


Diabold 55 Pally - Stromm
Stromm - Help
# Nov 27 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
He is found in the Northwest corner of the zone, roaming around. Typically I use my druid for tracking purposes then log my pally when I know he is up. I usually have a little help, as you can see by my previous posts. If you have a druid as an alt, I would just park him/her in Emerald Jungle in the furthest point of the NW corner of zone. I know that a lot of people hate it when someone camps an Epic mob, but you would be camping it for a true purpose, rather than just trying to get the loot from it. That would be my suggestion for Severilous.
Dead again
# Nov 17 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
Severilous went down today. Many thanks to Pamilu and Gaggrog for their help, actually they did most of the work. Severilous dropped two torn, burnt books, a treasure hunter's satchel, dragon hero bracer, green scales (Gaggrog on his way to epic now too!), and a lot of spells.
Third time the charm?
# Oct 13 2007 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
Thanks to Mtiz for letting me watch him destroy Severilous at around 12:30 am cst on the Antonius Bayle Server. No epic drop for pally, woe is me, but did drop green scales, so I can make someone happy when I see them looking for the scales. Several spells, bracer, and the shield were dropped. Ah well, will try again soon. May take a while, as it took 16 kills of Faydedar to get that part of book.
Finally found him
# Oct 11 2007 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
FINALLY I managed to catch this guy up today, around 2-2:30 pm EST on Saryn server(wasn't looking at the exact time lol). I went to the NW corner like the other posters have said, ran around for a little, and saw a spell being cast on me(had the sound off). Turned around and there he was. 72 warrior, 8.5k hp and 2k ac unbuffed, I had Tenacity and self buffs/aura so I was around 11k hp/2.2k ac. He got a few free shots in on me before I engaged since I had the sound off and didn't realize he was coming down on me, but it was a good close fight. Max hit on me was around 410, and he was fairly fast in his attacks. Didn't try to slow him with my ToD, if it landed it probably would have helped, but I popped a couple discs during the fight. Furious, Fellstrike, Savage Onslaught for a few, then Stonewalled to hold off the damage till I could get off another HoT pot. Only used two of those the whole fight, he had me around 25% before I got him to turn and run, and I finished him off from there. Dropped about 10 spells, the Scales, shield and the bracelet, in addition to the Satchel. Made me happy to know I was able to solo him, now the perma campers can get back to business I guess....

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 10:33pm by Bbuddha
Dragon Update
# Aug 17 2007 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
Kill Severilous at 01:45 hours Saturday morning on Antonius. No Pally Drops though.

Everything he did drop is listed above, so I'm not typing it out again.

>> If you're new and looking for Severilous, afraid I don't know his spawn location, but I do know he always romes around the North West corner of the zone. Run around invissed and he will agro you quickly enough. Best to have a tracker. But if you like me (ranger on same account as my pally) put them both in the same area over there and track with the RNG. When you get in eye sight of him, camp out and grab your pally (making a mental note of your location while caming out). Run your pally there and run around till you find him. <<

Just my thoughts.
Dragon Update
# Aug 19 2007 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
Just want to add that he pops in the northwest corner, top tier, not down in jungle itself. Severilous will find you, as you are in his domain. I also want to say thanks to Frihet (x2) and Sadderx for helping me with the kill. No bragging here, I need the help and am lucky to have others that are willing to jump in and assist in my effort to finish my epic 1.0.
# Jan 08 2007 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Just deadified, no drop for the pally 1.0.

Woe is me.

NW corner of Emerald Jungle.
Pls write when he is up!
# Dec 16 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
Pls write here when he is up i need a loot for my pally epic.
If you see him up please write here .God bless you
# Nov 14 2006 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Easy easy solo for my 75 Cleric, 13.6/2700AC. Nothing to brag about i know. But just letting it be known.
# Jan 14 2007 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
soloed with my level 1 warrior .Used my uber cloth pants,shirt,beginers sword and other noob items.He killed me in one hit.I know but just so you all knew anyway.
Duo Kill
# Nov 08 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Sev was duoed tonight by a 65 Beast, and 65 Shaman, both VT geared, but no Ele or better. I would suggest using Abolish Magic, or something similar. Once dispelled, he hit slower, lighter, and when he turned to run, was moving at sub normal walking speed, instead of better than SOW.

Add to the drop list Spell: Devouring Darkness.

BTW this was on the Al'Akbar (mac only) sever.

Bloodletter The - 65 Beast
Doerden Bloodless - 65 Nec
Spie - 45 Rogue

Edited, Nov 8th 2006 at 9:14pm PST by rubingr
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